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Early NYC Vigilantes


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Originally posted by FenrisUlf

You know, considering Teddy's combo of genuine athletic talent, hatred for crime and corruption, eccentricity, intelligence, wealth, and love for the common man -- I've GOT to wonder why no one ever tried using him as a early costumed hero (in a pulp or superhero universe, that is). Depending on when he died, using him in a team-up with a young Nikola Tesla (the mad scientist's mad scientist) would be great.


For that matter, much of what I'm reading here sounds like it would make a great campaign or even a comic.

As a wealthy and influential man Theodore "Teddy" Roosevelt (He hated being called "Teddy." He was actually Theodore Roosevelt Junior, but his fame so eclipsed his at the time well known father's few people remember that.) would also be a natural as a financial backer for a turn-of-the-20th-century hero team if you didn't want to go the old "supported by the government" route. A highly readable biography of TDR and his life until he ascended to the presidency upon William McKinley's assassination is the book The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris. A sequel Theodore Rex covers his years in the White House. Both are excellent.


And yes, Tesla as the scientist would be a natural. Dig up a couple of other notables from the period and you'd really have something. Kind of a League of Extraordinary Gentlemen with real instead of fictional characters.

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Originally posted by Trebuchet

KS, given some of the great plot synopses you've posted here I'm sure there's been players thinking the same about you. I know I've certainly admired your imagination. :)

Aw shucks, twernt nuthin :o


I promise you though, if I had a GM running something like the Omega game Id pretend like I'd never heard of the term "GM". It would be play play play until wifey took the T-bird away. :D

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Originally posted by Killer Shrike

I promise you though, if I had a GM running something like the Omega game Id pretend like I'd never heard of the term "GM". It would be play play play until wifey took the T-bird away. :D


Edsel (the GM responsible for the Omega Team) is extremely intuitive and downright amazing at times. Some of the lengths he goes to to add "flavor" to the settings are unbelievable. He has published entire "ragsheets", complete frontpage newspapers from Hudson City, with original artwork for the papers namesake, aged & weathered partial manuscripts, flyers and the like. All this in he name of his campaign.


I for one, bow to his skill at the head of the table.


Our group is doubly blessed in that we have another GM / PC that also goes to extreme lengths for the campaign that he heads up. KUDOS to both Edsel & Eosin.

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Guest Champsguy

When did the Klan and the Knights of Colombus first appear? I know their heyday was later, in the early half of the 20th Century, but I thought both groups were active in the late 19th Century as well. That could certainly give you some stock villains (or even allies, if you're fighting vampires: "It's agin' the will o' Gawd to suck tha blood o' the white man..."). I know that those groups weren't historically limited to the South.

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I have seen some of the research Eddie has got going on....Weirdos and weird unsolved crimes (Including one here in OKC) that are all connected into the Conclave.


Some of the real stuff is obscure but just blows your socks off...Powerful Judges who just disappear...forever...Killers who whack mayors by "mistake" who also happen to be the wrong color so no other questions are asked besides where is the nearest tree.


I don't know how he is putting it together but I know he has a whole boat load of stickies near his desk :)

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May I suggest taking a look at H. P. Lovecraft's "The Horror at Red Hook"?


Perhaps there had been a prior incident of a similar nature in the 1890s and the heroes banded together to stop it that time.


Even if you don't like that, "Red Hook" is a great place name.


I have to say that a mixed-bag of ethnic types seems a little too convenient. It reminds me of that international team DC did (the name eludes me for now), with a bunch of second-stringers, who were only chosen to shoehorn in people from as many countries as possible, instead of because they were interesting in their own right.

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Side note about a movie for "The Alienist". Carr sold the production rights, but when they came to him to discuss the "minor changes" they wanted, it amounted to a completely different story, different characters, different timeframe and I think, a talking homosexual dog (My nod to Kevin Smith there) Seriously though, the 1st three things so set off Carr that he refused to give the go ahead (Which he had wisely retained) and the movie is in limbo until their option expires sometime around 2010 IIRC.


On to the campaign idea.




If I could just get my group interested, I'd give it a shot myself.

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Originally posted by proditor

On to the campaign idea.


If I could just get my group interested, I'd give it a shot myself.


Maybe you could have them read the thread below about the Omega Team from Hudson City

Which lasted over two years on a weekly meet.


********see link below******




And perhaps that might generate some interest!;)


We can only hope!:D


Good Luck!:)

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Originally posted by Champsguy

When did the Klan and the Knights of Colombus first appear? I know their heyday was later, in the early half of the 20th Century, but I thought both groups were active in the late 19th Century as well. That could certainly give you some stock villains (or even allies, if you're fighting vampires: "It's agin' the will o' Gawd to suck tha blood o' the white man..."). I know that those groups weren't historically limited to the South.


Um, the Klan and the Knights of Colombus are two very different organizations. The Knights are a Catholic fraternal order formed because the church didn't allow Catholics to join the Masons. I've never heard of it being involved in anything violent.


Also, the Klan didn't really move north until the '20s. In fact, I think it was pretty much dead in the South by the turn of the century, since by that time it had more or less accomplished what it had set out to do.


Finally, if you want to go the multi-ethnic route for your group, this could work: Some menace is hopscotching across the city, attracting the attention of several gangs/vigilante groups. The leaders meet up in the course of their investigations, and agree to work together for the duration. Their actions attract the attention of Roosevelt, who then calls on them as a group for future problems. He also brings in outsiders like Masterson, who bind the group together further.

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I keep getting good ideas here that will help me form a more coherent back story.


I like the Knights of Columbus angle that could give me a smoother way to get the Catholic church involved. Roosevelt was, either Dutch Reformed or Episcopalian (sp?) depending on your source data, but I'll use him and a man named Robert Jenkins Nevin (do a google search) to get the Episcopalians involved.


I already have quite a bit of Lovecraft background material from some of my old campaigns but I am favoring a more gothic-style of horror in this setting. I recently bought the Helsing Anime on DVD and this has influenced the horror aspect. Angel and Buffy are also figuring into this.


I have been doing pretty good on the supernatural influences so far. I need to start looking into "normal" crime and terrorist events of the past that the Conclave could have had an influence upon.


Right now my rough backgroud tells of the group starting out as anti-crime vigilantes. They then got involved in fighting supernatural horror with government/church support. In modern time they have become more heavily government sponsered. The government has made them into a clean-up squad for things that no one else is suited to handle. Got a crook we can't legally touch, call the Conclave. Got a terrorist group that the US doesn't want credit for eliminating, call the Conclave. You say there is a werewolf on the prowl in Muncie, call the Conclave.

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Originally posted by Edsel



I have been doing pretty good on the supernatural influences so far. I need to start looking into "normal" crime and terrorist events of the past that the Conclave could have had an influence upon.


Bomb throwing Anarchists, Communists and Socialists. There was a world wide recession in the 90's, along with political upheaval, the beginnings of independence movements in the colonies of the European powers, and La Cosa Nostra came to the U.S. in New Orleans in the 1840's. Top this with no national law enforcement agency with any real power until the F.B.I. in the 1920's and you should have plenty of normal badness to work against.

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