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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Re: Which is your least favorite archetype to play? Characters designed by other people. CES
  2. Re: The Monster As Hero thread Tiger Sharks, but they weren't all sharks.
  3. Re: Mystic Hero in development You can try a harp that allows sonic powers, a halo which will allow for transforms, pre defenses, or healing. A gold brick from the streets could take you anywhere, or be a shield in times of need. A blessing might equal x amount of skill levels in a talent, or an ability to do miracles upon demand. CES
  4. Re: The Monster As Hero thread I used to play a hero built around Joe Baldwin's Light which was the ghost of a train engineer with a lamp a focus. CES
  5. Re: xialin showdown page 26- "And where will that be?, "asked Jade. The address given was familiar. It's her former home. "Oh crap. Thank you." She said to her driver and guard, "We need to go back to the house now! Father is in danger, Please take me back and after he is safe, I will go to the airport." "You know we can't do that, Miss Lee." The driver didn't bother to turn around to look at her. "Please! You have to take me back my father and everyone there is in great danger!," shouted Jade. "We'll call." The driver gestured to his partner. "A warning should be all right." The other bodyguard pulled out his cell phone and started dialing the main house.
  6. Re: The New Circle 14 A blazing light cut across the sky. It headed across the midwest like a blazing comet. When it reached the Rockies, it cruised through the mountains as if looking for something. It hovered above a rescue party camped out for the night. The light descended, becoming a man dressed in orange and red, half mask concealing his features. Sparks rested where eyes should be. He looked around the camp, pouring a small amount of light out as if reflecting the fire the rescuers had built as they settled in for the night. "You guys sent out a message you wanted to see me." The newcomer looked around for anyone to come forward. "What's going on?" "I don't believe it." One of the men, a ranger on the edge of retirement, came out of one of the tents. "I thought you were a comic book character." "I am." The blazing man smiled slightly. "Why did you send out the signal? What's going on?" "I don't know about a signal." The ranger shrugged. "We had an avalanche. We have been looking for a party of hikers that were supposed to be touring the valley ahead. So far we haven't been able to get to them." "Let me have a couple of flashlights." The blazing man held out his hands. "Maybe I can find them." Small searchlights came from supplies as the rangers looked at this stranger, wondering what he could do other than fly. Only the old captain seemed unsurprised at the request. Maybe he had read about the trick before. "There might be some flooding." The blazing man took flight, hovering for a second. "You might need to move camp as fast as you can." The comet headed up the mountain, vanishing in the darkness. "Who was that?" A younger member of the search party asked the captain as he watched the light disappear in the distance. "If I told you that guy looked like a comic book guy from when I was a kid, would you believe it?" The captain went to his tent and began to tear it down. "I guess so since he's flying around like a firefly." The younger man started helping with the tent. "Do you think he can melt a mountain of snow?" "I don't know." The captain waved at the other rangers. "If he can find them and bring them down, we'll still have to move out. I doubt they will be in good enough shape to get down to the nearest tower on their own." An explosion of light punctuated the words. The captain looked up at the mountain, glad there was not a rumbling or other signs of another avalanche. He did wonder about what kind of signal could call a comic book hero to life. Maybe there was some hope for the hikers after all.
