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Kim Jong-Il as a SuperVillian


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I got this idea from another thread.


North Korean Dictator, Kim Jong-Il as a SuperVillian.


This guy is crazy enough in real life to be a Champions Villian without changing anything at all! He runs around his palace in drag. He once kidnapped a Japanese film maker and forced this poor, unfortunate soul to film a documentary about the "Great Kim Jong-Il". When he was younger, before he became dictator, his favorite pastime was visiting various amusement parks around the world in disguise. (He is supposed to have loved Disneyland.)


So, my question for all of you is: what Super Powers would you give this clown, or is it enough that he is a ruthless and insane dictator who owns his own country?


Also, I am looking for suggestions for plot lines (serious or otherwise).

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Just for a moment let me propose the following: Have you ever seen Kim Jong-Il and Foxbat in the same photograph? Which is scarier, Kim J-I with super powers or Foxbat with nukes?


1.) The real Kim J is a big fan of the Godzilla movies. The supervillain version, who I see as a mad scientist or more rightly a dictator whose military machine holds scientists captive to do his will, would certainly grow, unleash, or order from Teleios a gigantic atomic dinosaur.


2.) Again based on a real world event, No. Korea announced that they had been kidnapping and imprisoning Japanese nationals for several years, military analysts suggested to pump for information about day to day life in Japan so that N Korean agents could better assimilate unnoticed.


He may have sleeper agents that he has returned, they might kidnap metahumans and take gene samples possibly spliced into his own genes making him something like the Silver Age superman.

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Kim Jong-Il and Foxbat


Good idea, RedMenace.


Foxbat could go to work for Kim Jong-Il as a mercenary. Clowns of a feather flutter together, I guess.


Alternatively, Kim Jong-Il could have BEEN Foxbat at one time. They are both kind of daffy.


The sleeper agent idea is excellent. You could work that into an extended story line. The superhero team could discover one of these agents and follow the trail back to North Korea.


It could either be a serious adventure, ala Suicide Squad, or a comedic jaunt, ala SuperFriends.


Also, the idea that Kim Jong-Il has the power of Superman is very scary. You could save it to the very end. The superhero team THINKS they've got this clown captured, and he unleashes a 20d6 kick to the groin!


Again it could be serious as above, or comedic with a bunch of powers that don't work very well.

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It would require some tight GMing but I think a scenario in which youplay him as a foxbatesque loon then at the end unveil that he is the most powerful super on earth could be very unsettling.




When warren Ellis wrote the first 4 issue Authority arch, where Kaizen Gamorah launches his army of cloned super humans against the major cities of earth- thats what I picture the little bastard doing. The last four episodes of X-men by Grant Morrison are doing something slightly similar, with a bad guy who stole the X-mens files and has spliced together Nightcrawler teleporters, with cyclops eyebeams, and God only knows who else's powers, as his troops.



From what I've read of Storn and RDUNeils Red Dragon Universe, something like this, a dictator with a superarmy or gene spliced powers, has most certainly happened occured. They might be able to give you more and better ideas.

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OMG! So THAT explains what happened to the 4th ed. Viperia!




Originally posted by Twilight

Let us not forget that North Korea and VIPER are pretty tight according to the VIPER sourcebook. That would explain any powers Kim Jong would have. Not to mention possible access to VIPER troops and Dragon Branch if he needs them.

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Kim Jong-Il the Supreme Serpent?


How about Kim Jong-Il as the Supreme Serpent?!?


(I always thought that the Top Snake was a little strange himself...)


Also, something like a quarter of the entire country of North Korea is in the military! The Dear Leader should have SWARMS of agents (at all levels of power).


Does anyone know if the Dear Leader has a big, fluffy white cat?:D

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A Slightly different take on poor Kimmy... :)

Do him as a poor intellectual, trapped in a despotic country who only wants to make movies. He is of course haunted by the ghost of his father, who despite being a devout communist, sems to be trapped on this world...it seems the worldwide communist revolution hasn't happened yet.


His father will constantly be nagging him to do stuf...but only Kim can see him.


Surround him with a pack of fanatical generals, who all have plots and plans to take over South Korea, Invade Russia, Bomb Japan, and melt the polar icecaps. One of them is even making atomic bombs, and won't tell Kim where they are!


In short, Kimmy has issues.


If you go with the idea of Kim Jong-Il being a supervillain, the only real way to do it is tom make him Menton. Drop the stuff about him being connected with Destroyer, lower appearance to 8, and you have the perfect villain.

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Kim Jong-Il as Mentalist


Originally posted by Ghost who Walks

If you go with the idea of Kim Jong-Il being a supervillain, the only real way to do it is tom make him Menton.


OK, that could work, too. Kim Jong-Il as a mentalist. In fact, it works really, really well. All of his followers are under the sway of his mind and are fanatically devoted. Unfortunately, the mutation/genetic engineering/chemical-radiation accident which altered his brain and gave him the ability to control the minds of others has also driven him stark, raving MAD!


Can you imagine the heroes squaring off against the Dear Leader in the climatic battle, when the team brick suddenly says, "You know, guys, I think we have this guy all wrong!" and then proceeds to switch sides!

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Originally posted by BoneDaddy

North Korea? Sleeper Agents?


"Raymond Shaw is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life."


Check out the Manchurian Candidate, GMs. A "how it works" of a great brainwashing scenario.


Why don't you pass the time with a game of solitaire?

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Billions & Billions


Originally posted by Outsider

Shouldnt you be saying "Miwyons and Miwyons of points of light, each one a sun, perhaps with a solar system, a life bearing pwanet, and an alien, yet not so dissimilar being looking back up at us...."


Bwaaa Haaa Haaah!


No! Billions and Billions....

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Originally posted by Redmenace

He may have sleeper agents that he has returned, they might kidnap metahumans and take gene samples possibly spliced into his own genes making him something like the Silver Age superman.


Kim Jong-Il... Kim Jor-El? Does that sound like a coincidence to you?!?!?



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