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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Re: xialin showdown Page 28- Jade quickly drove up to the house and once stopped, she jumped out of the car and ran up the steps and into the house. She heard gunfire in her father's study, shouting toward the back of the house toward the dining area, and something exploding upstairs. And somewhere a dog barked. Jade quickly ran to her father's study. One of the black garbed ghosts that had taken the ghost king's prize from her laughed as bullets punched through him, decorating the halls with holes. She could maybe drive him off with her special techniques but knew that was only temporary without Dr. Gadd's devices.
  2. Re: Dragonia The crew of the Doomshark went through the tower's remains several times, but the only useful thing they found were metal plates that had survived the edifice falling over. They took the spare metal, used some for a stronger patch on the sub, added additional armor to the sub, and stored the rest in case they needed repairs. They sailed on until they encountered a stone reef in the middle of the ocean. It looked like two days of travel to get to either end of the barrier. Sir Donald and Dennis took Flames to fly over the reef. They spotted shark fins in the water on the other side. Suddenly, pygmy shark men struck with spears. Sir Donald avoided becoming dinner, and turned back to the sub. The shark men didn't follow, instead circling in the water near the reef. The Doomshark headed north after the three returned. They found another ring of columns at the north end of the reef. They debate driving through it, finally deciding to take down the markings on the columns. Dr. Pucca can't translate the language. They sailed southeast and found an island with trees and birds. They wanted to camp and scout the island. Fruit trees were in abundance. They couldn't find a place to land the Doomshark so sailed on.
  3. Re: Who homages the Watchmen or those the Watchmen homaged? I have read Watchman dozens of times. I took from it that though America used Dr M as their weapon of choice and pretty much ran the world under that, Viedt used that to cause his plan to operate. he had choices and resources that could have stopped things, he just didnt CES
  4. Re: Who homages the Watchmen or those the Watchmen homaged? Pete Cannon is the character for Ozymandias only DC didn't own him. Pete Morisi did. CES
  5. Re: Who homages the Watchmen or those the Watchmen homaged?
  6. Re: Who homages the Watchmen or those the Watchmen homaged? "You know the kind of cancer you recover from?" "Yes." "That's not the kind of cancer I got." "Hrm." Rorshach and Moloch.
  7. Re: Who homages the Watchmen or those the Watchmen homaged? The new circle thread has some heroes based off the old Charlton guys near the start. CES
  8. Re: Who homages the Watchmen or those the Watchmen homaged?
  9. Re: The New Circle Hotspur- Janet Holden watched in horror as the giant thing in the leather and chains picked up a car and threw it at her. She dove for the ground and knew it would be too late to help her. When the car hit, she was going to be a smear on the asphalt. She closed her eyes against the inevitable. The sound of cracking glass and twisting metal opened Janet's eyes. She looked around. She was on a roof hundreds of yards from the impact. "Have no fear, my lady." A cool voice drifted to her ear. "No one shall harm such a beauty while I am here to carry out a rescue." Janet turned to face her rescuer. Someone had taken a hairless monkey, jammed it into a pirate's outfit, glued horns to its forehead, and given it a set of swords to wear in its flowing sash. She must be dead. That was the only explanation she could come up with in the face of what she was seeing. "I shall have to teach that ruffian a lesson." The pirate monkey bowed with a flourish of its hat. "Please take the stairs and make sure to watch out for more flying automobiles." Then he was gone, leaving Janet with plenty of questions and very few answers. She decided to be glad she was alive and made her way off the roof as quietly and quickly as possible.