  7. Re: The New Circle 13 Character Name: Ghost Girl Real Name: Renee Raine Nationality: American Hair/Eye Color: Blond, Blue Place of Birth: Central City, New Jersey Date of Birth: 1/17/1986 Height/Mass: 5'6, 125 pounds Cost Characteristic Value 2 STR 12 42 DEX 24 16 CON 18 0 BODY 10 5 INT 15 20 EGO 20 10 PRE 20 7 COM 24 PD 2 ED 3 6 SPD 4 REC 5 END 36 STUN 25 OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 6 DECV: 6 Phases: 3,6,9,12 Cost Powers and Talents (END) Invisibility, no fringe, 30 pts. OIHID (-1/4) 24 pts Desolidification 40 pts Str affects real world (+1), OIHID (-1/4), Linked to Invisibility (-1/4) 53 pts Invisible Protector 120 pt Multipower, OIHID (-1/4), linked to invisibility (-1/4) 80 pts 5u Force Wall (12pd/12ed) 60 pts OIHID (-1/4), linked to invisibility (-1/4) 48 pts 3u Leaping + 60" 60 pts OIHID (-1/4) linked to invisibility, (-1/4) physical manifestation (-1/4) 34 pts 3u Running + 30" 60 pts OIHID (-1/4) linked to invisibility (-1/4), physical manifestation (-1/4) 34 pts 3u 12d6 Energy Blast 60 pts OIHID (-1/4), linked to invisibility (-1/4), physical manifestation (-1/4) 34 pts 3u Telekinesis 40 str, 60 pts OIHID (-1/4), linked to invisibility (-1/4), physical manifestation (-1/4) 34 pts 1u Life Support: Self Contained Breathing 10 pts, OIHID (-1/4), linked to invisibility (-1/4). 6 pts Cost Skills 3 Acting 13- 3 Acrobatics 13- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Climbing 13- 3 Combat Driving 13- 1 TF: Automobiles 3 AK: New York 12- 3 AK: Major Cities of the World 12- 3 Disguise 12- 3 KS: Photography 12- 3 KS: Modeling agencies and Models 12- 3 High Society 13- 3 Seduction 13- 3 Conversation 13- 3 Wealth 1 Passport 20 + 5 with powers 150 Points Disadvantages 15 Secret Identity 10 Reputation: Invisible protector of New York 11- 20 Code versus Killing 20 Protective of New York 25 Hunted By Viper 11- 5 Watched By the Media 8- 20 Accidental Change (at extreme danger 14-) 15 DNPC: Carter Dupree, Manager 11- 10 DF: Model 10 Rivalry with other models CHA Cost = 108 Total Powers Cost = 175 Total Skills Cost = 67 Total Cost = ______350____________ Background Information: Renee Raine has been a child actor, pageant winner, and model since she could walk and land gigs. Her face has graced the covers of magazines and televisions everywhere. That's the public face that she cultivates for the paparazzi. Her other face is kept hidden from everyone. Whenever danger threatens, she becomes invisible and gains physical powers based on manipulating energy into solid constructs. She has built her reputation as a superhuman protector and a supposed supernatural entity. Renee credits her powers to a storm in New York, while she was on a photoshoot at the base of the Statue of Liberty. Lightning struck around the island as the rain poured down. She thought she saw a face in the clouds above. She could have been wrong. Renee became invisible for the first time when the boat ferrying them to the mainland began to sink. She rescued the crew while keeping silent. She didn't want anyone to know what happened to her. After that, Renee came up with a costume to wear when invisible with a mask. She was aware that some cameras could take a picture of heat sources. She didn't want that to happen to her while she was trying to rescue someone. Blackmail would have a disastrous effect on her career. Renee tries to keep her two lives separate as much as possible. She models and acts as much as possible in New York, and avoids using her powers in a public display in other parts of the countries. Quote: "..." Personality: Renee is a personable, friendly person. She treats her coworkers as family for the most part. Sometimes she has to exhibit some tough love for friends much to her chagrin. Ghost Girl has to move fast and silently when her powers are triggered. She doesn't know how long her powers will last once they are activated. She tends to try to move directly to the source of whatever danger appears and take care of it. Appearance: Renee is an example of supermodel, clad in sensible clothes when off duty and not on a shoot, or stage. Ghost Girl wears a full face mask, a jacket and jeans. Powers: Ghost Girl is invisible and intangible when danger threatens. She can project energy to provide force walls, bridges, slides, lifting hands, and flying fists. Plot Hook 1) An invisible presence starts haunting the local team. Does the invisible protector need help becoming solid, or is there a bigger danger that no one knows about? Why doesn't she talk? Plot Hook 2) Emergencies are being answered by some invisible creature. The heroes are suffering an ego battering. Do they try to exorcize this unwanted competition, or try to add this new heroine to their line up. Plot Hook 3) Dozens of people vanish all over the country. They reappear after a few moments. Is this a sign of terrible danger from above, a random effect from an experiment gone bad. GM's note- The invisible girl was the basis of this heroine.
