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Everything posted by csyphrett

  1. Re: The New Circle Sidekicks 4 Background Information: Boomette belongs to a race of creatures that shares the same dimensional plane with Ba-Zar's forces, in effect a second class species to the Turtle King. They are used as demolition experts thanks to their ability to blow themselves up and reform instantaneously. There is nothing scarier than a mob of these living grenades rushing a position, blowing themselves up in waves. Boomette realized that Princess Daisy Pink would extend a peaceful hand to those who wanted to quit being soldiers for the bad tempered lizard. She decided to desert the army, and flee across the border in the dead of night. She was caught and thrown in a dudgeon with walls too thick to blow through. She might have remained there until she died of starvation, except for the Plumber. He and his companions, Barry O and Coop Copper, had smashed their way into the dudgeon after battling the armed guards and the warden. They released all the prisoners as they went, figuring a mass escape would help out their plan to save the princess. Boomette tagged along with them, in the hopes of paying the Plumber back. Boomette has become a valuable aid to the hero, using her explosive power to clear the way. Quote: "Time to blow up this popsicle stand." Personality: Boomette tends to be grumpy, pessimistic, and loves to blow things up. She doesn't like to fight but when she has to do it, she targets anyone she thinks can take her charge and lets them have it. Appearance: Boomette looks like an artist mannequin, covered with a sectional skin. This outer covering does most of the damage when she blows up. Powers: Boomette only has one power. She can blow herself up like a grenade, flinging shrapnel everywhere in range. Character Name: Boomette Real Name: Boomette Nationality: Boomberanian Hair/Eye Color: no hair, yellow eyes Place of Birth: Boomberania Date of Birth: 6/16/66 Height/Mass: 3'8"/186 lbs. Cost Characteristic Value 5 STR 15 33 DEX 2120 CON 20 30 BODY 25 5 INT 15 20 EGO 20 5 PRE 15 0 COM 10 PD 3 ED 4 SPD 3 REC 7 END 40 STUN 42 OCV: 7 DCV: 7 OECV: 6 DECV: 6 Phases: 3,6,12 Cost Powers and Talents (END) Explosion 55 pt Multipower 4u Door Knocker: Energy Blast 8d6 (40 pts), explosion (+1/2), personal immunity (+1/4), no range (-1/2), only affects targets on the ground (-1/4), only does knockback (-0). 40 pts 5u Suicide Bomb: ranged killing attack 2d6, explosion (+1/2), personal immunity (+1/4), only does knockback (-0) 52 pts Segmented Skin: Armor (15 pd/ 5 ed) 30 pts Pull yourself back together: Teleportation 2" (4 pts),linked to multipower (-3/4), not through solid barriers (-1/4), must pass through intervening space (-1/4). 1 pt Cost Skills 3 Demolitions 12- 1 WF: Artillery 12- 3 Climbing 13- 3 AK: Toad Castle 12- 3 AK: Boombaria 12- 3 Survival: forests 12- 3 KS: masonry 12- 3 KS: Sapping 12- 3 Stealth 13- 3 Breakfall 13- 3 Bureaucratics 12- + 2 CSLs with explosive attacks. 100 Points Disadvantages15 DF: Weird looking doll 20 Hunted by Ba-Zar 11- 15 Psych Lim: Likes to blow stuff up 15 Psych Lim: Pessimistic 15 Reputation: Bad tempered exploding Sidekick 10 Watched by Toad Castle Fire Department 8- 10 Phys Lim: Short CHA Cost = 118 Total Powers Cost = 95 Total Skills Cost =37 Total Cost = 250__________________ Plot Hook 1) Someone is using explosives to blow up safes in town. The Police Department believe it's the work of Boomette because of the spray pattern. The PCs are asked to pick her up. Plot Hook 2) A building falls down in the middle of town. Everything points to a massive blast in the foundation by some unknown explosives. Plot Hook 3) A giant 40 foot tall Boomette appears in the middle of town with a timer running on her chest. What do the characters do? Background Information: The hero known as Air Male started as Miller Lampkin, mailman. Miller knew every house on his route and most of the people by sight. That's why he knew the guys in the pink robes shouldn't be playing their silly role playing games at the Deschain residence. It was empty and condemned by the city. Miller decided the least he could do was warn them off before someone broke a leg, or otherwise hurt themselves inside the broken down house. As he approached, the guys in the robes revealed turtle faces to him. They also had batons they applied to his head. Miller found himself strapped to a table, surrounded by the turtle men and something with horns and fire for hair. He didn't know what was going on, but everyone was talking about an operation. Finally one of the turtles produced a knife. Miller fainted when the pain proved to be too much. When Miller awoke, he found that he looked like a turtle himself, but feathered wings grew from the shell on his back. He was in some kind of dump, but some of the things around him had been people just like he used to be. He learned how to fly while trying to find his way out of the hellish place. Miller found his way home after several adventures. He found the Sidekicks and joined their ranks after an encounter with Barry O.
