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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why are you so happy that this restaurant advertises "100% Earth Grown"? A: Time for a Gethro-slap.
  2. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Why is God not answering my prayers anymore? A: May contain peanuts.
  3. Re: popular super heroes and villans Start off with - welcome to Herodom! These boards are great resourses for what you are looking for - Starting off with if you don't mind spending money (and they still have it) Herodom published several great books that are nothing more than lists of suggested powers and other ways of using the different powers, modifers, and frameworks from the main rulebooks. However they were originaly printed for 5th ed and might be currently sold out (haven't checked ). If you are not willing to spend the money (or only have a question on a few powers), then you can alwasy start a trhead asking how to do this [skill/power/talet/whatever]. Everyone at Herodom will be more than willing to put in their suggestion and any simple power will have multiple methods that people will come up with. Hope that you enjoy your experiences with everyone at Herodom.
  4. Re: Answers & Questions Q: All that you did was to make the enemy more powerful. What made you think that nukes would solve the problem? A: Wind sway.
  5. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What was the true method of defeating the medusa? A: The desk of infinites.
  6. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What is the next great feature for the Olyimpics? A: The Black Adder has it.
  7. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What makes you safe from Skelator's bony hand? A: Drivers
  8. Re: Answers & Questions Q: You went to deflect the main blast from the Death Star? A: The printer for Licifer.
  9. Re: Answers & Questions Q: Everyone is now walking funny. what is gloing on? A: Lion-O is here.
  10. Re: Answers & Questions Q: When you said statoshperic, I thought that you ment literally. A: A snip, a clip, then your done.
  11. Re: Mars Colony? The last 50+ years that humans have been going into space have taught us alot about how to handle that environment - durability, maneuverability, design, and anyting else that is necessary. The Apollo program in the 1960's taught us so much that we puch on the shelf and are not using to the fullest of its ability. In addition, in 1991 the Biosphere 2 program gave us alot of information on environments that we could take with a crew into space on a long mission that will guarentee fresh air, water, and food for the entire mission if done correctly. That is both during travel and once we arrive on Mars.
  12. Re: Mars Colony? Even with every thing stated here there is only one problem that I see that we need to overcome (and that will be EXTREMELY hard to do) is lack of politicial will. If we could somehow convince the international gavernments to fund such a mission, then all these other porblems will disappear rather quickly (might even make one's head spin).
  13. Re: Answers & Questions Q: What is this about the Dream House Scandal? A: Dungeons & Dragons & Warships
  14. You are enjoying a quiet moment with your family when suddenly everything freezes. There is a being that passes as your representation of God appears with the Hero System 6ed1. If asked for other books he can make them appear with only a snap. It does not matter what the book or edition is, it will appear when requested. He says that soon you will be returned to the exact instant you were taken from with no memory of this but you will be granted a new sense of your choice. However this will not come free, to pay for this sense you will need to gain a new complication. What will be your new sense and accompanying complication?
  15. Recently I got wondering how humans would be able to be able to first reach and then establish a long-term colony on Mars. We will be using modern technology (no fancy rubber-science, techno-device). First lets state the problem then the possible solution for the problem.
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