  8. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Bangkok Dangerous with Nick Cage. For the most part, this is a slow action movie. Didn't see the ending coming either. CES
  9. Re: Help Make Energy Projectors Interesting Just based on having rebuilt your body through force of will, I would go with Teleportation and transforms as the basis for the character to be a blaster. maybe add analyze molecular structure to help with the transforms. I don't know if that fits what you want, but it seems to fit the best. The only other thing I can see is using dimensional gates as the source of energy blasts. I did that once witht he character's eyes opening portals so he could buy eb with variable sfx and advantage. CES
  10. Re: Mystic Hero in development You can always go the Harvey route and have a normal with powers built as if with an imaginary sidekick, a pooka. An oracle would grant knowledge via precognition with nothing else but skills to help the character. Several Stephen King and Dean Koontz characters would probably suit your needs like Johnny Smith from the Dead Zone, Carrie, Roland the Gunslinger, Francis the golden retriever from Watchers. The Anhou, the phantom coachman, or the black dog, could be used as heroes. They would need phantom powers and danger sense I expect. CES
  11. Re: Walking With Strangers Staff Sergeant Baloo hit a rock and was glad. The pain cut through the numbing cold that threatened to pull him under. One slightly blue hand gripped the stone, pulled with the remaining strength in his bearish form. Riding the water down to Lake Marlowe had seemed like a good idea compared to having his head split open. Looking at the dark forest, feeling the cold in his bones, and the drag of his uniform, said otherwise. He wrung his clothes out on the move. He didn't know how much time he had before the wolves caught up with him. He certainly couldn't waste it freezing to death. Baloo jogged along, heading for the lights of Marlowe. If he could get there, he could call in. Worse case, he could ask the local heroes to help out. They had handled Zornwill, but a mindless monster didn't compare to mercenaries willing to inflict anything to win. He wondered what could be in the old vaults that had required a robbery. Surely better technology was on the open market in the decades since Project Z had started. Cutting edge in the fifties didn't hold a candle to what had been unleashed in the last few years. Who was Mr. R? Why had he hired Wolf and his friends to break into a decommissioned base? How had he even known such a base was there? Was that a hound baying back there in the night? Baloo paused, looking over his shoulder. Mr. Wolf was the kind of guy to make sure. Who had he sent to finish the job? The staff sergeant didn't think much of his chances against the superhumans he had observed during his escape. He figured that Fenris would be the easiest to deal with compared to the rest of the mob. Sun dog had his flames. Garou was indestructible. Fenris Ulf was an avatar of berserker rage. Shadowpup could use darkness as a weapon. Stone dog made moving stone hounds. Mr. Wolf was better armed at the moment. All Fenris could do was bite through steel. What kind of super ability was that? Baloo started jogging again. He needed to get as close to Marlowe as he could if he wanted to avoid endangering anyone living close to the lake, if anyone still lived close to the lake. A lake monster and uncovered chemical dumping couldn't have been good for the property values. The sound of hounds calling filled the air behind the Air Force non-com. He didn't bother to look behind him. His feet dragged his lumbering form among dangerous obstacles. He couldn't spare the split second look over his shoulder if he wanted to keep moving. At least he knew Stone Dog was behind him. Any information was good information. How could he use it to better his situation? Baloo reached a clearing, cheered by the fact he had entered a path carved by Zornwill's rampage. If he could traverse its length before the hounds caught up with him, he could maybe play hide and seek among the ruined houses and buildings that must have stood in the way of the lake monster's march before it ended their defiant existence as shelters and places of businesses. If he was really lucky, he might even find a weapon under the debris. Anything would be better than his numbed hands at this point. Baloo heard a scrabbling to his left as he jogged down the furrow he had encountered. He turned. Glaring eyes appeared in the dark. He turned to head into the trees. No way could he fight a stone hound in the open. That would be like handing himself up on a plate. Baloo jumped over a fallen tree trunk, squeezed through where two trees leaned together, and kept moving. Claws scrapped wood behind him and he knew he didn't have a lot of time left. He saw something glinting in the grass ahead. He grabbed it as he ran pass. Someone had lost a baseball bat. Rust spots on the surface of it told Baloo it had been in the rain for a little bit. He expected it had been blasted from one of the stomped houses as Zornwill had cruised by. It didn't matter where the bat had came from. All that mattered was he had it in his hands. Baloo felt movement close to him, turned and swung the bat. The metal hit something hard enough to be a brick wall. The vibration went up in his shoulders. Then the stone dog ran into him like a mini Cooper. He went down under the blow. "Freeze, old man." Stone Dog rode up on the back of one of his hounds, dressed in fox hunting uniform and mask done up in brown. "We don't want to hurt you any more than we have to, but we're not putting up with your guff either." Baloo looked around for the baseball bat. He saw it laying on the ground a few feet away. If he could reach it, maybe he could take the fox hunter down. The hound glared at him, dripping pebbles on his wet uniform. Fenris picked up the bat. He bit it in half, chewed on the metal, swallowed the part he had reduced to pieces. He flung the two pieces away in the dark. "Don't test us." Fenris shook his cowled head, the green and dark red F of his costume reduced to shades of gray. "I had to ride the worse thing to ride outside of a unicycle with no seat to catch you. Biting your head off would make up for that." "You got me." Baloo sighed. This was a pickle.
