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Arena Challenge

Super Squirrel

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I decided to pit my current character against the Champions to see in a 1 on 1 fight, who would win.


First Round: Defender vs. Null

Winner: Defender


Null has no CSL's but is in Jennifer Personality Mode

Defender CSL's in attack mode.


Starting distance 12"


Phase 12:

Null suspects that as Defender is in power armor, a Magnetic Pulse Attack would work well. However, Null rolls a 17. Defender replies with a half move followed by his Focused EMP Pulse and scores 60 points of Drain to Null's Left Arm, knocking our her Primary Weapon's Array.


Phase 2:

Null makes a half-move and unleashed a Concussion Punch on Defender. The hit scores and dishes out only 5 STUN and 0 BODY.


Phase 3:

Defender realizes that Null is unable to use ranged attack and makes a full move to 20" up to establish some momentary distance.


Phase 4:

Null attempts a Find Weakness and fails.


Phase 5:

Defender swoops down to 10" and fires off his Electric Blast. He discovers a vulernability to Null and unleashes 42 STUN and 2 BODY after defenses. Null is down to 3 STUN and 18 BODY. Null is also stunned. Null, despite being stunned, rolls a 3 on breakfall and is upright.


Phase 6:

Null recovers from being stunned.


Phase 8:

Null risks a recovery and is now up to 13 STUN.

Defender fires again but misses with a 17.


Phase 10:

Null decides that the only way she can win is if she uses velocity in her favor. She attempts a move thru with leaping and hits. Defender walks away with 15 STUN and 0 BODY, Null takes 1 STUN.


Defender knows a good thing when he sees it and fires his Electric Blast again but misses.


Phase 12:

Null seeks cover.


Despite cover, Defender manages to land a hit. The dice allow him to lay down 16 BODY and 72 STUN after defenses. Null is out at 2 BODY and -59 STUN.

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Re: Arena Challenge


Round 2: Iron Clad vs. Null

Winner: Null


For every bit of luck Null lacked against Defender, Iron Clad makes up for.


Phase 12:

Null does a find weakness and fails.

Iron Clad does a full move coming toe-to-toe with Null


Phase 2:

Null uses a Magnetic Pulse Attack, it scores 14 Stun and 0 Body. But it seemed to have a more potent than normal attack on Iron Clad.


Phase 3:

Iron Clad attacks and rolls an 18 attempting to punch Null.


Phase 4:

Null doesn't want to lose a chance with a 0 DCV target. She fires her 10d6 Magnetic Burst which overloads her system knocking her down to 10 END. However... I have never seen so many sixes in my life. Iron Clad takes no BODY because of his high resistance defense, however, he takes 80 STUN knocking him down -29 STUN.


Totally Luck in this battle.

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Re: Arena Challenge


Round 2:

Phase 4:

Null doesn't want to lose a chance with a 0 DCV target. She fires her 10d6 Magnetic Burst which overloads her system knocking her down to 10 END. However... I have never seen so many sixes in my life. Iron Clad takes no BODY because of his high resistance defense, however, he takes 80 STUN knocking him down -29 STUN.


I don't have the requisite source book, so I have to ask: does Iron Clad have a vulnerability to magnetic attacks? :think:

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Re: Arena Challenge


Round 3: Night Hawk vs. Null

Winner: Night Hawk


This one was close, very close, and well, I stopped the battle eventually after it became clear, it wasn't going anywhere anytime soon.


Phase 12:

NH: Half-Move, Sight Flash, hits Null for 5 Phases


N: Null makes perception and rather than activate her Combat Prediction System (Spatial Awareness, Extra Time 1 Phase), she opts to risk a MPA. She scores a hit and knocks NH down to 23 Stun. He post 12s back up to 31.


Phase 2:

NH: Moves in lands a Tien-hsueh for 17 STUN leaving Null at 28.


N: Uses her Concussion Punch after making a second perception and scores 16 STUN that stick. NH is at 15.


Phase 4:

NH: Knowing that Null is still blinded, he takes a recovery.