  2. Re: Ghost Archer! Explain this please! I'm not GA but it looks to me that the side effect is environmental damage if visor removed like pulling a street light for an entangle CES
  3. Re: xiaolin showdown Thanks for the input guys. I'm not too worried about building the exact same wu from the show or the nature of the Showdowns since I don't know if I will be using Hero. Where I am stuck is an original opening to get started. Since I only have one player, there's no team so I don't have to worry about monks, Dashi, or some of the associated background elements. CES
  4. Re: xialin showdown I am probably going to use a mail list, FS. I might throw some other stuff in the setting. I'm kind of in the feel around stages of things, the part where you try to figure out what enemies can exist, how they affect things. CES
  5. Re: xialin showdown Thanks Cancer. CES/
  6. Re: xialin showdown Thanks for the information Mike and Defcon. Right now, I don't know if I am using any of the villains from the show. Pandababa or the fat ninja are the ones that are speaking to me. I might use an older Katnappi. Right now it's just in the planning stages for one person. If I get more players, I might expand out. Cancer, what did use in your campaign? CES
  7. Re: xialin showdown I was kind of wondering if anybody had any experience with it, FS. I have a mail game starting up, and the player is a fan. I don't want to let her down by blowing the easy stuff. CES
  8. I'm getting ready to start a campaign based on this. Has anyone looked at it for a setting? CES
  9. Re: The New Circle hahaha. Thanks for the rep anyway, Chad. CES
  10. Re: The New Circle The Sidekicks are based off RPG characters from Nintendo. Naturally I am changing elements to fit in what I need to do. CES
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... From a sister campaign to the Marvel game I'm in: "Wait, so you're doing it with a werewolf... omg, do you have wild furry fun," Draco beings to laugh. He beings to snicker then, "Doggy style." CES
  12. Re: The New Circle sidekicks 3 Background Information: Coop Copper dreamed of being an archaeologist when he was just Cooper Coppersmith. He dreamed of following in his uncle's footsteps and finding out things about the past that no one else had learned. He had been attending TCU when he had to give up his dream after discovering a secret from the past like he dreamed of doing since he was a boy. Coppersmith had joined a dig under Toad Castle, exploring the sewer system for artifacts. It was supposed to be a training exercise for the class. Coop found a black metal door off to one side of the main tunnels. He used a shovel to pry it open so he could learn what was behind it. Coop descended into the bowels of the earth under the city. The tunnels were older than anything he had ever thought of examining on his own. Then he discovered Lord Ba-Zar's turtle army. Worse they discovered him and decided to fit him with a new body. Coop suffered a total reconstruction of his body, the addition of a hard shell across his torso, the reduction of his facial features, the loss of his hair. Most people lost their ability to think by this time, reduced to a catatonia by the pain of the operation. The student held on, looking for a chance to escape. He found it when the adventurer known as the Plumber showed up to face Lord Ba-Zar, and stop his impending invasion. The two battled their way to Ba-Zar's field headquarters and sent him packing back to his home dimension. Coop's contacts in the student and teacher community of TCU became invaluable after he decided to stay on as one of the Plumber's Sidekicks. Quote: "Time to rev up." Personality: Coop has retained some of his inquisitiveness and interest in ancient history. He also tends to be brash and more outgoing than he used to be. He tries not to dwell on the extreme makeover he suffered through, but does sometimes take time to be alone. Appearance: Coop resembles a humanoid turtle. He wears a variety of t-shirts and shorts over his shell, and goggles on his head. Powers: Coop has an extra tough shell, and scaly skin for protection. He is able to pull his limbs and head in and spin across the ground like a hockey puck. He uses this to move fast, batter enemies, sometimes even cause a fiery discharge with his spin when touches something as he goes by. While Coop may look like a turtle, he has not been gifted with any notable ability to move in water like one. Character Name: Coop Copper Real Name: Cooper CoppersmithNationality: American Hair/Eye Color: bald/brown Place of Birth: Toad Castle Date of Birth: 6/4/89 Height/Mass: 5'8"/300 lbs. Cost Characteristic Value 10 STR 20 42 DEX 24 20 CON 20 30 BODY 25 8 INT 19 10 EGO 15 0 PRE 10 -2 COM 6 PD 4 ED 4 10 SPD 4 REC 8 END 40 STUN 45 OCV: 8 DCV: 8 OECV: 5 DECV: 5 Phases: 3,6,9,12 Cost Powers and Talents (END) Turtle Body: Armor (10 pd/10ed) 30 pts Whirling Speed: + 12 running 24 pts Whirling Leap: 12" leaping (12 pts), forward motion only (-1), must make half move with running first (-½). 