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Everything posted by Sociotard

  1. It hurts my head that this is real. https://www.amazon.com/Kissing-Coronavirus-M-J-Edwards-ebook/dp/B087KR2CQC
  2. Sometimes I wonder if we should mix things up, debate-wise. Like, what if there was one fewer debate, but there was an event where they had to write essay responses to questions, (no staffers ghostwriting) Or a board game. Last election some pundit defended Trump saying Americans didn't want a President who could win a game of trivial pursuit. I thought, I wouldn't mind watching that.
  3. Reports that the Trump campaign plan for losing is to say the election was fraudulent, then tell State Legislatures in states with Republican majorities to ignore the votes and appoint Republican Electors to the College. https://www.forbes.com/sites/tommybeer/2020/09/23/report-trump-campaign-actively-discussing-radical-measures-to-bypass-election-results/#797ac2654800 The Constitution does say that Electors get chosen how the State Legislature decides (Governors might not even get a veto). That said, it also says the Federal Government can pass laws that overrule that. And we DO have those laws. I'll look them up later.
  4. There's no rule that says Trump can't nominate himself . . .
  5. Ruth Bader Ginsburg is dead. I look forward to McConnel announcing that the Senate will not vote on a new Justice so close to an Election. https://www.npr.org/2020/09/18/100306972/justice-ruth-bader-ginsburg-champion-of-gender-equality-dies-at-87
  6. How about a new scandal? https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ny-fdny-911-health-program-treasury-20200910-s7yam67j6vhmhbdzg6ordanfdm-story.html The Trump Treasury Department siphoning congressionally appropriated funds meant to pay for 9/11 workers' healthcare, or so the article claims. Reading the article, I don't know if the funds were siphoned or just withheld.
  7. A caravan of Trump supporters went into Portland, and one of the Trump supporters got shot. details are sparse at this point. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/what-happened-in-the-portland-shooting/ar-BB18wudg?ocid=msedgntp Let us hope that this election cycle will be peaceful.
  8. Self defense in the feedback loop sense. The protestors thought he was coming armed against them, so they rushed, the way people fantasize they will in a spree shooter incident.
  9. Ouch, yes limiting the number of drop off locations would make that not work at all. Long lines, etc.
  10. Mail-in ballots don't have to go through USPS. There is always a direct drop-off location. When I lived in Oregon, I often used them because I was a cheapskate and didn't want to pay postage. Anyway, they look a lot like post boxes. Just pop in your ballot. If you are registered to vote in the US election, just ask your local election office where yours is.
  11. "You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George Washington" It was an interesting read! It wasn't a hatchet-job; the author was always ready to praise Washington for his courage, fiscal management, and humility. At the same time, the book dealt with Washington's slaves in a blunt way. It maintains that the word 'plantation' should always be read as 'forced labor camp', for example. Or, on the last page, it details how and where Washington and his family were buried, then immediately describes the field where Washington placed his slaves in unmarked graves.
  12. Wow. If Vox is reporting this, President Trump must really have had something to do with this Israel and the United Arab Emirates just agreed to a historic deal to normalize their long-strained relations — and it may not have happened without the input of President Donald Trump’s administration.
  13. It looks like Russia is doing their vaccine cowboy style. Maybe it'll yield interesting data?
  14. Okay, he shouldn't imply Washington becoming a slaveowner at 11 was just what he asked for his birthday. His dad died. He became man of the house, so he owned the slaves and not his mom. Much darker, Washington made part of his dentures from slave teeth. He did pay them, but below market rate and the slaves couldn't say no.
  15. I've always been curious about Venus. The tops of the clouds have a pleasant temperature and pressure. They also have sulfuric acid, but we have extremophiles that like sulfuric acid, and we have bacteria that live in cloud droplets. Couldn't there be life on the clouds of Venus? (except, now I think about it, don't those extremophiles need iron as well? There wouldn't be iron in the clouds)
  16. 1) Republicans feel that Obama was the first President in US history to fail to leave the Office gracefully, as he left an investigation into his successor in place. Regardless of how graceless the exit really was, Republicans now feel entitled to reciprocal action. 2) Trump has been consistent in his claim that US voting is rigged. He claims that cheating is rampant, and that even when cheating isn't blatant that the media is a biased influence on the election. That was his stance in 2016 without mail-in ballots, and so near as I can tell he was planning on losing, then using his cheat!martyr status to be an influential ideologue and talking head. All the rest of us can do is decide how much ammunition to supply him; how credible do we want his claims to be to those inclined to believe them. If we use mail-in ballots, he will have the most. I would wager we will see terror attacks. Remember Democratic nutjobs shooting Republican representatives after the 2016 loss? That was with no Democratic ideologues claiming they were cheated. (only claiming that the electoral college is stupid)
  17. Does anybody else feel like its easy to lose track of the plot on this season? Very nearly Dadaist. And I'm pretty sure these all went in the trash after the shoot.
  18. Just finished it. I was a little annoyed that Fun book though. And I'm very glad Battle Grounds is coming so soon.
  19. Aquaman aught to control Godzilla? He's a sea creature. Just sit around making Godzilla and Cthulhu play "Now Kiss"
  20. Aneurysm, huh? Those things really are unpredictable. My heart goes out to his family.
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