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It's a magic ring. It does whatever you say it does (as GM). Each GL has exhibited a number of different superpowers that the others' have not, so you're well within your rights to restrict the ring any way you like.



Remember- just because Hal Jordan, the Greatest GL of All Time, can do something, doesn't mean your PC GL has to be able to do it.

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Patriot

Umm I kinda meant dis-ad wise


Honorable to a fault ...CAK..... I never read anything to do with them except the zero hour scenario...and that was a bit different.



Thanks WW


Sorry. All I could bring to the discussion was some comprehensive reading... I know less about Green Latern than you do. :(

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GL Code


Green Lanterns are supposed to enforce order within their sectors. However, the Guardians allow each Lantern to decide what order is within certain limits. The main limit is that they are not allowed to kill. They are also not supposed to gather power over others.


That was Sinestro's problem. He decided to set himself up as ruler of his sector.


One of the other major factors to be a GL is that you have to be fearless. This is usually shown not as going on inspite of fear, but not knowing the meaning of the word. Thus, Hal Jordan was a test pilot. One of the cocky breed that can always keep his cool even if the plane is exploding around him.

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GL Code


Part of the code is you can't use the ring to kill, you can't use it for personal gain, you can't violate the legal affairs of your local authorities, you are responsible to the guardians, and their word is the law.


I forget the rest of it, but some of these rules were relaxed according to where you lived, or how you violated them.


One GL was the only law on a planet where a couple of GLs had been killed beforehand, so he was allowed to use a firearm to kill a villain in self defense when his ring wouldn't do it. On the other hand he was not allowed to operate off his planet.


One GL took over his planet (like sinestro) and was allowed to stay in power because his goverment was better than the one he supplanted, and coups were the natural customs of his planet.


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Originally posted by Patriot

ok how about destroying 35 million dollars in earth artifacts because you think the owner may have perpetrated a crime



I believe that is a violation of the code. You can't destroy personal property because you think someone did something. A policeman is not allowed to burn someone's house down because they think a guy did a crime somewhere. Same principle.

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Guest innominatus

Browsing through DC Heroes' "Green Lantern Sourcebook", it offers a list of 10 major guidelines for the Green Lanterns to follow:


1.) PROTECTION OF LIFE AND LIBERTY WITHN ONE'S ASSIGNED SECTOR: this includes combatting evil whenever and wherever it's encountered, as well as protecting the inhabitants of your sector from natural disasters to the best of one's ability.


2.) FOLLOW THE ORDERS OF THE GUARDIANS WITHOUT QUESTION: Even though these orders might seem out of the order nad out of keeping with the rest of the code, the GL's must learn to trust that the Guardians have a valid reason for everythingthey do, and the results of disobedience could be catastrophic.


3.) NON-INTERFERENCE: A Green Lantern must never alter a world's culture or political makeup. Also, they may not perform any action on a world that is against the collective will of its inhabitants.




5.) PROVEN PERIL CLAUSE: A Green Lantern must not take any action against anyone or anything until it is proven to present a danger to life or liberty.


6.) REFUSAL TO ACT FOR PERSONAL GAIN: This includes accepting rewards for services rendered.


7.) COOPERATION WITH FELLOW GREEN LANTERNS: A Green Lantern is obligated to show respect to his fellow Lanterns, and do everything in his power to assist them.


8.) RESPECT FOR LIFE: A Green Lantern must never willingly take the life of another living creature, unless it is the only possible solution.


9.) COMBAT THE GREATEST DANGER: An individual Lantern must give top priority to the greatest individual threat in his sector.


10.) PRESERVATION OF HONOR: A Green Lantern must always try to maintain the honor of the Corps, and refrain from dishonesty or treachery.


It's important to note that the Guardians have enough confidence in the Corps members to give them the option of violating any of these principles if it is warranted in the Green Lantern's best judgment. However, he'd better be prepared to explain his actions before the Guardians!


Hope this helps you, Patriot.

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Some of the GLs have been pretty mean or have had serious character flaws.


1. Guy Gardner - has at tempts been insane and at his best was an arrogant braggart who was not above seriously injuring someone or destroying their property.


2. John Stewart - became a Darkstar (GL replacements) and was directly responsible for the death of a million or so people.


3. Hal Stewart - GL's shining star, but went crazy when San Francisco (Ocean City?) was destroyed, using his ring to recreate the Bay Area with emerald power, this led him to destroy the GL corp for a while.


4. Kyle Radner - was not very confident and was chosen at random, luckily he is a pretty honorable guy.


Keep in mind that the main stat for a GL would be Ego as it is the character's force of will that controls the ring.

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Thanks Folks....I knew I could count on you...(go fig, were here on a superhero thread)


Oh for anyone who is wondering...a few months ago I had posted a thread about a character destroying a national land mark of the country of Leichtenstein....well, this Green Lantern character is his second chance and he set a new land speed record on jacking things up...

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Re: Vengefulness


Originally posted by Vex

Some of the GLs have been pretty mean or have had serious character flaws.



3. Hal Stewart - GL's shining star, but went crazy when San Francisco (Ocean City?) was destroyed, using his ring to recreate the Bay Area with emerald power, this led him to destroy the GL corp for a while.



Hal Jordan, city's name was Coast City


John Stewart was responsible for BILLIONS of deaths (A planet blew up because of his arrogance)


Kyle Raynor was an atempt to make GL more youthful and everymanish

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After bringing up the Gls code to the player, he now wants to tweak his background...since the gls are no longer a cohesive entity.he wished to change his dis ads also , adding watched by Kyle Rainer.


He insist that he has done nothing out of character.

(and continues to insist that Stellar his character who destroyed a land mark in leichtenstein was set up)


If you had a character who witnessed a small event, and while roleplaying , didnt mention it....should the other pcs be allowed to act on it....?



I apolagize if this turns into a rant by me about a single poor gamer

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Re: Update


Originally posted by Patriot

If you had a character who witnessed a small event, and while roleplaying , didnt mention it....should the other pcs be allowed to act on it....?



I apolagize if this turns into a rant by me about a single poor gamer


Well, it depends - how important is this small event? Or, how important is it that other character's know about the small event, or how important is it that the other character's know that the other character was a silent witness? There's always other ways to let the cat out of the bag, if its needed for the story arc. Just wheel out the machina and lower down the deus.


But until they validly know about it, I'd say no way, man.


Maybe Lichtenstein's only resident super is an extra-cognitive Roma, who would cheerfully rat out a rat, especially if would sow dissent in a rival's ranks.

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