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building mystery men (the movie)


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I finally saw the mystery men movie about 2 weeks ago, and I still don't know why I waited so long to see it, it was so great and stupid and wonderfully cheesy.


Any way wondering if anyone ever built these guys, because although they are probably incopetent normals in the beginning of the film by the end the gm must have been giving them some serious points for their first fight against casanova frakenstien and when they started training with the blue sphink. they actualy would make pretty decent 250 style champs...


here's my take on it


Mr Furious : he's the brick but he's really a low fi hulk, probably has 20 strength with a strength aid when ever he's angry or when someone he cares for is in danger, he has a MA style that closly resembles Curly from the three stooges : ear pops, nose twinks, eye pocks, etcs, he wants to be the leader but is still too much of a poser to really have people follow him, but at the end of the movie he comes off pretty tough...oh yeah add some light defense for his leathers and metal arm gaurds


The shoveler : if Mr Furious is the brick, the shoveler is the real MA, he's quick, and real handy with that there shovel, he has some light armor as well, and lots of endurance (he was the one that really seemed to be doing most of the fighting), he's the heart of the team and to me seemed to be the real leader. (remember the speech he gave about the mayonaise sandwich to see what I mean)


Blue Raja ; he seems to me to be the team's mentalist, (remember trick shot when he closed FC's car door lock?) he also has several variations on his thrown fork attack : rapid fire, area effect(he can throw eight at a time) NND when he hits different nerve areas to incapacitate opponents(the actor explained in an interview this attack stating that the BR would NEVER kill)


So Furious is the body, Shoveler is the Heart and Raja is the brain

oh yeah then there's Spleen...


The Spleen : so far he seems to have one attack, a massive NND area effect, needs someone to pull his finger though, and can't really see where he's shooting (confused, see the movie), could easily develop a damage shield (body odor) another NND (bad breath) etc... although I'm not sure how the team would work with him afterwards.


There's the Blue Sphinx who talks in cheesy riddles and has strange undifined powers ("he can saw guns in half with his mind") he seems to be the only one who is really worried about his secret identity, he wears a mask, oh yeah Blue Raja has the fake english accent but I don't think it would really hold up to close scrutiny...or torture.

The Bowler with her TK dad's skull bowling ball attack, the invisible boy who is probably THE lamest super hero ever invented (can only turn invisible when no one is watching) and last but not least Tom Waits as the cool mad professor guy with a stomping Gadet Pool (usable by others) he's the one that arms them with various nonlethal whacky gadgets.


Could be fun, reminds me of the early Batman series with Adam West, guns just don't seem to count in these kitch superhero worlds. I like that.

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Re: building mystery men (the movie)


Really, the Bowler was the only real super-powered one out of the bunch. As soon as they saw her power they wanted her in, if only for that.


The rest of the groups "powers" were all skill, training, sheer luck, or stupidity.


By the way, I like the movie, too.




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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: building mystery men (the movie)


Really, the Bowler was the only real super-powered one out of the bunch. As soon as they saw her power they wanted her in, if only for that.


The rest of the groups "powers" were all skill, training, sheer luck, or stupidity.


By the way, I like the movie, too.







Invisisble Boy and the Sphinx _clearly_ demonstreted superpowers.


Okay, a very limited desolid and an AE RKA that only affects guns is probably not THAT super... but they were there.

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Re: building mystery men (the movie)


At least it should be fairly easy to come up with Disads for them all.


Most of them are poor, or low income.


Their known hang out is that cafe (The Spleen found them didn't he?)


Private IDs all, so no points there... except for The Sphinx.


Hmmm. Now, I want to watch it again! :D Dang you all to heck!



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Re: building mystery men (the movie)


I'd say it would be stretching it to say the MM were 250 pts... more like 150 pt. "agent" level, although you could always campaign them as 250 and assume the Sphinx has continued to train them... Before he began to work with them, the 3 core members (Furious, Shoveler, Rajah) basically just got beat up a lot... Afterwords, though, all began to develop their "powers"- Shoveler's MA actually became effective, Rajah's marksmanship improved to where he could perform TK tricks like the door lock and the "ladder" of forks, not to mention being able to tell a fork from a spoon... and of course Mr. Furious, after the crisis of confidence his newfound love caused (see my sig!!), actually found his inner rage and the adrenaline-powered STR he always claimed he had...

Of the others, I agree that the Bowler was by far the most effective, although I'd rather face her than the Spleen any day...

As pictured in the movie, they have stats at normal or only slightly above... Furious had nowhere near 20 STR until his battle with Casanova... But all of their powers are at a very low AP cost, even the Bowler... They did do very well by the end, but remember that they were fighting competent normals for the most part, except for Casanova Frankenstein (love that name!) and most of his points were non-combat skills and perks, and in the climactic battle against the assembled gangs it was Heller's weaponry that made all the difference... Just watch Captain Amazing in the opening scene in the Retirement Home to see the contrast between the MM and someone with real superpowers... I would say Amazing was probably about 250 pts or so (lots of foci), but to really get the flavour of MM - they're losers, remember! - I would make them all 150-point "agents" with normal characteristic maxima, and allow them to carry Heller's equipment as an "agent perk", say 50 points (or more) worth of foci per character...

I haven't actually written them up, though, so I could be wrong, but that's about the level they seem to me to be at...


I'm glad you finally discovered this gem of a movie! Anyone else reading this who hasn't: Get up, shut off the computer, and go buy it! No. don't rent it! Buy it! Now! What are you waiting for?!!!



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Re: building mystery men (the movie)


Note that all of my writeups are 4th edition. I did Carmine as a follower just because it seemed right, because Carol didn't have total control.


I apparently intended to write up Heller at one time and never did. I think there is one floating around on the Net though (perhaps in the 250 Point Project).


For the Goalie (my own creation) if I were going to do him up today I'd remove the Kevlar and the Martial Arts package, though keeping the KS, PS, and car. I'd also add Missile Deflection (which I'd apparently intended to do but never got around to). I might drop his DEF to 3, just because a hockey uniform has gotta have some defense. :) Ignore the Goalie if you don't want a non-canon Mystery Man, though.

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Re: building mystery men (the movie)


Great movie, but the MysteryMen were different in the comics.


In the comics (Flaming Carrot related titles) they were still second-stringers, but they were more competent and more vicious (most of them carried firearms and/or explosives).

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Re: building mystery men (the movie)


As much fun as Mystery Men is the movie that really captures the feel of a Champions campaign for me is The Specials. The only thing missing was the actual super battles and those are the most boring part of the game for me.



"Are those nipples on your armor?"

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Re: building mystery men (the movie)


As much fun as Mystery Men is the movie that really captures the feel of a Champions campaign for me is The Specials. The only thing missing was the actual super battles and those are the most boring part of the game for me.



"Are those nipples on your armor?"

I think I've heard of this, but I've never seen it...

Do you know if it's available on DVD?

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