5 pts Whirling Speed 50 pt multipower: 3u Whirling Move: HA + 5d6, AOE (20" line, +1 1/4), Hand to Hand Attack (-1/2), must make half move with running first (-½). 28 pts 5u Sparkling Whirling Move: HKA + 3d6, AOE (20" line, +1 1/4), Hand to Hand Attack (-1/2), must make half move with running first (-½). 50 pts 3u Dizzy Spell: Drain Dex 4d6 (40 pts), must make half move with running first (-½). 32 pts Cost Skills 3 KS: History 12- 3 KS: Toad Castle history 12- 3 KS: Archaeology 12- 3 KS: Geology 12- 3 KS: Caverns 12- 3 Survival: Caverns 12- 3 Survival: Deserts 12- 3 Research 12- 5 Eidetic Memory 7 Contact: Dr Henry Jones 3 AK: Toad Castle 12- 3 AK: Princess Daisy Pink's Kingdom 12- 3 systems operations 12- 3 computer operation 12- 3 Forensics 12- /100 Points Disadvantages 20 DF: Turtle Man 20 Hunted by Ba-Zar 15 Reputation: Sidekick 14- 15 Phy Lim: Can't move if on back 15 Psych Lim: Loves studying history 15 Psych Lim: Protective of Barry O CHA Cost = 129 Total Powers Cost = 120 Total Skills Cost = 51 Total Cost = 300 Plot Hook 1) A flood of turtle men erupt from the sewers of the campaign city, taking over several key areas for their ruler, Lord Ba-Zar. Plot Hook 2) A mask of an unknown mummy has been discovered by the local museum. The curator would like the heroes to ascertain if there is a connection between the mask and the freakish Coop Copper. Plot Hook 3) Several heroes who look like animals have gone missing. Is a player character next? Only if he's half beast.
  13. Re: Untapped Universe? Every universe has potential and this could be a good setting if they were linked. Just using one movie could provide a good game. The point levels would probably be low judging by Cole. I remember that Mike Surbrook had a version of the character from Unbreakable on his site. CES
  14. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... I second Pup's recommendation of Velocity. The hero's turn to vigilantism is believable considering his past and the nature of what's going on in the story. CES
  15. Re: Always On.... Can you write out the specifics for the power, JK? I think healing/regeneration is already always on. CES
  16. Re: What Fantasy/Sci-Fi book have you just finished? Please rate it... Just finished Last Call by Tim Powers. Chance based magic, Arthurian legends, and the ghost of Bugsy Siegal made a nice mix. CES
  17. Re: The Magistracy Hunt Thanks Mike. Jerry Silver- Blaster/leader of the team with health problems Quick-Speedster John Public- man capable of absorbing mental power to make himself stronger and faster Maker- controller of various technologies Chemist- magician who uses secret letters Luna and Phaeton- a pair of lovers who are a fighter and solar powered hero Jeff Stafford- A mercenary who works under the name Halbiedier The School is the nickname for the government supers project. This like the middle story of the set. http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=763174#post763174 http://herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?p=915852#post915852 CES
  18. Re: The Magistracy Hunt epilogue The Magistracy gathered around their meeting table. The screen was set up to run Maker's presentation to her grim audience. Knowing that you had enemies was a little different than knowing that one of your enemies was taking steps to get rid of you. "This is Jeff Stafford," she began, clicking the first picture to life. "He attacked us. We broke free. He collapsed into a coma. He was placed in a hospital until he could recover enough to be questioned. "Stafford escaped. I checked on it after we got back from upstate. The hospital doesn't know what happened." "He was awakened by the same man who funded the clone superhumans," said the Chemist. "That's a good guess," said Maker. "The proof is there was a spell on the phone," said Chemist. "I didn't think anything of it at the time but it had the same imprint as the spell that put Stafford asleep. I remembered the feel when John reminded me." "So we have Stafford hooked to this doc through the same magician?," asked Silver. "Pretty much," said Maker. "He had some surprises in his background too when I helped the School look into it." "Dr. Werner Krueger worked for Hitler, the Russians, the Chinese, some private institutes," said Maker, placing his picture on the screen. "All superhuman agent programs as you might infer from his medical degrees. He always walked away before something bad happened to whatever project he was on. "He fell off the radar after the Israelis tried to shoot him in Rio a few years ago." "Obviously that's when Krueger was recruited by the guy who hired Stafford," said Luna. "He spent that time building his lab." "That's what we think," said