  12. Re: Concept to power help: Walking Computer Virus Some Virus(es?) eat memory right? Just apply that to people instead of machinery. Mental Transform people into vegetables, or transfer IQ to a power like growth or duplication with a delayed return rate. The more people the virus eats, the bigger or more widespread it gets. CES
  13. Re: Help Make Energy Projectors Interesting I don't know about interesting but if your character is speed based at first, then it seems to me that attacks that deal in kinetic energy and vibrations might boost this from a strict speedster to a blaster. Suddenly adding speed to a victim is a great way to cause collisions, throwing objects at high speed, vibrations to cause quakes, speeding up molecules so things catch fire, slowing things down so they are frozen, if your character is stuck in the speed zone, then transdimensional attacks might be the way to go. CES
  14. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Darkest Evening of the Year by Kontz: Bryan and Amy have secrets that will threaten their romance. Good thing they have an angel dog to help them out. CES
  15. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Finished Duma Key. The book was low key and does tread some familiar ground but I liked it. The only thing that stood out to me was the last fifty pages except for the ending was exposition about what had gone decades before the hero and friends invaded enemy territory. Reading Darkest Evening of the Year with Princep's Fury and By The Sword loading up. CES
  16. Re: The New Circle "This is Jimmy Duggan reporting from the scene of a building collapse on 42th street. Earlier a crane smashed into this high rise, destroying several support columns. Part of the structure started to fall on the street, injuring several pedestrians. "As the rest of the building threatened to fall on the street, the city's invisible protector, Ghost Girl, arrived on the scene. Thanks to her efforts, residents not hurt in the initial damage, and people on the street were able to get clear of the falling rubble. "Even now she has entered the damaged building to search for survivors. Reports of people being carried out by invisible hands support this even though no one has been able to see her in action." Duggan looked over his shoulder. A piece of a brick cornice exploded behind him. Luckily he ducked, covering head and face. The camera wasn't so lucky, taking a piece of stone in the hard plastic eye. "Do you think we got enough, Jimmy?" Abe Rothstein shook his head as he looked his camera over. "I hope so." Jimmy looked up at the devastation. "Let's move back out of here. Sooner or later, the rest of that is coming down. We don't want to be around when that happens." "No argument here." Abe started packing his gear, placing the damaged camera on top. "We're already too close for my comfort."
  17. Re: The New Circle Character Name: Hexbreaker Real Name: Katrina Possilovich Nationality: Russian Hair/Eye Color: Red/Hazel Place of Birth: Siberia Date of Birth: 1/6/1880 Height/Mass: 5'8"/ 125 pounds. Cost Characteristic Value 5 STR 15 24 DEX 18 30 CON 25 16 BODY 18 11 INT 21 30 EGO 25 8 PRE 18 2 COM 14 PD 3 ED 5 2 SPD 3 REC 8 END 50 STUN 38 OCV: 6 DCV: 6 OECV: 8 DECV: 8 Phases: 4,8,12 Cost Powers and Talents (END) 5 Life Support: Immortality 3 Analyze Curses 13- 25 5d6 Luck Cursebreaking 60 pt multipower (gestures -1/2, concentration-1/2, extra time -3/4, OAF -1) 16 pts 2u Cursebreaking: 4d6 major transform 60 pts, (limited target cursed items -1, gestures -1/2, concentration-1/2, extra time -3/4, OAF -1) 16 pts 1u Cursebreaking II: 10d6 Dispel magic 30 pts (Cumulative +1/2, gestures -1/2, concentration-1/2, extra time -3/4, OAF -1) 12 pts Bag of Tricks 50+ 25 Multipower, OAF (-1, Weapons of Opportunity) 62 pts Cost Skills 6 + 3 Levels with powers 3 WF: Swords, pistols, rifles 3 KS: The Magic World 13- 3 KS: Curses 13- 3 KS: Magic Spells and Potions 13- 2 Navigation 13- 2 Survival 13- 3 AK: Siberia 13- 3 AK: Russia 13- 3 AK: Innsmouth 13- 3 AK: The world 13- 3 AK: Other Dimensions 13- 3 KS: History 13- 3 KS: Secret Histories 13- 3 TF: cars, carts, sailboats 3 Riding 12- 2 Animal Handler 12- 3 Climbing 12- 3 Stealth 12- 3 Combat Driving 12- 27 Danger Sense 20 Universal Translator 1 Passport 150 Points Disadvantages 15 Psych Lim: Bad tempered 10 Psych Lim: Vengeful 10 Reputation: Specialist in stopping curses 11- 10 Rivalry with other mages 30 Hunted by Demon 11- 30 Hunted by the Scarlet Moon 11- 15 Watched by the Council 8- 10 DF: Mystic Aura 20 Public Identity CHA Cost = 128 Total Powers Cost = 114 Total Skills Cost = 108 Total Cost = ________350__________ Background Information: Katrina Possilovich was born in Siberia in the middle