  10. Re: The New Circle Character Name: The Ranger Real Name: Tracy Hunt Nationality: American Hair/Eye Color: Black/Green Place of Birth: Vibora Bay, Florida Date of Birth: 3/13/1979 Height/Mass: 5'9"/185 pounds Cost Characteristic Value 15 STR 25 60 DEX 30 20 CON 20 10 BODY 15 5 INT 15 10 EGO 15 8 PRE 18 COM 10 PD 5 ED 4 10 SPD 5 REC 9 END 40 STUN 38 OCV: 10 DCV: 10 OECV: 5 DECV: 5 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 Cost Powers and Talents (END) Detect Quarry's Trail sense 12 pts Clairsentience 20 pts, retrocognition +20 pts, retrocognition only (-1), only to simulate deductive/tracking skills (-½) 16 pts Regeneration: Healing 3d6 30 pts, reduced end (0 end +1/2), persistent (+1/2), self only (-1/2), extra time (one turn-1), OAF (large supply of food-1), gestures (-1/4) 16 pts Find Weakness 11- with all attacks 30 pts, Ranged Killing Attack 3d6, 45 pts, variable advantage (+1), OAF (Bow -1), Str minimum (-1), gestures (-1/4) 28 pts Hand Killing Attack 3d6, 45 pts, variable advantage (+1) OAF (blades of opportunity -1) 45 pts Cost Skills 3 Tracking 12 - 2 Survival 12- 3 Stealth 15- 3 Shadowing 15- 2 Navigation 12- 3 Lockpicking 15- 3 Paramedics 12- 3 Fast Draw 15- 3 Climbing 15- 3 Breakfall 15- 3 Combat Driving 15- 2 Animal handler 12- 3 Streetwise 12- 3 Riding 15- 10 TF: common motorized vehicles, small rowed boats, small and large wind powered boats, small and large motorized boats, sleds, riding animals 4 WF: common melee weapons, common missile weapons 10 +5 OCV with bow 1 Passport 1 Bounty hunter's license 150 Points Disadvantages 15 Physical Lim: Has to hunt 10 DF: Pupil less, nonwhite Green Eyes 25 Hunted by Demon 11- 25 Hunted by Viper 11- 10 Watched by Vibora Bay Police 11- 25 Dependence on hunting, character's powers are affected 11- activation, one minute 10 Reputation: Deadly Archer 11- 15 Psych Lim: Fearless 15 Psych Lim: Overconfidence CHA Cost = 138 Total Powers Cost = 147 Total Skills Cost = 65 Total Cost = ___________350_______ Background Information: Every few generations, stories will emerge of one man who can follow any prey across any distance, given enough time and patience. Some claim it's a gift from a benevolent goddess of the hunt, some claim it's a curse to force a hunter into a Flying Dutchman existence. Tracy Hunt believes it's more of a curse. He continually has to move, looking for the next target, turning his bounties in on the run as he crisscrosses the country. He hopes to one day find an answer to his problem, but every expert has told him only one thing can break the curse. All he has to do is find it. Quote: "I can see the trail from here." Personality: Tracy seems impatient at the best of times. Having to hunt constantly has worn on him so that he will often take the straight line to whomever he is looking for even if that isn't the best solution. If the target is behind something he judges he can't punch through, he will wait for the best time to catch that person in the open and drop him. Appearance: Tracy wears army surplus most of the time, with sunglasses to conceal his eyes since they are green without pupils, or whites. He carries a bow and quiver full of arrows, and a short sword to use on his enemies when in action. Powers: Tracy's primary power is the ability to track the path of the target he has selected. This allows him to follow that person, or thing, until he can get close enough to engage. Sometimes he needs some more specific information. An examination of the scene (retrocognition) where the target happened to be can allow him to pick a route to get ahead of the target and get closer faster. When Tracy is close enough, he will use his bow and find weakness to bring the quarry down. If the bow isn't feasible, he will move in with a blade and try to take the target at close range. Tracy has found that if he is hurt while trying to arrest someone, he can heal faster than a normal man if he chows down on large steaks, ribs, and other meats. Plot Hook 1) The Ranger is known as an expert tracker and hunter in any environment. He's just the type of guide for a group of heroes who have to affect a rescue in a wilderness. Plot Hook 2) Several villains and crime bosses have been found with arrows like the Ranger's piercing their vitals. Has the hero gone bad, or is it an elaborate frame? Who's next on the hit list? Plot Hook 3) The FBI, PRIMUS, Until, and other law enforcement agencies post most wanted lists. The Ranger has started taking down everyone on every list one after the next. This has put him on a most wanted list of his own. What happens when the heroes find out about it? GM's Note: The Ranger is based very loosely on Steve Ditko's Stalker, a short lived DC fantasy character that was gifted with various weapons skills and sensory abilities from a deal he signed for revenge.
