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Lawnmower Boy

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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Cygnia in Coronavirus   
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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Cygnia in Coronavirus   
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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Tjack in Winter Holidays 2021!   
    It happened right after President Biden had his colonoscopy. Between that and the reconstruction bill passing there wasn’t as much dead news time as usual, so the story got swallowed up.  The choices were between two turkeys named (Lords of Kobal, help us.) Peanut Butter & Jelly.  I think Peanut Butter was saved.
      BTW....Happy Thanksgiving folks, I hope this year finds you and your families healthy and happy.
  4. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Duke Bushido in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
    This last couple of years has taught me that I would feel much safer travelling to England, Italy, and France; thank you all the same.
  5. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Cygnia in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Foods for those that just don't care anymore   
    It is also the weapon of choice for Tika in Dragonlance. 

  7. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Pariah in "Neat" Pictures   
    Not without dinner and flowers.
  8. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Lord Liaden in "Neat" Pictures   
    I'm curious as to when the dividing line was between the tree growing that way naturally, and someone deliberately shaping it.
    When I was a child, a tree in my neighborhood park was cut down to a stump due to disease, but a new trunk started growing out of it. Kids started climbing on it after it got large enough, which forced to it to grown leaning toward the side. Eventually the tilt grew so severe that the city had to put posts under the trunk to support it, and sealant to protect exposed roots being dragged out of the ground. The tree became a much-loved local landmark, and a very cool tree to climb on. Sadly it started to break down from its own eccentric weight several years ago, and had to be uprooted. That tree literally marked a half-century of my own life.

  9. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Duke Bushido in In other news...   
    Why not?  It's been flourishing in the FBI and other law enforcement for decades--
    In spite of _repeatedly_ being proven to be a load of crap.
  10. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to BoloOfEarth in The Adventures of "Fish Guy" (Superhero fiction)   
    I agree, nice speech.  
    And loved "China adjacent."
    One minor thing - he effectively checked if all the rookies were in before giving his speech... except Trailblazer.  (Though she did nod after his speech.)  Well, to be fair, the only one he actually asked was Hussar; Bramble insisted and Aspirant volunteered that he was in.
    And Hermit, did it hurt when Slime poked you through the fourth wall like that?   
  11. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Hermit in The Adventures of "Fish Guy" (Superhero fiction)   
    I shouldn't have been surprised that Clamdigger didn't want to talk to me face to face. We'd each exchanged temporary contact information. I say temporary because no way were we letting him have access to a private line for our team, no matter how much Tornado trusted him. And no way was someone as savvy as Clamdigger going to let heroes with access to high technology have a surefire way of tracking him. Also, my nearly choking him unconscious might be good cause for avoiding hand to hand range on his part, no matter how okay he acted about it.
    So we each had our equivalent of a burner phone meets VPN set up, as he gave us the details. 
    "This is Marlowe," I told him.