of winter. She should have died since there wasn't enough food to go around for the village where she was born. Instead the village began to prosper, to grow around her. Unfortunately, the site became the last battlefield for the last Archmage and was destroyed. Katrina fled the scene, helped by the explosion that had consumed the area. It covered her tracks almost completely. She wandered Russia for a while until the Great Revolution. While she wasn't a monarchist, the new regime had no use for any who seemed to be different. She escaped a bullet and crossed the border, heading south. Katrina visited many of the countries of the world. She crossed paths with some of the mystics of the day. She found that she had a talent for two things. She could break hexes with the proper keys. The second was that she could take ordinary objects and use them as powers. The witch settled in Innsmouth, Massachusetts, after traveling through Europe, across the Atlantic, and through various other countries. She set up a small business as a palm reader, but her reputation has drawn people with extraordinary problems to her door. Frequently she can be found curing a werewolf, helping a ghost, or exorcizing a possession from demonic control. Naturally other forces see Katrina's hex breaking as a threat and want to deal with her as lethally as possible. Unfortunately this has led to several battles that have attracted the attention of other superhumans in the area, public exposure of resources, and the loss of specialized personnel. And it has made Katrina angry. Quote: "Money first. Then we talk about a cure." Personality: Katrina has two defining traits. She is bad tempered, and frequently sees the world as intruding on her personal space. The other is that she is vengeful for any slight. This has led to some weird things in Innsmouth, as well as minions of Demon being caught in embarrassing ways. Appearance: Katrina is an attractive red head who has retained the plain clothing she grew up with in Siberia. She wears a colorful bandana to cover her hair, and frequently carries an umbrella. Powers: Katrina's main ability is to transform people back to normal, or disperse any spell on them, with the proper time and equipment. Her secondary power allows her to transform common objects into magical instruments. Plot Hook 1) One of the heroes has been changed into a frog by some kind of magical effect. Time to call an expert and try to reverse things. Plot Hook 2) First it was one banker turning into a bank robber, then a couple on a killing spree, then a gardener turned bomber. Can a fountain pen be behind the carnage? How do the heroes stop it for good? Plot Hook 3) The Bermuda Triangle has started to swallow more ships than ever before. The heroes have been asked to deal with it. Luckily they know a mage they can hire to dispel the effects while they investigate the cause. GM's Notes: The original heroine Hexbreaker was based on was the Scarlet Witch, the mutant that learned magic, then became a world shaking power.
  18. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Picked up by the Sword, the latest Repairman Jack book. Wilson says in the forward the series will be ending with the destruction of the Earth by the Other. CES
  19. Re: xialin showdown Jade heard the buzz tone of her phone in her bag as she rode in the back of the limo, surrounded by guards. Her father certainly wasn't calling after making a critical decision for her future as he did. That left the mercenary, the abbot from the temple, and Dr. Gadd. Wondering who could be calling her, Jade dug in her bag and grabbed her phone. "Hello." "This is Dr. Gadd." the high pitched kid's voice bubbled over the phone. "I have those readings from your restaurant. They're extremely unique." "Oh really, so tell me what does that mean?," asked Jade. "Whatever the Ghost King took, it left behind a signature." Something clanked in the background. "If I had a strong enough detector, I could probably find it again if he carried it in public." "That's good, but I can not help you right now if that is what you are wanting, because I am on my way to the airport. So if you need anything you will need to talk to my father, Dr.Gadd. Oh and if I may ask what is all the noise I keep hearing in the background?," said Jade. "You can't go to the airport." Dr. Gadd seemed to be banging something with a wrench. "This could be bad for you personally." "What? How will it be bad for me if I leave, which I have to my father does not want me here anymore. So what is it you want me to do?," snapped Jade. "I have another signature on my equipment." Dr. Gadd's voice was suddenly clear of background noise. "I believe the ghost king will strike at that site."
