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Need Duck Schtick!


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Camp Fest Commencing!


My group is having a rare face to face table-top game (we do mostly PBEM these days). I'm normally known for my serious, gritty, often complex government supers game, but since this is going to be a one shot I wanted to break out and do something different. No scratch that - I wanted to do something completely off the wall.


I've settled on an anthropomorphic four-color game with a heavy dose of camp factor. I need some help coming up with duck related schtick! Duck Names (foundations, streets, normals, parks, etc), Duck Supporting Cast, Duck Puns, Duck Plot Ideas. Why? Becuase its going to be Duck World.


The Setting: Duckopolis - the teeming home of over a million honest, hard-working, God-fearing ducks.


The Job: The players are members of MALLARD (Metapowered Alliance (For) Law Liberty And Regional Defense) the Duckopolis meta-crime section.


The Heroes:



Captain Ducky; the war hero supersoldier duck with a duck-emblazoned shield made from fowlariaum

Ultra Duck; the flying brick

Duck Danger; the gadgeteer detective

Duckfist; master of the iron bill and keeper of the secrets of the webbed order of wu


Their Boss: Lt. Downy - the supervisor of MALLARD; he doesn't like or trust super-ducks and he doesn't care who knows it; the hard bitten cigar smoking boss who jabs his finger and yells a lot. He has a bottle of pepto he drinks out while complaining about property damage, civil rights violations, and insubordination.


Their Car: Mallard Mobile - four seated hot-rod, open topped, with black pain, red trim, and a big duck logo on the hood. Its got a siren, emergency parachute breaks, a rocket booster engine, atomic batteries, turbines, and in case of real emergency... a bazooka.


Supporting Cast (So Far):


Mayor Marshfowl - the suave, indeed oily, politico.

Mary Good Duck - the hot, sultry, wonderous, model-actress duck from "as the gaggle turns"

Jackie Webb - the tough as nails (and hot to boot) female detective with the great tailfeathers and a big---ed gu


Potential Enemies (incomplete list):



Duckfox and his Leage of Feathery Doom

--Duckfox - Freddy Duckwell - Foxbat with a waterfowlian twist.

--Firewing Duck - he's firewing, kids.

--Duckthrax - four armed brick duck with green feathers who has an odd resemblance to Grond.


Euro Fowl - Lead by "Very Bad Duck" (Eurostar knockoff)


Mecha-Duck (Mechanon, but a duck)


Dr. Destroyer Duck; Gigaduck; Agents of Destroyer Duck; Duck-Bots


The Dark Duck of Crime (Kingpin Type)

Duck Goons - standard mooks, but they dress and talk more like TV gangsters


Octo-Duck (Dr. Octopus)

The Green Gobbler (he's a real turkey)


Anyways: who has ideas?

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Lets see what I can remember from Howard


Ducktor Strange, Mallard of the Mystic Arts




Iron Duck




From Disney:




Darkwing Duck


The Quack Street Boys


Darkwing Duck is set in the city of St. Canard, could be a street name.




From Captain Carrot and the Zoo Crew:


Rubber Duck


Aqua Duck

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Off the top of my head:


"Web-Foot:" Spider-Man knockoff.


"Cold Duck:" Ice-powered hero or villain.


"Lord Fowl:" Evil dimension lord (apologies to Steven Donaldson).


"Pinfeather:" Bullseye-style master of throwing blades.


"Ugly Duckling:" Twisted villain a la Batman's Rogues Gallery.


"Wing Nut:" Joker-esque psycho.


"Mandarin Duck:" Oriental mastermind.


Possible plots:


Villain seizes the reality-warping Cosmic Egg.


Heroes face the Platinum Paddler, herald to the awesome Ducklactus.



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Duck Thing or Muck Duck (Man Thing/Swamp Thing/Solomon Grundy)


Dr. Duckopolis (We can steal from other companies right?)


