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Everything posted by hfergus

  1. Re: That Autograph Isn't Mine! Volt Would depend on just what is going on. If the person claims to be Volt, he'd investigate to see if it's a villian ploy. If so, villian is confronted - forcefully. If it is a fan that is not taking money and and upholding what Volt stands for, the person could become an "official look-alike", but would have to let that be known(and could even charge for it). Non villian ploy people would have a good talking to; force would be applied if necessary. Would also inform cons and etc that he will let them know in advance if he is coming or come in exhibiting powers. That would mean if it continued; someone has some pretty good abilities that would need to be looked into. Olorin Would investigate. If the person is upholding what he stands for and it is not a villian ploy; what the heck? Let 'em. Olorin might check in with the guy to give him pointers unless the guy is a rabid fan. In that case, he'd get the "get a life" speech and then be let alone unless someone gets harmed. Villains would get a fireball up the nose. Black Tiger Would be suspicious and investigate thoroughly. No matter what he found, he'd come down in the guy, hard! Villians he'd beat to a pulp and innocents he'd frighten half to death (or at least try to.) Futurian Investigate for a villian ploy and deal with it if so. If harmless, he'd let cons, etc know and let them decide. Knowing Futurian, if there was a Futurian look-alike contest, he'd enter... and try to lose!
  2. Re: Loved at home hated by the world. All my characters except Black Tiger would face the music and point out it was an accident; that is no one could have predicted it. If they were found guilty anyway... Jailbreak! It had to be rigged if they were found guily is what all of them would think. They would go public with the railroading; if possible before the jailbreak. Olorin would announce the jailbreak and say "Stop me if you can, you morons." Black Tiger would go underground and not face the music. He'd point out the idiocy of it if people questioned him and he decided not to ignore it.
  3. Re: The Devil's Advocate? Most of my characters would merely watch him closely and investigate. If the guy radiates evil magic, Olorin would know in a second. That means devils, demons and such would be known instantly. If not, Olorin would do a bit of magic detecting (evil, otherworldliness, etc.)
  4. Re: You, or your PC? Some of my characters are basically me in personality, but always bit different. All my characters (and even NPCs) have a bit of me in them, although often exaggerated and things I wish were not part of my personality. One is "my sense of humor let run loose with the power to back it up." When I mentioned I was going to do this the universal comment was along the line of "Oh dear GOD!" Some are overweight and balding like I am (an energy projector, but older and more old fashioned than me.)
  5. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A poster seen outside of Volt's room in the base and promptly copied by all: "I'm lost. I've gone to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, please ask me to wait." The next week in addition "I'd like to help you out. Which way did you come in?" later (the first one never disappears) "Bad planning or a mistake on your part does not create an emergency on my part." Continuing "Expert. Someone from out of town." "If it sits on your desk for 15 minutes you are the expert." "Expert: from ex: has been or used to be. and spurt -Drip under pressure. Therefore an expert is a has been drip under pressure." " I can only handle one thing a day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look so good either." "Never let anything mechanical know you are in a hurry." "Please take your silly problem to someone who cares." "I only have one nerve left, and your'e getting on it." They are starting to wonder what is next. Volt says he'll run out .... eventually.
  6. Ok, this is simple (kinda) Does your character have a pet peeve and if so, what? Disads can be used, but try to be specific (see my example on Black Tiger) It can be villian peeves or general peeves. That said: Volt Villians who hurt/kill children are a pet peeve - actually more than that; he gets furious. Outside of villian stuff he hates it when when people say "warsh" or "wursh" instead of "wash." (Things like Warshington DC also fall into this category.) Also - "It's 'library' Library, not 'lieberry'! What is that, some kind of berry? Sheesh, it's like you take the 'r' out of the library and put it into wash!" He's a calm person, but this gets him riled. On a calmer note, he also hates it when Christians say something incredably idiotic. "Things like that tend to cause some people to think in order to be a Christian you have to have your brain removed." Olorin Tends to hate undead, especially the mindless ones. If they are intellegent and not evil, he can deal with them. He hates necromancers since "I have never since one that is not evil and quite destructive." On a non-villian note he hates people that are willfully ignortant "My mind is made up. Don't confuse me with the facts!" He also really gets ticked when people set themselves as authorities when they are just plain wrong. Black Tiger Has a disad "distrusts authorities" He also especially hates the ones that go "I'm the highest ranking authority here! Therefore I'm in charge!"; the kind that is full of themselves and don't care if you are the expert and they have no clue. You have to prove yourself to him by treating him and your subordinates with respect and prove you know what you are doing; or are at least willing to learn from the experts. Futurian - the man from the future. Having to do everything with "stone knives and bearskins". And yes, he uses that line a lot. He also dislikes people asking him about the future, and can get quite sarcastic about it or start using tenses in a confusing way to confuse the issue.
