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Longest Running Thread EVER

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Okay' date=' who would like to kindly explain to the newbie exactly how "rep" works, and why everyone is so obsessed with it? :confused:[/quote']




Seriously, it's pretty simple. See the scales on the posts? I hope so. Just click on it when you "respect" a post or when you "disrespect" a post, and it will give you the option to let the other person know whichever it is you felt. You can do this 5 (or 7?) times a day. It also has a space for comments. Please note, the person you give or take respect from can see that you've done so. As you gain "respect" (the points) you'll see the green bars grow associated with your name (look at the green bars in my or lemming's posts for example). By going to User CP you can see (bottom of the screen) any rep you're received to date.


Conventional wisdom:

- negative respect is more often reserved for abhorrent posts, though some are more liberal I suppose

- comments are highly appreciated

- it's meaningless in that no one should hang their hat on it, but a fun and helpful thing to do

- see Ben's sticky up front


If you were being funny due to a recent thread, sorry that I missed it.

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Okay' date=' who would like to kindly explain to the newbie exactly how "rep" works, and why everyone is so obsessed with it? :confused:[/quote']


I'm sorry. You'll have to find that answer somewhere other than NGD because we use it irresponsibly, ruining it's effectiveness in whatever the hell it's supposed to be effective in. :rolleyes:


Seriously. If you go to the scales on the top right corner of a post and click on it, you can give someone either positive or negative rep. You can do this five times per day, and you have to give it to 20 different people before you can give it to the first person again.


You get 1 rep point value for every 1,000 posts you have.

1 rep point value for every 100 rep points you have.

1 rep point value for every year you've been on the board.


Did that help any?

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Okay' date=' who would like to kindly explain to the newbie exactly how "rep" works, and why everyone is so obsessed with it? :confused:[/quote']

Allow me to demonstrate:


Ding! You've got rep!


Why'd I give you rep? Well, in the spirit of being "irresponsible" with it, it happens to be because of your avatar. I'm an Ambush Bug fan from waaaay back. So there. Have some rep! :)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


"Plausible Deniability" seems to be the only one that comes to mind. Several of us came from different groups with our own jargon' date=' but since it wouldn't make much sense we don't use it and henceforth haven't made any either. At least that's my story and I'm sticking to it. maybe. :whistle:[/quote']


Oh, yeah, plausible deniability.


Oh and anything about headaches...

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


OK, that is up there too. I liked when the bad guy pretended to be empty.


Actually' date=' my favorite is one that tanked at the box office...[i']Last Action Hero[/i]. But then again, I've always been a sucker for metafictional stuff, and having characters in a movie comment on some of the improbable things dismissed as genre conventions really brought a smile to my face.


"You know, tar actually sticks to some people."



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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Two words. "Red Heat" Jim Belushi is great. Arnold is... stiff. ;)



Definitely the Terminator trilogy' date=' then maybe [i']The Running Man[/i], then probably Predator...

It's funny, but when I actually start to think about Arnie's movies, I realize how bad, or at least cheesy, most of them really were, but he's so entertaining to watch that I just don't care...

See, it pays off to buy a high PRE.

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Your favorite action movie moments - (warning spoilers inherent)


New subthread! Inspired by gewing's most recent comments and others - what are your favorite action movie moments?


I really liked in Diva where the guy is reaching for the light by the elevator... ;)

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


Two words. "Red Heat" Jim Belushi is great. Arnold is... stiff. ;)

Oh, yeah... I almost forgot about that one! :lol: I loved the ongoing argument about which gun really was the most powerful in the world... I think Ah-nold's even more noticible than usual "stiffness" is mostly due to straining for an even remotely plausible Russian accent...

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Re: Avatar search


I'm thinking about a new avatar (for a while at least).

Waddya think...?

I like #3, the one you're using now. The others seem a little, I dunno... generic.

Truthfully, though, between Rachel's new avatar and SuperSquirrel's, everyone else's is suffering in comparison... :lol:

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Re: New Subthread - Press Conference Game


What the heck we can do it here - (pay attention to title) -


"Greetings Ladies and Gentelmen of the Press Corps. I'm here to answer your questions about that brave, brave boy Timmy and the rotten dog Lassie who attacked him and threw him down the well. I know there are a lot of CRAZY :rolleyes: rumors out there and I'm here to address them. You there, the man with the ring in his nose, your question?"


"Jimmy Olsen-Blues, Weekly Planet... It's been three days now since the attack, and young Timmy was, by all accounts, severely wounded... When, exactly, do officials plan to do something about getting the lad out of the well?"



(post #100!)

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Re: New Subthread - Press Conference Game


"Jimmy Olsen-Blues' date=' Weekly Planet... It's been three days now since the attack, and young Timmy was, by all accounts, severely wounded... When, exactly, do officials plan to do something about getting the lad [i']out[/i] of the well?"



(post #100!)


We are working on a plan right now and we'll have it out shortly and Timmy out in time! We'll have Timmy out soon, and, in fact, his wounds are being remotely monitored - no thanks to that rotten terrorist dog. Next question, you, over there, the woman with the horn-rimmed glasses!

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Re: Avatar search


I'm thinking about a new avatar (for a while at least).

Waddya think...?

Number 3 is my fave of the list and hey, you're using it. ;)


AngryBug, by asking about rep means you obviously don't know anything about it. So it follows that you can't use it responsibly.

Therefore, do you want to join our supersecret consipiracy clique?


Btw, am I even spelling clique right? :help:

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Re: Longest Running Thread EVER


I think we have "bits" rather than jargon. Balony sandwiches' date=' headaches, plausible deniability, and of course booking airline tickets.[/quote']


Good point, we should post them there. Baloney sandwiches are another good one.


Oh and yes it is "clique". Since you spelt that correctly, I think you can stay in - or are you tossed out? Or are you tossing MightyBec's salad?

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