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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: Surely You're Joking, Mr Long. It's not just a curtain... it's a cape! Well, that makes it offical. A cape costs 3 points!
  2. Re: Making up a current Day Germany for Champions..... Now that is positively brilliant. It never occurred to me that since Germany still has a draft, it would logically test for superhumans as part of the medical exams. Great job!
  3. Re: Re-introducing COM to 6th Edition Of course, since Striking Appearance also judges appearance on a mathematical scale, yes, I think it's pretty humerous myself.
  4. Re: Re-introducing COM to 6th Edition Doesn't work unless the character actually has purchased Interaction skills, since the extra PRE represented by Striking Appearance doesn't influence 8- familiarity rolls.
  5. Re: Reactions to 6e The more I look at Striking Appearance, the more I think it makes a great adjunct to COM (which I will be retrofitting back into my personal 6E games). You want your character to not just be attractive but distinctive (and want it to work for you, rather than against you as the Complication does),take a level or two of Striking Appearance.
  6. Re: Omcv 1? And don't forget: OCV and DCV (along with their mental counterparts) can now be Drained separately as well. On the other hand, CSL's cannot be drained.
  7. Re: Replacements for... Depends on which RAW you want to use. There is nothing stopping you from continuing to use the 5E versions of both if you so desire. (That's what I'm likely to do, if I make the switch to 6E). For a more 6E friendly version, buy the naked advantage Armor Piercing with 'Requires a Skill Roll.' You won't be able to achieve multiple levels of halving, but nothing in 6E will do that so you'll probably have to live with it. For Lack of Weakness, well, Hardend stops AP, whether it's 'Find Weakness' or 'DPU Bullets.' Perhaps Lack of Weakness could be a limited form of hardened, 'Only vs. Find Weakness based AP.'
  8. Re: "Neat" Pictures Depends on who's mythology you're looking at. Of course, to properly do the Manticore, you'd also need an overlap with Bat and either Scorpion (for a stinger on the tail) or Porcupine (for spikes). So perhaps you're right on this one - or at least more right than the original writer.
  9. Re: It's the Little Things.... LS: Only sleeps 8 hours per week. It's a wonderful thing, allowing a superhero to have a normal life on the side.
  10. Re: Making up a current Day Germany for Champions..... Nothing wrong with having a federally sactioned law-enforcement team of supers. In fact, if you think your players would go along with it, that could be a really fun game! Of course, the players would have to be willing to deal with the paperwork and government oversight that would entail (Bureaucratics, anyone?).
  11. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done?
  12. Re: Shrinking with Persistant, Always On, 0 END And the really fun part of buying Growth/Shrinking piecemeal is that you can choose to leave stuff off if it doesn't make sense for concept. Case in point: Siberian Tiger had 15 points Growth, then buys two DCV levels to counteract the DCV penalty for being big (feline agility and all), plus 10 points of Shrinking (only to fit through tight areas, a common ablility for all cats). Now I just buy the reach and STR, take the mass disad and a lowered value for the 'large' disad, and away we go!
  13. Re: Re-introducing COM to 6th Edition I do wish to point out that the title of the thread is 'Re-introducing COM to 6th Edition.' That means that this thread is about discussing means to do so. It is NOT about rehashing the Great COM Debate yet again. So, if your sole contribution to the thread is 'Don't use COM,' please go to another thread. We wish to discuss the use of COM, not defend it.
  14. Re: Omcv 1? I agree that screwing over the character is going too far. But giving him a bit of hassle now and then is a time-honored GMing tradition. After all, you're not going to let someone who sold back Running win any foot races, are you?
  15. Re: Omcv 1? This is precisely the sort of thing I was talking about. No, nothing in the rules stops one from selling back OMCV. It's up to the GM to make it a problem periodically. Just saying 'No, don't do that' misses the opportunity to add a plot complication to your PC's lives.
  16. Re: Omcv 1? How do you justify buying the INT down to 1 in a way taht passes the GM cheese barrier? Some people are just going to be totally deficient in a given area, that's jus the way things are. But I see it as the GM's duty to, at some point, give the character some sort of grief over their sellback. After all, they are getting an added benefit out of it, so they should also get some extra hassle out of it too. Now if I had a player who always sold his OECV back, then perhaps a talking too would be in order. For a character who is 'flagrantly psi-blind' (and maybe spend a bunch of points on MD or mental DR to simulate it), perhaps it makes perfect sense to sell back the OECV. (Sorry, make that OMCV. I know how that misspelling annoys some people...)
  17. Re: Tokyo Scientists Find That Humans Glow "Luminous beings are we! Not this crude flesh." [/Yoda]
  18. Re: 6e discussion: Complications A good villian will find a way to trigger your Enraged at the most... inappropriate times. Like, for example, right when Jimmy Dugan is there with a news crew to film the whole thing. Then all the villian has to do is let the media and the court of public opinion do the dirty work of destroying the hero.
  19. Re: Reactions to 6e Actually, no. Steve's official answer when the question was asked was that unless a Barrier costs END to maintain (in which case all you have to do is stop paying END), once it is there, it is there FOREVER - or at least until it is broken / wear away naturally (i.e. ice wall melts away). For a Barrier than can be dismissed, either buy a separate Dispel only vs. your own Barriers, or make it nonpersistent.
  20. Re: What's the craziest thing your Supers have ever done?
  21. Re: 6E: Weaponmaster, Deadly Blow, and Killing dice Or it could just be that Weaponmaster has 0 END built in...
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