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About BhelliomRahl

  • Birthday 11/11/1982

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  1. My thoughts would be to use a Power Framework, Multipower. Create a Multipower: Martial Styles Then build each style within that multipower as a set. You could switch styles each phase or put in a limitation that you can only switch with a roll or a specific action.
  2. Characters ranks is determined by spending time aborbing the magical energy of the world and refining it to higher degrees. It is a process. When it reaches a specific level it changes form. The PC increase in rank by spending time absorbing energy, when they have refined enough they increase in rank. So potential a character could skip adventuring and just cultivate but there a barriers in cultivation which need to be broken throught to advance and these usually require experience or a lucky chance. So character will general cultivate in downtime and then go on an adventure to look for that lucky chance or enlightenment to allow breaking through to the next rank. Speaking to some friends and came up with another method. Create a Set of Templates reprenting each Rank with some available options based upon technique used. Have a sperate experience points called Cultivation Points. As the plays cultivate they gain points equal to the template cost and if they succeed in the breakthrough, they aquire the template and increase in rank. I was possible thinking to much in line with Fate and not enough will Hero, a little out of practise have not run Hero in about eight years. Want to try getting my players back into it.
  3. Good day. I am currently writing up a Xianxia game (Chinese Fantasy). It is a progession fantasy game where the characters progress through ranks of power. For simplity there are 9 Ranks 1 to 9 with people having a innate advantage over those below them and if their is more than two levels of difference you are pretty much going to be unable to do anything unless you have a special item or technique to offset this. This is not a power but just an innate quality that every being has access to. In the past I have used Fate and used Scales to represent the difference meaning that you get a bonus or penalty relating to the difference in Scale. My thought was just each for each point of difference the high character gets a temporary 10pts add to all Characteristics. This could be complicated but seems the simplest way to do it. What thoughts do people have.
  4. When the Players get these items are you going to: 1) Give them the build details and have them spend character points to keep them as a permanent addition to their characters. 2) Tell them this is what the item does. If it is option 2 I would just workout the weapon effect and decide on what is required to penetrate facade (Sense and/or Difficulty). Hero is a great toolkit system and I enjoy using it and working things out but sometimes you do not need to make additional work for yourself.
  5. If you read the Cyberkinesis rules in APG1 p.70 it gives details on calculating the effective Int of a characters Focus which Defender's Power Armor is. I do not have time to do the math but the effective Int is 1/5 of the AP of the Armors highest costing power and +1 for each additional power the focus uses and either + 50% or 5 which ever is less due to the focus being inaccessible. To be honest though with a new player I would hand wave some of the rules. This fight is some friendly sparring so make the target a little over an average roll for his abilities so he has a fair chance. If he fails by a little he is only able to disable some of Defenders systems. Even if you let him take control for a while Defender will be fighting to regain it. The important thing is that you all enjoy the game, do not let the rules get in the way, they are only suggestions anyways. Another important thing is that you are consistent in what rules you use, as this ruling will set presidency for the rest of the game.
  6. Interesting idea, I have seen it done in several books and television shows with the repercussions being different in each case. Questions: When does the elf remember their past lives? Are they born with these memories or do they develop over time. It could be that an Elf needs to be taught a technique to allow them to journey into their past lives and remember. The memories become part of them like a dream but one they remember. Or do the memories merge with their current forms becoming inseparable. Depending on how the Elf remembers will determine how they affect them mentally. Do they accept their old memories and personalities having them become a part of them or do they reject them potentially leading to schizophrenia. Are the memories the same as with normal people, they become fussy and potentially edited overtime or does the elf remember everything with crystal clarity, if so the Talent: Eidetic Memory would be appropriate. Thoughts: I would not mechanically build the rebirth, assuming elves mature at the same rate as humans it is not really a viable method of resurrection unless your campaign is progressing in generations. For skills and abilities it appears to be justification for allowing players to acquire skills with no need for time or training. Depending how you run a game, if character need to justify learning skills; time, teachers, training, etc. I would think a Talent – Old Soul (10pts) would be appropriate which allows characters to acquire skills without the usual prerequisites. However if people can acquire skills as they desire with no prerequisites I would forgo the Talent.