  11. Re: Walking With Strangers 16 Billy Keys looked out the window of his apartment as he dialed Odd Dorfman's number. The rat army made him think there was a supervillain in town. That seemed absurd. Why would a supervillain visit Marlowe? That was like robbing Mayberry. Still the others should know a rat king was out there. If things started happening, they could figure out how to deal with him. "Hello?" Billy didn't recognize the voice. It sounded like Mrs. Epstein. Maybe he had called the wrong number. "Is Odd Dorfman there?" Billy didn't see any more rats from his window. "My name is Billy. I would like to talk to him please if he is there." "Of course." The voice smiled. "Hold on. I'll get him for you." Billy started counting as he waited for someone to come back and talk to him. He got up to sixty before Odd's voice said "How's it going?" "I think I have a smart rat problem." Billy turned from the window. "I'm not sure yet." "We're having a meeting at my place." Odd gave him the address. "We're short you, Thia, Alice and S.S. Could you pick them up and bring them by?" "Problem?" Billy looked around his apartment, taking in the look of it. He wanted to remember it as it was before he left. "We don't know yet." Odd sounded cheerful on the phone. Billy couldn't tell if it was real or fake. "We're discussing options right now." "I'll do what I can." Billy thought maybe he could find Alice the easiest. He wasn't sure. "Have you tried to call?" "Voicemail only so far." Odd tapped something on his end. "You're the fastest one of us, so I thought maybe you would be able to locate them easiest." "I'll see what I can do." Billy hung up, thinking. He could maybe find Alice if she was out flying. He got his binoculars from its place on a shelf. If he could do that, she would know where Super Squirrel was. That left Thia. He would have to work a little harder to find her. Billy went to his door, used that to get to the roof of the apartment building. He looked at the tallest building in Marlowe, using that for the place where he needed to start his search. He used the roof exit of his own building to get to that one. Billy searched the skies over the city with his spyglasses. Finally he saw a flying form flitting through the night sky. He used the exit of his launch building to get to a building close to where he had spotted the winged woman. He pulled the flashlight from his belt and played it up where he had last seen someone he hoped was Alice and not another flying creature of the night. That would be embarrassing to mix people up like that. The winged woman drifted down, staring at him with golden eyes. Billy waited until she folded her wings, putting the light away, as he marshaled his thoughts. "Hello, Billy." Alice the Owl almost smiled. "What's happening?" "There seems to be a problem." Billy gave her the polite smile he used on his tenants. "Group meeting at Odd's place." "I'll get Squirrel." Alice spread her wings out. "We'll be there as fast as we can." Billy watched her leave before considering how he could find Thia. She would be a little harder than Alice since she didn't patrol the streets. Billy decided the best thing to do was try her house, then work the neighborhood from there. He had seen her around the apartment building a few times, and visited her house once. A circular pattern from those two points might net him something. Billy found Thia's house was empty. He started moving through the neighborhood, looking into likely places she could be. Finally he found her at the shooting range behind a gun shop a few miles over from where she lived. A crowd surrounded her. They seemed to be taking notes on what she was telling them. "Fan club?" Billy looked at the people. He noted they all had firearms while he only had his tool belt. "Hey, Billy." Thia frowned at the super. "This is the Marlowe Shooting Club. Shooting Club, this is Billy. I thought you stayed close to your building." "Problem has come up." Billy nodded at the members of the Shooting Club. "We might need a shooter." "I hope it isn't as bad as the last problem." Thia waved at the group of competitors. "I'll be at practice tomorrow. Don't worry about a thing." "Thanks, Coach." One of the men waved back and the gathering started breaking up to go their separate ways. "Coach?" Billy led the way to the door of the gun shop. "Problem?" Thia slung her bag over her shoulder as she followed. "Don't know yet." Billy opened the door to Odd's place. Thia frowned, trying to decide which part of the statements Billy was talking about. She decided he referred to whatever had sent him looking for her, and not her apparent coaching skills. "Alice and Super Squirrel here yet?" Billy spoke to Odd. He got back a no from the book seller and a yes from the Question Man laying on the couch. The doorbell rang. "Looks like I was wrong." Odd went to get the door.
