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Everything posted by hfergus

  1. Re: Bearing Witness --What has it been like for you to have superpowers? A pain in the rump, even though I do good. Wish I didn't have 'em. --Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have? I am disiplined and law abiding, want lawbreakers to pay, and I don't want to go to prison myself. --What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers? I'd be in the military. Special Ops. Maybe Dark Ops... except they don't exist... officially. --Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers? All the time. If I could switch my powers for my memory gap, I would. Especially since that seems to be when I got my powers. --What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not? $^%#! No they aren't! Not most anyway. Volt is, & I can't picture Olorin as normal. Most of the rest can't handle it well. --Is there anything else you wish to say? Shut the powers down, blast it! Now!
  2. Re: Life heroes of your heroes Volt: Abraham Lincoln; freer of the slaves. George Washington; who could have been king or president for life but stepped down after 8 years. Many others; but these rise to the top. Paranormals: Defender, even though I dislike his politics. Olorin: I'm fairly new here too. What Volt said works for me. Black Tiger: Master Sargent William F. Netter of Special Forces. A mean #$%#, but taught me well. I am alive because of him. Volt Is the only super I respect, but Olorin is growing on me... which scares me. Futurian: Robert T. Thinman, inventor of... Whoops! Almost gave it away. Put me on Volt's list too, although I really do like Olorin.
  3. Re: Bearing Witness Volt What has it been like for you to have superpowers? A bit tiring, but good overall. --Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have? "For evil to triumph, good men must merely do nothing." "To those who have been given much, much will be demanded." It's mainly a resposibility of power thing. --What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers? I'd be retired and probably in somewhere warm. Probably California; my daughter and son-in-law are there. --Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers? Sometimes. I'm a little too old for this. However, if given a choice, I'd keep them. --What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not? I think they are. There are pluses and minuses. I think people are bascially good, but flawed. --Is there anything else you wish to say? Just who are you to decide this? Where do you get the power? I'm concerned for you as a person; having this responsibility cannot be easy. Can I help besides offering my opinion?
  4. Re: Bearing Witness I'm just going to answer for Olorin right now. Maybe the rest later. What has it been like for you to have superpowers? Fun. A blast. I love it. Yes, I have nearly died more than once, but it's still worth it. --Why did you choose to use your powers the way you have? To work good, have fun and make money. In that order... barely. Fun may come first... sometimes. --What do you think you would be doing if you didn't have superpowers? I'd be dead by now, but I would have been a better than average swordmith. --Do you ever wish you didn't have superpowers? No. --What would you decide if you were in my place? Is humanity ready for superpowers, or not? Some are, some aren't. I'd say most are. Let the powers roll. --Is there anything else you wish to say? From my veiwpoint, tech is almost high powers anyway, so do you plan to go primitive if powers are banned? It's always blessings and curses, with the blessing ahead in my opinion.
  5. Re: New foxbat for president trailer! I hearby nominate Grond for president. He'd run a strong campaign. (Don't hurt me! Don't hurt me!) Foxbat? Oh my God! It's his Master Plan..... which means it'll fail and we are all safe... at least from Foxbat. Whether we are safe from who we do get is another matter entirely.
  6. Re: Enter Fluffy (or "Aw, can't we keep 'em?") Gossamer form Bugs Bunny cartoons "I'd love him, and squeeze him, and call him George!" Yeeks!
  7. Re: WWYCD: The Guliver Syndrome Volt would point out the dangers inherent in this and ask very publicly how this could be legal. He'd try to deal with the chaos and try to have it banned. Olroin "This looks to be a big problem." Once his teammates stopped groaning and hitting him, he'd work to have it banned. He could turn people back to normal if there were not too many. Black Tiger "Oh #$%$##@!" "#&*^@#@!" "$#+=@&*!" (pick favorite really nasty curse words of your choice. - He knows 'em and uses 'em - eventually.) Knows its beyond him to fix this, but would work to have it banned. Futuruan "Blast it Olorin, you stole my line!" Could not fix it, but would work to have it banned.