  7. Re: Approved by the Comics Code Authority Volt His origin would have to change a bit, as it was an assination attempt that didn't work, and they haven't been punished yet. They could be caught, but that would negate a hunted. Volt's personaility and fighting style would not be changed a whit. Nothing. Nada. He's silver age in a bronze/iron age world. He'd be a lot happier. Olorin Origin would not change a whit. He'd be happier about what happens to villians, but tends to bend (or break) laws to serve what he considers a higher justice. (Batman did too, strictly speaking, even in the silver age, but Olorin goes further in that he kills when he can.) His only real problem with be with villains that keep on escaping, even if they get re-captured - i.e, the Joker for example. He'd try to change things back, or get an exemption for Joker types. Black Tiger "Oh ! Oh " His origin would have to change and he would not be happy with not being able to pound on bad guys. He'd be happy if they are put away though. He'd also like for exemptions on Joker types just like Olorin. Would not be a happy camper. Futurian "Oh really? Ok. No prob." Would change a bit, less "accidents" would occur. He would not care much though, he'd adapt with no fuss. No change in origin necessary.
  8. Re: WWYCD: The Switch. Volt Once convinced it is a true reform, he'd congratulate him and encourage him to continue. (And he'd want to believe it to be legit.) After all, the crimes were in another dimension and Volt believes in redemption. Olorin See above. Only difference would be Olorin might try to find out what the character did if it were not too painful to bring up. Reason: try to figure out how to stop that sort of thing. Black Tiger Would be suspicious, but ready to believe. Might set up some tasks to prove good faith and as payback. Would let it be, but watch carefully. Futurian "Whoa! Had me convinced it was you - er - him - er - oh, you know what I mean!" Pretty much the same as Volt, only more in a goofball fashion.
  9. Re: You know the GM has it in for you when... You know the Gm has it in for you when.. Facing the villian, you ask for divine help and your god says "No Way! He's too powerful! You're on your own." Doctor Destroyer is scared of the being you are facing. You create a 1000 point character with all powers and the GM says "I wonder how long this one will last. GM laughs evilly at odd times - that is almost all the time. The Gm ignores all dice of yours and throws none of his own - or ignores the results. What he wants to happen, happens.
  10. Re: Who is the best Super in comics? For some reason I've always liked Green Lantern. If he has the will and the imagination, he can do it. (The yellow limitiation was cheesy, but they had to limit him somehow.) I also loved the oath "In brightest day, in blackest night, no evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might, beware my power, Green Lantern's light!" Loved it and still do.
  11. hfergus

    Mummy Dearest

    Re: Mummy Dearest Volt Call in for aid for the guard (living radio) and try to stop whats going on, mainly by reasoning with it - if possible. If not, wait until it is away from the exhibits before he lets loose with an attack. Olorin Get the guard to safety them tries to reason with the being. If not, one touch and both are t-ported whever Olroin wants (almost) and the battle starts there. (he'd start with fire, most mummies burn quite well, indeed, they've been used as fuel more than once.) "Undead. Why does it have to be undead? I hate those things ... well, most of them anyway. Some are ok, but it's rare." He'd try to find out what gives; maybe the mummy if after something that is his to begin with. If that's the case, and the mummy means well, he might help it. Black Tiger One takedown manuever coming up. He may try to reason with it after that. He'd try to not damage the exhibits, and may wait until there is enough room. Futurian Get the guard out of the way first, and then try to stop it without harming the exhibits. He may try to reason with it first, "After all, it may be after it's teddy bear that is in the museum for all we know." - "Hey mummy! Yes, you! After all my mummy ain't here! Whatcha doin?" He'd also be thinking "O great! No tech for me to work on. This is going to be a challenge."
  12. Re: WWYCD: miscarriage of justice Olorin would love this one. "Let's you and him fight."
  13. Re: WWYCD: miscarriage of justice
  14. This is probably more appropriate for "darkish" campaigns, but could apply as a one time shot. The mastermind behind a villain group is caught and brought to justice. However, due to good lawyers, corruption, bribes, blackmail and plain threats, he gets off scott free. He inherited the money that made this possible and is not really a super himself. What does your character do? Volt - Tries again, this time trying to remove the corruption, blackmail and threats. Would be very frustrated and angry at this. Olorin - Would be very tempted to just kill the guy, but... Kinda reversing "the best revenge is to live well" he'd ruin the guy financially, making good lawyers and bribes go away. With no money, threats would be lessened; after all, they are expensive. He'd try to find out any blackmail material, and either expose the guy, making it moot or blackmailing him himself (!) Knowing Olorin, a LOT of the bad guy's money would go in Olorin's pocket (Hey, that's what he did back home - normally after killing the guy, but Olorin would LOVE seeing the guy squirm.) He'd also alter the guy's appearance so he could not trade on that either. Olorin would be very pleased if he pulled this off, and he almost certainly could. Black Tiger Would fume. A lot. He'd be very temped to kill the guy, and this would just fuel his distrust of authorities. He'd try again, attempting to make it impossible to find the guy not guilty this time. Futurian Would make the guys life miserable by attacking every tech item the guy touched. No computers. No phones. No cars. No TVs. Done well enough and the guy would be broke if not asking to be put in prison to stop this. This would take a lot of dedication, and Futurian would probably give up too soon, but the guy would still be miserable for a time.