Maker. "The School tried to backtrack the money to see where it came from." "They couldn't find the source," said Silver. "I couldn't either," said Maker. "Somehow Krueger's lab was built without any paperwork, transfers, permits. Even the house was built without anyone filing boo at the local records department." "There was nothing anywhere?," asked Silver. "Almost like the construction company didn't exist," said Maker. "There wasn't any type of inspection on what we found either." "So we have a hit man, and a rogue doctor," said Silver. "Both are connected by a magic spell. We don't know where Stafford put his pay, or how Krueger got paid in the first place. Does that sum it up?" "Pretty much," said Maker. "The School is still looking but I don't think they will find anything that I missed." "The government has the best money suckers in the world," said Silver, lighting up a cigarette. "They won't find anything you didn't already find." "Where does that leave us?," said Luna. "We have to find Stafford now that he's back in play," said Silver. "And squeeze him before his boss shuts his brain down again. He's our only lead at this point and he has spent a lot of time underground already." "We're sitting ducks," said Luna. "We have some leeway to defend ourselves," said John Public. "Stafford is a lone wolf with very few friends. He'll be hard to track down, but we know that he's going to be used. That's something we can plan against." "All right," said Silver, slumped in his chair. "Maker, give Quick and Public what you found out, then I want you and Chemist working on repairs and defenses for the Tower. Luna and Phaeton, I want you to check on our former guests if the School will let you. Maybe one of them saw something we can use. We might as well stay busy while we're waiting."
  19. Re: The Magistracy Hunt 21 John Public frowned as he dropped his latest victim to the floor. He had gathered enough information to fulfill his objectives. He knew everything that he could scoop off the surface memories of those he touched. The problem was everyone knew a different story, and talking wasn't encouraged. Most of his subjects knew about the vaults, and that they should stay away from the subjects inside. That was useful to know. He decided to tour the place and find those rooms and make sure they stayed close. He frowned a little deeper when he heard about the giant bird running loose. At least Maker was outside and safe from trouble. John veered his course to the other side of the building. He felt the conditions of people around him. His friends were familiar steel, while the normal people were various softer and harder metals. He realized the experiments were sleeping flowers. John felt the normals were heading toward the far side of the complex away from his friends. There must be a door there to get to the surface. He bounded down the corridor after his mental image. "We have some escapees," John said into his com as he ran. "They should be coming out the south side." "I've got it," said Quick. "I see some kind of door under the house on that side." "I'm heading over there from the inside," said John. "Watch out for that bird." "Yes, mother," said Quick. You worry too much, John told himself as he moved with his borrowed speed. John reached the secret exit as the last of the fugitives tried to crowd into the elevator. He pushed in too. No one liked that. They liked it even less when he placed them under arrest and started tying them up with their belts and clothes. The elevator door opened at the top of the shaft. John pushed the crowd out on their sides. He ignored the groaning and cursing. "And they say you don't have a sense of humor," said Quick, surrounded by her own captures. "I have everyone's sense of humor," said Public. "I'll try to herd anybody else this way for you to take care of." "Sounds like a plan," said Quick. "I'll wait right here for you." The elevator went down before John could use it to get back to work. The two magistrates waited for it to return to the surface. The door opened. A tall, purple bird gazed at the two of them, then blasted pass them like a shot. "Phaeton's bird," said Quick. "It's fast. I'll give it that." "Faster than you?," said John. "Nothing's faster than me," said Quick, disappearing in a cloud of dust, and leaves. "All right," said John. He got back in the elevator and rode it down. Quick could handle that road runner fast enough on her own. Without help, there was no way for him to keep up anyway. John exited the lift, and looked around. He felt at low ebb. That usually meant that there was a small amount of people around who could give him a boost. He still felt as strong as ten men. That was something. John decided to walk around and see if there was any stragglers he needed to deal with before hooking up with the others. He expected most of the people had run into Luna. John