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Everything posted by Spideyguy

  1. All, I always liked Crusader from the old days of the BBB, and decided to bring him up to date for the new 350-point world. I even decided to give him a nice set of wheels for Christmas. I've posted the Hero Designer files, please let me know what you think. Thanks! P.S. I don't think this is an invasion of intellectual property, but if I'm doing something wrong by posting this stuff, please let me know, and I'll remove it ASAP.
  2. Steve, I found a certain amount of this in FRED, but I just want to verify. For normal attacks, the standard effect stun is 3.5 per d6, and standard effect body is 1.5 per d6. For killing attacks, standard effect body is 3.5 per d6, while the standard effect stun multiple is 3. Are those both correct statements, and if not, can you set me straight? Thanks! John
  3. Steve, In the write up for Freon in the VIPER sourcebook (which totally rocks, by the way!) he has an invisibility power that is given a -1 limitation, "only when not moving" (or something similar). However, if I look under the power description in FRED, or the limitations matrix in Hero Designer II (again, great job!), the Chameleon limitation is only worth -1/2. Not trying to be a number-cruncher or a wise guy, but I'm trying to understand the difference between these two limitations that justifies the additional -1/2 limitation? I only ask because I was taking HD2 for a test drive last night, and decided to input Freon as a test. I didn't understand why I just couldn't choose Chameleon, until I saw the difference in limitation values. Thanks for all that you and the Hero Games staffers do! You've collectively revived one of my fondest childhood pasttimes, and that's a joyous thing!
  4. Idea Well, he's done everything in his life in an extremely fast, efficient, and progressive manner. How about Fast Track?
  5. Definitely I'd love to be a flying brick. And not even a heavy duty, planet-moving, Superman kind of brick. Something like: 50 STR 25 PD/ED (Resistant, of course, for that annoying small arms fire) 25" Flight x16 NCM (who wouldn't love that!!??) Scads of telescopic vision Of course, the endless uses and abuses of X-Ray vision spring immediately to mind... "Oh, Miss Spears....."
  6. Curious Emerged, In your post, you mention a Class 1 Nova type called "The Hound". Do you classify your supers into types or categories, and if so, what is the backstory for your world? I'd be curious to know more, as it sounds very interesting. Drop me a private message if you'd like to share. Thanks!
  7. Great Quote One of my favorites is from Superman, and it's said to Lex Luthor by Supes: "I'll mold this box into your prison bars!"
  8. Robot VPP If you own a copy of CKC, you might look at the write-up for Black Harlequin. He's got the exact thing that you're looking for.
  9. Powersuit Conundrum JmOz, It's not exactly the same thing, but I had built a power suit character who had a parachute that opened whenever she was knocked unconcious in mid-flight. I bought it as gliding with a trigger (user KO'd), and no concious control. That way, the only time the PC was in trouble is if she was KO'd over a volcano, or something like that. And since my GM wasn't a ball-buster, it was rarely an issue. John
  10. Volunteer Monolith, If you'd like me to take a look at them, I'd be glad to, and I'm generally pretty good at that sort of thing. If you need this very quickly, please let me know. I'll private message you my e-mail address separately. John
  11. Hijack: Command & Conquer If you like real-time strategy PC gaming, you're missing out!!
  12. Herogames "Must Haves" I think the Ultimate Martial Artist is a must-have for anyone who ever plays martial artists, or campaigns that center around a chop-sake theme. Even if you campaigns don't feature a lot of these two elements, giving a PC a cool (and sometimes obscure) fighting art makes the character more interesting and mysterious.
  13. Steve, I'm building a brick character, and as one of her "brick tricks" I want her to be able to catch large items thrown at her, and throw them back at the originating character (probably another brick, or high-level telekinetic). The item would have to be large (at least the size of a big floor safe) in order to be caught, so bullets, energy blasts, and the like could not be reflected. Also, I thought to properly simulate force, the missile could only be deflected if the thrower's STR (either real or TK) was less than or equal to the reflecting brick's strength. How much of a limitation would you give for Missile Reflection - Large Items Only, Attacker's STR must be less than or equal to PC's? Thanks in advance! John
  14. Spidey vs. Hulk DOH!! Beat me to that one, JmOz!
  15. New Cap A little off-topic, but I think it would be cool to have Dennis Quaid play the "old" Cap, passing down the mantle to whomever you guys decide should play the new one! Dennis just has that all-American square-jawed look that I think would make a great Cap.
  16. Steve, I have a darkness based character who has taken the limitation "Power only works at 1/2 effect during daylight" with a limitation of -1. Does this seem reasonable to you, or should this be more/less of a limitation? I always have a hard time adjudicating custom limitations, and would appreciate your opinion. Thanks! Spideyguy
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