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Posts posted by Sociotard

  1. And the "Great Minds Think Alike" award goes to Pariah and Psybolt (both drafted Miss Marvel) and Dr. MID-Nite and Old Man (both drafted Karma). The Subsitutes were Starfire and Black Cat


    Here is the list sorted by who posted.



    The Fox
    The Black Fox
    The Crimson Fox
    Wild Dog
    The Werewolf by Night
    Red Wolf


    death tribble
    Brianiac 5
    Emerald Empress
    Karate Kid
    Mon El
    Sensor Girl
    Shadow Lass
    Time trapper


    Dr. MID-Nite
    Pied Piper


    Lady Pariah
    The Atom
    Professor X
    Lady Fairplay
    The Huntress
    Black Lightning
    The Beast
    Black Widow
    Emma Frost


    Old Man
    Captain Marvel Jr.


    Green Lantern
    Miss Marvel
    Captain Marvel
    Captain America
    Baron Zemo
    Green Goblin


    Miss Marvel
    Adam Strange
    Viv Vision


    Toxic Avenger
    Judge Dredd
    Tank Girl
    The Mask
    The Crow
    Casey Jones
    The White Violin


    Black Cat



    Here is a sorted list that is semicolon delimited (so you can pop it in excel and sort how you like. It has links)


    Adam Strange;Adam Strange;Male;DC;715;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/adam-strange/4005-4604/
    Ant-Man;Scott Lang;Male;Marvel;758;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/ant-man-lang/4005-20577/
    Baron Zemo;Helmut Zemo;Male;Marvel;521;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/baron-helmut-zemo/4005-3278/
    Batgirl;Cassandra Cain;Female;DC;582;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/cassandra-cain/4005-65230/
    Batwoman;Katherine Kane;Female;DC;726;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/batwoman/4005-9052/
    Black Cat;Felicia Hardy;Female;Marvel;1220;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/black-cat/4005-1479/
    Black Lightning;Jefferson Michael Pierce;Male;DC;857;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/black-lightning/4005-10994/
    Black Widow;Nancy Rushman;Female;Marvel;3428;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/black-widow/4005-3200/
    Brianiac 5;Querl Dox;Male;DC;1034;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/brainiac-5/4005-1255/
    Captain America;Sam Wilson;Male;Marvel;2263;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/falcon/4005-1451/
    Captain Marvel;Monica Rambeau;Female;Marvel;923;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/spectrum/4005-11337/
    Captain Marvel Jr.;Freddy Freeman;Male;DC;838;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/freddy-freeman/4005-10935/
    Casey Jones;Arnold Bernid Jones;Male;IDW;385;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/casey-jones/4005-44890/
    Catwoman;Selina Kyle;Female;DC;2690;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/catwoman/4005-1698/
    Cyborg;Victor Stone;Male;DC;2487;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/cyborg/4005-2388/
    Daredevil;Matt Murdock;Male;Marvel;4363;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/daredevil/4005-24694/
    Echo;Maya Lopez;Female;Marvel;209;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/echo/4005-9038/
    Emerald Empress;Cera Kesh;Female;DC;155;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/emerald-empress/4005-5946/
    Emma Frost;Emma Frost;Female;Marvel;5638;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/emma-frost/4005-1457/
    Firestorm ;Ronnie Raymond and Martin Stein;Male;DC;1037;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/firestorm/4005-2353/
    Forge;Maker* Skitch* Genesis;Male;Marvel;1906;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/forge/4005-4279/
    Geiger;Joe Glow* the Meltdown Man;Male;Image;2;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/geiger/4005-49905/
    Green Goblin;Harry Osborn;Male;Marvel;1120;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/harry-osborn/4005-2478/
    Green Lantern;John Stewart;Male;DC;1600;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/john-stewart/4005-10451/
    Hellboy;Anung Un Rama;Male;Dark Horse;491;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/hellboy/4005-5466/
    Iceman;Robert Louis Drake;Male;Marvel;7587;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/iceman/4005-1464/
    Judge Dredd;Joseph Dredd;Male;Rebellion;3751;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/judge-dredd/4005-30061/
    Karate Kid;Val Armorr;Male;DC;415;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/karate-kid/4005-1269/
    Karma;Xi'an Coy Manh;Female;Marvel;1448;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/karma/4005-9849/
    Karma;Xi'an Coy Manh;Female;Marvel;1448;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/karma/4005-9849/
    Lady Fairplay;Mary Lee;Female;Progressive;11;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/lady-fairplay/4005-75904/
    Lobo;Lobo, The Main Man;Male;DC;915;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/lobo/4005-6578/