  7. Ragitsu you have explained the power but what context will it be used in. If this is a plot device and will be used by an NPC don't bother to build it. Just note down what its effect is and what methods are available for escaping it. If its a PC power I would treat it one of two ways: 1) If you want an absolute effect build the power to the level at which 99% of beings could not escape and House Rule it as Absolute. This was the suggested method in the Hero System if you wanted to have a absolute. 2) Tell the PC there are no Absolutes, you could build the power to the point that no one could escape but there is always an exception. The PC might never encounter that person or he could be the PC's Nemesis that is up to the GM. From personal experience trying to build an absolute effect is time consuming and exhausting and I generally have stopped doing it mechanically and just use absolutes if necessary as Plot Devices.
  8. Going back to Altair's Improvisation Question. I like my players to think outside of the box, coming up with inventive methods for using their powers in different ways. From experience I find Hero can handle this quite well, you just need a good understanding of the Hero System and the players character build and concept. Using Spiderman's Web Shooters for example: Player has used a Multipower with the usual powers; Swing, Stretch, Entangle. During a battle Spidery encounters minions who have non-sticky armour meaning he can't stick them with webbing, so he comes up with the concept for Impact Webbing (Balls of Compressed Web). I think this is an interesting idea and well within the Web Shooter's abilities. This power is best represented as a Blast. His Multipower has 40AP Reserve and Blast is 1DC per 5pts, so he can do a 8DC Blast. As I know the Hero system I came up with it quickly and it would not slow play down. If the power is used out of combat, I have the player describe what it is doing and what outcome he wants. If I think its appropriate I allow it and if required have them make a roll and add modifiers based upon the difficulty, depending upon the roll I describe the outcome. If he wants this to become a standard power in the future he has to build it, I probably gave the player extra Experience for inventive use of his powers. As with any system, the better your knowledge and understanding of it the easier it is to be inventive.
  9. Sometimes when designing characters I have trouble deciding which defense power to use. My general rules are: 1) Damage Resistance - For physical protection; armour, Tough Hide, etc: 2) Damage Reduction - For a beings innate resistance to damage. 3) Damage Negation - For Non-physical protection - Energy Shields, Mystical Barrier, etc. For a physical shield such as a buckler I tend to to have it increase DCV. I was wondering if anyone else has trouble with this and if they have any rules for what one to use?
  10. Thanks for the input. We have decided to handle the evolution of the armour as just buying the armour as Resistant Defense and Power Defense and if an extremely exotic Special Effect is used we will half his defense the first time it is encountered. He will also buy Life Support as standard. We still need to work out the adaption ability. Basically it is a similar principle to Tony Stark have multiple/interchangeable armours so he can change for what he needs. The Player wants to do that with his armour. It just occurred to me that an alternative method might be to use Multiform for the armour. It might be slightly more restrictive than just having a pool of points which he can put into what he wants. I liked the VPP method because it gave him so much flexibility but Multiform might be the better option from a mechanical/rule option.
  11. Firstly I refer to it as armour but it is not something separate of the PC, he is bound to it and can summon it as required. He gains no benefit from the armour unless it is equipped. Armour Forms: Base: The most basic form the armour takes with any energy reserve Balanced: This is where the armour's energy reserve is used to enhance the armour abilities in a balanced manner - This is it standard form. Evolution is improvement to the armour's base form. Adaption is the armour's energy reserve being redistributed to meet a specific requirements. Adaption is a matter of conscious thought and can be done as desired but is not instantaneous, was thinking about a Turn to complete. It might be best to represent this as a Variable Aid instead of the pool but the player wants to be able to maintain an adaption on a continuous basis. My player wants the Evolution to be permanent. Meaning if it it exposed to cold it is resistant to it from then on. Meaning that as time progresses the armour will become resistant to a wider range of effects. Its one of the reasons my first thought to have have a bank of experience points which I use to increase the Armour's abilities during game play. The most straight forward would be just to buy the defenses as standard with the understanding that it does not work the first time attacked with it. The armour evolution is both instinctive and conscious. The armour will instinctive change to an attack's effect but it is not instantaneous, the more the armour is exposed to the effect the quicker it will adapt however if the PC will is strong enough he can force the evolution. I will think through some more and update later.