  8. Re: WWYCD: framed All my characters would either drop the money fast or hand it back messing the frame up a bit - however, since it seems mind control and such.. Volt - Surrenders peacably and contacts lawyers. Reminds others of his reputation (actually bought - but also a disad) and waits. It won't take long to get him out of this. Then the investigation begins. Olorin - Would start by laughing. "I'm a multi-millionaire who could pass through the walls invisably and leave no trace. I have no reason to rob this bank and am not stupid enough to get caught. Check the tape. If I don't suddenly appear, its not me as I almost always start invisible." He'd surrender and if did not get out very fast, he'd leave a tangible illusion behind while he investigated. He'd mock the guy who did this once he caught him. He'd actually find it amusing if this is all that happened. Black Tiger "Figures. Can't trust authorities". He'd surrender and wait to be bailed out. He'd let his teammates handle it for a while, and if it took too long, they'd break him out. Then he would break several bones on whoever arranged this if possible. Futurian "Wait, I don't have an account here? Here you go." Since he has interesting control over tech, the tapes will show Viper - or whoever he wants to blame. He would surrender and get out quickly because of the tapes/witness conflict. Then he'd investigate - and do something "interesting" to the one(s) responsible.
  9. hfergus

    Let's Do Lunch

    Re: Let's Do Lunch Volt - Unlikely to do it, unless he got a percentage of profits (and a minimum) that went to a charity he approved of. He'd want last approval, but changes would not bother him. What about? Probably his helping the Chanpions with Doctor Destroyer. Would want Anthony Hopkins doing him, since he tends to disappear in the role and is about the right age, but would accept anyone who does a good job. Secret Id would be kept; maybe a fake one could be used in the movie. Olorin - Oh yes! No secret Id. Would want final approval and a cut with a minimum. "Hey, heroing is what I do for a living! That means pay!" What about - an incident from his world where he and allies (including dragons) fight demons. The CGI would be off the map - unless Olorin magiced it up - for which he'd expect extra pay. He could play himself, but if not he'd insist on Jim Carrey "Only person manic enough to pull it off." Black Tiger - no way. If they did it anyway, even a derivative but obviously him, he'd quietly sabotage the filming until they gave up. Futurian - "Where's a pen?" Would want final approval and a cut with a minimum. Public Id, so that is not a problem. What about? They'd have to make something up, he has not done anything really famous yet. Who to play him? He'd first say Humprey Bogart (He's from the future, and does not have the dates completely correct.) Then when told he's dead, Christopher Lee. When he found out how old Christopher Lee is he'd say "Someone with stage presence, fame and good looks. Let me know."
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Now for the latest adventures of the Misfit League. They have two separate things going on at once (well, three but only Olorin is involved in one and he is getting close to a successful conclusion on that) and are bouncing between the two. One is Volt, the group leader, is trying to start an equivalent of a Justice League of America, and is putting the idea before most hero groups and solo heroes. The reception has been pretty good, but the last group is asking questions about who is in charge and where they would meet. Olorin “If I had to, I could create a pocket dimension and give you access. Think Tardis form Doctor Who.” Then a player said a line “I can just hear someone saying…” so I used it… Generic Npc from group they are talking to with given line: “We could always kick the UN out of the UN building and use that.” Black Tiger in response to line: “We would never get rid of the smell.” He was smiling, and that caused some to worry. The other scenario was a paranormal setting fires in low rent apartments. He was finally seen doing it, but two of the group (the others were doing other things) had to let him go to rescue people form the building. Heroes: Gem - female in alien power suit that looks male and Disarray- mentalist with Tk who is quite good looking. Both played by females. NPC#1 upon Gem coming in to the room “What took you so long?” He ended up being helpful pointing out which apartments were occupied (building “I know everybody’s business” guy.) Meanwhile, Disarray, goes in to an apartment where the guy is in the bathtub as the fire is between him and the exit. Disarray “Sir, wet yourself down and put a wet cloth over your face.” NPC 2 “Ok, I’m turning on the shower.” Sees her and says “Dang! I get rescued by a good looking woman super. Must be my lucky day.” Disarray “Excuse me sir, I’m going to use it too since I’m not fireproof. … I guess this is a wet-shirt contest.” NPC2 “My t-shirt is wetter than yours.”
