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A contriversial "Would your character...?"


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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Kind of a "wildcards" game huh?


twisted plot. One of my characters would have done it. he was a huge LECH.


another might have, but... Enraged when innocents harmed or threatened is a dangerous lim in those circumstances.


I wasn't the GM for this particular show. My character wasn't even involved. Addmitedly, it wasn't much of "Superhero" game (I've had few of those. :( )

but more of "Superbeings" game where we had powers but no particular moral agenda. The character in question was SuperModel (In the most literal sense of the term) with the concept of Perfect Woman. Her male counterpart (whom she could not stand) set this thing up.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


So' date=' what would your character do, if the choice was "marry me or I kill a million people, and there is no other way to keep them from dying. It is marry me or they die."?[/quote']


Some would go along, and some wouldn't. My characters are not uniform in their outlook.


My current faves:


Darknight (teleporting supernatural avenger type)

Would marry the villain, beat her into unconsciousness at the first opportunity, then dump her on the FSPD's doorstep and get the marriage annulled.


Avalon (idealistic Ukrainian energy projector speedster)

Would agonize for a while but would promise to go through with it, depending on her friends to find a way to save the millions before the "I do".


Dr. Redgrave (super-scientist Dr. Octopus type)

Would dismiss the suggstion as absurd, and focus on preventing the deaths of the innocents.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


. . .


. . .frankly, if the player looks too willing in this scenario, I'd have it turn out the villainess' idea of "sex" is what most people would call "preying mantis style". . .



Ouch. Well, for Nova at least, that wouldn't be an impossible problem. First he gets to save millions, then a good shag, then a good fight. It might approximate his definition of an afternoon spent well...


The villainess turning out to have "black widow" mentality is a nice touch. Or she is maybe some kind of life-draning succubus (hmm, Drain all Characteristics, only during sex, or only people you had sex with if people prefer to let the kinky happen offstage). Hey, that could be a nice idea for a supervillain(ess): a seductive type that is able to apply Adjustment powers and/or Mental powers bypassing most defenses (or maybe some Attack Power AVLD or NND) only with people (s)he had sex with. She might be a nice recurring enemy for Nova (and other characters with a similar amorous attitude), if you make the link last long-term and she is written so he feels honor-bound not to kill her. Beware disguised supervillainesses at parties...


Nice idea, thanks. I know we are not going to read it anytime soon, but it might be a n interesting opponent for mainstream characters like Iron Man and Wonder Man. It's not that far different from what the Enchantress does, but with a little kink more.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Warp: Actually has a Hunted that would be somewhat halfway appropriate to this scenario, Tesserect. She's addicted to the physical sensation she gets when Warp uses his powers around her, and has speculated of combining it with other activities. Thing is, she has an absolute Code vs Killing, so that would be a hinderance for a GM having her make that threat.


But if tried it as a desperate bluff...


"No. You can harrass me. You can make my life more complicated. You can even threaten to expose my secret identity. But when you start threatening the lives of millions of innocents, you've gone to far.


Now I'm going to tell you what's going to happen. You're going to stop whatever you might have put in motion and turn yourself in, or else."


"Or else what?" asks Tesserect.


"Or else I'll never use my powers again. Ever."


That should get her to fold.


Spectrum: Is an Air Force Colonel.


"It is the official policy of the United States to not negotiate with terrorists."


Then he cuts loose with a laser blast.


Mystic: Creates and substitutes a sterile simulcrum for himself that would deliver an attack that would bypass all the villains regular defenses since it would be delivered during the act. ;)

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Mask of Justice: Will overcome his natural reluctance to strike a woman (He doesn't have a Psych Lim about it, but you just *didn't* in his day if you were a clean-cut hero) long enough to put an end to her evil scheme. His powers will allow him to prevent the "death of millions" before the final confrontation.


Rock Bottom: "What part of 'I'm gay' didn't you understand?" If necessary, he'll distract the villainess long enough for his teammates to put a stop to her "or else" option. Given he's a statue, she'd better have powers that will keep her from getting hurt too badly.


Calculus: Would use his superintelligence to find a way to stop the villianess without having to be unfaithful to his wife.


Kira Midori: "Hentai! Baka baka baka!" Translation: "No."


Talion: "You're kidding me, right? You're just *pretending* you want to have sex with me and bear my child. I bet you plan to get me naked on camera and then dump me. Like my last supposed girlfriend did." Strangely enough, because of his powers, the villainess would find sex with Talion very, very....interesting, if it ever came about.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Warp: Actually has a Hunted that would be somewhat halfway appropriate to this scenario, Tesserect. She's addicted to the physical sensation she gets when Warp uses his powers around her, and has speculated of combining it with other activities. Thing is, she has an absolute Code vs Killing, so that would be a hinderance for a GM having her make that threat.


But if tried it as a desperate bluff...


"No. You can harrass me. You can make my life more complicated. You can even threaten to expose my secret identity. But when you start threatening the lives of millions of innocents, you've gone to far.


Now I'm going to tell you what's going to happen. You're going to stop whatever you might have put in motion and turn yourself in, or else."


