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Monarch Butterfly


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Okay here is the deal, I am currently attempting to run post-apoc world. In this world there is humanoid creature that eats amost anything organic (called Ravagers sort of like 28 days later). They roam in packs throughout the waste lands but there is one thing they won't eat and that is a Vampyr (a living type not undead). So the question is should this be an advantage for the Vampyr or is this a 0 point Disdavantage for the Ravagers (define their nature)?




Ps. I thought of invisibility but the a Ravager will fight a Vamp if attacked by one.

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Re: Monarch Butterfly


Hmm Caris while I have known some players who are mindless eating machines, it is the Vampyr that can be PC:)



I never saw 28 Days Later, and nothing else in your post would have lead me to think the Ravagers were mindless eating machines as opposed to a whole bunch of Matter Eater Lads.


If the Vampyr's are the ones likely to be a PC, than make it a part of the Vampyr racial package deal, that the PC has to pay for.

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Re: Monarch Butterfly


Am I the only one wondering what the connection to Monarch Butterflies is?


Monarch butterflies are toxic, which is why birds don't eat them. Sort of like how the ravagers won't eat a Vampyr.


Three things that come to mind that haven't been mentioned...


"Life Support--Ravagers." Not sure quite how many points, but it "feels" appropriate.


Alternately, a telepathic mind control, no range, area effect (one hex?), 0-end persistant (and always on), that conveys one command: Don't Eat Me to a limited class of targets: Ravagers. Given that you're only targetting a single class of thing, buy just enough power with Set Effects to always work...or buy a little more, not set effect, if the occasional curious ravager finds himself wondering if THIS vampyr is taistier than all the others...



Last, but probably not what you actually want, build them with a strong positive reputation "bad for ravagers to eat." If everyone knows this, it might have a negative component as everyone expects the vampyr to be able to deal with ravagers. If it's just something ravagers know ("known only to a select group of people") go with that instead.




...or, if you wanted to make them actually like a monarch butterfly, buy every vampyr a zero-range NND triggered EB with a limited range of targets (just ravagers)--for that "you can eat him, but it's pure poison" effect.


EDIT: that should probably be a damage shield, actually...especially if Ravagers always attack by attempting to eat.

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Re: Monarch Butterfly


I don't think its something that needs to be paid for. Its just something in the nature of Ravagers. Its their instinct to not eat Vampyrs. Unless Ravagers are going to be the the primary or even sole antagonist in the campaign it just seems to be campaign background.

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Re: Monarch Butterfly


Ah, yes-- the Monarch. Raised by monarch butterflies in Mexico after a plane crash which killed his parents, the Monarch was heartbroken when his adoptive family mysteriously disappeared, orphaning him for the second time. Of course, years later he found out that monarch butterflies are seasonally migratory, but in the meantime, his despair turned to rage. He adopted the supervillain identity of the Monarch, and amassed a small army of winged minions to carry out his nefarious plans.


Wait, what were we talking about?

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Re: Monarch Butterfly


Ah, yes-- the Monarch. Raised by monarch butterflies in Mexico after a plane crash which killed his parents, the Monarch was heartbroken when his adoptive family mysteriously disappeared, orphaning him for the second time. Of course, years later he found out that monarch butterflies are seasonally migratory, but in the meantime, his despair turned to rage. He adopted the supervillain identity of the Monarch, and amassed a small army of winged minions to carry out his nefarious plans.


Wait, what were we talking about?

Somebody's been watching the Venture Brothers. Now don't forget to wipe twice.


Oh, and I like the Life Support: Ravagers idea.

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Re: Monarch Butterfly


1st Sorry Caris for not being clearer about what they were exactly. I am leaning to the Life Support idea. While Ravagers are not the only bad things (Warp Dragons, Evil Vampyr, Evil Human (Psi-lords, Church of Freedom) and so on), there may come a time when a PC playing a Vamp can get an advantage. For instance if an area is over-runned by Ravagers, the Vamp as long as he doesn't attack to Ravager could pass by with out getting munched on. This may happen if a Psi-lord has gathered together a hoard of Ravagers to use as a type of guard. But I am only thinking of charging only a couple points for it.




(eek a Ravager (criticism and comments welcomed)



Player: NPC


Val Char Cost
25 STR 15
12 DEX 6
15 CON 10
20 BODY 20
8 INT -2
0 EGO 0
20 PRE 10
0 COM -5
10 PD 0
10 ED 2
2 SPD 0
8 REC 0
30 END 0
50 STUN 9
4" RUN-42" SWIM01" LEAP-4Characteristics Cost: 57


Cost Power END
15 Berserk State: Automaton (Cannot Be Stunned) 0
15 Tough Hide: Armor (5 PD/5 ED) 0
20 Claws: HKA 1d6+1 (2 1/2d6 w/STR) 2
18 Infect: Major Transform 1d6 (standard effect: 3 points) (Normal Human into a Ravager), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (22 Active Points); Linked (Claws; -1/4) 0
0 Tireless Leaper: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) applied to Leaping
4 Tireless Runner: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (4 Active Points) applied to Running
1 Tireless Swimmer: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (1 Active Points) applied to Swimming
12 Tireless: Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (12 Active Points) applied to STR
18 Warped Metabolism: LS (Eating Can eat anything Organic (Even Moldy); Immunity All terrestrial diseases and biowarfare agents; Safe in Intense Cold; Safe in Intense Heat; Sleeping Character does not sleep) 0
Powers Cost: 103







Total Character Cost: 160


Val Disadvantages
20 Distinctive Features: Ravaged Appearance (Concealable; Extreme Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)
25 Psychological Limitation: Crazed Eating Machine (Very Common, Total)
20 Psychological Limitation: Will Not Enter within 20" of a Spirit Lamp (Common, Total)
10 Monster Bonus

Disadvantage Points: 75


Base Points: 75

Experience Required: 10

Total Experience Available: 10

Experience Unspent: 0

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Re: Monarch Butterfly


So, basically, Vampyrs are poisonous? I can buy that.


How does a Ravager know that Vampyr's are poisonous, or more importantly, how does a Ravager tell the difference between a Vampyr and another humanoid?


Lots of ways to go here, from just saying what is, is what is, to making the Ravager buy a Detect Vampyr, and the Vampyr buy a poison attack that's only trigged when he's eaten.

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