    Loki;Loki Laufeyson;Male;Marvel;1920;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/loki/4005-4324/
    Man-Thing;Theodore Sallis;Male;Marvel;768;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/man-thing/4005-4988/
    Man-Wolf;John Jameson;Male;Marvel;535;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/john-jameson/4005-4456/
    Miss Marvel;Kamala Khan;Female;Marvel;628;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/kamala-khan/4005-94118/
    Miss Marvel;Kamala Khan;Female;Marvel;628;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/kamala-khan/4005-94118/
    Mon El;Lar Gand;Male;DC;749;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/mon-el/4005-21508/
    Mystique;Raven Darkhölme;Female;Marvel;2859;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/mystique/4005-1469/
    Obsidian;Todd James Rice;Male;DC;346;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/obsidian/4005-9359/
    Oracle;Barbara Gordon;Female;DC;3274;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/barbara-gordon/4005-5368/
    Phoenix;Rachel Grey-Summers;Female;Marvel;2665;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/rachel-grey/4005-3566/
    Pied Piper;Hartley Rathaway;Male;DC;277;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/pied-piper/4005-10472/
    Professor X;Charles Xavier;Male;Marvel;6949;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/professor-x/4005-1505/
    Red Wolf;William Talltrees;Male;Marvel;166;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/red-wolf/4005-7250/
    Reptil;Humberto Lopez;Male;Marvel;190;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/reptil/4005-60768/
    Rogue;Anna Marie;Female;Marvel;6195;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/rogue/4005-1446/
    Sensor Girl;Annaxandra Projectra Velorya;Female;DC;337;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/sensor-girl/4005-6797/
    Shadow Lass;Tasmia Mallor;Female;DC;511;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/shadow-lass/4005-1261/
    Shang-Chi;Zheng Shang-Chi;Male;Marvel;879;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/shang-chi/4005-12716/
    Spider-Woman;Julia Carpenter;Female;Marvel;488;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/julia-carpenter/4005-16197/
    Supergirl;Kara Zor-El;Female;DC;2847;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/supergirl/4005-2351/
    Tank Girl;Rebecca Buck;Female;Titan;233;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/tank-girl/4005-46763/
    The Atom;Ray Palmer;Male;DC;1556;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/ray-palmer/4005-34685/
    The Beast;Hank McCoy;Male;Marvel;9114;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/beast/4005-1462/
    The Black Fox;Raul Chalmers;Male;Marvel;73;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/black-fox/4005-21201/
    The Crimson Fox;Vivian and Constance D'Aramis;Female;DC;174;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/crimson-fox/4005-2390/
    The Crow;Eric Draven;Male;IDW;93;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/the-crow/4005-42251/
    The Fox;Paul Patton;Male;Archie;65;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/the-fox/4005-31394/
    The Huntress;Helena Berinelli;Female;DC;1001;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/huntress-bertinelli/4005-1690/
    The Mask;Stanley Ipkiss;Male;Dark Horse;138;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/the-mask/4005-42252/
    The Werewolf by Night;Jack Russell* Jacob Russoff;Male;Marvel;434;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/werewolf-by-night/4005-4984/
    The White Violin;Vanya Hargreeves;Female;Dark Horse;23;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/the-white-violin/4005-49576/
    Time trapper;Unknown;Male;DC;94;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/time-trapper/4005-25998/
    Toxic Avenger;Melvin Junko;Male;Devil's Due;33;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/toxic-avenger/4005-43704/
    Validus;Garridan Ranzz;Male;DC;157;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/validus/4005-21241/
    Viv Vision;Vivian Vision;Female;Marvel;165;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/viv/4005-124054/
    Vixen;Mari Jiwe McCabe;Female;DC;680;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/vixen/4005-2551/
    Wild Dog;Jack Wheeler;Male;DC;60;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/wild-dog/4005-43656/
    Zephyr;Faith Herbert;Female;Valiant;188;https://comicvine.gamespot.com/zephyr/4005-12459/


  2. That us entirely up to you, for both the initial 9 submissions to the master list and the final draft.


    Many people enjoy writing a bit of fanfic about their draft, but it is never required. Some people apply a theme to their draft picks, also not required but maybe fun. Last year, Cancer submitted a list of all green characters (Hulk, etc). I submitted a list of primarily street-level heroes opposing Lobo, because I thought that would be a fun comic to read.