"Or else what?" asks Tesserect.


"Or else I'll never use my powers again. Ever."


That should get her to fold.


OTOH, if someone *else* was setting up the threat and she merely had information necessary to stop them. . .

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


At some point' date=' your character has accquired a mega villian stalker type, utterly obessed with having your character physically. This lunatic has cooked up a scheme which will kills millions of people. Her or his demand? That your character conceive (and bear) their child (assuming the character is able). Not only this, but the conception has to be natural and will be wittnessed in some fashion (in public, televised, etc). [/quote']


The only one of my character's this is likely to happen to is the BattlePrincess, with her 24 COM and intergalatic celebrity status.


BattlePrincess Ao's Response: If Ao couldn't simply stop the creep through force, like a typical villian, then her response would vary depending on when in her chronology this happened. Pre-Marriage/Retirement: Ao would place an interstellar call to Galatic StarLord Gar, High Commander of the Army of Ten Thousand Worlds, and tell him what the deal was. Gar is technically Ao's fiance, through an arranged, highly political, marriage. Gar is also angry, jealous, vengeful bastard with no sense of humor. Ao would then inform the creep making the ultimatum "My fiance is sooooo going to kick your ass." Post-Marriage/Retirement: Gar, acting on his own initiative, has the creep killed before Ao can respond, as you simply do not make such demands of the StarLord's Queen if you want to live. In either case, I'm sure Gar could handle the creep. He is a Galatic Starlord with the resources of 10,000+ planets afterall.


My other character's:

Shamrock's Response: Pre-Retirement: Shamrock simply couldn't cope witha decision liek that, she would turn to her male teammates and expect them to resolve it. They would resolve it in the typical superheroic fashion.

Iron Demon's Response: Ignore the crazy bitch. There's just no way she can be serious, she'll never do it. If she does actually go through with it, Iron Demon kills the little nutball, and mutters to himself about what a screwed up world it is.

Peacekeeper is a genderless alien, so he would simply inform the villian he is incapable of complying with his/her request.

The Rampaging Razorback is a GIANT PIG MAN. That said, he'd do it in a heartbeat. He'd be like "Mmm, nookie!" He's too simple-minded to grasp the deeper sociological aspects of what's happening. But man, that's a freaky chick that wants to do him live on TV. We're talking Class A Nutball.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


I have to ask and I hope this doesn't sound catty because its not meant in that fashion. But...from the some of the answer I get the impression that allot of people are playing characters so powerful, so invulnerable and/or so well connected that they can easily brush off or kill a 2000+ point mega villain? :jawdrop:

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


I get the impression that allot of people are playing characters so powerful' date=' so invulnerable and/or so well connected that they can easily brush off or kill a 2000+ point mega villain? :jawdrop:[/quote']


Of the three PCs for whom I offered possible responses, the only one who would be likely to use direct application of force to solve the problem would be Darknight, and that only after they've been married. Everyone has a weakness, and I think it's safe to say that the married gamers out there will agree that when you marry someone, you find out what their weaknesses are.


If nothing else, she'd eventually tire of him and kick him out. Glowering, taciturn avengers aren't much fun on "date night".


Megavillain: "Whatcha thinkin' 'bout, sweetie?"


Darknight: (in a voice drawn with thick black letters) "Evil."


Megavillain: "Want to take a break?"


Darknight: (brooding) "The forces of evil do not rest. Neither shall I."


Megavillain: "Want to see a movie?"


Darknight: (posing dramatically, cape draped over a gargoyle) "The forces of evil crawl over the face of my city like insects on a corpse. I must be watchful. Besides, there's nothing playing I want to see."


Megavillain: "We could have a picnic, then. How about the top of Renegade Tower? I could make sandwiches and you could stare out over the rooftops looking for evil. Pretty please, honey bunches?"


Darknight: (glowering) "As you wish." (pause) "Mustard. No pickles."

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


That did come across as catty. I was just as surprised though. I thought I had played in some high end games before is all. There's nothing wrong with high powered though, I tend to prefer some lower level games.


Edit:Apologies to bblackmoor for quoting him. I hit quote instead of reply. :) Never post when tired.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


I have to ask and I hope this doesn't sound catty because its not meant in that fashion. But...from the some of the answer I get the impression that allot of people are playing characters so powerful' date=' so invulnerable and/or so well connected that they can easily brush off or kill a 2000+ point mega villain? :jawdrop:[/quote']

Heh. Not me! But that's what teams are for: Taking on the 2k villain to prevent such things.

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Guest bblackmoor

Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


All right' date=' I guess that did come across as catty. I was just surprised. I thought I had played in some high end games before is all. There's nothing wrong with high powered.[/quote']


The question would be more scalable if it were phrased "a megavillain at least six times more powerful than you", or "based on 600% of your character's points", or something like that.


I don't actually think that would change anyone's response, though. ;)

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


The question would be more scalable if it were phrased "a megavillain at least six times more powerful than you", or "based on 600% of your character's points", or something like that.


