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The cranky thread


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Re: They did it to me again...


Well, I'm back... was just going through my book and finding all the dialogue that I thought was just damned cool, and realized that I've got four solid pages of quotes that just totally rock. I must be doing SOMETHING right, I guess!


Now if I could just get the REST of the book to be this cool...


... even if MB and Rachel are giving me s*** about it.






I wasn't giving you s***. lol It was well written.


I was just describing the most horrific of the levels of hell the character could be sent to.

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Re: They did it to me again...


I verbally fence with Mightybec and Kara.


You don't know the meaning of the word "fear".




Depends on your definition of fear.


Hmmm... I should hope that you actually like Dragonball Z, then, you would make an ideal critic for the book when I'm done writing it. I can see it now... red marks all the way through with scathing wit written in the margins.





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Re: They did it to me again...


Depends on your definition of fear.


Hmmm... I should hope that you actually like Dragonball Z, then, you would make an ideal critic for the book when I'm done writing it. I can see it now... red marks all the way through with scathing wit written in the margins.






Scathing wit? lol I've been accused of that a time or two. Especially at work.


Not at all familiar with Dragonball Z.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: They did it to me again...


Well, I'm back... was just going through my book and finding all the dialogue that I thought was just damned cool, and realized that I've got four solid pages of quotes that just totally rock. I must be doing SOMETHING right, I guess!


Now if I could just get the REST of the book to be this cool...


... even if MB and Rachel are giving me s*** about it.





I still wanna see it. And the 4 pages of quotes. :D

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Re: The cranky thread


So just why is this thread cranky? Everyone seems pretty chipper to me! Certainly sex in the shower is nothing that would lower anyone's mood! :D


I would call this false advertising... but I'm not feeling cranky tonight, so I don't care! ;)

Eh, with Kara around it's hard to be cranky.

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Re: The cranky thread


Yes. Ever been here?




Home of Sealab 2021's best fan page.


Might not be work safe for some transcript scripts.

Oh, cool, thanks very much! Eminently rep-worthy (reminds me to crank through the backlog now).


And I'll make everyone cranky post-Thanksgiving as I intend to spend some serious time catching up tomorrow, which means on Friday people will likely wake up to a Zornwil-response-filled first page of NGD... :D

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Re: They did it to me again...


I still wanna see it. And the 4 pages of quotes. :D


Well, here's the first few, to give you an idea... you will notice that some characters are more represented than others, because I actually figured out how to sort in MS Word by the LAST word, not the first!


In no storyboard order, some quotes from the book...



Don’t you have any sense at all? What made you lose what you had left of your mind? - Bulma


How can you ask me to just sit and watch as you die? I want to save you, but I don’t know how! Please, Kurenai, you’ve got to tell me how! - Gohan


I’m not going to be kept from doing the right thing just because I’m a child. – Gohan


You know, I think Piccolo really should find a girlfriend. - Gohan


I truly thought… you understood. I thought you understood that Kurenai is a friend, and how important my friends are to me. I thought you understood that I never wanted Kurenai to come between you and me. I thought you understood that I was telling you the truth when I said it was forever. But now, I see that you don’t understand at all. And now that I see that, I would rather die as her friend than live as your husband. - Goku




You feel powerful for being able to reach the stars, but at the same time, you feel so small in comparison to them. - Goku


She loved all of you so much that she chose death rather than live knowing you never loved her in return. - Kami


Every day must have mystery and beauty, joy and passion and danger and sorrow, no matter how small. - Kurenai


I wasn’t trying to make fun of you, I was trying to meditate like you do, but it’s damned hard. I feel so tense that all I can think of is how my jaw hurts from clenching it. - Kurenai




It’s cold… the fear, it’s so cold, like I’ll never be warm again. No matter how much I try, I can’t make it stop, I can’t keep the chill away… You’re not afraid of anything, are you, Piccolo? So afraid that it chills your soul and the world seems dark? - Kurenai


No… one… can… catch… me… now… - Kurenai


Oh, that’s rich! A low-life, arrogant, stuck-up, stubborn, callous, cold-hearted bastard of a prince, who wouldn’t know what love was if it came up and screwed him, has the unmitigated gall to tell me how to live with my feelings?!? – Kurenai


Scientists say that no two snowflakes are ever the same… Imagine that… all this snow, year after year, and no two the same. Like people in a way. A lot of us look alike, and even ARE alike in certain ways, but never quite the same. - Kurenai


You can’t understand, Goku. Finding moments of beauty in a lifetime of eternity is so hard, because everything becomes the same after a while. You have no idea how lucky you are, you and Gohan and ChiChi and the rest. You know how to live, because you know that someday, you're going to die, and you don't know when. You don't know when the sun won’t rise for you, you don't know if you’ll live to see the next sunset. You don’t have forever, Goku. I do. – Kurenai


Does the fact that he is not your son make his life any less valuable to you? - Omega


Why should I care about the life of one woman when I’m on the verge of becoming a god! - Omega


Damn them, damn all of them to the depths of hell for hurting you like this. And damn me for almost not being able to save you from them. - Piccolo


Do you always expect your opponents to fight fair? - Piccolo


Everyone is afraid of something… and the fear can tear at you and wear you down until you think you’re going to go insane. When that happens, you have to hold on, hold on tight to something that strengthens your soul. Darkness can’t last forever, nor can fear. - Piccolo


It’s like… heaven itself is weeping… - Piccolo


It’s not you, Kurenai. It’s just me being utterly baffled by this thing you humans call infatuation. Caring, I can understand. Loyalty, friendship, love in a non-romantic way, I get. This romance thing just confuses the hell out of me. - Piccolo


Romance sounds like a lot of hassle for nothing. - Piccolo


What are your dreams? As you dream in the night, what does your heart call out for? Do you dream of Vegeta, or of Goku? Do you ever dream of me? - Piccolo


Then see the power of your ‘creation’… and then consider your own folly for eternity… in hell. - Shiryu


You are my avatar, my chosen… your body holds my power…together, we will stop this evil. - Shiryu


All my life, I have faced fear, blind, heart-stopping fear, and sometimes, the cold horror of death. I even walked through its door once, and I thought myself numbed to it. But… the pain, the fear, the death, none of it has prepared me for this, for what I face now, this… emptiness. - Vegeta


I am here to purchase jewelry for this woman. That does not mean I am betrothed, engaged, or in any way romantically involved with her! - Vegeta


Warriors are cold and heartless, we live by strength alone. To be distracted by emotion is a mistake I will not allow myself to make. No matter how much… I might want it. - Vegeta


Were I any other man, I would love you until the stars fell from the sky… but I will never love, not even you. - Vegeta



I know, a lot are disgustingly sappy, but it's MY book, dammit, so deal with it.


Rep is always nice, too, in addition to feedback.

So I'm a rep whore, so what?






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Re: The cranky thread


Not exactly sure. I just use my power with reckless abandon. :D

Just toss me some rep, Zorn. I know exactly how much rep I have now, so I'll be able to tell you how much your rep votes are worth :D


You think he'll fall for it?

Me either.

Oh well... you gotta try ;)

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Re: The cranky thread


In an effort to re-rail this thread...


I gotta go into work tomorrow! :mad: Well, techinically, I don't have to go, but considering all the days I've missed recently, I really need the cash for my paycheck, so I'll be about one of three people in our department in the office. If the testing network isn't working, I doubt the folks who fix it will be in. Either way, I am looking at a day of pure boredom. :thumbdown:tonguewav

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