    In the draft proper, more people submitted fanfic that established how the characters fit in the story. One reason you have Option picks is so you can put in characters to make a story work. I think it was Old Man that wrote fic about a Hunger Games of all-attractive women.


    And the final vote? Totally up to you. Whatever you found amusing.

  3. This space Reserved for Rosters.


    Member: csyphrett


    Location: Microverse

    Character: Adam Strange

    Character: The Atom

    Character: Ant-Man (Scott Lang)

    Character: Forge

    Character: Brainiac 5 (Querl Dox)

    Character: Firestorm

    Character: Time Trapper

    Character: Green Lantern (John Stewart)

    Option: Reed Richards

    Option: Alexander Luthor

    Option: Rip Hunter


    Member: death tribble

    Title: Panic at the Mall of America

    Location: Bloomington Minnesota

    Character: Catwoman

    Character: Mystique

    Character: Emma Frost

    Character: Huntress

    Character: Atrocitus

    Character: Crimson Fox

    Character: Reptil

    Character: Karma

    Option: Dex-Starr

    Option: Titania

    Option: Lady Shiva


    Member: Dr. MID-Nite

    Title: Dark Mirror

    Location: Blue Area of the Moon

    Character: Loki

    Character: The Mask

    Character: Mon El (Lar Gand)

    Character: Homelander (John)

    Character: The White Violin (Vanya Hargreeves)

    Character: The Phoenix (Rachel Summers)

    Character: Daredevil

    Character: Sensor Girl

    Option: The Grandmaster

    Option: The Cosmic Cube

    Option: Mastermind (Jason Wyngarde)


    Member: Lady Pariah















    Member: Old Man



    Character: Hellboy (Anung Un Rama)

    Character: Shadow Lass (Tasmia Mallor)

    Character: The Crow (Eric Draven)

    Character: Judge Dredd (Joseph Dredd)

    Character: Red Wolf (William Talltrees)

    Character: Werewolf by Night

    Character: Man-thing

    Character: Obsidian





    Member: Pariah



    Character: Emerald Empress

    Character: the Beast (Hank McCoy)

    Character: Oracle (Barbara Gordon) 

    Character: Cyborg (Victor Stone)

    Character: Validus

    Character: Lady Fairplay

    Character: Karate Kid

    Character: Viv Vision





    Member: Psybolt

    Title: Versus

    Location: Mojoworld

    Character: Hercules (Heracles)

    Character: Captain Marvel (Monica Rambeau)

    Character: Supergirl (Kara Zor-El)

    Character: Echo (Maya Lopez)

    Character: Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter)

    Character: Lobo

    Character: Tank Girl

    Character: Starfire

    Option: Daredevil (Electra Natchios)

    Option: Scarlet Witch

    Option: Mojo


    Member: Sociotard



    Character: Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)

    Character: Baron Zemo (Helmut Zemo)

    Character: Shang-Chi (Shang-Chi)

    Character: Vixen (Mari Jiwe McCabe)

    Character: Captain Marvel Jr. (Freddy Freeman)
























    It's time for the 2021 Master List Superdraft!


    This draft is a superhero draft of the kind we have seen often on this forum. This particular draft seeks to maximize the event of one player 'sniping' another. To do this, most of your picks will come from a small list that we will jointly create.


    June 1: everyone drafts 9 characters. Some heroes, some villains, all characters appropriate to the superhero genre. We want everyone's list in QUICKLY, so it doesn't matter if there are duplicates. These characters are sent to me by PM.


    You are answerable only to your own conscience. Last year I vetoed a number of characters for not being appropriate to the superhero genre. (Elsa from Frozen, for example). Not this year. I ask that you please keep your nine submissions appropriate to the genre, but I won't arbitrate. The submit-9-draft-8 rule should make this flexible enough that we'll be okay if some people submit genre-questionable characters.


    June 2-5: Stragglers enter their submissions.


    June 6: NO NEW PLAYERS! I post the Master List: Every character drafted, duplicates reduced to singles. I will replace duplicates with a pre-prepared list of popular characters (there are three picks for Superman? I go to the top two on my list that haven't been picked, and I add them. Now the master list has one Superman and two other people). Players may draft their location at this time.


    Thereafter: Draft Normally. All your "Character" picks must come from the Master List, and you can't draft anyone you originally submitted. (so, from the example earlier, none of the three players could draft Superman. anyone could draft the two people I replaced his duplicates with). Note that while players submit 9 characters to the master list, they only draw 8. "Option" picks can be anything, including characters not on the Master List. "Option" picks cannot be used for Master List characters, unless everyone else has all their "Character" slots filled.


