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What would your character do #42


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For the last 3 months, a known villian*, who you have tangled with before, has been acting strangely. He has committed no crimes (except for evading arrest), and has, in fact, been foiling common criminals. Once he even retrieved a little girl's cat from a tall tree for her.

He comes to you one dark and stormy evening, says he wants to go straight, and that he wants you to help him get the law off his back. To show that he means is, he gives you a footlocker full of money, claiming that it contains about $80,000,000, which is about 90% of all the money he ever stole, the rest having been spent. He also says he is not willing to serve any jail time. You know the authorities will insist on trying him for his past crimes, and will further insist that he does serve jail time.


What do you do?


*he is wanted by the authorities (local, national and international) for many robberies, thefts, acts of massive property destruction, smuggling, and assaults (on normals, law enforcement officers, and supers, though none of the assaults have been deadly or caused permanent harm)

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Checkmate helps him. With a couple of provisos. First, he has to 'die'. There's no way the authorities will allow him to go straight without jail time unless they have something like the Suicide Squad.


Second, he does nothing without Checkmate's knowledge and approval, until Checkmate is convinced he truly has changed.


Third, he takes a real-world job and money gets put aside to make up the missing 10%, as well as restitution for the assaults and other crimes.


Once that's done, Checkmate will then work with him to reveal himself, turn the money in, make restitution, and help him avoid jail time.

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Husky will congratulate the villain on his change of heart and help him plan a new Heroic Identity he'll then (with Kenneth's help) orchestrate the public defeat of the "old villain" by the "new hero" (holograms and pyrotechnics most likely but maybe some robots will be used) in the battle the "money" will be recovered, Husky won't sweat the missing money. Kenneth will place tracking and other monitoring tech into the "new" costume just to keep an I on the new guy. Husky may be trusting but Kenneth is paranoid.

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My character's background is that of a criminal of sorts. Mostly giving some of the other good guys (all NPC) a few beat downs. Basically the whole finding a worthy opponent thing caused a bit of (ok a lot) property damage in the process. So basically as a character trying to go straight himself he would understand (actually it started out as hook-up to fight a common enemy, he basically stayed and "softened" over time) But dont think he is trusting though. He would keep an eye on him during a "trial" period. Probably aint gonna sweat over the missing money, and he would understand the reluctance of being "caged like a zoo specimen". He would help "fake" the villains death (he did the same for himself) as he has realized the cost of being formerly a villain. My character really doesnt have a secret identity per se. He pretty much stays in the nearby forest (gotta a whole cave network with modern conveniences out there) and comes when needed. Dont know about letting him live there though as he doesnt trust this particular character yet.

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MAYDAY will sit down with him and see what can be done. Would he turn evidence on his former associates? Would he be willing to work for a government 's team or a UN team? How about an implanted 'control' device. She personally objects to the latter but the government liason may suggest it so best he thinks about it.


The money goes with the two of them to a fund for his victims (if any). Until then he's free to stay with her and has the choice of cooking duty or wash up duty. She wants to be there for moral support in case he backslides or gets tempted.


I agree with the others, Husky is memorable among a legion of heroes inhabitting these Forums.


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Guest WhammeWhamme

Wraith: Take a good opportunity when he sees it. (Both to make the world a more supervillain free place, and to deliver a truly dramatic speech : )


"I'll help you. But I will not trust blindly. You will be watched by observers you cannot see, cannot hear, cannot harm. They cannot be bribed, they shall not be tricked. Should you betray me, they will be empowered to make your life a living hell in that way that only a Ghost from a horror movie can, until the end of your days. Then I will find you and make you my cabana boy for all eternity.


(Don't mess with the Master of the Dead.)


After he'd put the Fear of God (or rather, the Fear of Wraith) into the man, he will then help him. After all, he might willingly submit to prison once he's figured out how redemption works...


Flippant: Has a somewhat stricter code to operate under (official superhero), and less applicable powers. Would probably try and cut a deal. Would shoot for maximum leniency; might be able to wangle him acting as heavily controlled support in lieu of a sentence.


Isn't strongly moral so much as devoted to being a superhero, so would do the heroic thing here.

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I think either of my characters would help him. In fact, with the right judge in my game world for a reduced sentence he could be sentenced to a work program as a member of the local hero group under their supervision.


There would have to be some time served first, and if there are no incidents then he's elligible for the program.

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Originally posted by farik

Husky will congratulate the villain on his change of heart and help him plan a new Heroic Identity he'll then (with Kenneth's help) orchestrate the public defeat of the "old villain" by the "new hero" (holograms and pyrotechnics most likely but maybe some robots will be used) in the battle the "money" will be recovered, Husky won't sweat the missing money. Kenneth will place tracking and other monitoring tech into the "new" costume just to keep an I on the new guy. Husky may be trusting but Kenneth is paranoid.


Could you please send a character write-up of Husky? I am so intrigued with this guy I just have to see him and Kenneth.

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Adonis, would offer to help as best he can, but would point out to the reformer that he has to at least be willing to risk jail time. Since the villain is turning himself in and no deaths were involved, it seems likely that there would be some lenience in the criminal cases. It is the civil suits that are going to be most dangerous to the ex-villain in terms of keeping him on the straight and narrow, since the damages levied against him could run into ridiculous amounts. Still Adonis would do what he can to help, including helping the ex-villain come up with ways to make money to pay off that debt. Adonis would be cautious, but optimistic. He would leave it to the system to provide the watching of the ex-victim.

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