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Everything posted by Sociotard

  1. If there were no conflict, there would be no parties. But, if one man is certain of one solution to a problem, and his neighbor is certain of a different solution (or even disagrees that there is a problem requiring a solution), there is conflict. We have voting and public deliberation so that conflict will stay in that arena. Parties exist because there are enough people in favor of differing solutions.
  2. It'd be nice if Trump pardoned himself. 1) That requires Trump to admit guilt, unlike a commutation. I'd feel nice if he admitted a few things. 2) I don't want Democrats to keep pursuing him after he leaves office. If we don't, the lock-her-uppers win. Republicans will never stop pursuing charges against Democrats, even after they leave office. Here, poke through this reddit post. https://www.reddit.com/r/askaconservative/comments/hp0kmr/how_do_you_feel_about_trump_commuting_roger/ Do you think these people have done anything wrong? Yes. I also don't care. For the most part their crimes are very minimal but even if they weren't I still wouldn't care. This is the political reality the left has brought us to. Why should I care when the Left flouts the rule of law on a daily basis? The law isn't meant to go one way and there is no way I am going to respect law when it does. Remember, Democracy is a highly restrained war. We topple governments and foment revolutions with wars and votes because we trust the other side will restrict themselves to that standard. If they THINK Democrats are flouting the law, they will feel no shame in following suit. If they can be persuaded that there is a détente, in which bad faith persecution of politicians will stop when the politician leaves office, then they MAY not break that détente. They MAY not escalate. If they PERCIEVE Democrats as breaking the détente, they will never slow. As it stands, Republicans believe they are owed some lawbreaking because of "Hillary's Emails". The fact that she was never punished means only that Hillary was just that good a crook the investigative agencies are complicit (deep state) Republicans were simply too merciful. If Democrats are not so merciful, well... Seriously, spend a little time on every news item to look at Conservative reporting, opinion pieces, and internet forums. Find out how they perceive the issues, and especially how they perceive the conflict. Remember that there can't ever be an end to the conflict; conflict is what democracy IS. All that remains to Liberals is to manage how Liberal actions are perceived.
  3. Washington Redskins are retiring their name! https://abc11.com/sports/washington-redskins-retire-team-name-and-logo/6314438/#:~:text=-- Washington's NFL team announced,name being racist and insensitive.&text=It remains unclear what the team will be called in future seasons. Still wish they'd kept the name and just changed the logo, just because MY high school mascot was a potato
  4. This isn't, strictly speaking, related to the draft, but searching for Gold costumes has shown some impressive art.
  5. Okay, this might not be acceptable, but I really liked the art Batman Now, that was fan art, but it was based on this toy and loosely justified by this comic
  6. Possible. Right now I'm looking at variant costumes for assorted heroes. The pitfall there is falling in love with fanart renditions before realizing they aren't canon
  7. I'll admit, I don't know a thing about Astro City.
  8. Wonder Woman https://images.app.goo.gl/Zvc8uYBwmZo9aZDH8 ugh, that didn't work. I'll put up a picture of the gold armor when I get home EDIT:
  9. They do in the 30th century. Full disclosure: I haven't read any of it, and it is so new that the Comic Vine page is effectively blank.
  10. Gold Lantern (gold lanterns draw power from joy and happiness)
  11. Don't be too quick to call this a Trump loss. He has some glossy silver linings there. https://www.vox.com/2020/7/9/21318612/supreme-court-trump-mazars-vance-john-roberts-subpoenas-tax-returns Notably, they made sure that Congress will probably not get to review anything until after the election.
  12. Legislation proposed (not a law, not yet) to go after racially motivated 911 calls. They named it the "CAREN" act. Caution Against Racially Exploitative Non-Emergencies. Because nobody likes apropos acronyms more than comic book writers, but after that, nobody more than politicians. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-07-08/lawmaker-proposes-caren-act-making-racially-biased-911-calls-illegal
  13. A Whisker Away. Anime about a girl that uses a mask to turn into a cat. I think it was a metaphor for suicide.
  14. Still mad my choices are "Sexual predator" and "Too handsy in the office and sniffs your hair, so sexual predator too but different grade, I guess" Actually worse than 2016, when I had to check the box for "not a Predator, but stuck up for one for 8 years" But hey. I'm in Idaho. Our border with Montana looks like Biden leaning in to smell hair.
  15. Location: Rural Idaho Why? Well, Idaho isn't just potatoes. We also grow the most barley.
  16. That's what google told me, along with options for lasers in that wavelength. It couldn't help much with 4215Å. I … I know what an angstrom is? so 421.5 nm. Violet. but then it tried telling me CNBX was a cannabis pharmaceutical company, and that didn't track. A little more refining search terms said it might refer to the a cyanide radical (CN).So I think Cancer was describing a color created by cyanide radicals, with a spectroscopic shape rather than a fixed point on the spectrum, so some violet and mostly ultraviolet.
  17. Forgive the screaming. I have 3 children under 10
  18. Some Connection? So Superman could be Green, for his rock-based weakness. Or yellow, for the sun that gives him power. Or blue or red, for his costume. Or grey, as he is the man of Steel?
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