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Pattern Ghost

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Everything posted by Pattern Ghost

  1. Racism isn't limited to the South. My mother's family is from Pennsylvania and my father's from Alabama and in visiting both locales growing up, I can tell you I saw a heck of a lot more overt racism in Pennsylvania.
  2. Thanks to everyone who accidentally clicked on Mirth in the poll! This was a fun draft. I was very impressed by all the entrants.
  3. Hey! Where'd you get my family Christmas picture!?
  4. She's on the rise, though, and an excellent actress. Provided the movie isn't as bad as the teaser makes it look, she won't be an unknown for long. Though to me, she's not an unknown, because I've seen her in Humans and Crazy Rich Asians, and she was good enough in both to make her presence in Eternals a draw for me.
  5. This is a multi-select poll. Are we making the traditional 3 picks?
  6. I'm optimistic about the actor choice for Shang Chi, though the teaser didn't look impressive. The actor, Simu Liu, is on Kim's Convenience, which is an absolutely brilliant Canadian sitcom. I think he has the acting talent, and he's in great shape and has some background in action movies, unlike another Marvel project. (*cough* Iron Fist *cough*) I hope the weak teaser is more due to not having enough post-production footage available to make something better. Black Widow looks solid to me. Of course it's a spy story, that's her background. I wouldn't expect any other sort of movie from a Black Widow movie, at least not the first one. Eternals? Eh. I read an interview with Salma Hayek where she said that they wouldn't show her the script or go into any details until after she signed on. So it's possible this is one of those movies with an all-star cast that's still a dud. I'm least optimistic about this one. Hoping for better future trailers.
  7. This could be double-plus ungood.
  8. It's a race of humanoid shapeshifting entertainers. Which has many colloquial names. The first one I thought of, though, due to causing an axial tilt (Diversion) closer to the Sun (Kulan's pal) to create the (interference) equatorial tropical zone, was the Sun and the Stars. (And rumor has it they may be from the stars, though most scholars don't see how they could squeeze through the pinholes in Timra’Keth's blanket.) I was also thinking they may be a bit baroque, and was thinking of Vonda McIntyre's novel The Moon and the Sun. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it. I totally didn't miss that someone took Sun as a domain.
  9. Mirth is neither confirming nor denying peeking at Vaiyarran's secret lab notes.
  10. Quick catch up picks: Secondary Domain: Diversion Interference: The Tropics, a place the ice can't reach (though still having a chill in the air), while allowing Theer to have Theer's fun. Sentient Life: The Sun and the Stars.
  11. Are you in a bind? Are you willing to make a deal? Asking for a friend. Yours Truly, The Devil -----------/ Line between two totally unrelated posts that shouldn't have been merged /------------------------------- The Goddess of Death has fixed thine post.
  12. Mirth is the goddess of Laughter. Laughter is not the goddess of Mirth. Mirth is also the goddess of Death, so quit taking her name in vain. <-- (Not Mirth)
  13. Mirth continued to consider . . . motherhood? Being a goddess had its perks, among which was to appear as she saw fit, and to speak the languages she saw fit to speak. So, Mirth assumed the guise of the intelligent species, and walked among each in turn. She wanted to hear their stories first hand, to experience the world with their senses, and to share in their laughter. [More to come, pressed for time.] Each, in turn, bored her to tears. She'd have to fix that in her own creation, but in the meantime, she thought her fellow gods could use just a smidgen of help to make the world a better place. . . Interference: Every member of every sapient species knows at least one funny story, anecdote or joke.
  14. I have two main problems with an MCU Jane Foster Thor: 1. They just reaffirmed Thor's worthiness in his last outing, and Jane takes over the mantle in the comics after Thor becomes unworthy. If they try a variation on that reasoning, it undoes any character development Thor's had over his last three or four appearances. b. Portman was so clearly phoning in her performance in every single outing as Jane Foster, that I have no desire for her to remain in the MCU. She's only coming back because she wants the limelight. Acting ability aside, her work ethic and general ethics stink, so not interested. I might catch it on Disney+ if they run it for free.
  15. Mirth considered all the races her kindred had created, and sighed. That cat things, the pink things with thumbs, the flaming birds, the tree folk, the fey folk, the adorable spider folk, the immortal rock folk . . . were they folk? . . . what wondrous things. Mirth thought that the sentients were a great addition to this new world, and was getting wistful. She'd made things for the sentient races, but making a sentient people? That seemed daunting. Maybe she would start with a singular creation, something to bolster all of the races and to get her feet wet at motherhood as it were. Though she loved laughter, Mirth realized that folk can't laugh all of the time. Mostly because the other gods would see that as too much of an intrusion, but also because it would rob laughter of its magic, and turn it to a cruelty. And Mirth wasn't cruel. Folk also can't be without laughter all of the time, and Mirth noticed that sometimes the sentient peoples needed to be lifted up, shown joy again. Those that had smaller iterations of themselves that grew . . . ah, yes, children, that was the word. Those that had children had a valuable resource, given that the young were vast reservoirs of energy and laughter. Mirth idly scratched the ear of one of her favorite species of dird, and drifted along on her deific stream of consciousness, letting it carry her to an idea. A friend, and uplifter of the spirit, and also a guardian of those small versions of folk. Yes, something big, and fierce if need be, but mostly congenial. Visible to the young, but an invisible helping hand to adults. Mirth laughed, and out of that laughter arose: Guardian Beast/Spirit: Tororu
  16. I was strongly considering this, so that's a semi-snipe. I might have to go with Option 2, Klowns: ... nah.
  17. Well, at least Hawk Man and Donna Troy have good, consistent continuities!
  18. Mirth watched the smelly humans, the shy Charr-Loti, the Rakasta-whom-Folly-can't spell, the dryads of the wood, and the rest of the sentient folk live and die, and live, and die. There were some great moments in these limited life spans, with Death making the life oh, so sweet. But there was entirely too much grief in the passing. Not to mention, the horrid disposal method each race used for their dead (though she had to admit, the simple composting of the dryads made some sense). Something had to be done. An example, perhaps? Yes, Mirth would build a shining example of how to send a loved one off joyously! and sanitarily! Geography: The Funerary City of Nola. Nola is a festive city that holds elaborate and musical celebrations of life when someone passes. Those who bring their loved ones for a funeral are able to cope with their grief by more easily focusing on the good in their departed's life, and celebrate it. Almost as importantly, the dead are buried or burned properly -- not eaten, or left in a ditch somewhere. Eww. (I know smartphones haven't been invented yet, but this pic has a lot of color in it.)
  19. I think what you meant to say is that the California condors graciously allowed a homeowner a close up view of their wildlife sanctuary.
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