Ducktor, Duck of Thunder


Dr. McQuack (Remember the evil Psychiatrist, Faust?)


Il Ducky (evil ducktator from the past who uses clones to stick around)


Rex Bowzer, the Dogstar Duckhunter

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The players:


Duck Blind, Sightless Master of Webfoot-Fu!

Drake Crackers, Private Eye

The Flock (Heroic organization)

The Pond (Heroic Superbase)

N.E.S.T. (Nefarious Evil Super Team)

Mallard Filmore (President)

The Platypus! (or Platy-puss... make him half duck/half cat)

White Feather (Indian Mystic)

The Sportsman (Assassin who specializes in Ducks)

The Fowel-Balls (Street Gang)

The Loon (Crazed avian)


Plot threads:

  • President Mallard Fillmore contacts the characters because N.E.S.T. has developed a chemical that prevents bread from developiing crusts! Without crusts, ducks will starve by the millions!
  • The Fowel-Balls are spending their idle time "bombing" cars. It seems like random vandalism, but when the car washes become inundated it is discovered that THE LOON owns every car wash in North America and has instituted this plot!
  • The legendary "Peking Duck" turns up missing while on exhibit. It is the oldest fossil of duck kind. A search turns up feathers, and a shadow on surveillance cameras reveals a bill. However it is indeed the act of the evil Platy-Puss, the half-cat/half-duck throwback to an older time. He is trying to re-animate the Peking Duck, which then goes on a rampage. Naturally, it's susceptible to soy sauce.
  • Drake Crackers, Private Duck, is a marked man! It seems he has stumbled onto something big and now he is being stalked by The Sportsman! He will be put on a plaque if the Sportsman has his way!

Hope something in there helps.

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Ducky Kong - Part gorilla, part duck, 50 feet tall, squashes buildings


Earth Quack - Brick with stomping powers


The Ducker - Annoying sidekick that's almost impossible to hit


Luck Duck - Uh, he's lucky?


Duckstruction - Uber bad guy who gets off on blowing things up


Fowler - Hottie duck in red thigh highs that quacks so loud it hurts


... and I'm spent

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How about some famous ducks to pepper the scenery, either as contemporary NPCs or famous oldsters?


Maybe "Uncle Scrooge" was President Scrooge. Or he's just that nut who runs a massive banking industry.


Don't forget Gladstone Gander if you do some of these, he could even be a villain NPC given his unearthly luck and his total disdain for actual work.


Did anyone already name "Rubber Ducky," the stretching/elastic duck hero or villain?


Don't forget to have the mother who leads some dozen ducklings across the street in the middle of a chase scene or battle - everybody freezes, waits for the crossing, then resumes.


You know, it just occurred to me, I don't know a lot about ducks...

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I'm not sure I can add to this...but here goes.


But be sure to include the actions of the Insidious Three, and their institution of questionable quackery in seeking domination of the world. Known only to their minions by the initials HDL, they do not own a Heron Distribution League as many believe, but are plotting the covert takeover of the world. They inherited the vast fortune of their mysterious Uncle S, upon his equally mysterious disappearance in the jungles of Peru. His companion, an L. McQuack was found over a year later, and told tales of sabotage. Given McQuack's erratic flight history, and the amount of (phony/framed) insurance fraud, he was locked up in a Tijuana jail long enough to be killed in an escape attempt.


I actuality, Launchpad has corraled Donald, the other surviving uncle of the nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie; and has departed for the Amazon, in search of the presumed dead Uncle Scrooge. I always knew that those boys would turn out wrong one day, living with such an explosively tempered adult.



:) Also, you should have ONE goose in charge of a massive villainy, that perhaps tons of other ducks are implicated in. Just for the joke... DUCK DUCK GOOSE. :P

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Originally posted by Farkling

I always knew that those boys would turn out wrong one day, living with such an explosively tempered adult.