    Picks take place at noon Eastern Daylight Savings Time.


    You can post your Location at the same time you post any Character pick. I just never care about locations, so I don't want them to interfere with the rest of the draft.


    Options can be used to draft characters that don't appear on the Master List. Options cannot be used to draft characters that ARE on the Master List.



    8 characters

    3 options (can be used for characters not on the Master List)


    See last year's draft:

    The Master List Superdraft - Non-Gaming Discussion - HERO Games



  5. Mythic Monster: The Crossroads Witches


    What crossroads, where? Oh, it's not on any map. You need desire, first. More than most men have for anything. Then start walking. Walk until your legs scream, and keep walking until they're numb. Walk until you see things and keep walking until you can't hear you're own thoughts. Walk until you find yourself at a crossroads at the witching hour.


    At each of the three roads you face will be a witch, a mother, a maiden, and a crone. Give them your desire, and they will give you a task. Go and complete it, and somehow your wish will come true. Fall short, and, well, you find out why you shouldn't go to the crossroads.


    Gift to Civilization: Magepunk Mecha




    Finally, I better make sure we gods hit the basics:


    Secondary Domain: Agriculture

    Secondary Domain: Craftsmanship


    I didn't expect the god of Debts and the creator of currency to wind up with both aspects of the Hammer and Sickle, but here we are.

  6. 4 hours ago, Pattern Ghost said:

    Quick catch up picks:


    Secondary Domain: Diversion

    Interference: The Tropics, a place the ice can't reach (though still having a chill in the air), while allowing Theer to have Theer's fun.

    Sentient Life: The Sun and the Stars.


    I think Psybolt  As Kulan god of Beauty already took the Sun as a domain. Stars would work though. "Can you look away? I can't twinkle when people are watching."

  7. I don't know if this runs afoul of Mirth's domain of Death.


    Geography: the Ancestral Halls


    Death erases no debt, and the grave is no bar to obligation.


    And so, there is an afterlife. 


    Indeed, there are many afterlives. Different civilizations have different ideas of paradise. People make sacrifices and offerings to the ones they like, building themselves up mansions in heaven. After Mirth has her way with them, they call in that debt. If they've offered little, they may find themselves lost souls, struggling to perform service to earn their way in. Of course, the Ancestral Halls sometimes choose to rain blessings on their devout. That's where the service of the lost souls comes in. Beg your preferred ancestral hall to improve your crop, get lost souls weeding your fields.


    They say that if you go to the glaciers, you can see in the aurorae the celebrations of the ancestral halls, drinking and dancing and dueling.

  8. Interference: Attributes are diegetic, and they are currency.


    When sentient beings reach a certain age (25 in humans, other species vary) they gain access to their innate Attributes as currency, and their attributes begin slowly draining. The rate of drain varies. Attributes can also be lost through disease, poison, magical effects, and so forth. (Luck and Magic might also be expended directly. I haven't decided. Or maybe those gods should decide) They can replenish and even grow their attributes through commerce (I'll trade this apple for three strength points). They can also do this through other methods, which vary by attribute.


    The effect of Attributes is given by the natural log of the Attribute point. Someone with 22,026 strength points has a strength of 10.


    Values of 8 are considered normal human levels. There is no upper limit (imagine what the Rockefellers of this world are like). You cannot go negative on any attribute, and bad things happen when any of them get low.


    Attribute points are not fungible. If you have a few extra strength points, you might be able to trade them on the open market for something else, but you can't just plug them into a different attribute.


    The attributes:

    To honor the God of Opposition and Struggle: Strength If this gets to a 1 a character might struggle to even breathe. At 30 they might punch out the fire dragon.

    To honor the God of Fire: Vigor This is both energy and passion or drive. At low levels characters sleep a lot, become laconic, and get winded doing anything. At high levels they can run full sprint for days on end, and their passion can overwhelm others.

    To honor the God of Wisdom: Intelligence Try not to let this get low. Even simple jobs are hard for stupid people.

    To honor the God of Order: Sanity at low levels is, obviously, insanity. At high levels, characters have an extreme relationship with reality and are able to shred lies, logical fallacies. They can control their own thoughts and desires with ease. Some say there are those with extremely high Sanity who can twist the perception of reality of those around them.

    To honor the God of Mirth: Dexterity For Dancing. Its a stretch but I couldn't think of anything else.