  12. I had a talk with my player last night and we attempted to clarify his concept. 1) The armour needs to be exposed to the environment to adapt to it. So if an attack used ice to freeze him initial it would work but if it was attempted again the armour would of adapted to be resistant to it. Mechanical I was thing Power Defense/Damage Resistance with the limitation: Only against effects previously experienced (-1/4). Of course there are only so many effects so the limitation could become redundant. 2) Some of the evolution is permanent. This is not only about what the armour experiences, but the PCs training and connection with the armour. Which brings up the point that the armour is still living and to a sense possesses the Will of the creature it was created from. As the armour grows and evolves the creatures will become stronger and might attempt to take the PCs body as its own. I was planning to represent this as a Psychological Complication which in certain situations the armour's will dictate action unless the PC succeeds at an Ego roll. My plan is to have him realize he has a choice; To give up the armour, to allow the armour to take over, to dominate the armour and possible the most difficult to fuse with the armour which would result in the most powerful form. I will be interested to see how he handles it. 3) The Armour is fully enclosed which results in Life Support: Does Not Breath, Immune to Disease and Poison with Limitation - Does not stop Disease or Poison linked to an attack that does body damage to PC. If the PC experiences other environmental conditions the armour will adapt to survive them. 4) The Adaption ability is similar to Grendal's from Wearing the Cape Series by Marion Harmon (It is worth a read). He is a Darwin type Hero meaning he has a base form and a well of power which he can use to enhance himself; Strength, Agility, Speed, Movement, Defense and Offense. I think what we have decided on is the Armour has a Base form and a VPP which can be used to enhance the armour as needed during battle. In addition I will take a portion of his experience and bank it to use to evolve the armour as I see fit during game. The PC will not be able to improve the armour himself but can give me more points to do it, however as the armour is an enhancement if he trains himself both physically and mentally his armoured form will be enhanced and the armour will change to match his capabilities. His Desires/Needs could also trigger adaption and evolution if his Will is strong enough. Taking the armour improvement away from the player is not much of an issue as I usually build his characters for him. He likes the Hero systems but just wants to play his character, he is not that interested in the creation of them, where as I enjoy the creation as much as the game so its a win for me. He gave me the attached image for part of his inspiration. Of course it was not needed as I introduced him to the Manga. I find it quite evocative. Also follow link to Wikia site on the Incursio armour. http://akamegakill.wikia.com/wiki/Incursio
  13. One of my players wants to play a hero who wears a Living Amour. He says the armour was crafted from a creature which abilities allowed it to Adapt/Evolve to survive in any environment or overcome any obstacle or opponent. The creature's Life Force was so strong that is still alive even now its any armour. (I know what manga he has been reading - "Akame Ga Kill!"). The Armour grants the following benefits: 1) Near Invulnerability" 2) Enhanced: Strength, Agility & Speed 3) Selection of Weapon: Halberd, Projectile Blades 4) Adaptive and Evolutionary I have said that the abilities are relatively straight forward: 1) High Resistant Defense with Damage Reduction vs Stun 2) Increased: Strength, Dexterity, Speed and possible OCV & DCV. 3) Multipower: HKA & RKA 4) I have said this is a good narrative explanation for improving the Armour during the campaign. However he has said he wants it to be active. I could use some thoughts on this. Ideas: a) Variable Aid to boost certain abilities with a limitation that only in response to to environmental conditions. Build the a base level of 1&2 and then have a pool of points, possible a VPP which can be moved between them to adapt the armour to the situation. c) He banks some of his experience points which I use during play to spontaneously evolve the armour. I would be interested to hear peoples ideas
  14. APG stands for Advanced Players Guide. There are two volumes available and they companions to the core books with additional and expanded rules, powers, skills,etc. They are both quite interesting. Should be able to get the books or PDFs from the Hero store.
  15. A PCs power is based around his ability to create a movable barrier. It can only take the shape of a rectangular solid but it's dimensions can vary. He has used it for a number of things; movement, attack and defense. What he wants to do now is create a small barrier over his shoulder and charge the enemy. It seems a little pointless to me considering he can already attack with it at range, however its his character and choice. I was wondering how to build it. My thought was as a HA attack with AOE Line. The issue was do I need to incorporate an aspect that he has physically moved and also how would you handle the attack roll. Because usually with AOE people target the ground but he would be attempting to target NPCs as he moves. Any input would be welcome.
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