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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. I still haven't seen it, but judging from comments and trailers/clips of it, it seems like the problem with the fight choreography is that they have a dial that goes from Slap Fight to Wire Fu, and have it set to Bum Fight when it should be set to Ip Man.
  2. That about sums it up for me too. I was hoping for better.
  3. Did he fight the dragon in the Netflix show? (Haven't seen it yet.) Edit: I mean as backstory. I doubt they're going to trot out the CGI for a dragon. Would have seen that in clips by now. =)
  4. Every last one of them can sing. The song selection, however, left something to be desired.
  5. I suppose it'd depend on how you define "be all and end all." If you have repeatable, teachable magic, then it becomes the technology. You're now simply operating in a universe where the physical laws, and thus the technology ("magic") based on them, are different.
  6. Pocket knife effectiveness would depend on how cinematic your campaign gets.
  7. I agree with Beast and Netzilla.
  8. Simple solution: Make magic idiosyncratic and non-repeatable, the opposite of technology. Every mage's ability to alter reality is colored through the lenses of their perception and thought process, therefore one mage cannot simply copy or easily learn the spells of another. Along the same lines, magic can be considered something of a mental power, and mages can interfere with each other's manipulations, so while useful in battle, magic isn't overwhelmingly powerful, as both sides' mages are mostly occupied with fending each other off. This kind of setup lets mages be tactically deployed without overshadowing mundane troops. Of course, if you can take out the other side's mage, you free yours up to wreak havoc.
  9. Sure, but late teens. This is the pic that was mostly circulating that I was referring to: Cloak is supposed to be a bit imposing/scary. That baby-faced kid on the left is a far cry from the (same) guy I linked in my last post. I figured it was an old pic, which seems to be the case. He looks spot on in the newer pic. Presuming that's actually the actor. Source seems legit, but can never be sure on the web.
  10. I was a little leery of the casting for Cloak since he looks about 12 in most of the pics shown in articles. Thankfully, those seem to be older pictures. Here's one of the pair I found here: If that's a legit pic, it looks like they did pretty well on the physicality of the casting at least. If they can act, they should be a good fit for the parts IMO.
  11. I think that's an unfair comparison. The Defenders and the lead up shows were laid out far, far in advance. I think it's just more likely they got a weak script and/or director this time around.
  12. I can't say for sure, but all of the negative reviews I checked started with disclaimers that the review wasn't negative over the cultural appropriation/implicit racism issue. Which kind of tells me that they might just be.
  13. I liked her in Raising Dad. She was OK in the first Thor movie. However, the second Thor movie's comedy relief bits were poorly-written, as is Two Broke Girls. I prefer humor that arises from the situation, rather than a bunch of one liners strung together. If I were judging solely on her performances, I'd suspect that poor writing is the main part of the problem. But, having seen her in some interviews, I think she just isn't good at comedy (or acting in general) and is as responsible for her performances as her writers and directors are. If you go on YouTube and watch a few videos of her on talk shows, then go watch some of Sofia Vergara*, the contrast is like night and day. Vergara is naturally funny and quick-witted. I can't say Dennings gave me that impression. That said, I think she can be OK if she has the backing of a good writer and director. However, she doesn't seem to have any taste for picking good roles, so the odds of that happening seem slim. *You could substitute any number of comedic actresses/actors here. I just find Vergara hilareous on talk shows, especially the Ellen episode where she pranks the gift shop (?) guys on the studio lot.
  14. Welcome back. Glad it was just the brain and nothing serious.
  15. "And Call Me Conrad" is titled This Immortal in book form. It was originally serialized under the former title.
  16. I found a nifty formula for summoning a homonculous on Wikipedia: Spoilered for medievalness:
  17. Nighthawk event started today in Champions Online. Working on unlocking the Night Avenger AT on my second account.
  18. They basically copied my post from upthread. I'm suing.
  19. It could have been a nod to the original novel, which did take place on another planet.
  20. In the last episode, it seemed like Wally and Savatar were expressing some pretty similar beefs against Barry, plus Savatar apologized to Iris for having to kill her. Wally getting sucked into the Speed Force at the end of the episode, along with Savatar's comments that he made himself (to Barry, when asked if Barry made him) and then later to Wally that he made Wally kind of firmed up my suspicions. OTOH, that all could have been one big red herring. I'm not sure if the CW writers are really capable of setting up that elaborate of a misdirect, though I suppose they could have done it on accident.
  21. Ah, thanks for the info. I didn't know that the 6th edition stuff had those issues. I don't do 6th myself, and usually just consider Killer Shrike's stuff a reliable source.
  22. Tell him to ask for an extra couple of blankets at night. That'll make it easier to get a good blanket rope going so he can escape and return to us.
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