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entangle based on ECV


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Whether or not a character can fly when Entangled depends on the SFX of both the Flight and the Entangle. For example, and Entangle where the ground comes up and grabs the character would probably not allow Flight, but an Entangle that is a bolo which wraps around the character probably would, assuming the Flight did not have the Restrainable Limitation.


I think the general idea of a "Mental Paralysis" Entangle is that the character's mind is Entangled, and thus the character cannot move.

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From what I understand of BOECV Entangles, it still imobilizes the body, not the mind. I think of it as shutting down the motor functions of the brain. I usually also has a "Based on EGO not STR" and "Takes No Damage From Attacks" to simulate that other's can't help you break out unless they have Mental Powers, and a strong mind, rather than body, can break you out.

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Originally posted by Dust Raven

I usually also has a "Based on EGO not STR" and "Takes No Damage From Attacks" to simulate that other's can't help you break out unless they have Mental Powers, and a strong mind, rather than body, can break you out.

By 5th Ed rules both BOECV and Takes No Damage From Physical Attacks are required.


As far as whether or not it stops flight, unless it has the Lim that limits the number of limbs it affects or something along those lines (like handcuffs), then I would say yes since basically the primary use of Entangle is to stop movement.


With a standard mental paralysis I can imagine a flyer or runner in-motion (1/2 Move or more in their previous phase and not explicitly "stopped") would maintain velocity, but loose control of their ability to move. Thus the runner would trip and skid while the flyer would plummet until their flight decayed.


But I dont have my book on me and would have to sit down and read the Entangle entry thouroughly before I formed a final opinion on the matter. Oddly enough, I cant recall it ever coming up. The steep cost of BOECV and Takes No Damage is a stiff deterent to players, and the few times Ive used it as GM the targets were standing still.

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I'd probably just defer to the special affect to determine if it stopped flight or not. My use in particular was defined as a lock on the person's mind that prevented the entangled from any movement.


The person I used it on had teleportation, which allowed them to teleport to another location, but when they arrived they still could not move. Also if they had flight I would have expected they could fly if the flight was some sort of mental levitation, or something along those lines. If however the flight was wings, or jet boots, or something like that, then they wouldn't be able to do so effectively.


Anyway for 25 points (added a few limitions) it was *very* effective! 2d6 body, 2def held the typical super-hero for at least 2 phases, and in some cases up to 6!


Paul R

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Originally posted by Kristopher

As a side note, how does one escape a BOECV/TNDFA Entangle?

The correct power construct is: Entangle, BoECV, Uses EGO, not STR, Takes No Damage From Attack.


To get out of it you must use your EGO like STR. You can also push your EGO in the same way that you can push any other attack.

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I have a player who bought Entangle Based on ECV as a "time stop" affect. The only thing I've never really decided is, if the target is flying through the air when they get time-stopped, do they freeze in place, even if they are way off the ground?


The SFX-junkie in me says yes, but the mechanics part of me says no.

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Originally posted by Monolith

The correct power construct is: Entangle, BoECV, Uses EGO, not STR, Takes No Damage From Attack.


To get out of it you must use your EGO like STR. You can also push your EGO in the same way that you can push any other attack.


Uses EGO Instead of STR is what-- an Advantage, right? What's that worth? As it turns out, I'm building something close to this exact power right now.


Whaddya know. These boards aren't just for arguing obscure, petty issues-- they're useful sometimes, too!

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I realize "no damage from attacks" is pretty straightforward, but couldn't an ally use an ego attack to damage an ego entangle? It seems to make sense to me, at least from a SFX standpoint.

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Hmm. So you build this entangle that can't be affected by STR, and requires EGO to break out.


OK, so can my ally stand next to me and exert his will upon this thing the way a brick can rip a normal entangle off a teammate?


Can I haymaker my EGO? If so, how many extra dice do I roll?


Do you have to buy it with the +1/4 advantage 'cannot be escaped by teleportation' to keep teleporters from blinking out of it?

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5th Ed rules, under Entangle, specifically say that a Flying character can continue to Fly, depending on the SFX for each power.


"For example, a character with Flight could Fly while handcuffed, but this wouldn't free him from the handcuffs, he'd just take them with him. But if the Flight had the Gestures limitation, it wouldn't work, since the handcuffs prevent him from making the proper gestures." -5th Ed.


So as other posters have said, in the case of a mental paralysis Entangle, I would rule that he could continue to Fly as long as he didn't need to move any body parts to do so. For instance, wings would be paralyzed (Hawkman plummets to his death). Arms couldn't steer a jetpack. Legs couldn't steer jet boots.

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Originally posted by BNakagawa

Hmm. So you build this entangle that can't be affected by STR, and requires EGO to break out.


OK, so can my ally stand next to me and exert his will upon this thing the way a brick can rip a normal entangle off a teammate?


Can I haymaker my EGO? If so, how many extra dice do I roll?


Do you have to buy it with the +1/4 advantage 'cannot be escaped by teleportation' to keep teleporters from blinking out of it?


These are the precise reasons I use a Major Transform for mental paralysis (effectively a limited petrification). Some of the reversal methods I use include breaking out like with an Engantle (with the Transform dice rolled like an Engangle once the Transform takes effect), breaking out using a Mental Power (like countering another Mental Power, target number is the total rolled on a single roll of the Transform) or just letting it fade normally.

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