  11. Re: WWYCD: Foxbat The Mighty! Volt "Cool. Impressive. Would you kindly put the building down? You are probably scaring the people inside." Foxbat kinda idealizes Volt sometimes, so this may work. If not, call for Disarray for a mental attack. Olorin would go invisible and get people inside out of the building if there is any. Staying invisible, he'd get close behind Foxbat and make a cloth ripping sound. Then he'd appear in front of Foxbat and say "Uh oh. You just ripped your pants." Chaos would ensue, and Olorin may just t-port him to Antartica. Black Tiger would swear and call for back up. Futurian "Dang! Hey you really have been pumping iron. You look good. Can I feel your muscle?" Foxbat may just drop the building on himself trying to comply.
  12. Re: Unwanted advances Volt: "If you are not joking, I am not gay. I consider it wrong, but will not lecture you or treat you badly because you are. Forget it." Olorin "Thanks for the compliment, but I like women. Sorry." Black Tiger- if looks could kill, BT would be a murderer. Futurian "Curves in the wrong spots. I don't go that way. But you show good taste!"
  13. Re: Enter Fluffy (or "Aw, can't we keep 'em?") The character it would probably end up with is Volt, since he likes animals and they like him. He'd ask Olorin to check out it's safeness, and if safe; adopt it. Maybe take it out on patrol if it had good defenses or could be given some. He'd name it 'Phred" (not after the Doonesbury character; he had the name for pets before that.) or maybe Phydeaux (fido). If not Volt, it would be Olorin. Would be the same as above except for the name. He would call it Fluffy in the Lovecraftian mode and "Killer" in the cute mode. If it jumped in Black Tiger's arms, it's obviously suicidal. If it jumped in Futurian's arms... "What do I do with this? What is it? Get it off me! Oh God, is it tasting me?" Not a pet person, but would not hurt it.
  14. Re: Soliloquy and threats My favorite is "I'me going to rip off your arm and beat you to death with the bloody stump." Oh wait. You said villain? Oops that's a hero's quote (just kidding - or am I?)
  15. Re: Hey, that worked pretty good! Afterthought powers that worked well [ I wonder if anyone's ever had a small amount of TK (like 10 STR) work out that well? I bet it would. I had a Character that had 10 str tk vs metal only (magnetism). Really useful for disarmong agents. (guns are normally metal) If the agent held on really tight, he could be lifted than dropped. Worked really well.
  16. Re: need alittle help with a limintation It's probably not there as such. Look under limited power and give about -1/4 or maybe -1/2, depending on severity. Good luck.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A post about my last week's gaming - the Misfit League! (I've been in the hospital for fairly major surgery) A bit a background: Volt 65 year old overwieght lighting (and magnetism) using Energy projector and group leaser male played by the DM (me); Olorin 747 year old male mage played by me- fairly large Vpp; Black Tiger male martial artist played by me. Gem Alien power suit wearer, suit looks male, is female played by a female. Disarray, female mind controler (one command - be confused) and tk user played by female. We just met the Empyrans (spelling) from Hidden Lands and the concept of "Silence". Disarray "I could never be silent." Black Tiger "Olorin, your'e not going to comment?" Olorin "I don't think she's talking about just not talking." Disarray "Well, I don't like the lack of activity, but I really could not be silent." Olorin "Not going to comment. Too smart and haven't lived to 747 years by biting on these lines." Meanwhile Gem, who is a physicist keeps saying "All this science! The learning! They're throwing it away! They're dying as a society!" Volt was very quiet during all this. OOC "Just watching the chaos." Note: I'm playing these roles because they are needed and the players are new. They will get more characters later and some of my characters will be retired.
  18. Re: What's your favorite Champions supplement? Hmmm... Probably Champions 3-d as well follwed by Hidden Lands. Plot threads galore.