    "Yeah, heh, Marlowe, news flash for you, got word on Bench," he says "Man's got family problems. He and his wife are separated , have been for over a year now. Sees his kid on holidays, pays the bills for them. She says he's not the same man he was before. Bitter, angry, sometimes prone to fits when he saw a superhero on the news. Sounds interesting huh?"
    "Wait, you didn't put pressure on his wife or kid did you?" I realized even if he had, the man wouldn't likely confess to it.
    "What? Do you know how unsubtle that would be?" He sounded offended all over again, not because it would be morally wrong, but because it would be sloppy,  "No. I pulled favors of my own, and hacked her social media, borrowed her cellphone covertly before returning it, the smart way. Cool your jets, big man."
    "Fine, I apologize for underestimating you.  Where is Doctor Bench living now?" I asked, "His address? Details?"
    "Oh you're going to love this," He told me sounding amused, "Given your gift, Marlowe."
    I rolled my eyes, how much ego was I going to have to pat here? But I stayed cool and said, "Enlighten me, please."
    "He's on a houseboat, at the Marina," Clamdigger informed me, "Isn't that a kick in the pants? Pier 3 at the Crystal Waves Marina , Boat six."
    I had to confess, my hopes went up, "That's like swimming  way past the shore when you know Jaws is pissed at you." 
    "My very thought, I didn't trust it," he tells me, "But I took a look, cleaned the boat..."
    "Wait, you robbed his houseboat?" 
    "You know I'm really tempted to hang up and let Tornado call me back. He respects my that I'm a professional," Clamdigger said all touchy again "Why would I tip off a target by TAKING anything? I did however sort through his stuff, you want to hear what I found or treat me like a teenage shoplifter doing it so his parents will finally notice him?"
    I really needed to talk to Tornado about finding less sensitive scumball informants, "I would love to hear it, please."
    The magic word seemed to work on Clamdigger and he told me "A lot of it was medical mumbo jumbo and science formulas way over my head. But there was a list of villain names, most of them less than top tier, with the words 'viable' or 'not viable' , some of them miscreant auditions who got their asses kicked. Nevermind Geek Elite's little crew."
    "He's going to try to test them to see if he can increase their power," I said "he got a good look at Fumian tech. Heck, he could probably do it now. Why isn't he? Besides the fact we put most of them in jail?" I knew something about the number of partials out there, it wasn't a huge amount, but there was a reason only a few years after the enhancement tech was even selectively leaked that we could field a team of them.
     Well, mostly partials anyway. Who knows how many the government had despite Lady Obsidian's slapping their nose over Valorous' little raid? Man, that felt like forever ago.
    "Out of my league, but I remind you, he's been healing up a lot the talent. But they're all coming back, no guys vanishing while new villains appear. Just healthy."
    I listened to Clamdigger's report, then nodded "How many of the talent work for him?"
    "No one works for Bench, because he's just some doctor. And I can't tell you how many work for the other guy because that would get my ass kicked," He told me.
    Oh for the love of God, I thought.
    But then he went on, "I can tell you that about two dozen guys are looking pretty flush and seem pretty happy with a new job. They have some pretty nice gear, or so they boast. Flashbangs, IR eyewear, protective jammies, and some guns that go zap."
    "Anything else?" I asked.
    "Nah. I don't know  the doc is moonlighting at all. Folks are a lot more tight lipped than that," He informed me, "Normally I try to give the whole package."
    "It's okay," I told him, "Your debt is paid off. Maybe more than paid off. I'll make Tornado knows."
    "My marker has been called and paid, then I'm a happy man," He says.
    And we hung up. I turned to see the crew, "And yes," I held up the tracker, "I know where to find him. At least  I think so, and if you'll forgive me for splitting from you while you saved the city from Miscreant mischief? I'd like your help." 
