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Darren Watts

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Everything posted by Darren Watts

  1. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive OK, guys, one more time- orders are *still* going out. It doesn't mean we hate you, it means this ship-out was about six times larger than any we've ever done before. We apologize for the time it's taken, but sniping at us here isn't making it go any faster. dw
  2. Re: A Storeowner's First Impression We take everybody's advice seriously, which doesn't mean we necessarily agree with it all. We're quite happy with the appearance of 6th Ed, and hope that any who aren't will perhaps be satisfied with the cover art scheduled to appear on Champions (and all non-"core rules" books), which is done by a fairly well-known comics artist and looks fab. dw
  3. Re: Lucha Libre convention game! Quackenbush wrestles in New York a lot- I saw him at the Lucha Va Voom show last month. He's really very good. dw
  4. Hey guys! Got room for another regular playtester, playing (currently) Golden Age Champs in Manhattan Tuesday nights starting around 7. As always, Hero playtesters do get their products from us directly at half off, as well as the odd other minor perk. If you're available and interested, drop me a line. dw
  5. Re: Lucha Libre: El Vetica I think we may have finally found a luchador character my wife can play. dw
  6. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive I'm not sure anything would make this go faster, guys- please bear with us, it's our largest ship-out in over four years. dw
  7. Re: Lucha Libre convention game! A brief recommendation and plug for people thinking about running Lucha con games- many short Pulp adventures can easily be luchafied by changing the locale, adding more wrestling and removing half the sense. Like, for example, those found in Thrilling Hero Adventures. I've luchafied a couple of those to pretty well-received effect. dw
  8. Re: [Lucha Libre Hero] How do you kick out of a cover? An additional thought occurs to me- if you want the kickout to be more representative of the "indomitability" of the victim, you might tie the kickout to a CON or EGO roll, so only the toughest (mentally or physically) are capable of it. EGO might be better if you want this to be primarily a feature of tecnicos, as even the most monstrous rudos typically have low EGO. dw
  9. Re: [Lucha Libre Hero] How do you kick out of a cover? First off, I wouldn't worry about the exact count off of a three-second pin in segments- no referi ever actually counts exactly three seconds. My off-the-cuff judgment would be that an attempted pin triggers a strength-vs.-strength contest with the pin-ee, regardless of whether he has a held action or not, and that to further duplicate the likelihood of successfully kicking out, ties go to the pin-ee. Kicking out doesn't take an action, therefore. However, if the wrestler being pinned is knocked out, he doesn't get a kickout. Depending on how long you want fights to last, you can decide Stunned opponents also don't get a kickout, but that will make pinfalls much more common in most campaigns. OTOH, if you want kickouts to be as common as they are in WWE-style fights, you might even award a STR *bonus* to the guy being pinned, so that actual pinfalls are rare compared to the number of attempts. dw
  10. Re: And 6e print books start to arrive Doesn't matter what day during Gencon you placed the order, those all came home together. All the Gencons were I believe at the front of the line, though, followed immediately by e-store preorders. It's much more about where you live, though- after all, UPS only picks up once a day, so if your order got boxed at 10 am or 4 pm it's going on the same truck. dw
  11. Re: All Books In Warehouse: APG, Both 6th Ed Archer has the truth of it. I will note that if that's the Gator in California, they're at least pretty close to both our warehouse and their main distro, so travel time should at least be short. dw
  12. Re: Hero Podcast: What Would You Like To Hear? That would be a neat feature, and if we did this I think we'd want to take advantage of the rare occasions Hero's staff assembles in one place; February could be Live From Dundracon, June Live From Origins and August Live From Gencon. Heck, March or April could be Live From GAMA and give Steve a month off, while that show's features would likely be more industry and marketing oriented (and more likely to have special guest stars, like Hero licensees or something.) dw
  13. Re: 6th Ed Source Book for Champions Online Champions Online: the Roleplaying Game comes out next Spring. dw
  14. Hey gang! We're considering the possibility of setting up some sort of regular Hero podcast, currently considering a monthly-ish schedule of maybe a half-hour show or so. *If* we were to do such a thing, what sort of features would make it appealing enough for you to listen regularly, pass it on to all your friends, etc.? Would you want a regular host, other than myself and/or Steve? Would you want some or all of the following "regular features?" Talks about rules, genres, specific settings? Interviews with freelancers (ADs, writers, artists, and whatnot?) "Inside Baseball"-type information about the behind-the-scenes work of making Hero products? Interviews with retailers, distributors, convention-puter-oners, etc.? Interviews with quality Hero GMs about what they do, how and why? Interviews with Jason and Tina about proper windmill installation in the high desert? What other elements of a good podcast are necessary? Do we need an awesome new theme song? Is half an hour a month too little, too much, or some non-euclidean combination of both? Would an interesting, in-depth discussion of a new title (or heck, an old one) *actually* make you more likely to buy it? (This operation would cost money, after all!) If this is something you want to see happen, now's the time to register your opinions! dw
  15. Re: Where oh Where has Storn Gone? I can only assume he's crazy busy right now, since he had to turn us down for work on Ultimate Base. dw
  16. Re: Hero System Basic Rulebook 6th Ed is up for preorders! Oh, crap. Hang on. dw
  17. Re: Hero System Basic Rulebook 6th Ed is up for preorders! Vote EBF! 'Cause Steve Long Said So, That's Why! dw
  18. Re: Hero System Basic Rulebook 6th Ed is up for preorders! I'm not entirely sure what this means, but I'm pretty sure Effects-Based Fascism is a political party with some potential, and wish to subscribe to your newsletter. dw
  19. Just received today my courtesy "rush ship" boxes of 6th Edition- six copies of volume 1 and 8 of volume 2. The top copy in each box has a little bit of corner scrunching from being jostled- we'll have to watch out for that. But the binding and paper look gorgeous, and the cover colors pop fabulously. (A bit of trivia- Fred tells me that the pantone shades for the cover were based on the flag of the Democratic Republic Of The Congo, on the assumption that flag color combinations were a good idea for a book designed to stand out on a shelf from across the room. So there.) dw
  20. http://kotaku.com/5356091/pc-sales-charts-they-are-the-champions-my-friends dw
  21. Re: If you haven't seen this... And hey, while I'm at it... http://popwatch.ew.com/2009/09/02/ew-picks-todays-best-in-pop-culture-12/ dw
  22. http://www.ctrlaltdel-online.com/comic.php?d=20090902 dw
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