  19. Re: WWYCD: Escape Stronghold! Volt - The power they are most likely to overlook is magnetism - it is not yet well known. With careful use, he could get out and free whoever he wanted - maybe. Olorin. - Sheeesh! It's more likely they'd only get one power right - t-port (known for it). Things he could do include, but are not limited to - Desolid, shrinking, mind control, illusions, summoning, dimension travel, time travel (travel to before the cell existed), super strength (not known for that), drain, and more. The guy has a very large VPP and only needs time. This booger would be a pain to contain. Black Tiger. As a martial artist, his only hope is that they overlook the radio planted in his head as he radioes for a breakout. Other than that, he'd be easy to keep in. Futurian - Known for his control of tech. However, that could even covers medieval metal locks. If you used natural materials and no tech, no problem. Other wise they would think that primative tech would do it, and that is not so.
  20. Re: Why don't you play online? I have played online, but prefer face to face for several reasons 1) My schedule is very irregular and I have to contact people about it. Harder to do online. 2) I have found online (offline too, but more common online) "heroes" being anything but when the tone was supposed to be heroic, not villinous. 3) I like to use faces and voices and like to see faces when I do something to boggle minds or impress. I also like to hear the laughter when one of my characters does something outrageous. In other words. I like the face to face interaction. 4) I like non-gaming interactions with my co-gamers: Finding a new place to eat, going to the zoo, etc. (I can just see me with Vitus' player at the hyena cage. "Look! A mate! Oops, that's a rival. Quick, now's the time for your "detonate scrotum" spell.)
  21. Re: WWYC Team Up With? All my characters would go with 1) Green Lantern (any) as a versatile power 2) A batman; they always seem to have a good plan 5) Sapphire (at least she looks good) 6) Hellboy (mystic oriented brick) 7) Martian Manhunter - shapechanger with strength and mind powers. Volt and Futurian, if they couldn't take Olorin along would take 3) Dr Strange 4) Don't know the universe. A Thor if available. If they could take Olorin along 3) Thor. 4) Not sure. Probably a Thing. Black Tiger does not trust mystics too much, could barely take Martian Manhunter. Would be able to take Hellboy as he'd like his attutude. 3) The Thing (similar outlooks) 4) not sure . Olorin 3) Thor "Never hurts to have a god on your side." 4) A Thing Futurian would joke about taking Doctor Destroyer, and if it were a universe ending event may not be joking.
  22. Re: (WWYCD) Wake Up Wanted... Volt, Black Tiger and Futurian would do the best they could given the circumstances. Black Tiger would go so far underground that he'd have to look up to see bottom. He'd be considered very dangerous. Futurian with his tech powers would drive the powers that be up a wall. Volt would do what he could and try not to get caught. Olorin is a different animal. He also could escape to Faerie (or other places) and bring back an army if need be. Also he is a time traveler, so he could go back in time and prevent it from happening in the first place. He would only di this if A) This is putting the timeline the way it is supposed to be. or There was no other way. (he hates time travel and the paradoxes it creates.)
  23. Re: Your FIRST Super Hero Character My first "super hero" was A rip-off (homage?) of King Kong named Bing Bong. I was at most 5. My first true hero was The helper. Created as a deus ex machina only in the seventies. Way too powerful to use as anything else. Would give Q from STNG pause. Would be about 100,00 point cosmic vpp(or more), no control roll in Hero terms. Still pops up every so often, mainly as a mind boggler, not as a solution to problems in campaigns I run. First Hero game super was Volt, lightning energy caster, 65 years old with a big gut on him. (I liked the idea of a non-sleek, non-young hero)
  24. Re: How would Stronghold imprison your character? Volt - Non conductive high ED defenses would do it. Olorin - Lots of luck capturing him in the first place. He has a contingency spell that makes capture almost impossible. If captured and he knew it was immanent, you'd need a mystic to hold him. If not prepared, hot sleep with teleport supress would do it. Black Tiger - Martial artist. Keep his limbs bound with a good def and that would be it. Futurian. - Take his gun away and put him a totally wooden cage with no tech within 100 yards. Otherwise, he gets out. Period.
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