    "Aspirant  told us how you went super sleuth while we gained the glory," Pogo said, standing near the telepath, "Geez, it's not like we wouldn't have helped you with that too you know? I mean, I can be sneaky. I'm hardly the only teenage Chinese-American in Californian. Ninjas are in my heritage," Her words promising stealth and subtlety did not match the way she tapped and moved about as she talked, "I can be sneaky."
    "Ninjas are from Japan, Pogo," Bramble spoke up, then looked at me, "Do I get in on this? Because I forgive you leaving us out of the know if I get to go along. I'm tired of sitting in the chair. I've studied until I'm feeling brain fried. It's worse than that, actually, I actually do have all these ideas on how to use these plants for creative destruction only now I can't do it."
    Pogo muttered "Well, it's China adjacent" 
    "Your leg?" I pointed out to Bramble, needing little context.
    "Hover cycle cast combo," She countered, "I don't have to get toe to toe to cause some mayhem and I can use some strong reinforcements to protect my leg. Come on."
    Inwardly, I winced. Hovercycles were rare and precious, but she had been scoring well enough on the vehicle classes. I looked over at Valerosa.
    "I think we should let her go," Valerosa decided ,much to Bramble's delight, but not without a proviso, "provided she uses her plants to swing or drag her butt out of there if that hover cycle goes down."
    Bramble made a face, "Yes, ma'am."
    I was very careful not to smirk. Ma'am was almost hardwired into me by my upbringing, Ariana as a California woman equated it with age. I equated it with respect of a woman no matter what her age. But it was funny to know that she'd be muttering about it later when were alone.
    "Hussar, you in?" I told him.
    "I damned well better be, I've worked too hard to improve. No more stupid flashy stunts," He told me.
    "That's a shame, because I may ask you to do a stupid flashy stunt. We're talking Aspirant's gun. You get to carry it," I told him, "Don't fire until we tell you to."
    "Wait, he gets the big gun?" Aspirant protested, "I stole that fair and square."
    "He's strong enough to handle it," I told Aspirant, "And yes, we need it, because it's possible that Ophiotaurus has by now been briefed on our powers and abilities even for you new guys. I want an ace in the hole, and I know one thing about Hussar now, not only is he strong enough," I looked at him, "I trust him to realize what misses the villain may hit something else, and take that into account. He's learned. He deserves the shot."
    Hussar blushed a little, and looked to the side "Don't worry, Aspirant. You'll get it back."
    "I'm a little more confident in my offensive options now anyway," Aspirant admitted, "So, fine. Good luck. And yeah, I am definitely in."
    Viewpoint and Slime watched. Clearly they had figured out that it was the rookies in question.
    "Of course you are," Pogo told him and they held hands, each smiling.
     It looked like the ego bruising he got from her ordering him back to his post had healed up without me, or even my advice.  I glanced at Valerosa ready to see a pleased look of mission accomplished on her features. To my surprise, while she did seem pleased, she gave me a soft head shake and a shrug at my unspoken question.
    This wasn't either of our doing? Huh. What do you know, the universe we were in didn't revolve around either of us; thank god.
    "Yes, of course you are," I told him, and looked over at each, "You have, all of you,  busted your asses. You've put in the work and gotten stronger, more powerful, and most importantly more controlled. Where we saw timidity in some of you, bravado in others, now there is confidence. Some of you thought all you had was a few tricks up your sleeve, now you're learning your power is so much more diverse than you ever dreamed possible. We've tested your mettle, not just in battle where you showed courage under fire,, but in those moments after where you've each seen who you are, seen how far you have to go to be the heroes you WANT to be, and decided 'I can and will do this, not easy, but yeah', I looked at each of them, "Trust me. That is a path filled with pain and struggle. I'm still not there myself after a good head start but I'm closing in on the guy despite a few stumbles. Somewhere your better heroes are ahead. Let's  see if we can introduce some bad guys to them and make those bad guys piss their pants."
    "All right!" Hussar grinned and smacked his right fist into his left open palm.