N: Fails Perception and decides to dodge all attacks


Phase 6:

NH: Tosses his billyclub and easily hits null for 10 STUN. Null has 5 Remaining


N: Knows she is hurting but makes a M. B. Attack. misses.


Phase 8:

NH: Uses sleeping gas pellet, knocking Null to -5 STUN.


N: Recovery to 5 STUN.


Phase 10:

NH: Tries Thermite Pellets, knocks Null to -5 STUN.


N: Rcovery to 5 STUN.


Declared Night Hawk the winner to, well let the battle stop.

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Re: Arena Challenge


Round 4: Sapphire vs. Null

Winner: Sapphire


This one was an embarresment.


Phase 12:

Sapphire fires Power Bolt I and hits for 36 STUN, Null recovers from stunning.


Phase 2:

Null Hurries for +6 DEX and does a 1/2 Move / Dodge


Sapphire fires PB1 and misses by 1.


Phase 4:

Sapphire fires PB1 and hits, Null is out.

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Re: Arena Challenge


I used to love doing this kind of stuff. Heck, makes me want to go home and do it right now. I wonder if that's a good enough excuse to leave early...


It's the kind of thing I wanted to do when I bought Herosphere. While it's a cool program, it never quite did all the things I needed it to do.

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Re: Arena Challenge


Round 5: Witchcraft vs. Null

Winner: Null


This one was fun.


Phase 12:

Null started off the bat with her Magentic Pulse Attack. She never intended it to be the primary attack, but her Magnetic Burst Attack is still being built (x5 END sucks). It hits for 13 stun. Witchcraft casts Spell of Vitality and Post 12 gives her back full STUN.


Phase 2:

Null does a 1/2 move and dodge.


Phase 3:

Witchcraft Hits for 12 Stunn


Phase 4:

Null moves in for a Concussion Punch, does 26 Stun and 2" Knockback. Witchcraft has 4 stun remaining.


Phase 5:

Witchcraft recovers.


Phase 6:

Null hits with her second MPA knocking WC to -2 STUN.


Phase 8:

Not wanting to waste the chance, Null fires her third and final charge from her arm burning out her circuitry. The Magnetic Burst Attack burns most of her END but knocks Witchcraft to -20 STUN.

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Re: Arena Challenge


Null Review Upon Completion:


Null's primary advantages are her SPD 6 and her ability to deal an average of 10d6 in damage between Ranged and HtH attacks. Although she is still hurting from an energy blast she took back two sessions ago, her 14 rPD and 16 rED in defenses are decent enough. Her 20 CON also helped greatly avoid being STUNNED. The 10 Recovery saved her neck a couple of times.


Nulls primary drawbacks are definitely her limited use on her Right Arm weapons. The extra END cost on her Magnetic Burst Attack is downright painful. Her Combat Analysis Progrm: Find Weakness 11- All Attacks is a waste of points at this time as it has yet to effectively work in any battle. Her x2 BODY and x2 STUN to electrical attacks is nearly lethal.


Experience Point Directives:

Concussion Punch Attack being a 5d6 HTH when you have 30 STR is stupid. The 2 extra dice would have made a major difference.


+1 CSL with all combat would have been handy at a couple of points in the arena.


A Range Compensator Program would be useful for assisting with ranged combat as would buying off the extra endurance cost on the EBA.

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Re: Arena Challenge


This looks like fun; I think I'll work through the Champions with Zl'f this weekend. Ironclad will be the toughest, I think. His defenses are high enough for her 10d6 Sacrifice Strike to be of limited utility. She may have to switch to 7d6 AP or Pen attacks to hurt him.

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Re: Arena Challenge


Main problems for me are a> the PC's in the campaign I'm running are currently running around 450 pts and b> I rewrote the Champions in the 650 range.


However, it wouldn't be hard to build a Hoser for the 350pt Champions. Main ingredient would be Invisibility or Darkness. None of them -- NOT ONE -- has a secondary targetting sense (although Witchcraft could theoretically have one via VPP -- if prepared). They're similarly weak on AE attacks so someone with enough +DCV levels to have a 10+ DCV would also be a threat.

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