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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Yeah, the islands frequently take the brunt of things for us. They're going to have a rough time.
  2. If by "tasteless" you mean excellent, then I agree!
  3. That one's a customized version of Big Eyes, Small Mouth. If you like the setting, it's probably worth picking up just as a sourcebook. (Probably on eBay or other second hand market.) They always did a good job on their licensed anime games and sourcebooks, IMO. I have a few for other settings (Tenchi Muyo mainly.) The Tri-Stat system used is a point buy system that's not terrible, but not too detailed. It's basically a very rules-light Hero-inspired system. The default lethality is usually pretty low. Guardians of Order went under a while ago, and I think most of their IPs were bought by White Wolf, so some of their stuff is still available as PDF. However, the licensed stuff probably isn't.
  4. Saw John Wick today. Decent action. Keanu only needed one emotion for this one, so nailed the acting too.
  5. Everyone knows it's better to use a butter knife. That way the knife's warm for spreading the butter on the toast.
  6. This is one of those songs that you go, "Wow, so pretty . . ." then you listen to the lyrics . . .
  7. It's not really so cut and dry as that, though. Depending on which of the many versions of each you reference, they're gods of varous aspects of war.
  8. Sure, but me knowing it totally throws me out of the gag, which up until then had been about actually stupid and dangerous things, not common misconceptions.
  9. don't write for DC/WB. To be fair, since we're talking about ancient Greece, they're all dead anyway. But this is the DC version of Ares, not the "real" version. Comic versions of ancient pantheons never match up with real world ones. The Vikings and Ancient Greeks never depicted their gods with as many Kirby dots, for example.
  10. I hate to be a wet blanket*, but a cartoon pointing out how stupid someone is, shouldn't have a stupid punch line. Consumers have always been allowed to remove the tags from mattresses. The tags' warning is to the seller of the mattress. *
  11. Rename Stun to Shucks. As in "Shucks ma'am, it was only a flesh wound."
  12. I haven't done anything in it yet. Are they trickling out the content like Broken Shore?
  13. This is the DC thread in OUR universe. We're just getting cross posts from LL in the Hero Boards AU.
  14. Seems like an extreme level of sarcasm. Also about as bad of an idea as making bomb jokes at the airport.
  15. Not quite 'right now,' but we got back from a Joan Jett concert at the state fair a little while ago. She sounds exactly like her old recordings. Was a pretty good show.
  16. Had to google it: a lakh is 100,000, making that "precarious" the understatement of at least the week. Yipes.
  17. So, basically they went from a literal concrete jungle to a swimming pool as a result. Ouch.
  18. Dr. Janet Fraiser Battle of the mighty mites: Atom Ant vs. Mighty Mouse
  19. I don't think the penguin has quite given up yet. Gun control was front and center on the Democratic platform in 2016. The cartoon seems more appropriate for the Obama administration, when the issue was somewhat back burnered for the party. (Though not entirely.)
  20. We had a double feature yesterday due to a Redbox promotion: GOTG2 and Logan. Liked both. Minor nitpicks were GOTG being a bit too obvious with the funny dialog this time around, some of it seeming forced, and Logan looking like it was shot on high definition video tape with really excessive lighting.
  21. I haven't seen the Netflix version, but the anime or Japanese live action adaptations are both worth watching if you don't mind reading subtitles. They were very clever in using the notes and the cat and mouse game with the investigator (L in the anime).
  22. Interesting! I wonder if you have to have the first expansion to get the new one... Also in the news, Patch 7.3 is supposed to be dropping today in WoW. I really need to pick some more flowers before heading to Argus, though. Token prices are still a bit inflated due to Destiny release.
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