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Everything posted by Sociotard

  1. This is more of an example than an article on the subject. TLDR: she didn't grow up on geek culture, and now she watches and reviews things for the first time. In a gutsy move, she said she didn't like Blade Runner out loud (while female). The thing is, while part of her problem was clearly an expectation problem (like the disgust you feel biting into a raisin cookie you thought was chocolate chip, she thought the movie was long and boring because she was expecting an action flick) she did have some reasonable points (Rick Deckard is a boring protagonist). What is not surprising, is that the comments section isn't talking about her reasonable points. It's mostly calling her names, many of a sexist nature. Super gutsy though. That movie is a geek sacred cow.
  2. I think that, in scientific terms, this presents a Sampling Error. The IMDB sample skews male, and critics point out that this may affect the results, as males may have a different opinion than females. This does not mean that the male portion of the sample should curl up and die, nor even that they should STFU. This does not mean that IMDB did something wrong. This does not mean the ladies need to step up their game. It could be statistically useful to see breakdowns of what sort of people voted which way. Maybe. Or, at the minimum, it could be a way to apply a "corrective lens" of sorts. So if I see a woman-heavy film does only mediocre on IMDB, I might remember that they skew Male, and the movie might be better than reported.
  3. a short film about how awful a world with augmented reality would be
  4. BYU team (50% women) wins cybersecurity competition. They are unusual in that most teams are male dominated.
  5. Yeah, the married couple even had an open thing going on.
  6. I see an omelets and . . . brown rice? Cheese for the details?
  7. Front end loaders fight in China. A contract dispute, apparently.
  8. Is it photoshop? I gotta admit, it looks like photoshop.
  9. I liked the ticker-tape picture. For a second I thought it was Anime blood splatter.
  10. Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire Very high concept. Starts by pulling all those portal fantasy kids books (children going to Oz or Where the Wild Things Are) together and saying they all happened to kids on the same earth, even if they went to many different fantasy worlds. What happens to those kids after? The book is set in a school that provides therapy to kids who desperately want to go back to whichever Wonderland or Neverland they visited. (the school for kids who hated the place and want to forget it is somewhere else). Very interesting. The whole thing is a murder mystery. The book is short, (more of a novella), so it can't get boring.
  11. Migratory vultures have learned to fatten up before trying to cross North Korea. In other news, NK leaders hint at a new Arduous March (what they call the lethal famine in the 90s)
  12. Gorilla chases astronauts around ISS www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjRrb4bk5_s Weird. The youtube tags aren't working.
  13. I thought this podcast explaining Korea was excellent, to the degree I didn't feel like I was getting propaganda from either side. http://exiledonline.com/wnradio/Radio-War-Nerd-Podcast20.mp3
  14. Russia is asking permission start flying over the US with surveillance planes, as per the Open Skies treaty. The state department is grousing that Russia does not meet all its obligations under that treaty. http://abcnews.go.com/Politics/wireStory/russia-seeks-fly-us-high-powered-digital-camera-37106168 Oh, I found the actual DoD report that explained where Russia maybe falls short. http://www.state.gov/t/avc/rls/rpt/2015/243224.htm#OST2
  15. Justice Clarence Thomas has not asked a question in a decade. Apparently this is very unusual. http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-justice-clarence-thomas-hasn-t-asked-question-decade-n520801
  16. lets see if these work https://www.facebook.com/NCWMagazine/photos/pcb.1092511534122316/1092511220789014/?type=3&theater
  17. If Russia started a war in the Baltics, NATO would lose - quickly
  18. I thought some of these of fruits and vegetables before domestication were interesting. http://www.businessinsider.com/what-foods-looked-like-before-genetic-modification-2016-1
  19. It looks like things are exciting in Haiti right now. And the US is being a cowboy and referring to itself as "the international community". I wish my leaders showed more humility and respect for other countries. http://america.aljazeera.com/opinions/2016/1/for-us-in-haiti-black-votes-dont-matter.html
  20. An Oregon legislator is set to propose annexing eastern Washington and Oregon to Idaho. It'll never happen, and his reasoning makes me uneasily think of the ill effects of gerrymandering, but amusing http://komonews.com/news/local/lawmaker-to-pitch-idea-to-join-eastern-parts-of-oregon-washington-with-idaho
  21. http://ameeeeba.deviantart.com/art/Bruce-Lee-Jedi-582913219
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