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SS serum & Vita rays: Definition


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Big discussion over on the Raw STR: Marvel thread.


Cap is my second fav Hero after the Hulk.


Super Soldier serum:

Raises all physical stats to Human maximum, +5

reduced END on STR and movement to near zero

Fast healing


Vita eays:

Life extension LS: Aging

higher ED defense


What else?

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: SS serum & Vita rays: Definition


Originally posted by lensman

Big discussion over on the Raw STR: Marvel thread.


Cap is my second fav Hero after the Hulk.


Super Soldier serum:

Raises all physical stats to Human maximum, +5

reduced END on STR and movement to near zero

Fast healing


Vita eays:

Life extension LS: Aging

higher ED defense


What else?


Well, raises all the stats, anyway. To what... depends.

20-30, inclusive. :)

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Re: SS serum & Vita rays: Definition


Originally posted by lensman

Big discussion over on the Raw STR: Marvel thread.


Cap is my second fav Hero after the Hulk.


Super Soldier serum:

Raises all physical stats to Human maximum, +5

reduced END on STR and movement to near zero

Fast healing


Vita eays:

Life extension LS: Aging

higher ED defense


What else?


I might dispute the LS:Aging, since he's really only been active for about ten years Marvel-Time, but don't forget tht it did allow him to spend four decades in a block of ice without any freezerburn :rolleyes:

Possible:Immunity to diseases with act roll equal to his Con Roll (15 or less by my estimate)

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Re: Re: SS serum & Vita rays: Definition


Originally posted by cubist

I might dispute the LS:Aging, since he's really only been active for about ten years Marvel-Time, but don't forget tht it did allow him to spend four decades in a block of ice without any freezerburn :rolleyes:

Possible:Immunity to diseases with act roll equal to his Con Roll (15 or less by my estimate)

A weakened form of the serum is what has been cited as giving Nick Fury his slowed aging.
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I would say, these two plot devices are twin Transforms (one into a perfect physical specimen, the other into a long-lived person. LS being included in the vita-rays). It's important to realize though that Cap wasn't the first person to be successfully transofrmed into a super-soldier, nor was the first to be transf\ormed successfully the first to be experimented on. Apparently, the treatments only "take" in about 1% or so of the cases, and the rest of the test subject die a horrible death from toxic shock or radiation poisoning or something.

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Guest Champsguy

I'm not sure what craptastic story they told in "Red, White, and Black", but I'm tossing it to the side. The problem with the super-soldier serum has always been that it needs the vita-rays treatment as well. The vita-rays stabilize the serum. Without it, you see, you get bigger, even stronger, and tougher. You hop up from Cap level strength to Spider-Man level strength. Unfortunately, without the vita-rays, you also go nucking futs after a few years.


The problem? They lost the secrets to the vita-rays treatment. The nazi assassin that appeared in the first issue of Captain America killed the scientist that had developed them. Like all good scientists, the guy didn't keep any notes.

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Not just in Red, White and Black, but in Cap vol. 3, around issue 28-32 or something like that it was revealed that Cap wasn't the first test subject to have gotten the treatment. I can't recall ever actually reading the story, but that's what I understood from secondhand accounts.

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Re: Re: Re: SS serum & Vita rays: Definition


Originally posted by Agent X

A weakened form of the serum is what has been cited as giving Nick Fury his slowed aging.


THe Infinity Formula has always been discribed as a variation of the SSS, not a weakened version of it, at least from what I've read. Oh, it also requires yearly doses, so maybe it only halts aging for a limited duration, meaning that even if Cap got some sort of equivalent effect, it wore off for him back in '44 or so...

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Guest Champsguy

Nope. It prevents aging. Marvel only halfway sticks to their "ten year rule" anyway. It's more like a 15-20 year rule as far as I can tell.


But Cap's been shown to not age before. In a number of "What If" stories, Cap has been shown to still be young X number of years into the future. Cap also didn't age during a Korvac storyline they did a few years ago. Apparently Korvac had taken over the world, and each time Cap led a resistance against him, Korvac would re-start time, leaving Cap with his memories intact. The intent was to break Cap's spirit, by making him think that resistance was useless. One of the time re-starts had apparently taken hundreds of years, before Cap finally was able to scrabble together some fighters. At that point, it was Korvac who gave up. :)


Has anybody seen any evidence that Cap does age? I've never seen a story, alternate universe or not, that had an aging Captain America, except maybe Earth X. Even then, I couldn't tell if he was really old or had just taken six too many shots to the face. And Earth X is so far out there on the fringes of continuity that it's sitting somewhere alongside Twisted Toyfair Theater.

