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Everything posted by OrraBuss

  1. Re: Making Dancing weapons? Oh, I saw ways to 'fix' it I was just saying it didn't do exactly what the op wanted.
  2. Re: The De Construction Krewe Wow; even my jokes are full of win.
  3. Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement That "only when touch" bit makes me wonder what this could be useful for. I can't think of anything.
  4. Re: Linked Damage Mentioned in post #3 in this thread. /me starts worrying if my posts are invisible or something.
  5. Re: Cursed Amulet OK. No harm done. I think you go with what JohnTaber said, call it a side Effect. You can do a Transform as a Side efect even tho you can't usually Transform yourself.
  6. Re: On A Power Build I like the idea of buying some powers (half a dozen should due) with Var. FX and some naked Advs. A sort of toolkit. You can make it just like a writeup and then change to fit another write up.
  7. Re: The De Construction Krewe I don't have anyone written up but I suggest two names: Thud and Blunder.
  8. Re: Really quite crazy campaign idea.... Thank you.
  9. Re: Making Dancing weapons? Looks good, but theres no way to switch targets (accept grabing the sword and re-activating it). Wich might be fine but I think montolio wanted to have it switch targets on it's own.
  10. Re: Cursed Amulet I'm not clear on slot #5. It transforms someone into a "seeker of souls" with a side effect "seeks out death". OK, just what's the diff?
  11. Re: Detect Teleportation Destination No sense logic-chopping. You said IOW, the way it worked was you need Tracking to seperate one person's TP from ALL OTHER TELEPORTS BY ANYONE ANYWHERE. I said that a Detect This Person's Teleporting made that unneeded. This is logic chopping and shifting your ground. At first you said you needed Tracking to distiguish someone from everyone else, now its "to seperate one person's one use from all his other uses". Yep, track. Aka trace. Aka find reminents/bits. Its in the dictionary. It doesn't mean "locate at a distance with no contact" So I'm going to call it Tracing not Tracking. OK, you want non-physical tracing, fine. You can trace psychic impressions. You can trace "soul droppings". But you have to follow it. Otherwise, it gets to mean Detect, no difference.
  12. Re: Linked Damage I hadnt thought of the MacGuphin* being a Dup or Mind Linked. I can see where that could be how it's built tho. Definately something to think about *Spelled that way just for fun.
  13. Re: Mind Link: Touch: Only to sync movement This is almost a reverse Mind Control. Boy-o-boy, I can't figure how to do that. But it sounds like that's the row you want to go down.
  14. Re: Making Dancing weapons? AoE, Selective, Naked Adv. No need for INT. The sword isn't really choosing targets.
  15. Re: Really quite crazy campaign idea.... Thank you very much for that first URL. That will prove useful to me. I already knew about the second URL, but a reminder never hurts. Could someone do me a small favor and give Lord Liaden some reputation? I don't have any to give...
  16. Re: Detect Teleportation Destination I still think that's not what Tracking does. Tracking needs to start from some place, and follow a trail--some remains of the person/thing being tracked--to some other place. Any way, Discriminatory does what your talking about. But it doesn't connect; that's the nature of Teleportation. Unless bought with "Must Cross Intervening Space" (or the like), Teleportation has no connection between origin and target space. Discriminatory. I really can not see how you think Tracking can follow the trail of someone who leaves no trail. You "weed out" the location by Detecting a specified person's Teleportation endpoint. As for getting a precise location, you may be right and Targeting is needed.
  17. Re: Mind Control and Mental Illusions Personally, I've never seen the point to "creating" a flashlight via Powers, etc. Even in a superheroic campaign, where characters are supposed to buy everything with points, it's pretty silly to make PowerArmorGuy buy the spotlight on his tin zoot suit. If he wants to "dial it up" bright enough for a Flash, fine, buy Flash. But for making the room/road/?? lit enough he can see, bah.
  18. Re: Linked Damage I want to say Susceptibility, but there's no provision for "same amount of damage". If you can drop that part, it's 5: Susceptibility To Damage Done To MacGuffin (Uncommon, Effect Is Instant, 1d6) Common would raise it 5 points, Very Common 10 points. Add 5 points for every additional die. You could also buy it a second time, if you want to take BODY as well as STUN.
  19. Re: Power Null Don't forget, there's a "conforming" version/adder/thingum for AoE. That would allow you to have the character's power work only inside the room, and cover the whole room. Better than Radius, for certain effects.
  20. Re: Really quite crazy campaign idea.... As well as Lord of Light I recommend Small Gods by Terry Pratchett. It has a few funny moments, but it's mostly a thoughtful work, considering the nature of gods, religion, human, and ethics. A very profound work. Of course, if your players are not interested in thinking about the nature of the characters they will be playing, skip it. NO, wait, do not skip it; read it for its own sake.
  21. Re: Mind Control and Mental Illusions With Mental Illusions being seperate, it's easy to compare with/contrast to Images. If Mental Illusions were added into Mind Control, you'd need a long section on "illusions" which would have to be compared with/contrasted to Images. IOW, it wouldn't shorten the rules by even an iota.
  22. Re: Detect Teleportation Destination How do you track someone who just skipped over the space between "there" and "here"? The way I read the rules, you have to TRACK the target. "Tracking" does not allow "find her/him/it/them wherever they are." Drop the Tracking, put in 360-Degree Perception. Cost remains the same. BTW, why Targeting? As I read it, the OP asked for a locater, not necessarily some way to attack the teleporter at range.
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