    Traiblazer, her back straight and proud gave a slow nod. Aspirant puffed up and didn't look silly doing it. And Bramble gave a thumb's up.

    "Bramble, let's get get you in a hover cycle. The rest of you? Follow  your captains," I nodded at my lady lest she think I had neglected her share of the good we'd done. More her doing than mine in some cases.
    "mmph," She put a new communicator in my ear and whispered, "Good speech, lover."

    I blinked at her with my best poker-face, "What speech?"

    She gave me a look as if not sure if I was joking or not, then shook her head and moved on "Remember the new battle codes. If Ophiotaurus  has learned any of the old ones we're going to need them. Got it?"

    "Got it, Cap," Hussar declared. The others affirmed as well.
    Viewpoint looked at Slime, "Not bad huh? You know, considering it was Eel."

    YES, Slime's response played along his surface, IMAGINE WHAT HE COULD DO WITH A BETTER SCRIPT WRITER?
  12. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to mattingly in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
  13. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Starlord in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
  14. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Cygnia in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
  15. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Pariah in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    I fear we may be starting to drift into ad hominem territory. No good end awaits us there.
  16. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Hermit in The Adventures of "Fish Guy" (Superhero fiction)   
    Things both were, and weren't going according to plan. I had a tracker on a camera, but it hadn't gone to base yet. I had feelers out for Bench, but the guy doing it might not have been as warm and fuzzy about being choked as he claimed to be. The miscreants had been dealt with, but I missed 90% of it, and deserted the team, only to have one of the rookies find out why later after I had gotten in the way of yet another. 
    I stared at the tracker, "I guess it will be unreasonable to expect Clamdigger to have all the info within the hour, and the tracker isn't showing any one location that that drone is going to for more than five minutes. That could take hours."
    Mayo and I had gathered under a wharf, to give a bit of a buffer from the louder waves. I do wish one of the seals that hung out nearby would be a bit quieter. Every two minutes he let loose a bark that could shake your ears. He seemed to pay what Mayo and I wanted no mind.  Like me, Mayo wasn't really bothered by the cold of the ocean, so we both were half immersed anyway. It was, kind of soothing, at least for me. Any injuries I had were by now already healed up. Water is kind to me.
    My friend basked a bit  and noted my time keeping guesswork gently, "So we have time. Perhaps you should put that time to good use."
    "You mean , Patrol? No can do. I already nearly lost it on just a regular guy, 'talent' or not, If I met a villain I didn't gauge right in my state of mind I'd risk lack of control even more," I wanted to settle that fast.
    "That's not what I was going to suggest," Mayo told me, " i was going to suggest something much harder while you had time."
    "You want me to get into a staring contest with Viewpoint?" I quipped weakly.
    "Returning to your team is probably the wisest thing you can do, but not the most necessary," He told me, and continued on, "You need to speak to your father and mother.  And perhaps, so do I.  As I said, if Bench is behind this, it is possibly by mystical means he gained even more knowledge. But  that aside, you need to talk to them."
    "Oh hell no," I blurted before I even thought the words. Realizing I had to explain why now, I went on, "My father is a good man, a kind man, but even if he forgives me, especially if he forgives me, I think it's going to hurt all the more. I'd almost rather her chewed me out." No, I realized, no almost about it, I would feel better if he tore me up verbally and spit out the pieces. 
    Unfortunately for me, Mayo didn't confuse his sympathy for me with capitulation, "And yet, we both know you are not one to put your pain before the needs of others. Your father needs to know this  for his own sake, so he can understand why you seem to have withdrawn. Otherwise you are hurting him in ways his ailment cannot."
    I glared at him, "What color is my aura now, when I kind of want to yeet you several miles out into the deep water?"
    "A sort of angry ochre, if you must know," he answered. I had no idea if he was lying or not, "Am I wrong?"
    "No, you're not," I said through gritted teeth, "Hence the ochre." 
    "Then, yeet me, I'll swim back and we can , ritual done, go to your father," A pause, "Ah, what is it to yeet? I mean, I have a notion given context but-"
    I smiled, picked him up, and showed him. I have to say, Mayo was not that aerodynamic. Which is the excuse I'm going to give that he didn't really get 'yeeted' that far. 
    "Not enough spin," I observed sadly.

    He swam back, of course, "You," he informed me, "Are a petty petty man."
    "Yes I am," I smiled, "Don't offer if you don't mean it next time."
    "A truth" he conceded, and we moved along. I did not look forward to seeing dad. I think I must have tried to side track at least four or five times.

