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Darren Watts

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Everything posted by Darren Watts

  1. Re: One Last 6E Preview: The Covers! While I appreciate everybody offering their opinions, I should point out these *are* the covers. The books are already being printed. And after eight years of success, we're not interested in changing the brand identity represented by the graphic hexman cover. Trust me, those of you looking for fancypants cover art will be extremely satisfied with the actual genre books. But the rules books will remain graphic. dw
  2. Re: Sixth Edition Showcase #6: Defense Powers Only on our boards can a free preview make so many people upset. C'mon, people, it's Shark Week! Lighten up! dw
  3. ...is up for preview: http://atomicovermind.com/blog/ dw
  4. Re: Lucha Libre Hero RPGNet review by James Gillen here: http://www.rpg.net/reviews/archive/14/14396.phtml The executive summary? "The HERO System. Severe alcohol abuse. Two great tastes that taste great together. I think." Also: "You know how people say, “HERO System's OK, I guess, but it's too dry and technical”? And then some other people say, “You know it would be really great if they summoned Hunter S. Thompson from the dead and got him to write a Hero Games sourcebook”? Lucha Libre HERO is for those people."
  5. Re: Coming Soon From Hero and Atomic Overmind: Day After Ragnarok, The Hero Edition The snake brings the awesome, yes, but I love the little details. President Earl Warren is struggling to keep the US together despite Texas seceding and Utah half out the door. Stalin's Man-Apes threaten the world's security, and Deros are building death-rays in the Colombian jungles, and a modern-day Thoth-Amon is rising to power in Egypt in the shadow of a hundreds-of-miles-high snake corpse. Plus references to Dr. Who, Quatermass, Steve Canyon and piles of other pulpy hooks for GMs to get their hooks into. dw
  6. Re: Preview/Teaser Videos Has everyone seen Gamephil in the Lemuria video? Looks just like him, doncha think? dw
  7. Please check out this fine press release from our buddies over at AO: http://atomicovermind.com/blog/ dw
  8. Re: Lucha getting the love... I hope he didn't miss his additional appearances as an example in the rules portion- pp. 204 and 208, IIRC. dw
  9. "For my money, the single best new game at the show (Origins) was Darren Watts and Jason Walters’ Lucha Libre Hero, which is even better than it sounds."- Ken Hite, Out Of The Box, 7/3/09
  10. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. The piece is actually of my GA playtest group. Clockwise from the top, it's Guardian Angel, Raven, Tarot, Justice, Crimson Palm and Doc Rocket. (And no, I didn't commission it, though I think it's awesome- one of the players did.) A great band of heroes, if I say so myself. dw
  11. Re: Book Of The Machine Available I'm still waiting for my non-advance copies to make it out here, but Jason sez they look fine, and the Cryptic guys sounded very happy with theirs. Except for the customs delay (which was largely out of their control- they could have communicated a couple of things quicker, but we think we've solved that), we're so far very happy with this printer, and we've given them the 6E contract. dw
  12. Hey all! Just a heads-up- the Lucha Hero shipment finally arrived in Nevada today, and apparently a sizable portion of it (still working out the details) is printer-defective- misbound pages, covers stacked while still damp and therefore stained and spotted, etc. We're working out the details now, but a whole bunch of these will need to be redone, and that's going to take some time even if the printer in question hops to and starts fixing things immediately. We're figuring out now how many of these are actually in salable condition, but it doesn't look like a large number, so we don't know how many preorders we'll be able to fill out of this batch. We'll keep you informed as we find out more. This obvious rudo sabotage will not go unpunished! dw
  13. Re: Thrilling Hero Adventures PDF In Store Prolly 2-3 weeks. It's printing in Canada right now. dw
  14. Re: Lucha Libre Hero Plot Threads The PDF is for sale right now, here and at your more discerning online storefronts across the web. The hard copies leave Canada tomorrow, barring any further rudo trickery, and should show up in the warehouse in about a week. dw
  15. Re: Pulp Lucha Lucha is a very Pulpy "genre." Mil Mascaras' "origin" is basically the same as Doc Savaqge's, and El Santo regularly traveled to strange lands to deal with pulp menaces (in Vs. Los Cazadores de Cabezas (Santo vs. The Headhunters), he even treks into a jungle in full-on Marlon Perkins gear to rescue a princess from being sacrificed by tribesmen and on the way has to fight an alligator and a leopard. And don't get me started about "El Santo vs. Blue Demon In Atlantis.") dw
  16. Hey all! As most of you know, Andy Mathews' passing last year left both an enormous hole in our hearts and an equally large one in our company. For the last several months we've been talking to a trio of excellent candidates to replace him as Hero's Art Director, and we're happy to announce... well, that we liked all three very much and want to keep working with all of them! Fred Hicks, who finished Book Of Dragons and then did the forthcoming Book Of The Machine for us, will be handling the AD chores for the 6th Edition Hero System core rulebooks. Many of you will know him for the fabulous products he does for his own companies, Evil Hat Productions (like Don't Rest Your Head and Spirit Of The Century) and One Bad Egg, makers of fine 4th Edition D&D PDF support material. He'll be sort of "first among equals" for the ADs and will be putting his practiced eye to work helping develop the look of the overall line. Bill Keyes, everybody's favorite bunneh and AD for the forthcoming Lucha Libre Hero, and Scott Heine, whose art has graced a pile of Hero products going back to the early days and who is currently Art Directing the forthcoming Thrilling Hero Adventures tome, will also both be sticking around to do additional projects for us in the future. Both have also done tremendous jobs and we look forward to showing off their work to you shortly! Clearly, the job of AD'ing for all of Hero's exciting new stuff coming in the near future was too much for one man, but these three talented stalwarts are together more than up for the job! Thanks and congrats to all three, for making the job of choosing between you too hard for us! dw
  17. Re: Lucha Hero The pic is from Mil Mascaras' new movie, "Resurrection." Apparently, at the climax of the flick, an Aztec Mummy breakout occurs, and Mil has to put out a four-alarm call to every other luchador he can find (including a few Americans, like Harley Race for no reason but sheer awesomeness.) I'm still waiting for this to screen somewhere close enough for me to see it- it's still on the festival circuit and not yet on DVD though it came out in '07. dw
  18. http://ogrecave.com/interviews/random_darren_lucha_hero.shtml Alan asks me six questions about Lucha Hero. dw
  19. Hey gang! You can go hear me yammer on about 6th Ed and Champs Online at http://ogrecave.com/newsupdate/?p=34 with the ineffable Alan Sugarbaker. Soon there will be a separate interview with me about Lucha Hero there as well, I'm told. dw
  20. Hey all! Let's do that thing we do, tonight at 9 pm EST in the chat room! dw
  21. Re: Sneak Preview Indeed. Ken's words, Hal's layout stylings, and my translations of everything into Hero from the crazy moon language of Savage Worlds rules Ken's writing the thing in. dw
  22. Re: Sneak Preview More info there today- what possibly could all this mean? dw
  23. Hey all! If you enjoyed Adventures Into Darkness (and seriously, if you haven't even checked it out by now, you're clearly not one of the Cool Kids), then you'll be excited to hear that the same band of idiots are working on a brand new product, called The Day After Ragnarok. Check out Atomic Overmind's site for a sneak peek, and check back periodically to see what this awesome new setting will be all about: http://atomicovermind.com/blog/ dw
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