  12. Re: Walking With Strangers 15 Tim Buckett decided that he needed to talk to Odd. He made sure no one was behind him as he headed for the closest bus stop to the school. He should call, but decided it was better to talk face to face. He had given Odd's name as a contact for his other identity. The least he could do was tell him in person. He hoped the girl decided to call the cops. That would be the best thing for everyone involved. He should talk to Coach Reilly. He wasn't on the baseball team but maybe the coach would be able to deal with the guys in the car. A little baseball barrage might not have taught them the lesson they needed to know. Tim hoped his gear would be safe on top of the school while he took care of his errand. He needed to deal with that before he went home. At least some of the others knew what he looked like so he didn't have to explain who he was. That could be embarrassing trying to tell a bunch of adults he was the one who threw cars at Godzilla. He knew he wouldn't believe it without a demonstration. He wondered why those guys in the car had it in for the girl. Maybe that was something he could ask the Question Man. He might have to look them up again to see how he could make sure they wouldn't go by the school again. Tim shook his head. He had been a hero for almost a week and he had his first villain. Life was like a comic book. Tim saw a shape leaping from rooftop to rooftop as he rode on the bus. He couldn't quite make the person out from his window but he suspected that it had to be the Enforcer. They were moving in the same direction and the only other person he knew that could fly was a shapely female. He wondered why the Enforcer would be going to Odd's. Maybe it was a new case. He hoped it wasn't another monster. One giant turtle dragon destroying the city was enough for him. Tim got off the bus as close to the book store as he could. He started walking as fast as he thought would still look normal. He would have to go back to the school for his Trebuchet gear and books after he talked to Odd. Maybe he could get a lift from Odd or the Enforcer. He paused when he reached the bookstore. The lights were off. He glanced inside with the hope of seeing someone moving in the darkness within. It looked like he had missed the man in the odd hat. He paused, thinking of his next move. "Gone for the day?" The voice drifted down from above. "Try around back." Tim looked up. A faceless gray mask looked down from the roof. He waved rather than call something back. He had enough savvy not to attract more attention while he was on the street. Tim started to the other side of the building. A look around didn't reveal anyone following him. Tim spotted a light in the window. It looked like Odd was home after all. He looked up. The Enforcer didn't peer down at him. Tim rang the doorbell, listening to the chimes play their musical notes. The door opened a few moments later. Tim didn't recognize the woman looking at him. She smiled but he could recognize the question in her eyes. "I'm Trebuchet." Tim nodded at the way his confirmation changed her face. "Could I talk to Odd, please?" "Come in." The woman stepped out of the way. "We're about to have dinner." "Thank you, Mrs. Dorfman." Tim stepped across the threshold. "The Enforcer is around somewhere. I don't know if he is coming in, but I saw him on the roof." "I'm here, Tim." The Enforcer dropped down from the roof. "Hello, Mrs. Dorfman. I'm also here to see Odd." "We have enough food for both of you." Kitty gestured him inside also before closing the door. Tim and the Enforcer walked in the small living room. Quin and Oz Mike were already there. The Question Man looked half dead. Odd came out of the kitchen with a tray of coffee cups and pitcher in his hands. "How's it going, fellas?" Odd put the tray down. "Coffee?" "I have something to tell you." Tim paused as he tried to think of the right words for the bad news. "We have an alert." The Enforcer looked at the others. They didn't look ready for a fight from where he stood. "First things first, guys." Odd poured himself a cup of coffee and started sipping it black. "Go ahead, Trebuchet." "This girl had problems with these guys at school." Tim didn't think what he had to say was more important than an alert, but he might as well get it out of the way. "I gave her the bookstore's number to call if she needed help." "That's not as bad as I thought." Odd poured some coffee for Oz Mike and the Enforcer. "I expected something like you blew up the school, or something. The alert, Enforcer?" "Aylwin called to tell me she was in trouble." The Enforcer held up a cell phone. "She's not answering my callbacks." "That could be trouble." Odd handed out the cups. "We'll have to get the others if we want to find out what's going on."
