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Darren Watts

HERO Member
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Everything posted by Darren Watts

  1. Re: Lucha Libre? I think I'm totally going to write this up. I don't think I'll keep quite the same plot- rather, I'd probably have it take place on Earth-L, the parallel world where everybody's a luchador instead of a superhero. Otherwise, the adventure becomes about changing the universe back, and I think everybody can agree that Earth-L is in fact far superior to the regular DC universe. So who's in the Liga Injusticiero? Luthor, obviously, and El Payaso (Joker), Grodd, Cheetah. Manta Negra so Aquaman has something to do. What GL or Manhunter villains are easily or interestingly luchafied? dw
  2. Re: Is Defender the new Seeker? The actual answer to all this, of course, is that like Seeker (and, frankly, Nighthawk) before him, Defender is just fun to draw. So if you're picking a hero to be shown getting clobbered by a bad guy in a description (and the art specs for a book are more likely to specify the villain in the shot than the hero), you pick the guy you feel like drawing that day. (Plus, specifically in Defender's case, we have several free shots of him generated by Cryptic themselves.) dw
  3. So how about it? Put a review on your favorite other site and link to it here! Thanks! dw
  4. Re: Product Unavailable See, I hear this occasionally from retailers and fans, and I'm honestly at a loss as to what to do about it, because it's simply not true. Diamond, Alliance, ACD, Lion Rampant, Warpath, etc., etc. all carry our line. Who are these suppliers who don't have our products? Please get me some specifics- if any store doesn't have an easy way to get our products otherwise for whatever reason, they can very simply send us an order by phone or email. Somebody somewhere is dropping the ball or telling tales. dw
  5. Re: Product Unavailable Hero products are available from all major distributors. Who does he use that's having so much trouble? Also, retailers can order directly from us. Honestly, we're not that hard to find. dw
  6. Re: Fantasy Hero 6th book question Umm, not in fact the case, but I think we used a printer that was just as good. (6ths were printed in Hong Kong, Fantasy in Canada.) dw
  7. Re: (Gencon) Win A Dream Date With Hero!!!! A few years ago Jason and I were tossed out of I&J for wearing Lucha masks on the dance floor while being rowdy with Marcelo and that crowd. Turned out Indianapolis has anti-mask laws dating back to the Klan days- the whole town frowns on incognito partying. Must have been one of those rare nights you went to bed early. dw
  8. Re: (Gencon) Win A Dream Date With Hero!!!! I foresee another night of getting thrown out of Ike & Jonesy's in our future, especially now that I know who won. dw
  9. Re: (Gencon) Win A Dream Date With Hero!!!! Well, somebody won, with a winning bid of a ridiculous $125.50. Bigby, was that you? For that kind of cash, we're going to have to be extra-special entertaining; I'm guessing the Ennies will just be the beginning of the evening. dw
  10. Yes, Hero is once again participating in the silliness that is the Ennies promotions. Their fundraising for the award show includes the opportunity to bid on the right to join Hero games at the pre-show cocktail party (along with a couple dozen other industry luminaries), and sit with us at our reserved table for the show itself. Now, that might not sound like much to you- frankly, it doesn't sound like much to us either. So we're sweetening the pot by throwing in a $50 booth gift certificate and a collection of various other freebies (hats, pins, whatever else we can find lying around.) Furthermore, we're bringing an extra lucha mask to the show, so if Lucha Hero does win, you can come up on stage with Jason and me masked and accept the award with us! Come on, admit it, you've always wanted to do that. So head on over here and start bidding! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180535777068 dw
  11. Re: The Hero System is bland and over complicated Yup. dw
  12. Re: Question about the Beastiary $34.99 for the hardcopy, and I believe approximately $24.99 for the PDF, and we don't have a printer drop date yet but it should be in the next 7-10 days. dw
  13. Re: Lucha Libre? "All combat" levels and DCs do apply to using lucha-appropriate weapons (admittedly a large and varied class, but probably could be further limited- El Zorro might use a wooden sword as part of his shtick, but I'd likely rule that it didn't count as a lucha weapon for anybody else who might pick it up.) dw
  14. Re: Lucha Libre? Weapon Shot is a specific ability, either you have it or you don't. Ordinary use of "Lucha Weapons" only adds the damage appropriate for the specific weapon, which frequently means the GM must decide what's appropriate- maybe +2d6 for a belt or concealed brass knuckles, +3d6 for a trash can or folding chair, and +4 or 5d6 for putting your opponent through a table or piledriving him with a referi? This sounds like a need for one of Jason's PDF-extra products he keeps threatening to make- a table of damage and CV bonus/penalties for anything a luchador might find to hand to pummel his opponent with! Anyhoo, thanks for the high-quality con representation and report, Jed! Sounds like a blast! dw
  15. Hey guys! Just on general principle I'd like to take this moment to pimp Green Lake Games, friends of Hero who happen to have piles of our stuff for sale and certainly deserve a shot at your patronage (and who would very much like to get some Hero gaming going on in their store!) Here's the vitals: Green Lake Games 7509 Aurora Ave. N. Seattle, WA 98103 (206) 922-3146 Hours: M 12-6 T 12-5 W 12-11 T 12-5 F 12-6 S 10-8 S 11-8 Later hours can be arranged for gaming! Tell 'em Darren sent ya! dw
  16. Re: Lucha Libre? I've also found that several of Steve's "Hero Plus" pulp adventures translate over to Lucha for con games very easily, usually just by changing names and locations and adding a fistful more aztec mummies for seasoning. dw
  17. Re: The Secret Crisis Hi Mangle! Alas, it's just a bit of a joke- the Secret Crisis Of Infinite Wars was an "event" in my home campaign, where the players got to bring in a ridiculous number of additional characters from pretty much anywhere they wanted as part of a big multiversal epic/spoof. As I recall, Dr. Who was one of the primary organizers of the good guys, notable guest stars with lots of face time included Sherlock Holmes, Gene Simmons, Flash Gordon, Godzilla and Terminator, and several players played either ancestors or descendants of the characters they were playing at the time. Great fun, but nothing that could ever be remotely publishable. However, if you want to run a "Secret Crisis" style game of your own, the book Reality Storm offers a pretty effective framework (as it's a scenario that crosses over the Champions Universe with that of the Silver Age Sentinels game by Guardians Of Order.) dw
  18. Re: Champions movie Actually, no. I just felt that the dude didn't seem like the kind of guy who would stick with a team for very long, and wanted to reflect the idea that "things had happened" since the first CU book was written. He's still in the universe. dw
  19. Re: What published adventures are there for Champions? Probably not, though obviously supers sells better than pulp in general. Ask us again in a couple of years if we actually have enough of them. dw
  20. Re: What published adventures are there for Champions? Everything said so far in this thread is true. However, we are discussing the possibility of expanding the HPA line to include more than pulp stuff in the future, and a few supers stories might eventually make their way into the lineup... dw
  21. Re: Champions 6e G-A, what's your concern about the binding? So far, we not only haven't had complaints, but we've gotten many positive comments about it, so I'm curious if you might have gotten a faulty copy... dw
  22. If somehow you've managed to avoid picking up Lucha Libre Hero fever, well, then you're probably not the sort of person who would be swayed by a rave review from the ineffable Ken Hite. But just in case you might be, here's one: http://www.indiepressrevolution.com/outofthebox/2010/03/10/%C2%BFque-es-un-libro-genero-perfecto/ dw
  23. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition FWIW, we sold the crap out of these at Dundracon. It's a good-looking book, and browsers seemed impressed. dw
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