found that he had been right as he wandered the halls. Bodies were scattered left and right, victims of the hand. He gathered the sleeping technicians and security and made sure they were tied secure enough to keep them out of trouble. He came across Silver and Chemist as they were sealing another of the prototype vaults they had found. Silver didn't look as angry as usual. "I think we bagged everyone," said John. "Quick is chasing down some big bird, but it seems to be the only escapee." "We'll have to get the School on this," said Silver. "Before we do that, let's question our pigeon." "I'm wondering if this is connected to Stafford," said Public. "What did you say?," asked the Chemist. "I said I wonder if this lab and clone thing was connected to Stafford's deal," said Public. "We left that doctor alone in the lab," said the Chemist, running back to where he and Silver had put Psi-Ghost's father asleep. "We have to talk to him before it's too late." Silver and Public followed a little behind the excited Chemist. The man seemed to have deduced, or remembered, something that showed a pattern of attacks. They had felt a mastermind had been around but with Stafford in a coma, they hadn't been able to question him. The Chemist pushed through the lab door as soon as it opened wide enough to let him. He stopped at the smell of burning flesh. Too late for answers now.
  20. Re: The Magistracy Hunt 20 Luna led the way down the corridor. So far she had only encountered guards who thought they could stop her, and civilians who thought they could run away from her punishing hands. They were both wrong. Phaeton followed with his eyes on the side corridors in case someone tried a surprise attack. He kept his solar aura at minimum to prevent the walls from melting around him. "We should let Quick in here to clean this place out," said Luna, grabbing a man by the neck and introducing him to a wall. "She could do this in a second." "She's protecting Maker, and rounding up any strays," said Phaeton, kicking down a door with ease. He looked inside the room to make sure no one was around. "Silver doesn't like us to split up and be alone on missions unless he has to." "I think he worries too much," said Luna. "Maybe," said Phaeton. The pair reached a crossroads. Luna listened, wanting to head for the area with the most enemy to deal with her way. This way said her ears, so she turned to the left and followed them. "Something is going on up ahead," said the fighting fury. "I think somebody bit off more than they could chew." Phaeton flew ahead, wondering what she had heard. He was not pleased by what he saw when he arrived. A tech had opened a metal vault door and let out some of the experiments. One of the genetic monsters decided she was food, and bit her arm deep enough to almost severe it. The test tube creations were anthromorphic animals, marked with X's on their chests. The one that had attacked their savior seemed to be some kind of badger. The others were a tall bird, a rabbit, a duck, and a dog of some unknown type. "This can't be good," said Phaeton, surrounding himself with fire. "Please move back into the vault. Police will arrive to take care of you as soon as possible." "I don't think so, Doc," said the rabbit. His ears pointed at Phaeton, releasing twin beams of light at the magistrate. Phaeton dodged the energy blasts, fired back with heat of his own. The bird ran off on its comrades. The duck shrank. The dog pulled an umbrella out of it fur to catch the flames. The badger continued to eat, but at least the tech had died from blood loss before it reached her insides. "So this won't be as easy as I thought," Phaeton said. The rabbit leaped in the air, blasting away with its ears. The duck ran around in circles because a spark had set its tail on fire. The dog dropped the umbrella, pulling a cannon out of its fur. Phaeton dodged the laser ears, swinging on the dog. No way could that thing be fired in the close confines they were fighting in. The dog took the fist on the chin, flying down the hall from the blow. The duck looked up to get a boot in the bill. It followed its comrade in a higher arc. The badger looked up angrily. It glared at Phaeton with red eyes. Then it started spinning in place, creating a tornado around itself. The cyclone came down the hall, intent on ripping the magistrate apart. Phaeton fired a blast into the windstorm, trying to knock out the badger before it could close to grapple on him. The fire passed through without touching the beast. He could hear the snapping of teeth inside the funnel. "Let me," said Luna, finally arriving on the scene. The tornado and fury met each other in the middle of the hall. Phaeton thought he saw his love reach into the funnel, while she spun around. The badger smashed into the wall, and looked stunned. Luna made sure by driving his face into the wall a few times