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Wwycd #99


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(Non-powered characters can sit this one out)


A glowing, angelic figure appears in front of your character, accompanied by a girl approximately 12-13 years of age. The figure looks at you and speaks...


"I am sorry if I disturbed you. I am here to make a request. The girl who accompanies me has died of a terminal disease, and it is my duty to escort her to the next life. Unfortunately, there was an... administrative error, and she was not scheduled to die for another month. Therefore, I am attempting to provide her with compensation.


"She deeply wished that she could be a superhero - this I can do for her, but only by giving her the powers of another, living one. If you accept, for a period of one month, her lifeforce will be sustained and your powers will be given to her. At the end of that time, she shall pass on, and your powers shall be returned. Do you accept?"


(BTW, would your character's reaction be any different if the length of time was a day? A week? A year?)

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Re: Wwycd #99


Starguard -- would, as she's an angelic being herself (at least in part), *know* whether or not this was genuine.


Dr. Pain -- would want to meet the little girl's spirit first and make sure he wasn't handing his power over to somebody who couldn't use it safely.


Baron von Darien -- will decline. a) The young lady's going to Heaven anyway, so disappointments on this plane are much more trivial than they would be otherwise, and B) it damn sure ain't no favor to let somebody live as a vampire, even temporarily and c) if this is a real angel, what's it doing begging a favor from one of the Damned anyway?

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Re: Wwycd #99


Tao would be floored by the idea of meeting an actual angel. After deeply pondering the ramification of this, she would accept. This being is a representative of divine powers and thus has authority over her. She would ask for any help she could get, even if merely an explaination of the nature of the Blood Red King.


Shidoku just barely squeaks by on the powered part, but would refuse. Why give the kid the ability to kill? She would never sully innocence like that. In fact, the very idea that she was asked would make suspcious of this "Angel".


My other characters would be much like Tao. Thunderstruck and awed, but generally willing.

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Re: Wwycd #99


Tiger Shark: would not know what to make of this since he's never been a very spiritual fellow (hasn't cracked open a bible since sunday school when he was 12). Even if this angel can prove she's the real thing, it would beg the question of whether or not the little girl would enjoy being a half-human-half-shark aquatic brick with all the baggage that comes with it.

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Re: Wwycd #99


Mask of Justice: Okay, he needs to know if this is an angelic-type critter from the Greek pantheon, or a Judeo-Christian angel, or a generic "well, there's an afterlife, but it's kinda non-denominational so we don't endorse any one religious standpoint" angel. Purely for his own curiousity, of course. The "angel" and the little girl are wearing their actual appearances, because if the "angel" is trying to borrow the Mask's powers, he pretty much has to know what they are.


Nick would insist on speaking to the girl himself, finding out what her motivations for wanting to be a masked adventurer (and given the nature of the powers, she *would* be masked) are, and whether his powers would be a good match for her. If he's firmly convinced of her and the "angel's" sincerity, he'd allow the transfer. Then, as Nick Philips, two-fisted reporter, he'd be sticking around to help the girl under the mostly true excuse of writing a human interest story about her. He'd also have the Junior Justice Club help her out, as they're closer to her age.


Rock Bottom: "So, Heaven is as inept as I've always suspected? Sorry, but I have a contract with the city that says *I* have to protect Baltimore. No substitutions."


Calculus: "If you are what you appear to be, you must know that I can't agree to give her my powers. However, given the nature of my blood, a transfusion might give the child her own powers. Would that work?"


Kira Midori: After establishing that the "angel" is a good guy, really, and what it's saying is true--"I'm sorry, but I have a job to do that I need my powers for. Would you like a 'Junior Officer' badge?"


Talion: "Hahahahahhha! *gaspwheeze* Oh, that's a good one. Do you even realize what my powers *are*?" If he can be persuaded, the little girl has Talion's *and* the "angel's" powers for a month. The "angel" has to move in with Talion for that month, as it has no way of getting home now. Cue the Odd Couple theme.

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Re: Wwycd #99


Special Agent Trent: First, find some way to verify that this is what it looks like. Second, find out if the disadvantages will go with the powers and whether the girl would accept that. Third, talk to the girl and find out if she is responsible enough to handle that kind of power. If all of these are true, Trent will agree, on the condition that he DOESN'T get the powers back when the girl is done.


This looks like his ticket out of the super circus!



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Re: Wwycd #99


Husky would politely decline knowing that his powers would turn her into a monster unless she had Kenneth's brainpower. Kenneth would refuse because he believes as much as his mutant intellect isolates him it is also the only thing in his life that makes it worth living. Kenneth would offer to clone the girls original body and embue it with some powers if that would help.

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Re: Wwycd #99


Well Cat has not powers (martial artist) so she sits this one out.


Ballisitic supersuit mage. Same problem.


Terminal Velocity (who loves being a super and just started doing it)..."well I've only been a superhero for a couple of weeks, but I know how much fun it was to don the costume and chase after bad guys the first time. Yeah. I'll do it. Cool. Enjoy.... just don't show me up okay?"

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Re: Wwycd #99


Nova - "Nice to see that the £$%& Heavenly Powers £$%& up things as I have always suspected them to. Now, so-called angel, there is no way I'm going to give up my powers to a total stranger. I've got a job to do. However, provided I got to speak with the girl and be sure she can be entrusted with powers like mine, I could let the girl animate one of my own backup clones I've prepared. Having a junior sidekick might be an interesting experience."

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Re: Wwycd #99


Style would know that this was a bad idea. Every one of his hunteds would show up within five minutes of his being de-powered. However, he'd offer to make the little girl a (minor) super if she wanted, or to bring her back to this Earth permenantly.


Flesh Gordon would agree without hesitation. Or forethought. Or any sort of thought. Then he'd start to feel really chilly.


AnimeGai is programmed for self preservation, is only programmed to protect living humans, and for all practical purposes IS his powers. He'd decline.


Thirteen and Indomitable Will don't realize that super-skills are powers.

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Re: Wwycd #99


Cannis: “You mean God and heaven and all of that exist?!?! I have quite a few questions for you and your boss.†Rather angrily Cannis asks why a supposedly all knowing and all loving god has created such a messed up world and allowed so many bad things to happen in her life and the lives of her pack mates. She doesn’t look overly impressed with the “all part of a greater plan†or “free will†answers either. Once the conversation turns back to the girl, “You and heaven made a second administrative error. I’m not a superhero. I’m a supervillian. I am sorry that the girl had to die at such a young age. Whose bright idea was it to create terminal diseases anyhow. But my powers are what I am, and I’m not willing to give up part of myself, not even for just a short time.†She turns to the girl, “I’m sorry kid, hopefully you’ll have a better life in heaven.†She then heads for home, snarling to herself. “The world makes more sense without a God in it.â€


Sailor Io: “I am truly sorry, but our powers are a serious responsibility rather than a blessing. The burden is one that my friends and I are struggling to bare and we are in our late teens, it would be wrong to place such a heavy load on a pre-teens shoulders. Additionally, my team relies far to much on my leadership and abilities to give them up even for a month. The risk of something happening is far too great. If there is something else I could do to help her or you, please feel free to ask. But I’m afraid I can’t give you this.â€


(If the time frame was a week or a day, Sailor Io might consider it. It would depend a great deal on the current threats they were facing.)

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