  13. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... The Majii/ The Golden Man by Keenth Robeson: Doc Savage double shot with the man of bronze against fake prophets. CES
  14. Re: Campaigns bases off alternate sources. Most of the games I have ran have been based off original premises where one event started the campaign and back story filled in the rest. Of the few games I am running now: the NSU was originally monsters as heroes which has branched into a more four color superhero place with the monsters taking more of a back seat, Megaverse Explorers is based in the Palladium settings with original dimensions added on, Xiaolin Busters is a solo game which combines Xiaolin Showdown and Ghostbusters with some Luigi's Mansion, Dragonia, a fantasy flat world, and Beyond the Walls of Sleep where the original idea was Simon and Kirby's Sandman but it might become more than that depending on the player. CES
  15. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Just Another Judgment Day by Simon R Greene: Detective John Taylor versus the Walking Man, God's Wrath on Earth, for the Nightside. CES
  16. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Princep's Fury by Jim Butcher: Alera vs the Vord with some cold revenge and a new High Lord. CES
  17. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? I have the Space Ghost/Dino Boy collection. It was pretty cool, the last six episodes are team ups with Space Ghost and other heroes like the Mighty Mightor. CES
  18. Re: Will'o the wisp How about Illusion only to create light, and TK only where the ball of light is. You could build a fifty point ball of fire that can't touch anything I guess and say it's a follower. CES
  19. Re: What Have You Watched Recently? Watched Wall-E with the boy. I liked it even with the holes I saw. My boy got a laugh out of the bot boxing back buffer. We liked the shorts more than the main movie. CES
  20. Re: xialin showdown page 27- Jade was trapped in the back of a bulletproof limo with two men more afraid of her father than her. Even though they were calling the main house, that didn't mean anyone would believe them and take precautions. Still Jade had options that other people didn't have. She could reach in front and take on the guards and take the limo. The guards would be afraid to hurt her seriously. She could jump from the vehicle and try to get back to the house before there was any problems. She could enjoy her ride out of the country and let her father deal with the problem as best he could without the access to the specialized knowledge that she had. Jade will try and take the car so she moved up and punched the first guard really hard, hopefully knocking him out, then she will hit the driver. The guard never saw the fist that knocked out his lights. The driver looked over to see what was going on. He put on the brakes so the car wouldn't crash. He looked ready to try to defend himself from the boss's daughter. Jade tried to knock him out as well. The driver couldn't stop Jade's tiger claw. His head rebounded off the window. He looked down and out. Jade quickly got out of the car and pulled the driver out and pushed the guard out of the car. She got in and took off for home. Jade rolled through the city, spotting dark clouds over Chinatown. As she arrived at the gate to the mansion, she felt an iciness in the air.
  21. Re: Dragonia The party used a truth spell on the captured Coop Cooper. He told them a mix of lies and truths. The most they could discern was Cooper's organization was in Dragonia somewhere. Sir Donald wanted to burn him, but the party finally stated it would be better to turn him over to the authorities and send him to prison to rot. Sid looked the boat over for sabotage. Everything was okay and ready to sail. The Kraken is in the east pouring water into the great Eastern Ocean. Gaia stands in the south, producing land from the void. The two of them create a current that runs down the coast from the Steam Lands along the Grasslands and into the north. The sub crossed the North Current and sailed out in the ocean, heading for the Kraken. After about an hour of sailing, a flock of giant kingfishers were spotted. They were nabbing whales and animals out of the water and taking them back to their nests. The decision was to stay away from the birds. One of the birds spotted the boat and attracted the attention of the rest of the flock. Sid took the boat into an emergency dive. The bird missed as he dove toward the bottom of the ocean. Another grabbed the boat, and started for the surface. Luckily, they had activated the sub's emergency defense and it protected the hull momentarily from damage. Sir Donald, Flames, and Dennis decided they have to do something to free the sub from the giant bird. They readied to step on the deck. Ishiyama cut off the forcefield, allowing the three to get out on the deck. It also caused the bird to drop the sub back into the water. Dennis grabbed the rail before he went overboard. Sir Donald did not. Flames caught him in