until he slumped to the ground. "Put the ears up, or be fricasseed, rabbit," Phaeton said. "You got me, Doc," said the rabbit, holding his hands up. "I know when I'm beaten, I know when the jig's up. I know when violence won't help me out of a jam." "Shut up," said Luna, slicing her hand across his skull as she dragged the badger by the scruff of his neck with the other. All of the warped animals went back into the storage area. Chambers for freezing lined the walls. "We're missing one," Luna said, stuffing her load into their cells. "There was a bird," said Phaeton, stuffing the dog and duck into their cylinder homes. "It ran off while I was dealing with these guys." "Secret weapons?," said Luna, making sure they didn't miss another one of the weird pets. "I think that woman thought they would stop us," said Phaeton, indicating the half-devoured corpse. "That badger thing ate her arm off before I got here." "Guys," Luna said into her com. "We have a very large intelligent bird running loose in here. It could be dangerous." "It's six feet tall and fast," added Phaeton. "It looks like our friends aren't the only things made by our mad scientists." "We have a vault of those things too," said Silver. "Look out for more of those areas. We don't know what these clowns came up with before they sent their latest after us." "More than one vault," said Luna. "They must have been experimenting for a while to get the perfect match to what they wanted." "Let's get back on the job," said Phaeton. "That bird will show up or not. We don't want any more of these spaces opened while we're working." "No kidding," said Luna, leading the way.
  21. Re: The Magistracy Hunt 19 The Chemist stepped forward silently and wrote on the man's back with his finger. The red letter put the man asleep instantly. The magician grabbed the receiver and put it to his ear. "Doctor?," said a voice on the other end. "What's going on?" The Chemist decided to trace the phone line to the mastermind behind the clone soldiers. He traced a symbol on the mouthpiece. His form started to warp and enter the line to follow the call back to the other end. Then he flew across the room, repelled by some unseen barrier. His flight wrecked some beakers, and a shelf on the wall that he pulled down as he fell to the floor. "What the heck was that?," Silver said as he walked across the room to the phone. Laughter came from the receiver. He grabbed the handle. "Laugh this off." Electricity flowed from his hand into the phone. There was a bang as the plastic exploded from his deadly grip. That had been petty but enjoyable, he decided as he checked on his friend. "What happened?," Silver asked as he picked the Chemist off the floor. "The phone had a shielding spell on the other end," the Chemist said, rubbing his neck with both hands. "When I tried to go to the caller, I hit that shield and rebounded." "The other guy was a magician?," said Jerry. "What would a magician want with this Frankenstein setup?" "I don't know," admitted the Chemist. "The spellwork was familiar. I have to think about it. I have seen the same interlock somewhere else recently." "Maybe Psi-Ghost's dad can tell us what's up," said Silver. "We need to get Maker in here to look at this equipment," said the Chemist. "She'll know what's safe, and what's a time bomb." "Let's clear the building first," said Silver. "We don't want any more surprises." Silver went to the door of the incubation room. At least the room was clear now that its only occupant slept soundly on the floor. He waited for the door to slide out of his way before peering into the corridor. He heard something from not too far away, but the hall stood empty. "Let's go," Silver said, stepping into the empty passageway. The two men started toward the sound Silver had heard. It sounded like a muffled thumping. Maybe one of the lab workers had been trapped by something, maybe some noisy engine was running, maybe a lot of things. The only way to be sure was to check it for themselves and rule out any danger. Silver hoped it was something simple and nonthreatening. The Chemist was able to do a lot of things but physical violence gave him trouble if he was unprepared. Silver followed the thumping until he found a thick door, almost a bank vault door. He didn't like the hole between the metal portal and the unscathed hall. Someone was trying to get rid of the door. "I think we got some major trouble here," Silver said. "I wonder what was in this room to be locked away." "Whatever it is," said the Chemist. "It's still in there. We have to think it will try to escape from this place." "Seal it up," said Silver. "We want to shut this place down before we deal with anything too dangerous for the scientists to deal with by themselves." The Chemist nodded, before writing on the door. The thick steel straightened itself out, locking back in place in the frame.
