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Everything posted by Vulcan

  1. Re: "He's bulletproof", "Fireproof", etc. This is one of the places where 6E has the simplest solution. Take the 'bulletproof' brick. Give him high-average PD (say, 35ish in a 12d6 game). That will bounce a 2d6 RKA outright. Then add Damage Negation 'only vs. bullets' (-1 in all except heavy-gunfire Iron Age settings) for another 6 Damage classes. That covers everything, including .50 BMG / 14.7 Soviet HMGs (which might inflict a stun or two at most). Now you're bulletproof, without requiring unbalancing levels of PD.
  2. Re: Request for comments: Replacement for Find Weakness My solution to replacing Find Weakness in 6E was to simply grandfather it (and Lack of Weakness) in from 5E. Although I'm looking at a slight cost increase to reflect the increase in overall points in 6E. In my opinion, they were balanced just fine in 5E, so they should balance just fine in 6E too. Obviously YMMV.
  3. Re: Flash Forward To Nightmare Apparently Vigil is going to return to his supervillian roots... Seriously, with his background, it was only a matter of time before this scenario came up. Maybe without the 'destroy the world' part, but still, when the other charcters find out about his past, they're going to flip. That's why I work so hard at hiding it.
  4. Re: Back from the Dead...with a friend In lieu of any evidence to the contrary, my characters would strongly suspect that they were merely hallucinating. I mean, if even the team mystic can't pick it up, then it flat-out isn't there.
  5. Re: NCIS: Hudson City --- Would You Want To Play? I'd play this one. Sounds like fun.
  6. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) The amount quoted (90 STUN) comes from a .50 BMG (as mentioned upthread), which is statted in Dark Champions (5E) as a 3d6 RKA. So it can inflcit up to 90 STUN, therefore 90 PD (18 resistant) to bounce - at least under 5E rules - which costs, 27 points for the PD armor alone, and another 72 for the PD, grand total 99 points. Which does, indeed, means one would not take body from a hit which would shatter the earth. In 6E it's a little better - you still need 18 rPD (at 27 points), but you only need another 36 PD to bouce the bullet totally (54 total PD) - costing a total of 63 points. And also making you effectively immune to up to 14ish dice damage the rest of the time - they'd have to do better that 4 on the die to do any STUN at all. For most games, that's a little much. On the other hand, 45 points of Damage Negation allows the brick to bounce the .50 BMG all day, but damage starts coming in over it at 10 dice, which is a bit more manageable for most games. Personally I would split the difference - take Damage Negation for 30 points, enough to bounce small arms, and then 15ish rPD. .50 BMG will do up to 3 Stun per shot at most, which is effectively a bounce, and I don't take STUN on the average until 10 dice (same as pure DN), or BODY until 20ish dice (about twice that for pure DN).
  7. Re: Another view of Damage Negation (6e) Nothing. It's just that 9 DC's damage reduction is cheaper than 90 rPD (or 54 in 6E), which makes the effect more affordable. Whether that is good or bad depends on your point of view.
  8. Re: Your hero the villian UNTIL (or, more likely since my characters all seem to operate exclusively in Amerca, PRIMUS) might get a bit more than they bargained for if they asked Vigil to do this for them. Vigil would agree, provided that they provide a blanket amnesty for all crimes commited under the 'villian' identity. Open ended dates and all (or at least, open into the past and through the expected duration of the operation with an option to extend if the operation continues...). Then he would ressurect his old villian persona, Stalker. Having just gained amnesty for all his past crimes, this would make him a very happy camper and perfectly willing to do along with whatever PRIMUS wanted done.
  9. Re: Ever need blueprints for the USS Missouri?
  10. Re: Ever need blueprints for the USS Missouri? My mistake.
  11. Re: Ever need blueprints for the USS Missouri? IIRC the Wisconsin is an earlier class, simialr in layout but a bit smaller. On the other hand, it's ulikely your players will be able to tell the difference...
  12. Re: The Lovestruck A.I. I'd boot up the backup computer... and hope it's not the Queeg 500!
  13. Vulcan

    6E Mess

    Re: 6E Mess In no small part because, until your normal form's DEX comes up, you're awfully soft and squishy. And that assumes you don't mind blowing your secret ID the first time trouble occurs. If you go hunting for a place to change in secret in your normal ID, it could take you a couple phases - which, at SPD 2, removes you from the first half of the typical fight! By and large, I am inclined to be lenient with OIHID. It's too classic a superhero thing to be stingy with. That is, however, just my opinion.
  14. Re: Silly Question: Rita Hayworth's COM? So that's why that bunch of mortals crashed my workshop! I should have known Hera was behind it somehow...
  15. Re: [for fun] The Blue Moon Killer vs. Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli Good point. Going strictly for fun, the the Fonz has to win. Why? Because the Harbinger is a serious character, and the Fonz is a fun one. So the genre favors the Fonz. In a serious setting, well, someone's already shot someone as goofy as the Fonz in the back, so it would never come to this particular showdown.
  16. Re: [for fun] The Blue Moon Killer vs. Arthur Herbert Fonzarelli No, Nighthawk is... Nighthawk. The Harbinger is in esentially the same league for sheer skill and competance as Batman, where Nighthawk seems to get punked by even low-level threats. Our group decided unanimously that switching the Harbinger's gun pool over to a gadget pool was all that was needed to re-create Batman in Champions. Well, that and a few psych limit adjustments... The Harbinger vs. The Fonz? The whole universe implodes as two such wildly opposing implacable forces (one for vigilante justice, the other for comedic coolness) show up on the same planet.
  17. Re: Thinking about combat numbers Now if someone could just convince my GM of this. He thinks 25 DEF and CON (50 'Stun Threshold') is really high - i.e. brick level - in a 15 DC game...
  18. Re: WOW! Stun drain in 6e I was afraid of something like this back in the 6E discussion threads. From post 775 of the "Power Frameworks" thread: Making adjustment powers work at half-strength against characteristics almost fixes. it. But now, Drain END is the greatest superpower of all...
  19. Re: Order of the Stick The higher your Charisma, the higher the saves on bardic abilities. And he likely gains an AC bonus from his prestige class. (Points at self) GEEEEEEEEEEK!
  20. Re: What's a good introductory adventure? You should have much better luck starting a Fantasy HERO game at church than a D&D game (and not just because the game mechanics are vastly superior). After all, any devout chuchgoer knows D&D is evil and leads to satanic rituals.
  21. Re: Japan Plans Solar Space Powerplant to Beam Power to Earth Get the space elevator working and that's a disticnt possibility, Alibear. And if we can get the elevator up and working, setting up radio astronomy on the moon is a breeze.
  22. Re: Top 75 Spaceships in movies and TV My biggest beef is, as always, the Romulan D'Daridex. The name of this class, according to the sourcebooks, was translated as Executioner. But everyone refers to it as a Warbird, because 'all Romulan ships are Warbirds.' Sheer laziness. What's worse, it's so prevalent that it was done repeatedly in the various shows. So now calling Executioners by the same name as those piddly little scouts is officially cannon! Sigh.
  23. Re: Making up a current Day Germany for Champions..... As I recall, Dr. Frankenstein was Swiss, wasn't he? And I seem to recall that he did his expirements while attending the university at Geneva. Close enough for Champions work, anyway!
  24. Re: Post "gotchas" here Bribes of XP's usually work well.
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