    Mayo didn't let me. He used wisdom of the ages, emotional support, and flat out shaming techniques. I honestly think mystics have a 'good? bad? I'm the guy with the staff.' attitude in their approach to problem solving at times. It's irritating, but effective.
    And I certainly wasn't going to go to my folks in a water soaked generic gray costume. Instead, I got into some blue jeans, a pull over shirt and some sneakers. I don't know why I went SO casual, maybe it was that anything formal smacked of funerals. Then again, some in my family would dress in a funeral like that. I guess in the end it's not quite that important.
    I returned to my folks hotel room, and, knocked. Mayo was there, he had dressed in a hoodie which.. helped I suppose, but I still expected someone to bump into him and freak out that we were being invaded. 
    Mom was the one who opened the door. Her eyes locked on me with relief, then hugged me, "Caleb, you came back. Please, you and your friend come here. Airana is already here. She said you'd be here."
    I was confused. How the hell did Ariana know that I'd be here. I didn't even know I'd be here so it couldn't be Aspirant even if he had peeped me. Then I remembered the look between Mayo and him. That conversation they had I wasn't part of. There was more than concern involved.
    "I feel set up," I muttered, hoping I didn't sound like I was whining.
    "Only by those who love you," Ariana said, "Come on in, please. I've been apologizing to your mother for our abrupt departure. She's been most kind."
    "Feeling like a selfish fool more like than kind," Mom admitted as Mayo and I came in and closed the door behind us, "I know you have important life saving work. Not like it's been a secret to us."
    "Super-strength sure is handy for stump removal," My dad said, holding up a shot of bourbon.  It was a bit early for it, but hell, the man had a right to drink whatever he wanted.
    "Ariana, what are you doing here?" I turned to her first, mostly because I worried if I looked straight at dad I might just make a stir as if I were eight years old and not a grown man, "The others need a... well, looking after."
    "They have someone looking after," She replied, then looked at mom and dad before deciding the pretense of secrecy was way past us, "Slime is with them, Viewpoint and Pogo on patrol."
    "Oh," I said, feeling any chance of making a fuss as a delaying tactic dwindling.  I turned to mom and dad, "Well, I'm sorry too."
    "Son, are you okay?" My dad asked, "We saw the Miscreants taken down on the TV. You weren't there, what happened, were you hurt? Some other threat come up?"
    My mouth caught. How do I tell my dad that I am SO close to snapping from bottled self loathing I might kill someone if I slip even a bit? That I almost tortured a guy for information? None of that is how he raised me. I wanted to say words, but nothing came out.
    "Eel," Ariana stepped forward and kissed my cheek, "Chose to work behind the scenes, and Mayo came into help. Our fighting allowed a distraction from his information gathering. Your son is actually rather clever."
    "Oh, lord love a duck," My mom beamed "We know that. Though he could be stubborn about homework if it bored him. Loved him some history, but oh my he didn't care too licks about grammar. " 
    "I didn't like your mother either," Dad turned said to mom at the mention of 'grammar' and we groaned. Dad was Dad joking long before it was a term. 
    He received a light loving swat as was the tradition for mocking grandmother. I shot him a grateful look for trying to lighten the mood. And another to my lady for making it sound like my quitting was a noble deed. It wasn't , but, it was nice to not have to tell dad about my stress. He had enough troubles, obviously. Real troubles.
    Still, it was time to get to things, "Dad. I'm sorry you have cancer, I guess it threw me for a loop when I heard it."
    "You are not alone in that," he assured me, "I feel like I quit smoking for nothing."
    "You smoked?" I was surprised.
    "One of your mother's conditions for our dating. She didn't date smokers," He told me.
    "Ah, so it wasn't for nothing," Ariana corrected my dad, "It was for everything."
    My mom looked over at my Latina lover and gave a slight smile, "If you're trying to use flattery to win me over, it's working."
    A few chuckles , it was so weird they didn't seem to be freaking out the REAL fish guy in the room, the pale one, "Ah, this is my friend Mayo, not sure if I introduced him. He's .. he's possibly my best friend . He's helped me through all this. We've been in the deep together. In every sense of the word."
    "Pleasure to meet you, Mayo," My dad said.
    "I am honored to meet you both as well, " Mayo told them, "Your son is a true hero, and I am pleased you realize this as your auras light with pride."
    "Mayo," I hissed as my father actually looked a bit sheepish, "No announcing emotions to the room. It's rude."
    "And yet surfacers invented opera," Mayo said, then turned to my dad again, "I am sorry, Mister Lambert if  I over stepped."
    "Quite all right," he nods "Just ah, don't open your yap when I watch my wife bend over."
    Okay NOW Mom was blushing. Dad got another light swat that wouldn't dislodge a fly.
    They were chuckling, laughing, light banter, all so happy while the weight of my guilt became heavier and heavier.
    It just suddenly slipped out, "We had the cure for cancer a few years ago and then had to give it up. I'm so sorry. I think I made the wrong choice." I wasn't crying but my voice choked a bit.
    And everyone grew really quiet.
  17. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Hermit in The Adventures of "Fish Guy" (Superhero fiction)   
    In the next hour and a half, I went to the bathroom enough times you'd have thought I had a bladder problem. Dad? Dad only went once, but he did point out he'd have a lot to drink. Mom rolled her eyes at both of us, and Ariana joined her in that. The fact that my mother and the woman I wanted to marry were surreptitiously forming some kind of alliance  gave me mixed feelings but mostly a profound hope they used this power only for good.
    Ariana and I, and to a lesser degree, Mayo, all talked about past adventures though we gave away no secret identities. Mom and dad had opinions, of course, supportive, though they couldn't help but chuckle at a few of my exploits that went into the realm of the absurd. Dad had at least three food jokes about the giant chicken incident. 