  20. Re: Teen Guardians Nov 15 The pirates continued to move forward, crossing the aft quarter-deck towards where Emp stood on the poopdeck, the ship's wheel behind him, sails still rustling in the breeze above him and the entire deck bobbing slightly beneath his feet, closing quickly, the half-dozen of them, male and female alike, scurvy dogs, all. The slight hits from the pirate's weaponry sent up more smoke to mix with the fog, giving more obscuration under the ship, and Kara's vision abilities were needed--the half-score of pirates and their prisoners were offset of the main body of attackers; there were almost as many prisoners, a few band-members and football players chained together at the wrists and on their knees, four pirates in front, covering these prisoner's movement with long-and-short weapons, one in front and one behind... The one behind, a long-haired man who bore a passing resemblance to Johnny Depp's Captain Jack Sparrow lifted the long hair of the blonde cheerleader at the head of the line and slapped something to the nape of her neck; she screamed... ...there was a flare of light that enveloped her from tennis-shoe to blonde crown of hair... ...then it faded and left the girl transformed...her hair was matted, her face mottled from an ancient attack of pox, her garb changed from sweat-pants and cheerleader top to thick vest and tattered breeches and boots; she stood of her own accord as the pirate at the head of the line released the manacles that bound her to the others... And she stepped off, heading towards the floating boat. "Ahhh...that's interesting!"SG flew towards the ex-cheerleader using her enhanced vision abilities to see if what ever was put on her neck was still there. Maybe it is something that can be ripped off? Might that return her to normal? Only one way to find out! The six pirates closed around EMP, three to his front and three to his rear, all of which pointed at him what most certainly appeared to be muzzle-loading muskets...but the techie within noted that the grip seemed to be more a battery pack of some sort and the muzzle appeared to have about it a series of raised rings, more along the lines of focusing elements for a sound-based weapon rather than that found with the kinetic. From the deck below, the curvaceous woman with the eyepatch shouted, "Surrender or die!" Kara wasn't a medical professional by any means; her X-Ray vision penetrated the hair of the now-piratical scum that the cheerleader had become and noticed that what it appeared was that there were metal bits protruding from the semi-collar into the spinal column proper, perhaps a manner or method of control, definitely of transformation... Good thing we have a Doctor in our group! Well, almost a doctor anyway. For now these guys need to be subdued, then we can worry about undoing the diabolical deed done to them. I would like to swoop down and grab the kids who are about to be 'piratized' and carry them off to safety. If that works I'll come back for more. Thursday, Sept Fourth Four dipped down until the bubble skimmed the sand, then he sank it under the loose yellowness. He kept going until they both saw a rock face extending down to block them. He headed up to drop on the pier, surrounded by sailors leaving and landing. Four dropped them on the pier when he saw a gap in the traffic. He didn't want anyone to see there arrival. "Um...okay...", Nariko said while giving Mr. Four a look that seemed to indicate that she was waiting for him to make the next move. "We have to try to keep to ourselves and blend in." Mr. Four looked at the crowd to make sure no one came too close to his charge. "We only have about twelve hours left before we're recalled. "Let's look around and see if we can find somewhere in case we need to hole up against the locals." "Maybe we should get a hold of some local clothes too?", the teen suggested. "Who do you want to rob?" Mr. Four kept his eyes on everyone around them. "I don't have any money." Nariko let out a frustrated sigh. "Well, maybe we can find some clothes drying on a clothesline somewhere or something! I mean, people probably have to dry their clothes in *this* world too, right? "Stealing's wrong." Mr Four glared at one of the inhabitants who strayed too close. The sailor hastily walked away.
