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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. Saw it. He rants about liking Last Jedi, but I disliked that it seemed a deconstruction of the Star Wars mythos. I thought this was fun, an excellent homage to ROTJ and brought many stories to an end. Kylo's story was very much Anakin's repeated. Rey was very much Luke.
  2. Don't say that in Scotland, or Ireland where someone can hear you.
  3. If you want to watch another example of Bogey playing a character going through a mental breakdown, watch The Caine Mutiney. Another great movie with a great cast.
  4. I have played all 3 games and read all the books. really looking forward to watching this. glad to hear so far is good.
  5. That's where I get that maybe instead of doing the godlike being of power, switch him back to the jounalist first, superhero second character. You could even back down his power level some (maybe close to Shazam's). I would LOVE to see them do a movie where most of it he and Lois are actually doing the work of reporters. His advantages just adding to it, especially as she knows who he is. Part of the "Women First" pendulum swing, to me, is that they took that away from him and made it so Lois is that and he just rescues her. Even Reeves did some of it. the Lois and Clark show was really good at it. It would even allow you to cut down on costs, if he wasn't having to be Superman for 75% of the movie. You could use Intergang (I do not want to see a Lex Luthor again for a bit) as a villain. On a different tack, I am avoiding the Crisis thread, as I plan to record and binge watch it, but one thing that hit me. If you combine all the "universes" including Black Lightning (though stories say that one won't be there), how does the DEO, Argus and ASA settle who has jurisdictions.
  6. I thought this was an excellent post written by one of the guys who does Star Power. and this seems the most appropriate spot for it. https://starpowercomic.com/recognizing-superman/ I would add would love to see the investigative journalist combo of Lois and Clark also.
  7. Could be they are trying to piggy back on the name recognition, as Max Lord appeared in Supergirl last season, so they figure people know the name. So maybe Max Lord in name only.
  8. I would love to see them introduce Cheetah as normal for most the movie and set her up as the villain in the third movie after showing her friendship with Diana. I suspect we will get half a movie of friendship and they will use the artifact that Max is using to transform her.
  9. Saw Knives Out. Good classic whodunnit. some really good red herings. Cast is excellent and is done by Rian Johnson.
  10. I still think Rey is a Skywalker. Her parentage was still never really answered. Of course, neither was Snoke or any other questions left open after the first of these movies as the people in charge really appeared to want to deconstruct the entire thing.
  11. gonna be interesting this weekend for national championship. If LSU beats Georgia, i think Georgia out (LSU could stay top 4 if that loss as only loss). so, if you say Georgia drops out. number 5 utah plays 13 oregon in pac 12 championship and 6 oklahoma plays 7 Baylor in their championship.
  12. My problem wasn't the slow crawl of ships, its that they established at the end that if they had moved everyone (there weren't many) to the big ship then turned one of the other 2 ships around and warped through the First Order fleet, they would have destroyed it, also, if you are low on fuel and everyone can pretty easily fit on one ship, as it appeared by the end, why are you wasting fuel on 3 ships and not combining it in just one.
  13. And they have already established that Alice is working for a HER, who will probably be the next seasons big bad AND will require (ala Arrow and Deathstroke) Kate working with Alice to beat her. Mind you, they did something similar in the run that started a couple years ago, where Alice came back and was working with the father to help Kate.
  14. So, Batwoman was given a harsh lesson in constantly letting her sister go. I still hate what they are doing with Lena, as of latest episode (though haven't finished it yet). Alex listing off all the times Lena lied and hid things just added to my point of her being ridiculous about being over the top upset about Supergirl not giving away her secret identity. I still have hopes that this is Lex somehow manipulating her through the Tessmacher bot and the records he left.
  15. So, Fantasy Island being done as a Horror Movie, based on the preview I saw today.
  16. Starting to binge season 5. I love Katie McGrath, but I cannot stand her "I can't forgive Kara" thing. I realize they are playing up that to many people have lied to her, but she has always had her own secrets and understands loved ones being in danger. I really hope this is somehow the tapes of Lex manipulating her because he knew she would listen to them.
  17. Yeah, figured wasn't actually him, but was just commenting that it really was the type of character we expected to see of Boba after the 2nd movie (chapter 5).
  18. wish I had the data to get Disney+. Not sure if it is Boba Fett, but I described it to my wife as finally getting the Boba we wanted in the 3rd movie and not the stupid incompetent killed by accidentally being hit and falling into a sandworm. Instead, the Boba that even Vader respected.
  19. I thought the use of Widow in Civil War as the voice of reason/middle was pretty well done. The one who could see both sides and was trying to reach a middle ground.
  20. I think one of the things that has made Marvel so good is recognizing genre's within genre's and, despite their flaws, the characters are heroes, willing to sacrifice themselves and fight the good fight just because it needs to be fought. Sometimes even on opposite sides (Tony and Steve) or trying to play the middle (Widow and Hawkeye). As has been mentioned, one of the things I thought was much better about the MCU civil war over the original comics one is that you could actually recognize why each side did what they did.
  21. Terminator: Dark Fate - enjoyed it. basically a reboot of original. Seems to only recognize 1st 2 Cameron Terminator movies in its history. Basic premise is, in the 2nd movie they succeeded in stopping Skynet. FF 25+ years later and of course, stupid govt/scientists create Legion - a tactical war AI that does exactly what Skynet did. So now an augmented human and a new type of terminator (basically, as has been shown in ads, a merging of the previous 2 types) have been sent to protect/kill a new young woman. Linda Hamilton is great and her story is interesting as to how she got to where she is. For fans of the original 2 movies, I would recommend it.
  22. My impression was there was more to them. For instance, at the end, it appears Mouse may be more of the brains behind the operation then Alice and makes me wonder if he doesn't have a bigger organization then she thinks, since she didnt visit him, as he says.
  23. Also, I think, despite evidence to the contrary, she is still hoping her sister is in there and wants to understand what happened to make her this way. I actually don't mind most of it, except drinking the beer was a true rookie mistake.
  24. Haven't started watching this season of shows other then Batwoman yet. I thought crossover was taking place at end of last break, but apparently not. So, how far along in each series should I be, if any have started background stuff.
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