     I insisted on hearing how family was doing, which took longer than you might think as even second cousins got a brief mention but my focus was on my siblings and I went back to them.
    "Wait, the twins aren't going by their names anymore?" I backtracked a bit, "you're kidding right?"
    "Nope. They're each pushing for a nick names that aren't 'embarrassing'. I blame your father," My mom shook her head.
    "Now, Rhonda," My father chided mom, "It was Summer when the first one came out, Autumn when the next one did."
    "Midnight births between the last day of Summer and the first day of Autumn," I explained context to Ariana, "Which is how Summer and Autumn got their names. One born right before the flip, the other right after."
    Ariana's hand went to her mouth to stifle a laugh, and having done that followed with "I'm sorry, but I could see why your daughters might rebel a touch. You let you husband choose you say?"
    "I was under enough drugs during the delivery to lay an elephant out," My mom explained, "I would have agreed to a lot of things.  Good thing he didn't want a new truck that week."
    My father snapped his fingers as if lamenting the long ago missed opportunity.
    I was about to ask what names the twins decided were acceptable, when the tracker in my pocket beeped. I slid it out, then took what I meant to be a brief peek , The camera hadn't just moved, it had settled at a particular location for over a half hour. This might be the opening I was hoping for.
    Ariana noticed it, and looked at me, then said gently, "We can take it from here, Caleb. You stay with your family for a bit. No one would blame you."
    "Indeed," Mayo agreed with a slow nod, "You have planted the seeds of success, no harm in letting others take the harvest, my friend."
    Mom and dad? Well, they looked a bit confused and dad flat out asked, "Something hero-y come up?"
    "Kind of," I started to hedge, then shifted gears, "Yes. I think I found the bad guy who has been working behind the scenes. The one I wonder if he, somehow got my secret Identity down and gave you cancer. Maybe he didn't. Either way he might not be in his right mind. I'm worried I'll kill him if  I fight him," I admitted to them.
    "Oh you'd never kill a man," My mother protested before anyone else could say anything, "Caleb, you're the same boy who cried when that turtle got hurt by traffic."
    I didn't have the heart to tell mom that turtle getting hit by traffic was way too close to the loss of a brother. Then again, maybe she did understand. She and dad had lost a son. I had always blamed myself for not being able to do anything to stop that. Now I wondered how much guilt mom and dad still carried over that loss? Clearly the Lambert family line had a history of keeping our baggage with us long past it's time.
    Ariana however was asking "Wait, he cried over a turtle's death?"
    "Gave the poor thing a funeral," My dad nodded to her, "Played Amazing Grace on harmonica."
    Ariana smiled at that, then gave me a fond look, but then forced herself back to super-heroic professionalism, "Stay with your family. Nobody on the team would disagree with your right to it give, well," She shot my dad an apologetic look, then continued "your family crisis on top of everything else."
    "I have to call Clamdigger," I told her, "use the number he gave me, see what he learned."
    "You can pass that onto me," My co-captain pointed out, logic on her side.
    "Well, I'd welcome him staying, prefer if he did, but I stand by what I said," Mother's voice was full of confidence, "My boy doesn't kill."
    "Least not if he has any other way out," My dad added but despite the proviso, he too sounded certain in his faith of me. 
    Mayo tilted his head, as if sensing more. Damn aura reading mystics, "You are torn."
    "On one hand, I'm not as confident in myself," I told him, "As mom and dad are that I won't slip and use too much force.  On the other, I'm worried if I sit this one out, I'll never want to stand up again."
