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Superhero Showdown #5: Capt. America v. Star Spangled Kid II

Guest Hunter1

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Guest Hunter1

Captian America

aka Steve Rogers

Skills: superior martial artist, tactian, illustrator

Powers: super physical condition, due to the super serum he took in WWII. He carries an invulnerable shield, and he wears an armored costume.


Star Spangled Kid II

aka Courtney Whitmore

Skills: good martial artist, student

Powers: carries the cosmic converter belt, it enhances her Strength, Dexterity, and Speed; it allows her to shoot energy stars.


In this battle between two patriotic heroes, I give it too Captian American. However, the X-Factor here is Star's sometime sidekick S.T.R.I.P.E., a man in giant sized powered armor. That would make it a competitive battle, but once again Cap would find a way to win.

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Re: Superhero Showdown #5: Capt. America v. Star Spangled Kid II


Originally posted by Hunter1

Captian America

aka Steve Rogers

Skills: superior martial artist, tactian, illustrator

Powers: super physical condition, due to the super serum he took in WWII. He carries an invulnerable shield, and he wears an armored costume.


Star Spangled Kid II

aka Courtney Whitmore

Skills: good martial artist, student

Powers: carries the cosmic converter belt, it enhances her Strength, Dexterity, and Speed; it allows her to shoot energy stars.


In this battle between two patriotic heroes, I give it too Captian American. However, the X-Factor here is Star's sometime sidekick S.T.R.I.P.E., a man in giant sized powered armor. That would make it a competitive battle, but once again Cap would find a way to win.



Dude, get with the times. Courtney Whitmore is called Stargirl now and has both the Cosmic Converter Belt and the Cosmic Rod that Jack Knight used to use. So not only is her Strength, Dexterity and Speed enhanced but she has a device that allows her to fly, create force fields and force walls and shoot energy blasts among other abilities. Courtney doesn't need S.T.R.I.P.E. to make this a competitive battle.

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Originally posted by Solomon

Soo... I assume Caps got his shield, right? But what about Courtney? Does she have her belt?


Not really fair if she doesn't now is it? Courtney should have her belt and the Cosmic Rod. Which isn't to say that Cap still won't win the battle, but at least it would be a more interesting and fair battle.

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Originally posted by Griffonheart

But what if she can't get away. Like Marvel vs. DC kinda thing. You must fight to save your universe. Then we are back to her getting her head (or whatever parts you prefer) handed to her.


True enough, but at least with the Cosmic Rod and the belt she'd give a good accounting for herself. Cap just has too much experience for her to win though. At least she's lucky in the sense that it IS Cap, so she won't be thumped TOO hard. Cap wouldn't hurt a teenage girl too badly after all.

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Originally posted by Twilight

True enough, but at least with the Cosmic Rod and the belt she'd give a good accounting for herself. Cap just has too much experience for her to win though. At least she's lucky in the sense that it IS Cap, so she won't be thumped TOO hard. Cap wouldn't hurt a teenage girl too badly after all.


yeah, but I suspect that those two foci wouldn't come out of the fight in anything close to decent shape. Cap, Wasp, and Hawkeye all seem to have penalty skill levels for called shots vs. foci.

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Geez, I'll vote for Court if no one else does. OKay, it's cause she's a sexy blond, but still, she has a lot of power between the belt and the rod, and she can kick some major booty.


That, and her boyfriend is Captain Marvel. How do you think Marv's gonna respond to some guy who hits girls -- especially HIS girl?

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