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Doc Shadow

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Everything posted by Doc Shadow

  1. I've got a better idea. Buy him off. The only thing Trumpy Dumpty loves more than himself is money. So here's the deal: Trump agrees to fire Pence, appoints an intelligent, moderate Republican as Vice President (Colin Powell would be a good choice), as soon as he's confirmed by the Senate Trump resigns. Two months after leaving office $50 billion is deposited in Trump bank account, and the investigation is put on permanent hold as long as he stays out of politics. Might have to give him $100 billion, but we'll start with 50. He can say he had no idea being president was so difficult (probably true) as a way of saving face. It's a lot of money but to get rid of Trump, I think it's worth it. Got this idea from an episode of The West Wing.
  2. I recall an rpg based on the comic back in the 90s called Superbabes. Unfortunately it's next to impossible to find these days. I checked, ebay has two copies. The cheaper one is $195. No way can I afford it. Bummer. I'll take a 35 mile drive up to the nearest FLGS and see if they have it in the used game box but the odds are very long against it.
  3. Just finished watching The Shadow again. I so wish that this had been a success at the box office. It's one of my favorites.
  4. Green Lantern's Power Ring, you can do anything with it if your will is strong enough. Breakfast Beatdown: French Toast vs Waffles vs Pancakes
  5. Swashbucklers was the name of the pirate genre book for GURPS.
  6. What I don't understand is how anyone can consider this man a good businessman. Good businessmen don't file bankruptcy. They're smart enough not to overextend themselves and get in trouble in the first place. It's one of the things that makes them 'good' businessmen.
  7. The Island of Jersey. It doesn't have Christie as governor. Old TV Crushes: Barbara Eden vs Elizabeth Montgomery
  8. Lenin. Lenin really believed, Stalin was just an opportunistic dick with a meanstreak. Old Sci Fi Series: A. Bertram Chandler's John Grimes series vs Poul Anderson's Dominic Flandry series
  9. https://www.facebook.com/RBReich/posts/1655037197842203?pnref=story
  10. Justice League: War and Green Lantern: First Flight To be honest I preferred the later. Almost everyone in JL:W was a complete dick, the only ones who weren't were Batman (which is quite a switch) and Flash.
  11. The Warner siblings would drive Darkseid absolutely insane. High Seas Combat: KMS Bismarck vs USS Iowa
  12. I wrote a bit of Star Trek fanfic if anyone's interested. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/5509358/1/Business-as-Usual
  13. This isn't just any Marvel character though. This is Spider-man, Marvel's flagship character.
  14. I do. They were expecting $500 million+ domestically. They'll be lucky if they get 400. And this is the first part of a trilogy. It's not good to under-perform right out of the gate. I think they're quite disappointed.
  15. The thing is I also had a bit of a crush on Nancy Barrett who played the part of Carolyn on TV in the 60s/70s. Although I'll admit that Chloe did the best she could.
  16. I have to say I'm really pleased with the idea of Michelle Pfeiffer as the Wasp. But I'll admit that I've had a bit of a crush on her for decades. She was, hands down, the best thing in that horrid Dark Shadows abomination that Tim Burton threw up.
  17. I think they're also sick of Spider-man in high school. I know I am. The comic has been published for 55 years, the character left high school a bit over two years into those 55 years. Let the man grow up for god's sake! Even Robin was allowed to grow up, why not Spider-man?
  18. On the negative side Spider-man Homecoming only took in 22 million, That brings its total domestic box office a bit over $250 million with the vast majority of that coming in the first week. No legs on this one.
  19. Over the last couple of weeks I've watched the MCU dvds from CA:TWS on. Followed by the Dollars Trilogy, watched The Good the Bad and the Ugly last night. Not sure what's on for tonight. Oh before the MCU movies I watched all of Daniel Craig's James Bond movies.
  20. Yondu was good, but Rocket was better. Old Names but New Heroes: Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan) vs Spider-man (Miles Morales)
  21. And Loki apparently has not backslid into pure villainy again. Looking forward to seeing how this all plays out.
  22. I watched this live on TV 48 years ago. How many of you old farts did as well?
  23. Since you've excluded politics I make this about hair. Hot Redheads vs Blue-haired Little Old Ladies No Contest: The Redheads win! Old School Champions Characters: Seeker vs Gyro Jim
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