    My mom said "Would that be so bad, not being a superhero? A civil engineer could save a lot of lives if he used his skills proper."
    "That is so," My father agreed, but where mom looked okay, MORE than okay, with the idea of abandoning my life as Eel, dad looked troubled. At times like this, I wish I could read minds or see auras. I didn't know what was going on in his head or heart, or soul for that matter. But I could take a wild guess. Dad was a big fan of seeing what you started through. More than that, where as mom saw Eel as me being brave but at risk, I think Dad understood it was part of who I truly was. That it was my calling.
    "I've learned, with the help of Lady Obsidian and a certain other lady" I told them with a glance at Ariana, before focusing on my parents again, "That me as Caleb is still a decent man, with plenty to offer the world even without his powers," I realized I was speaking of myself in the third person and inconsistently at that, course corrected, and pushed ahead, "But I love being a superhero. I think I'm good at it. And I don't WANT to sit on the sidelines." 
    "Sounds settled then," My dad gave a single curt nod, then rose to  move to me. I thought he seemed a bit shaky. My imagination? or the illness inside of him? Either way, make it to me he did, and looked me square in the eyes, "Caleb, go finish this. If this man is sick in the head, he needs help. If he is choosing to do these things while sane, he needs to be stopped and arrested."
    "Dad, what if I slip? Lose it?" I asked.
    "Then SHE," He looked over at Ariana "Will stop you. Won't you young lady?"
    Ariana took a deep breath, "I would."
    My mom nodded her approvingly, then nodded to  me approvingly as well, and I got the feeling the approval for each of us meant slightly different things.
    "Thank you, Ariana," My dad expressed his gratitude before turning to me, "One more thing to set your mind at ease, Caleb, since you think you need it," he cleared his throat, "If you kill this bad guy who may have given me cancer without letting ME have a chance to lay a punch on him, you and I will have a coming to Jesus meeting for the ages, you ken me?"
    "I ken you, dad," I smiled weakly, drew my breath in. Doubts would remain, but they'd have to move to the side while I focused on what mattered, in the here and now, "Mom, Dad. I love you. I'll be back when this is done."
    "Godspeed, son," Mom said.
    "Kick ass, take names," Dad gave his own blessing.
    I looked at Ariana and Mayo, "Let's roll," I told them, "We have leads to follow."
    "Together," Ariana added, making a point of it to me. 
    "Yes, Co-Captain," I responded dutifully, not adding that without her, I'd be a far bigger mess than I was. I opened the door for her, and followed. 
    Behind me, Mayo muttered just loud enough to be heard, "The strands are closing, wonder what the final pattern will be?"
    I wish mystics wouldn't talk like that.
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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
    Turns out I'm a cat. 

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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Cygnia in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Logan D. Hurricanes in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
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    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Cygnia in Funny Pics II: The Revenge   
  25. Like
    Lawnmower Boy reacted to Lord Liaden in Marvel Cinematic Universe, Phase Three and BEYOOOOONND   
    I also have to say that, as a reinterpretation of comic-book lore, the cinematic Ten Rings are the most original, imaginative, and aesthetically beautiful example I've ever seen.
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