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So I have some Golden Age Characters in outer space...


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Hello all,

I was hoping you all could help me. I have recently transported three superheroes from the year 1944 into outer space. They were sent away against their will and have now found themselves without a way home or even any knowledge about where home is.


My question is that now they have managed to get to a free spaceport and have asked me what kind of movers and shakers are in power presently. Since mankind hasn't developed space travel as of yet the only beings they will encounter will be aliens. What I am trying to figure out is who are these characters in relation to the 'Hero Universe'.


Can you give me a little help here?

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Re: So I have some Golden Age Characters in outer space...


Depends - do you want canon CU answers or just ideas?


CU - not familiar with 5ed aliens, but I imagine the background in Champions Universe/Galactic Champions/the Space Hero books could give you an idea - Malvans, et al. Unless there were big changes to some of them in the last 60yrs, you could probably run the 2004 versions pretty much as-is.


If you're looking for ideas, and your game is going to stay golden age, I'd suggest pulling from the era/later weird space stories. Flash Gordon, etc type alien empires, Adam Strange weirdness, etc.


Of course, eventually the PC's will have to make it back to Earth in an alien spacecraft and crash near Roswell... :)

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Re: So I have some Golden Age Characters in outer space...


Good morning, or should I say, Kaltuu Barada Nicto!


I'd go old school "The day the earth stood still" on them. Some of the conventions of old space films are...

  • Aliens almost always speak English. It doesnt' even occur to folks many times why they shouldn't.
  • Flying saucers. I mean, what self-respecting alien would find himself in something shaped like the space shuttle? Puh-leeze!
  • While personable, they often come to... oh, how shall I put this... to "Serve man". If you get my inference.
  • Bubble-type space helmets just scream golden-age space adventure. I highly recommend squeezing them in somewhere.
  • *EDIT*-I forgot to include space babes. There are planets out there that are lacking the proper males in order to continue their line. Of course often these are black-widow type species.


Don't forget that there are always scientists available with the Deduction skill who are able to leap to wildly implausible answers that actually fit the situation.

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Re: So I have some Golden Age Characters in outer space...


Actually, this would be a golden opportunity to have the players set up something that happens, in-canon, in the CU future.


Like, oh, leading the Hzeel's attention to Earth.


Or even better, when they get back, it's by crashing a Hzeel scoutship in the jungle, and then having to leave it behind.


(Yes, the same one the Warlord found.) :)


And this isn't "hose the players"... these events would happen regardless, as they're the designated future of the CU. This is just an in-joke, letting the PCs be a part of 'canon' history, as opposed to just spectators of it.

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Re: So I have some Golden Age Characters in outer space...


Flying saucers. I mean' date=' what self-respecting alien would find himself in something shaped like the space shuttle? Puh-leeze![/quote']In 1944, I don't believe the flying saucer had 'taken off' yet, so to speak. People were still flying around in sleek rocketships with fins back then.
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Re: So I have some Golden Age Characters in outer space...


rocket ships where fdefinatly thsi period 20s to 50s though still around afterwards the flying saucer really came into its own a few years later probably something to do with all those UFO reports and the fact RKO style rockets where scary looking too much like the doodlebug and v2 that attacked london

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Re: So I have some Golden Age Characters in outer space...


You can stay in the Champions Universe, and still introduce new aliens


Just have them be a declining civilization, or have them get blown up.


Think: Visiting Krypton before it is destroyed.


Of course, for Golden Age, you need some pseudo Nazi-aliens for the players to beat up on.


And you can have them meet other humans...just have them be ones the aliens abducted, put in their zoo, are the main course in the cafeteria, or were fired into space by the giant russsian cannon.


You can even have the aliens have a base on earth, just put it underwater. Oceanic exploration was very rudimentary back then (pre Jacque Cousteau)


So far as evil aliens go, my players "classic" favorite are the sentient octopus. They are evil, racist, and want our oceans.

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