  22. Re: Monster Slayers Archtypes Special Unit 2 was a tv show where cops track down monsters. It was on UPN for like a month. B-13 was a tri tac setting turned into adventure books by Nick Pollota. A special unit of the FBI protects the country, but is so secret no one knows they exist. CES
  23. Re: Monster Slayers Archtypes In the book, he was home after getting out, living with his mom, looking for a job when he sees the ad in the paper with a list of necessary qualifications. But a book based on a movie is usually different from what appears on screen. CES
  24. Re: The Magistracy Hunt 18 Jerry Silver puffed on his cigarette as he considered the cover for the stronghold he was going to smash. It looked like a small house in some uncleared trees well back from any road. A gravel driveway ran to a back road with the curves of a sidewinder. "Tons of electronics around the house out to the property line," said Maker. "I'd have to say at least fifty motion detectors, with cameras thrown in." "That's about what I expected," said Silver. "Can't be a mad scientist if you're afraid of the villagers all the time." Silver and Maker stood on a hill overlooking the hidden lab. He had wanted a look at the exterior before the Magistracy broke everything. Camouflaged weapons and controls had lit up on the scanner Maker had extended from her arm. Any normal group of cops would be slaughtered before they got to the front door of the house. "I haven't found any other access tubes," said Maker. Maybe the house is the only way in or out." "Once we get started," said Silver. "He'll pop out of there like a gopher unless he has a teleporter like we do." "What's the plan, chief?," said Maker. "You stay out here and hack his electronics," said Silver. "Quick will provide security in case I'm right and he does leave some other way than what we see, as well as if there are more of the brotherhood waiting to be used. The rest of us will bust open the front door and see what's up. Hopefully we'll recover records so we can find out who put up the money for this super soldier operation." "Let me send the schematics back to the Tower," said Maker. "We can step everyone to his front door and around the net." "Let's get this started," said Silver. "He might decide to bolt any second now." Maker concentrated on her armor. She had to be in contact with at least one of the security devices to hack into the control systems. That meant being closer than where she was standing. She sent the pictures back to the Tower, talked to the computer about the complex series of steps she wanted done, then waited for the others to say they were ready. Then she activated the satellites that would exchange the matter of her friends across the globe. Silver vanished off the hill. He reappeared beside the assault team in front of the door to the house. Maker vanished at the same time. She and Quick materialized beside a tree at the edge of the property line. She stabbed a camera with a tendril from her hand and started working her magic. The alarms never sounded the call to arms. "Do your thing, Chemist," Silver said, throwing away the spent cigarette. The magician wrote on the wall of the house with his finger. The secret letter turned the wood into a transparent sheet. He walked through, adjusting his sunglasses. "Secret door," said Silver, looking around. "Where would I put it?" Chemist wrote on the air. The resulting swirl of light drifted to a small couch. A closer inspection revealed the couch was on runners, designed to slide away with the push of a button. Phaeton pulled the disguise off with his prodigious strength. Then he yanked the door open with a pull of his hand. Luna dropped down the shaft, using the walls to slow her momentum by bouncing back and forth. "Excellent," said Silver. A crash at the bottom of the shaft told the group that Luna had smashed open the doors down there to get in the main base. Phaeton shrugged and flew down after her. "Really excellent," said Silver. "Let's go before they get into trouble." John Public smiled, grabbed Silver and the Chemist around the waist. He dropped down the shaft easily. He had the power of two men, that grew as he fell down the tunnel. A lot of people were within his reach. That wasn't unusual for a secret villain base in the middle of nowhere. There was bound to be support personnel wandering around. They weren't a match for Luna. The limp bodies surrounding the opened elevator doors said that much. "She enjoys this too much," Silver said. "Chemist, find our guy. John, see if you can round up someone willing to talk to us. It would be nice to know who put the money up for this." "On it," said Public, straightening his jacket as he started down a corridor not littered by bodies. A glow surrounded the Chemist and Silver. Two arcane letters joined in the air around them. Then the spell vaporized them with a happy hum. They reappeared inside a lab where a man in a lab coat desperately talked into a phone. Silver gestured at his comrade to put an end to the conversation.
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