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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: The unofficial: I Have 6th edition thread I read through the printout one of my friends made of the PDF. It looks to me like all my earlier opinions of 6E are confirmed.
  2. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done? Yeah, I don't think anyone can top that.
  3. Re: The SUPER Act And then GENOCIDE hacks the database, and the kids start dying en masse... This is why metahuman registration is a bad idea.
  4. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done? Redline, with all his powers almost totally suppressed, shot Dr. D in the face with a 3d6 E-Blast (and that required a push!) to get his attention. Granted, Dr. D's return shot killed him twice (once from the initial damage, once in the knockback), but that freed the rest of the party to act - one to hose him down, one to rip the cover off a massive generator, and Lady Thunderstrike 'near missed' him - but hit the generator . One massive discharge later, Dr. D was smoking on the floor...
  5. Re: A Police Scanner Both good ideas, thanks! Have some rep!
  6. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I don't know if I have that kind of time... The Main Man was one, although he was at least polite about it. If I recall correctly, your position was 'Can't we come up with a compromise?" which - once I understood what you were angling for (I'm kinda slow on the uptake at times) - I heartily endorsed.
  7. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Okay, so I lied....
  8. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far So the simple fact that a charcter had a 20 COM never ever affected the way your character acted around them?
  9. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far That's.... highly disappointing to hear. It makes it sound like Steve went into this with his mind made up about COM and that all my efforts to try and save it were... pointless. No so much from the 'I lost' standpoint, but from the 'I never had a chance' standpoint. Somehow I doubt this is true. It ascribes a level of malice to Steve that I doubt really exists. I prefer to think that he looked at both sides and (for whatever reason) decided the 'anti-COM' side was right.
  10. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Fixed that for you.
  11. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Fixed that for you. I get sooooooooooooooo tired of people saying that COM means nothing, does nothing, nobody ever uses it. I do. So PLEASE do not make your sweeping statements without those two words - 'to me' - so that you are not shoving your tenedncies down my throat.
  12. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Limited skill levels is a houserule?
  13. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far 's okay. The whole thing seems to have me a bit overwrought so I took it wrong. Not your fault. And on that note, I think I'm done with this thread. I'll keep checking the OP to see what new changes are released, but this rehash of the 6E threads is a bit too exhausting to keep up with.
  14. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Emphasis mine. Now you see, this is what is commonly referred to as 'insulting.' You imply that because I like COM and will house rule it back, I 'live in the past' and want everything to be as it used to be, regardless of the merits of changes. Perhaps I want to 'live in the past' where women were expected to stay at home, in the kitchen, barefoot and pregnant. Perhaps I want to 'live in the past' where African-Americans were all owned, and referred to by a word with two g's in it. As it happens, I do not want everything to be as it was. I want things to be better. New and improved, not just new. Strking Appearance, as it has been presented, is nothing I haven't already done to supplement COM. That means that, in my experience, it is not a replacement for COM. Others, including you, disagree. Fine. That's you're perogative. But DO NOT presume to tell me my preferences.
  15. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far And what makes you think Striking Appearance won't be vulnerable to exactly the same thing?
  16. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Okay. That's fine. My point was that at the very least, some (if not most) of the people who actually used COM will continue to do so. By the way, did you actually use COM? Was it used in game, or was it just relegated to it's slot on the character sheet and ignored it most of the time?
  17. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I think what he was saying was "If Steve had posted, 'I saw this in the threads and it made me go WOW..." I don't think he means what you think he means.
  18. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I think the reason that Marcus feels... kicked while's down, so to speak... is that eventually the pro-COM group settled around a 'let's compromise and make COM optional' stance. The anti-COM crowd stayed pretty vehemently "No, it must GO!" to the end. So when Mr. Long ignored the proposed compromise to agree with those who would NOT compromise, it makes us feel... ignored, at best.
  19. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Repeatedly. And with a fair amount of hostility. "No one uses COM so it must GO!" was the mantra, no matter how many of us pointed out that we, in fact, did use COM.
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