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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. OK, that post got all mangled and can't be fixed. The new post editor is a bit odd sometimes. What I was trying to say was those were fair points, and
  2. Hmm. Re-scanning the article, it does seem like that's the likely scenario, though they only focus on the no box scenario.
  3. If you have a box, you can use the app for free. It's in the article you linked.
  4. Sounds like they're charging for access to their Roku app. That's not quite the same as charging for not renting their equipment. It's just giving two options . . . OMFG, I just defended Comcast. Send the men with the big butterfly nets to pick me up!
  5. You're right, but you'd have to be confused to think it was a rip-off.
  6. I don't quite follow that analogy. It seems to me the more apt analogy would be, "Hey, this kid likes to torture and kill small animals and pets, he's likely to grow up to be a serial killer."
  7. Probably the best theory. They gave her a shield, but having her fight in the same war might be seen as confusing to the audience, who Hollywood execs seem to think is dumber than a mud fence.
  8. Heads up if you play Champions Online but infrequently: Today is the last day to get a free steambike vehicle. All you have to do is get a quest from Jo the Mechanic outside of the Power House in the Renn Center. (It's an accept then turn in type.) It's a 5 Speed, which is the fastest I think any of the freebie vehicles have been. It has a gold or brass main color with the rest being metallic, so fairly neutral color tone. Link. I only to the freebie vehicles, b/c I don't like the vehicle system, but they're handy for flying around on lowbies and characters that don't have a good vertical movement power due to concept.
  9. I think the choice of World War I is to give her a strong motive for dumping humanity for X number of years, since it had an arguably greater psychic impact than WW II, having been the first modern war of its scale. Not that WW II wasn't horrible enough, but WW I was "The War to End All Wars," because of the public's newfound awareness of the horrors of war. It's also a lot murkier in its motivations, without as clear of a division of good and evil, and would appear to an outsider in a much more negative light than stopping the Axis would. There was a bit of discussion over that choice in the WW movie thread. I think it's a choice that could work pretty well. I like the choice of having her outfox Bats. I'm guessing it was more intended to show her as having been around the block a few times/the wisdom that comes with her age vs. his high intellect, than to turn her into a Black Widow type. (Though that's a perfectly plausible theory, too, the way Hollywood execs think -- "like that but different" being a rallying cry for most of them.)
  10. That's what I thought you meant. Your original wording was vague, and left you open to a disgusting alternative read of the statement. Not that the members here would jump to that conclusion, I just felt it prudent to point it out.
  11. You might want to clarify the statement preceding this. It's open to a very negative interpretation that I'm pretty sure you didn't intend.
  12. aylwin13 is the current president of the Menudo fan club.
  13. Actually, Arya Stark is wearing Ashildr's face.
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