  15. Re: Leech's Reversion All: Would help the guy out with psych help and try to find him a job. Olorin: Would be real p*ss*d at went happened and try to find the guy who did this. He might be able to track the mystic energies. Olorin might get a bit obsessed about this for a while and let other duties slip a bit. If Olorin found the guy, it would not be pleasant (to say the least - it might take a while and be very painful) The rest would also try to find the guy, but not so obsessed. Black Tiger would look at what Olorin does, and would say "Even I find that a bit disturbing." Volt would be agast and Futurian would say : "Can you teach me how to do that? No, wait. That would probably not be a good idea."
  16. Re: GMing for Dummies 7 Read. A lot. Nearly everything you can get your hands on esp. sci-fi and fantasy. I got a lot of good ideas that way. 8 Watch movies and tv shows for ideas as above.
  17. Re: WWIYCL? Living Among Giants Volt "Isn't he the oldest hero around?" "A bit stiff, but a true hero." "The guy has knocked himself out more than once to save others. Isn't that the definition of a hero?" "Says he is a Christian, but is not preachy. I can Admire that." Olorin "Weird!" "Funny" "Oddball" "Complete lunatic." "I wonder just what he's rally capable of. It seems he can do anything." "I like him. He seems approachable." "Nothing seems to bother him." Black Tiger "He scares me a bit." "Seems a bit dark." "He's a simple man, and I like that." Futurian "He does not eschew obfuscation." "I can't tell when he's joking about the future or not." "Keep it simple, stupid!" "Another oddball like Olorin, but different." "Ultimate techo-geek cyber-nerd!"
  18. Re: WWYCD #124 or so:Peace on Earth Except for Olorin, noone really has a nemesis. Volt would probably be paired with a child killer or abuser. He could remain civil no matter what, but would not like it. Once 24 hours is up, th villain better duck. Olorin would be put in with a inner circle member of Demon, since he hates them and they are his hunted. He could deal with this, and indeed drive them nuts. He would babble about his life, the world he came from, magical theory and anything else he can come up with from his 747 years of experience. Since he only needs to sleep about 4 hours a week, this would be quite irritating. He'd t-port out when it was over - but would leave a magical tracking device on the guy. After all, that is not an attack - yet. Black Tiger. Glares. That's all. Futurian Would expose on the theory of time travel until the guys eyes glaze over or he begs for mercy. Then he'd go to sleep until time is up.
  19. Re: WWYCD: <Your character>: The Clone Saga!! Nope. And sometimes when he says this, he's joking. You just can't always tell. He loves playing with people's mind since he is from the future - or an alternat one. Even he is not sure which, which is why he is careful about real future info. This time, he is joking about it beginning now, but is quite serious about the future laws, and would suggest them if necessary.
  20. Re: WWYCD: <Your character>: The Clone Saga!! Volt and Black Tiger would either go to Doctor Silverback or Olorin to find out who is the original and if the dup is controlled. What happens depends on what is found out. Olorin would find out the above. "Clones. Ah, clones. Always trouble if they have your memories. They all want to be you then. Otherwise, they are just your twin, and what's the problem?" Would send the dup if not controlled into another dimension that needs him - and if it had Olorin's personality, he'd want to go. Futurian "Oh God! It begins!" He'd have no problem if the dups do not have the same memory. If they do, he'd want to follow the law where he comes from, even if "he" is the dup. The law is - Kill the duper and put the dup into deep freeze until 20 years after he dies with none of the origin's resources.
  21. Re: WWYCD 101:A question of faith Volt would be against the sacrifice unless it could be proved that it was necessary. Lots of luck there. He would argue that the cultural imperitive would in essence negate free will, so that argument would not work on him. (He'd also cite Aztecs, etc., who belived this as evidence it is probably hooey.) Olorin If hed had the time (4 hours) he'd find out if it were really necessary. If not, he'd stop it. If it were, and had the time (probably days to months) he'd try to find out why and any substitutes. Knowing him, if it weren't necessary and he could, he kidnap the sacrifice, create an illusion of it and come back in several months with the sacrifice alive proving it were not necessary. Otherwise, they'd find something bad and do it again without him to stop it. Black Tiger Would stop it. Period. Futurian May not do anything, think thme way too primitive to convince if they do this at all. May stop it anyway. Probably would stop it anyway.