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Originally posted by Champsguy

Nope. It prevents aging. Marvel only halfway sticks to their "ten year rule" anyway. It's more like a 15-20 year rule as far as I can tell.


But Cap's been shown to not age before. In a number of "What If" stories, Cap has been shown to still be young X number of years into the future. Cap also didn't age during a Korvac storyline they did a few years ago. Apparently Korvac had taken over the world, and each time Cap led a resistance against him, Korvac would re-start time, leaving Cap with his memories intact. The intent was to break Cap's spirit, by making him think that resistance was useless. One of the time re-starts had apparently taken hundreds of years, before Cap finally was able to scrabble together some fighters. At that point, it was Korvac who gave up. :)


Has anybody seen any evidence that Cap does age? I've never seen a story, alternate universe or not, that had an aging Captain America, except maybe Earth X. Even then, I couldn't tell if he was really old or had just taken six too many shots to the face. And Earth X is so far out there on the fringes of continuity that it's sitting somewhere alongside Twisted Toyfair Theater.


As opposed to a What If? story? As for the Korvac tale, it was probably Korvac himself who retarded Cap's aging since he knew it would take more than a lifetime to break Cap.

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Originally posted by Champsguy

Has anybody seen any evidence that Cap does age? I've never seen a story, alternate universe or not, that had an aging Captain America, except maybe Earth X. Even then, I couldn't tell if he was really old or had just taken six too many shots to the face. And Earth X is so far out there on the fringes of continuity that it's sitting somewhere alongside Twisted Toyfair Theater.


He did age in at least two of the original What If series. One had him & Bucky not ride the bomb. Cap gets older, retires and takes up directing SHIELD, Bucky bacomes Cap II and gets killed fighting Red Skull. Cap and Skull die locked in battle.

The other had Cap rescue Sharon Carter from the Grand Director's deathtrapped clothing she was wearing. They get married have kids and grow old. Then Red Skull shows up with his new son, Red Skull Jr. Cap has to rely on his fading skills and athletic abilities (and a toughened-up costume) but still wins.


As to Earth X, I'd say that was actually farther out there than Toyfare Theater. They decided that Belasco was Nightcrawler, Colossus was Mr Sinister and Wolverine was the descendant of Moon Boy and thus the last true human on the planet. Reading issues of that dreck is like poking myself in the groin with a red hot poker. Bleagh!

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I'd define the the SSS effects on a character as something along these lines:


+10 STR, DEX

+15 CON

+something to REC

+something BODY

+something SPD

1/2 END on STR, movement

+something to all standard movement ( maybe )

Some kind of resistance to disease and poison ( activation role LS?? )

LS: Reduced Aging

fast healing


The vita rays I'd have doing two things: keeping the boost from going much bigger, and avoiding the Psych Disad.

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Guest Major Tom

As I understand the whole bit about "vita-rays" with regard to

Captain America's origin, "vita-rays" were simply specific fre-

quecies of radiation that were used to stabilize the effects of

the Super-Soldier serum in his body.


Now as to whether or not Cap has aged at any time during his

career, there was that storyline some years ago involving the

Red Skull and his daughter. The Red Skull had somehow manip-

ulated Nomad into slipping a substance into Cap that negated

the anagathic qualities of the Super-Soldier serum; as a result,

Cap was starting to grow old at a steadily-increasing rate.


Major Tom


The Poster formerly known as Space Cadet

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Acutally th fun thing about Vita Rays is that you can do ANYTHING with them.


I built a Multipower Aid character with Vita rays as the SFX.


Who's gonna argue?


Besides what if the SSS is really impotent and the Vita rays actually do the job?



Everyone _thinks_ it's the SSS but you really can't dissect Cap to find out can ya?


even when they took out the SSS from Cap he was still kicking buttocks.


My argument goes for Vita rays does it all and the SSS is a fake, a gov't Coverup!



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Originally posted by AnotherSkip

Besides what if the SSS is really impotent and the Vita rays actually do the job?


Then the 50's Cap and Nomad wouldn't have received any powers... :)


Just on them: I saw a picture of one of the covers of the shortlived 50s Cap series. It's very easy to see why this series was such an embarassment that they declared it to have not been the "real" Cap.


Of course, there would have been continuity problems with the frozen Cap story line anyway, but that could have been avoided.

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