I don't actually think that would change anyone's response, though. ;)


Sorry about the misquote. Fumble fingers.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


I have to ask and I hope this doesn't sound catty because its not meant in that fashion. But...from the some of the answer I get the impression that allot of people are playing characters so powerful' date=' so invulnerable and/or so well connected that they can easily brush off or kill a 2000+ point mega villain? :jawdrop:[/quote']


Sorry about the comment. I was a sour mood when I read your post and took it personally.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


I have to ask and I hope this doesn't sound catty because its not meant in that fashion. But...from the some of the answer I get the impression that allot of people are playing characters so powerful' date=' so invulnerable and/or so well connected that they can easily brush off or kill a 2000+ point mega villain? :jawdrop:[/quote']


I never played BattlePrincess Ao very often, and don't really consider one of my "major" characters - those are Peacekeeper and Iron Demon. She was a character for a back-up game in the same campaign I ran Peacekeeper. It was a Cosmic Munchkin campaign, and she was built on 1,000 points. Her fiance, StarLord Gar, is a 2,000+ point mega villain. He's actually one of her Hunteds. :) She herself regualrly battles entities on that power level, and is really only impressed/phased by villains on the level of Galactus, Tyrannon, etc. In a straight up fight, very little could stop her. She has single handily defeated armies of mecha, OGRE class tanks, star destroyers, etc. They don't call her BattlePrincess for nothing.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


I have to ask and I hope this doesn't sound catty because its not meant in that fashion. But...from the some of the answer I get the impression that allot of people are playing characters so powerful' date=' so invulnerable and/or so well connected that they can easily brush off or kill a 2000+ point mega villain? :jawdrop:[/quote']

I get the same impression, but I think some players may have a higher EGO than their chracters :lol: As for my characters, none of them ever made it up to even 350 points in 4th Ed (one that I modified to 5th Ed came up to 367, but that was mostly non-combat skills), which is why I included team responses.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Cannis is basically a jewel thief and an anti-villain (i.e. nicer than your average villain but definitely not a hero). She is a member of a group with beliefs similar to the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. She would not agree to have someone’s child to save a million people that she doesn’t even know. Though, if it were her packmates that were being threatened, or if Adam (her boss and alpha) asked her to do so and explained why it was important, she would go through with it.


Really, it wouldn’t be the sex per se that would be the problem. Though having sex in front of an audience isn’t something she’d particularly care for. The main issue would be having and raising a child sired by someone she didn’t want to have as a mate.


There is one other mitigating factor though. Currently she feels as if she owes two large favors to the local hero group. IF they thought to call one of the favors in, she probably would either agree to sleep with him, or to help them stop him.




Sailor Io is underage but has actually already had to consider a situation very similar to this. She and a couple of her friends were captured by a mega-villain. To keep her friends safe she had to promise not to attempt to escape, not to attempt to harm him or his followers, and to do whatever he wanted. Fortunately, he was basically a nice guy and didn’t want her to do anything that would make her uncomfortable. (Though he took a great deal of delight in implying to her friends that he was.). However, she would have slept with him to keep her friends safe if that was what it took.


In this case, she wouldn’t want to do it. And she and her friends would try very very hard to find a way to stop him without her having to go through with it. But if there was no other choice, she would volunteer to do so. Sort of doubt her friends would let her go through with it. And someone would have to be sure to restrain her boyfriend. He wouldn’t react well to this at all, and would probably get himself killed trying to stop it. Though he probably would have succeeded in doing a good bit of damage to the megavillain in the attempt. Bladestar is scary when he’s mad.

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Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


I have to ask and I hope this doesn't sound catty because its not meant in that fashion. But...from the some of the answer I get the impression that allot of people are playing characters so powerful' date=' so invulnerable and/or so well connected that they can easily brush off or kill a 2000+ point mega villain? :jawdrop:[/quote']Well, the three characters I mentioned are or were going to be used for the Avengers/JLA level New Sentinels campaign I'm in.


Warp , of course, is the one that I'm actually playing. Spectrum was one that was a potential canidate that I had got to the statted up phase when the composition of the team wasn't still set, with a powerset similar to Cyrande's. In an alternate timeline, he and Baron Darien (Chuckg's character) would be members of the PC team, along with Horus, Psi-Legionaire (Lensman Knockoff), and a speedster that had not been named.. Mystic,who I only got halfway through statting up when it looked like he'd be redundant, was supposed to be the potential next Archmage.

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Guest Soulcatcher

Re: A contriversial "Would your character...?"


Darkwyn: has already faced that type of situation but she was able to turn the table on her suiter and nullify the plot. Her suiter was Mephestopheles. She would try to do the same thing if someone else tried to insist. If she could not successfully neutralize the plot, then she would go through with it but insist on altering the public aspect of it and she is very persusive. If that failed, she would go throuh with it.


Soulcatcher: would attempt to neutralize the plot as well and, if that failed she would go through with it, even might enjoy it, but would have a nasty surprise for him ready as well because she would insist on evidence that the plot was neutralized during the event. Then the situation would turn nasty!

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