  21. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I got mine at the K-mart as part of a set. I think I saw a couple at Wal-Mart yesterday. CES
  22. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Kung Fu Panda and the secrets of the furious five. I thought it was pretty good and regret missing it in the theaters. CES
  23. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Read the The Gods Return by David Drake. Set in the Lord of the Isles, Garric and his friends have to gather allies to fend off the return of evil gods. I think this is the last book of the set because of some of the events but I could be wrong. More than halfway through Duma Key by Stephen King. Edgar Freemantle loses an arm and moves to Duma Key to recover and paint. The problem is the Key is haunted and his paintings are becoming ways for the ghost to come across. Picked up Princep's Fury by Jim Butcher. Haven't started on it yet but the cover indicates a visit to the canim homeland is on. CES
  24. Re: Walking With Strangers 11 Mr. Wolf flipped the cover of his phone shut. Things had gotten worse in a matter of minutes. Collie had reported the capture of an agent at the gate. Her car had been slagged, but they didn't know if she had been able to get a call out. That meant he had to get his team moving faster, and get ready for an assault by members from Project Z. All in a day's work for the Canines. Mr. Wolf reviewed what he knew, eyes closed behind his sunglasses. Then he came up with a plan. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best he could do with the amount of unknowns in play. "We are going to have to get ready for a possible raid." Mr. Wolf stubbed out his cigarette on his boot heel. "Fenris Ulf, head back to the base. Sundog and Garou will need your muscle. Fenris and Stone Dog, head downstream and find that sergeant. We're not getting paid to kill him, but he has to be cut off. Shadowpup, head over and watch the road about a mile or two below where Crosshair has set up his post. If you see anything out of the ordinary, radio a warning." "I welcome the feeding of my axe with the blood of varlets." Fenris Ulf's eyes glowed at the thought, casting green sparks in the air. "Hopefully we'll be out of here before that." Mr. Wolf nodded and the meeting broke up. Mr. Wolf and Fenris Ulf turned north, headed for the base they had invaded. Fenris, Little Fen because of his relative size to the bigger Ulf, and Stone Dog started downstream, following the water. One of Stone Dog's rock hounds carried them on its back. Shadowpup, a kid adopted from the life of a street urchin, faded into darkness, used that to travel west toward the road. They didn't know how long they had before the government arrived, so they had to maximize what time they did have. Mr. R had to be hurried along so they could move to the next phase. That would be fun. Mr. Wolf thought about getting into another line of work as he and Fenris Ulf moved silently through the trees. He found shooting people to be a lot more work than he wanted to do. He was getting too old to fight other people's conflicts. Retirement seemed to beckon as he daydreamed along the path, moving without having to think about where to put a foot down. They reached the fence. A hole let them get on the base grounds. Mr. Wolf pointed for his minion to take to the roof to watch out for incoming. The wolf faced berserker nodded, swinging the axe in his giant mitt in a circle and then letting it carry him to the top of the building. From there, he could hurl his weapon at anything that might approach the main edifice in the outpost. Mr. Wolf looked at the main gate. Sundog waved back at him. Hopefully they had pushed the car off the road and covered it with branches to slow down detection. Shadowpup checked in with a click over the radio. He should have picked a place where he could see the road and no one could see him. Mr. Wolf stepped into the building, decided to talk to the prisoner. That might give him some clue how long he had to get the rest of the mission done. If he had to, his troops would pull out and leave the client on his own. You couldn't spend your money in Leavenworth. Mr. Wolf walked down the hall to the offices they were using for a brig. He opened the door. The three Air Force personnel had been joined by an older woman in a black suit and tie. None of them looked happy to see him. "I'm Mr. Wolf." He lit up a cigarette and took a puff. "I'm wondering what you're doing here." "I'm part of the decommission team." Aylwin looked around for something she could use while she talked. They hadn't seemed concerned about gagging her. That could be good or bad depending on what it meant. "What do you want here?" "I'm being paid to look after things for someone." Mr. Wolf knew that sometimes people were sent out to check on bases when they were being decommissioned. He should have expected this to happen. It was a big kink in the plan, but nothing he couldn't iron out. "I'm willing to let you people stay here in this room and leave you unharmed as long as you stay out of the way." Mr. Wolf didn't bother to adopt a friendly pose. It was better if they thought he might kill them at any second. "On the other hand, if you leave this room, you will be shot. We're going to find what we're looking for and then leave. Someone will be told you are up here and they should come up to free you before you starve." "What if they don't?" one of the Air Force men glared at the mercenary. "Not my problem." Mr. Wolf shut the door.
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