    To dishonor the god of Fear: Courage

    To honor the God of Storms: Resistance That is, resistance to harm. At the highest levels characters can walk through hail and lightning, live without food and water, ignore the most virulent plagues, and more.

    To honor the God of Luck: Luck

    To honor the God of Magic: Magic

    To honor the God of Beauty: Comeliness at very low levels other people might reflexively hit you.


    EDIT: as for Folly, Gold is its own currency. No attribute needed here. There are rituals to store attributes on gold objects.


    My inspiration:

    In Time - Opening Scene (HD) - YouTube

  9. The boy ran from his camp. He knew better, but there was a butterfly he hadn't seen before, and there wasn't much for him to do on Trading Day, so he slipped out and after it. They say that whatever a butterfly led you to was more often surprising than pleasant, but it was worth it for the times it was both.


    The butterfly itself was headed up the prarie's solitary hill, to the solitary tree that sprang from its crown.


    The boy was out of breath when he reached it, but it was worth it. The tree was flowering and fragrant, and he could see a view cut by Kulan himself.


    "I like the view too. Especially on trade days. So busy!"


    The boy was so startled he nearly fell down the hill. "Oh! I didn't see you."


    "To be fair, I didn't manifest until you came up. See?" The sandy-skinned girl in the white frock vanished quick as smoke on the wind, and just as quickly came back. She gestured to herself, "All this isn't real. I'm the tree, but I make this so I can talk to people.  They're more fun than the butterflies."


    And so the conversation began. The boy learned what a dryad was, how they only appeared where a tree was given special attention.  Once, a couple had taken advantage of trade days to get married up here, and commemorated the event by planting a seedling.


    "And that was enough. Their love and attention drew my soul down, and now I am. Most days are a lot lonelier than that, though. Your people only come for trade days a couple weeks out of the year. The rest of the time I just grow flowers for the butterflies."


    "You can grow flowers on purpose?"


    "Oh yes. Whatever our saplings were, dryads are the cosmic ideal of a tree, the very concept of trees given matter, every tree at once. Apple?"


    A great yellow apple swelled at the top of a branch, then fell right into his hand. He ate it and laughed, and the tree was happy.


    They kept talking, and the boy told how it was to move on the plains, gathering the tribbles and making sure they didn't overdo a field or get loose. How all the families used the hill to find the spot for the trading camp.


    But Timra'Keth would not be denied, and the night came on them like a Rakasta. "Will you walk me down? The hill is steep and I won't see the stumbling stones."


    "I can't make this appear very far from where I grow. Oh! I have an idea. Pick that branch off the ground. Good. Some of the grass is dry. Pick it and wrap it around the end. No, tighter. Now, you have a little knife?" The boy showed the little blade and she showed him where to place the tip. She wasn't practiced at opening herself up yet. A push against her bark, smooth as birch, and and a twist, and a thick fragrant sap flowed. He pressed and worked until the grass was matted, and then he made a fire with two sticks.


    The torch completed, a called out a goodbye, and the tree was sad to see him go.


    The boy visited again the next year, and the next. He bought her apothecary books and tools and samples. If she could make treatments and cures, perhaps other people would visit her, even when it wasn't trade days. "I know how lonely you get. It's a pity you can't talk to other trees."


    "They talk, but through scents, and they mostly talk about pests or when to blossom. That copse down there has some sort of fungus they will just not shut up about. Oh! Speaking of, I learned a new trick." A glowing fungus sprouted from her trunk. "Here, let's just read these awhile."


    That they did, and the tree was happy.


    The next year, though, the young man came late, and he came from. "I've been called to go to war." He held up a trinket. "I heard about this custom, wishing trees, where people make little totems for their wishes and hang them in trees. The glass bulb holds what remained of that torch you gave me, years ago. I wrapped it up and kept it in my pocket, so I could have you with me. I hope you wear it."


    "Always. I wish I could go with you now. But here, wait a moment." The illusion went silent, then flickered, then dissapeared with a scream. For a moment the young man held his breath and everything was still. When the illusion reappeared, she drew a long flat pole. "This is a longbow. I made the wood yes. This part was from my heartwood. I hope it keeps you safe."


    The young man took the bow and held the illusion close, and the tree was happy.


    It was many years before the dryad saw him again. He staggered up the hill. He collapsed at her roots.


    The dryad's illusion choked back tears. "Can I give you an apple?"


    The old man laughed between his wheezes. "I just want to lay here a while."


    And he did. And the tree was happy.


    Sentient Life: Dryads





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