  22. Re: WWYCD: Out of cash For this to happen, two rich people need to die or become poor (or one decides not to support us anymore) and one is a PC. Assuming it happens, short term, they go to the government as they have good relations with them. Long term, Olorin starts "charging", or without anyone noticing, starts going "Robin Hood", taking from the villians and keeping it (Hey, that's what he did back home.) Definately long term, the group starts accepting reward money, and may start actively pursuing bounty hunting. (Olorin, Black Tiger and Futurian for sure, Volt probably.) Futurian may sell "advanced tech", but only to responsible parties. Olorin just might pursue one other thing. Step 1. Appear as a drug dealer. Step 2. Sell fake drugs as dealer. Step 3. Let nature take its course. He could also do the "fairy gold" bit to other bad guys (again, disguised.) He'd be in entirely too good a mood if he did this. "Who they going to tell? The Cops?"
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Quotes from various heros when they faced some villians who were killing children. Volt "I'm going to hit you three ways. Hard, fast, and continuously." Black Tiger "Nuke them till they glow and shoot them in the dark." Olorin "I'm going to rip of your arm and beat you to death with the bloody stump." Later - "I'm going to rip off your head and s*** down your neck." (Ah, those medievals! Such a way with words!) Black Tiger "Hanging's too good for them. Burning's too good for them. They should be chopped into pieces and buried alive." (From the original Heavy Metal movie.) Volt again after they were dealt with - some killed, some not. "It is not our job to judge these people. That's God's job after they die. Our job is to arrange the meeting." (This is probably my favorite.)
  24. Re: Random WTF momment... Olorin - "The gods have a sense of humor today" He'd be joking. he'd see if there is somthing nefarious up, but otherwise ignore it. All my other characters would be about the same, although: Futurian: "Use more green!" Black Tiger "Ya gotta be kidding."
  25. Re: Champions games you've run The Enigmas version 1 Silver - bronze. Very episodic, but continuity worked. Doctor Destroyer popped up when I wanted them to go "Oh dear God!" No real theme, just fun. The name of the group came from a news report that called the group "a bunch of enigmas" and the name stuck. Characters: Volt, over 60 years old, ligtning based flying energy caster. Sunburst, later Phoenix (when he rose "from the ashes" after a self- imposed radiation accident) flying heat and light based energy caster. Sunburst was mainly heat, Phoenix more light. Heavyweight - brick. Bug - think Spiderman. Futurian - (not mine, my current one is him slightly changed) awesome against machine (mind control, etc), almost useless if no machines present, Olorin (Yup that guy) large VPP mage. Ran 5 years, then I had to move. Good times. The Enigmas version 2 Silver - bronze. Mainly episodic, one theme was random dimensional travel upon occasion - dimensional bondaries were breaking down caused mainly by Demon trying to summon demons. I started with Volt from above as last survivor of Doctor Destroyer attack of previous group, kept name. Olorin walked through a gate caused by the dimensional troubles, and could not get back home, but could travel between other dimensions. Same as above. Acapella and Wiseheart alien energy projectors using sound (Wiswheart was pretty much pure defense). Blade, skill mavin and martial artist. (almost suspicion personified) And Leadman- brick with "It's not going to work" attitude but tried anyway. I did a lot of crossovers with the dimension travel. They visited, among others: Star Trek word, between TOS and next gen, with the Klingons helping out in an alien invasion(!), Babylon 5 world, where we helped them against the Shadows, two different Nazi worlds (Nazis won in both, but were "good" guys in one against the bad US. They were not racist in this wolrd.),Faerie (more than once) Horror world (The Old Ones had come) - we just got out of there, backworld (Your group is duped, but evil. Teamed up with Doctor Preserver - a good Doctor Destroyer) and others I forget. Kinda lost interest and went to D&D (I know, shame on me) May someday use the endgame I came up with. The Misfit League Current and very new, mainly episodic and currently running the King Cobra scenario. 9-11 has just occurred, and the destruction of Detroit has yet to happen (and will). Silver to bronze with whispers of iron. Characters - Volt again, but alternate universe. Same powers though. Olorin, again arriving through a gate. Gem, a female wearing an alien battlesuit (and most poeple think it is a male alien due to voice distortion and suit looking like an alien) Disarray, mind controller (one command - be confused!) and tk powers. Wonders how she got into this, and bit unconfident. Black Tiger, martial artist with gap in memory and suspicious of authority. Futurian (a slightly different version than above - a bit better if no machines around, a bit less powerful with machines) is yet to appear. Two other character, Raptorian (shape shifts into giant velociraptor)and Orion, who has a lot of animal powers and looks vaguely leonine. Altered by unknown geneticist (probably Telios) are also yet to appear, controlled by players, not me. (Disarray and Gem are not mine.)
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