midair. A flock of Kingfishers have congregated on the sub. Dennis stood on the deck. Sir Donald and Flames flapped overhead. One of the birds went for the sub, several gave chase to Flames who dodged around them for a moment, but was captured by one of the giants. Dennis froze the wings of the bird who grabbed the boat. It dropped into the ocean with a splash. Sir Donald used his gravity axe spell on the bird that had plucked him out of the sky. He and Flames crawled loose before they went into the ocean. The two heroes used gravity axe and ice blast on the remainder of the five birds that had attacked the vehicle, dropping them into the water until the effects of their abilities wore off. By that time, they planned to be far away. The heroes sailed east, spotting an island ahead. A telescope revealed that more of the kingfishers were arriving from their hunting with prey. A quick decision to dive was rendered. Sid took the boat down as deep as she would go as they crept past the island of birds. They added Bird Island to the map. They sail for a few hours at slow speed to avoid detection. Then they surfaced to look around, build up speed. The boat broke the water right under a kingfisher. It wasn't happy to see them. It swooped down, but Sid dove away from it. After a few twists and turns, the lone bird fell behind them. Sid poured on the horsepower to leave it far behind. They resurfaced and was glad Bird Island and its denizens had fallen away so the sailing could be done in relative peace. Another hour on, a swarm of flying fish jump through the air pass the sub. They brought a shark to bump the boat and see what it was before swimming on after the fish. A set of pillars appeared on the surface of the water. Donald and Flames investigated. They found that the stone columns descended out of sight into the water. After some poking around, they reported that the columns were of no interest. Dr. Pucca wanted to take pictures to study later. The sub entered the middle of the columns. Immediately the power went out. It sank to a platform close to the bottom. It looked like they were stranded. The crew looked around and used rubber tubing to create a snorkel. Donald swam up a short ways. He noticed that designs in the columns were lighting up. He swam back and told the others. It was decided the Doomshark needed to be moved off the platform as fast as possible. Another snorkel was made as fast as possible. Lil, Dennis, and Sid went out. Dr. Pucca took Sid's place at the helm. Lil changed herself into a giant sea serpent, wrapped her tail around the Doomshark and began to pull. Sid assisted with his magnetism. Dennis created a ramp of ice on the platform so their efforts would be helped by gravity and a slick surface. They succeeded in pulling the sub out of the column's influence. The engines came back on, and the sub scraped mud and rock as Dr. Pucca tried to control the path of the machine. A leak started pouring water into the Doomshark. Donald had Flames melt the metal into a patch to keep the water out. The dragon knight noticed that the metal was thinner but holding. They needed more metal for a better patch. Pucca almost hit a stone column pulled away at the last second and headed for the surface. They didn't have any supplies to handle such a job so they decided to sail to the next island. They spot land in the distance after another few days at sea. They hoped to do some trading but discovered a tower on the bare rock. Round rooms clustered at the top of the tower. Sid avoided a protective reef to land. The crew decided to investigate the tower since it was the only thing on a bare piece of rock. They found a road carved into the ground leading to the tower which resembled a mushroom from the bottom. They knocked on the door, but received no answer. They went in to look around. The inner walls of the foyer were metallic. Lamps dotted the walls. Otherwise the room was bare. They go to the next room which seems to have a lot of supply closets and an elevator and stairs heading up to the top of the tower. They decided to take the stairs. On the second floor, they found a lot of equipment that seemed to be acting as generators. Boxes with buttons regulated things. They head up to the third floor. They found a chemical lab ready to be used. The access door from the stairs locked behind them. The hissing of gas followed. The heroes try to burn the door down. That set fire to the gas. Dennis had to block the resulting flame jet with an ice wall. Luckily they had ducked out of the way in case the ice did not stop the fire. The tower began to lean to one side. Dennis produced a column of ice to keep the roof from falling down on them. It bought precious time as Sid repelled metal with his magnetism to keep fragments from falling down on top of them. They made it outside. The tower had started to fall towards the Doomshark at anchor. Sid shot the tower with his magnetism. It wasn't much but it bumped the tower off course enough that it fell on land without hitting the boat.