I can't believe you just insulted Donald Duck on MY boards! He's not explosively tempered... he's simply reacting to the stimuli of the messed up world he lives in. Completely misunderstood, even by Daisy.

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Thanks for the books Ben...my order came prompter than I imagined, and for damaged books, well, to quote my little brother (who examined them...he works in a bindery/print shop) "they look like you've had them about two weeks"


Perhaps Donald is merely misunderstood...but let us consider this...


Uncle Donald and his three nephews, Huey, Dewey, and Louie...

Who also refer repeatedly to their Unlce Scrooge...


Perhaps Donald's supposed rage stems from Scrooge's tightfisted approach to money, after all, assisting those boys with school and college would have been of little effort to him, when poor Donald had to work two jobs to support the ungrateful little tykes.

This led to his eventual breakup with Daisy, who returned home, leaving Donald living in a one room studio apartment and eating corn on the cob from care packages sent by Daisy's family, who always appreciated Donald's honesty far more than Daisy did. The boys you are aware, confiscated the house and turned it into a multiple bedroom party pad while they attended college....and Donald went along with it, because it was for family.

Donald, depressed and valiantly attempting to move on with his life, re-enlisted in the Navy following the political upheavels of terrorist activities in America. Now he happily works on the decks of a modest aircraft carrier, sleeps in a bunk with a few mates, and occasionally wins a poker pot or a bridge game.


Then along comes Launchpad...with tales of Scrooge's death, a mad plot, and the boys inheritance. Donald once again put his life aside for family considerations, and went AWOL.



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Should you need assistance with graphic props, I can send you pictures from the Fantomald comic, the one my avatar comes from, featuring Donald Duck as a superhero.


I've got duck-shaped supervehicles and starships, duck-aliens, duck-villains, duck-robots and, of course, Donald himself wearing his own red-and-black spandex costume!


That won't help you much with the plot, though. Unlikely as this might sound, Fantomald's stories are dead serious.

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Well, let's see...


Firedrake, the Flammable Fowl


Duck Dodgers (ahem!)


Duck Tracy (government agent)


Gyro Gearloose (the crazed inventor from the Disney universe; but is he even a duck?)


The Inducktor (villain who mind controls people into joining his organization / religion / cult / multi-level marketing group)


Conducktor (electricity-slinger)


Sitting Duck (well-nigh invulnerable and pretty much immovable -- think 'Blob' from Marvel)


Fowl Weather (weather controller)


The Egg Man (koo-koo k-choo!)


Taffy Duck (descended from a famous Warner Bros. star, he is the Malleable Mallard, able to twist himself into any shape or form)


Featherweight (gravity controller)


Quack Up (can remotely control cars & trucks, likes to turn superhighways into his own private demolition derby)


Nightwing (Duck Grayson, former ward of a famous super-hero, now fights crime on his own)


...and for 'background':


Quacker Oats, famous breakfast food

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Apologies if anyone else has put these ideas up already, there have been too many posted to keep track of.


How about:


Beta Ray Bill: He has a huge bill that emits beta rays. Obviously.


Touchdown: The football playing superduck (as in the sort of down you get from a duck).


The Mandarin: Basically, Iron Man's enemy, but of course he is a Mandarin duck.


Dynamite Duck: Explosive powers or grenades. His catchphrase is, "Duck, you Sucker!" (Little Spaghetti Western reference there for you).


Wood Duck: Can transform into solid wood and has control over trees. (Yes, it's another type of duck).


Don't forget to keep on doing the "Duck!" joke. As if you would.

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  • 1 month later...

Duck, Duck...goose


How about these:


Paraducks - Able to duplicate himself

F.O.W.L. - Villian Group (First Order of Webbed Loons)

Duck of Cards - Villian not playing with a full deck 51 cards

Star Quack - Hero from the stars

Chez N Quackers - Hero and side kick

Bill Down - Ace Reporter

Windy Feather - Weather Girl

Ducktor J - Sports

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