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Everything posted by RexMundi

  1. RexMundi


    Re: Nova? Couple of Nukes, to nudge it in the right direction, then wait. Actually I think Jerry Pournelle's A Step Farther Out (which I found in my Lensman box), really laid out some nice stuff for all of that. Great book by the way if you have not read it (not counting you Nyrath I know you've read it heh). ~Rex
  2. Re: Post-Apocalypse campaign with Pulp Hero feel Bah, beaten to the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs example by a Greek Titan. Excellent example though by the way. ~Rex
  3. Re: Stylish Supercomputer They can probably play some serious Lag Free Counter Strike on that thing. ~Rex
  4. Re: Duke Saturn & The Astro Commandos (6e) Yeah I just saw Galactic Patrol on the book shelf at the bookstore no more then two weeks ago, SO, you should be able to walk into any book store, and just order them. Otherwise, Amazon.com, Old Earth Books, Red Jacket Press, or books in Motion if you want the Audio books. Nice set up on the rings. Useful, but not out of scale with the set up of the campaign. ~Rex
  5. RexMundi


    Re: Nova? Possession is 9/10ths of the Law. I'm pretty sure, if some company manages to get up there to grab a nice chunk of metal in the form of an asteroid, then they'll own it. After all, how is someone going to take it away from them? That Outer Space treaty is a joke anyway and would go the same way as every other similar treaty that went to the compost heap dirtside, the second some company figured out how to make the profit exceed the investment. ~Rex
  6. Re: Solar Systems Like Ours in the Minority True, not to mention as a Gas Giant satellite there are a lot of other factors that could help jump start the life process, even if said gas giant is a bit on the edge of the life zone, and hasn't eaten all of it's moons. ~Rex
  7. Re: Lessons from Byzantium I could see that working as well. The Company Template, is a very workable model and probably one that would pop up before the old school material especially given the motivation of Profit. ~Rex
  8. Re: Could A Faraway Supernova Threaten Earth? Heh, unfortunately, my Loaf of Gamer Kung Fu being so much more then His, is what has Generated this monstrosity of a power gamer in the first place. It's a very, Victor and the Monster situation unfortunately. ~Rex......Sometimes....Players feel they need to be able to BEAT the GM for some reason.
  9. Re: Solar Systems Like Ours in the Minority Now Cans of Beer I can relate to, after all I am a Wisconsin born man of Dane heritage. Amount of Beer Consumption by volume is genetic memory for me. ~Rex
  10. Re: The Singularity? Bah, we waste more money on "Give Aways" to other countries , Stimulus, and other bogus BS Big Guv'ment Bridges to no Where then what we did on the Space Program. Ah well, it will be a moot point anyway once the Chinese and the Indians get up there and Pitch up claim markers all over the place. ~Rex
  11. Re: Lessons from Byzantium I think Half of the Known World could tie themselves back to Julius Caesar, heh. ~Rex
  12. Re: The Singularity? Yeah we went from Balsa Wood and cloth, to an f-22 in no time. But 38 years ago, we were on the Moon, and now, we have to struggle to get into low Orbit. I'm not impressed with the last two generations what so ever. But hey my cell phone is smaller now. Sometimes, it even gets reception. ~Rex
  13. Re: The Singularity? Someone call in Don Gibb to handle this Nerd War, heh. Ogre will fix this Singularity thing. ~Rex
  14. Re: 10 Sci-Fi Weapons That Actually Exist nah when you do Riot Duty you tend to do it, Without (officially) Guns, that way the rabble that is in deserving of a good beating, can't take your weapon and use it on you. Also, it's pretty easy to shove people around with those shields, and facing down a good Shield wall (The Chinese have the best Riot Squads by far right now I'd say), takes a Lot of nerve. It's very intimidating to be on the wrong end of the Shields and Sticks. ~Rex
  15. Re: Solar Systems Like Ours in the Minority You can have the OLDEST Solar system then.....not sure what the property value of it would be though with that impending solar collapse and boom upcoming. ~Rex
  16. Re: Could A Faraway Supernova Threaten Earth? More like the SFX being a P.I.T.A. .......Though I think in this case he would use some sort of triggered Extra Dimensional Movement. ~Rex
  17. Re: Solar Systems Like Ours in the Minority Your own Solar system, but the nearest good Pizza place is 19.8 Light-years that way. ------> ~Rex
  18. Re: Could A Faraway Supernova Threaten Earth? My Power Gamer player would have some sort of 1 shot unbeatable defense for it. ~Rex
  19. Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover! Remember, as I am wont to do when folks mention New Art, the OLD art, can make them change their mind REAL quick. Dr. Draconis anyone? 1st Time around (*shudder*). I can deal with Gronds new look. I think I dislike Dr. Destroyers more (Used to be defender I thought his new look made him look like a Tron Fanboy Cos Player, until this cover). New Dr. Destroyer looks to much like the illegitimate offspring of Dr. Fate and the Ocean Master for me still but maybe he'll grow on me like Defender did. ~Rex
  20. Re: The Singularity? I say Graph. Honestly I haven't seen much of an Advance in technology. Things are Smaller, but they are still the same things that do the same stuff and I can think of more then a few things we could do 40 Years ago that we can't now. ~Rex
  21. Re: Solar Systems Like Ours in the Minority Must....have.....maps....... ~Rex
  22. Re: Holy Carbon Copies, Batman! Bring on Horus and the Steel General from Roger Zelazny's Creatures of Light and Darkness if you want massive amounts of Duplicate hand to hand combat. ~Rex
  23. Re: Champions Sneak Peek #1: The Cover! I like it. for the first time I actually like the new Defender Look. The 6th Ed marker on the Upper Far Right shows the color (yellow field blue highlights) combo I would have liked more for the main books as well, heh, but I would say right now, quality wise, that cover's as good as the BBB cover (or as close to it as one could get provided you factor out fan favoritism for the BBB artist heh). Good Work. ~Rex
  24. Re: Solar Systems Like Ours in the Minority Considering I can't begin to do that math above without initiating a fire on my head from the excess heat of thinking in numbers, I'll take your word for it. I do know though that 19.8 Light-years isn't that much on an Inter stellar scale. Now, if you had to walk......different story. ~Rex
  25. Re: Solar Systems Like Ours in the Minority Which is a good point to make, since the Gas Giants at the outer edge, tend to work like solar system vacuum cleaners. ~Rex
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