  22. Re: Walking With Strangers 14 Oz Mike Michaelson worked his way back and forth through the building. He had found several people that needed to be carried outside. His water slide steamed against the fire trying to push it back. Smoke drifted behind him as he moved. "Thanks for your help." The chief pointed at a stray bush of flames trying to expand out of their cordon. "It looks like we almost have it under control." "Give me some more water and I'll help you finish putting it out." Oz Mike rubbed a sooty hand on his sooty face. "It's no problem." "We're going to shoot it into the bottom floor." The chief pointed at one of the doors. "Once we saturate the floor, we'll start looking for anything still hiding in the walls." "Pour it on." Oz Mike bounced in place. "I can handle it." The chief spoke into his radio. The hoses concentrated on the building. Oz Mike stood in front of the water. It lifted him off the ground and followed where he wanted it to go. The former surfer smiled as he rode the solid spray. The concentrated water beam blasted the inside of the building as Mike directed it along the halls and up and down the stairs. He concentrated on the heaviest areas of heat. That would help the firemen the most when they came in the building after him. Mike let his control go after a few minutes of this riding. He dropped to the floor. So did the water. All he could see was a wasteland of smoke. He slid along the floor toward the door. The dirty liquid gathered itself together and helped him out the door. Mike headed out in the street. He coughed. Maybe he had taken in too much smoke while helping out. He went over and sat on the step on the fire truck. He needed the break at the moment. "Go get checked out, son." The chief spoke into his radio. "Some oxygen might just be the thing you need right now." "Thanks, Chief." Oz Mike coughed again, drawing in some deep breaths. "I have to get cleaned up and meet some friends." "Get checked out first." The chief pointed to an ambulance. "I don't want to tell you again." Mike nodded. What was the harm in having the EMTs check him out before he went on his way. Worse came to worse, he could stop by Odd's for some of that tonic he cooked up sometimes. The paramedic gave Mike some oxygen and checked him over. He asked if Mike felt dizzy or short of breath. When the answer was in the negative, he advised that the surfer go to the hospital, but he seemed okay to get there on his own. Michaelson thanked him, took one last breath of pure air, then started walking away. Oz Mike checked his watch. Odd and Kitty should be sitting down to dinner right about now. If he hurried, he could make just in time for dessert. One slice of one of Kitty's cheesecakes could make a man explode with happiness. Oz Mike looked up at the sky. He figured he could cut straight across town without worrying too much about time. Marlowe had a lot of little twisty streets that went nowhere that he hadn't quite learned how to fit together. Oz Mike started walking. Rivulets of water gathered together under him, carrying him along. He looked down in surprise, then remembered that run off from fighting the fire would be in the street. He had wanted to go and his power was helping him get there as best it could. Oz Mike concentrated on the water shoving him along. There had to be a way to keep it from being anchored at one end and stretching out from that point. Maybe if he told it to pool under his feet. One side stretched forward. The other side contracted. It wouldn't be as fast as using it as Tarzan uses a vine, but it should be faster than walking. Oz Mike crossed town on his improvised skateboard. People on the street glanced at him, trying to figure out what was going on. Mike smiled and waved a grimy hand as he passed. He would have to clean up when he reached Odd's place. Oz Mike turned into the street where Odd lived. He spotted Quin Martin coming down from the other side of the road. The Question Man limped along the sidewalk, head down. Oz Mike let the water carrying him drain away as he fell in beside the quiet fact checker. The look on the other's face prevented him from saying anything as they walked along. They reached the door to Odd's domicile. Quin knocked for admittance. Maybe some of Kitty's food would fix him up. "What happened to you two?" Odd's eyes were round as he looked at his two friends. "Hurt myself using my powers." Quin indicated Oz Mike with a thumb. "Fought a fire." "You two can tell me about it while Kitty cooks something up." Odd stepped out of the door. "I'll tell her you're here." "Can I use your bathroom to clean up first?" Oz Mike let Quin step in first. He looked like he needed a place to sit down more than the surfer needed a bath. "Yes." Odd and Quin answered the question together. "Let me get you some towels." Odd walked to the linen closet and produced a towel and wash clothes he didn't care if he ever saw again. He handed them over. "Knock yourself out." "Thanks." Oz Mike took the things and vanished into the bathroom. "Let me get you a cup of coffee, Quin." Odd frowned at the tired looking Martin, sunk into his coat, head down. "Thank you." Quin closed his eyes. His brain geared up to answer questions instead of toning down to merely listen. Maybe it had been a bad idea to associate with his friends. Odd went into the kitchen, pulling down a cup for Quin. Kitty had her head in the refrigerator, looking for more ingredients for dinner. Odd started the coffee machine working as he thought. "What do you think?" Odd knew Kitty had heard the entire exchange from the kitchen. Their living quarters wasn't that big. "If Quin keeps using his power, he might burn out, maybe have a stroke." Kitty placed her choices on the counter to get them ready for cooking. "We need to help him if we can." Odd stared at the coffee pot, waiting for it to give him an answer.
  23. Re: A New Dawn. 'Post-Apocalyptic' Fantasy I don't mind another technomancer or artificer. CES
  24. I have talked to a friend, and I'm starting a Dreamstream/Dream Lands Campaign. This will be the archive thread. CES
  25. Re: Not a Dream, Not an Imaginary Story! Steals every clock within a mile. Turns a mouse into a behemoth. Turns a clock tower into a mech. CES
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