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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


A week and a day from now and I'm on my way to Ireland. I hear it's an angry place...no wait that was Irksomeland.
How long you staying?


I'm jealous! My Ireland/England trip is still 5 months off. Much funness to you!
Mine starts June 30. :nya: (teasing in good fun)
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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Mine starts June 30. :nya: (teasing in good fun)


:P Sorry, but out anniversary isn't until November, and we're doing the trip as a first anniversary present to each other. And we'll be staying with and getting shown around by Keri's relatives. Plus this will be Keri's 8th or so trip there. :P


Have lots of fun!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Apparently Paris Hilton is out of jail for "Health Reasons". Gosh it must be nice to have laws apply differently to you.




apparently the "Health Concern" is that she refused to eat the prison food.

I'm split on the decision. She is still under house arrest. I know, I know, its rough being confined to a mansion. Also she is a non-violent offender, prison overcrowding etc. Because she doesn't get time off for good behavior, her 23 day sentence is now 40 days house arrest. I don't follow much criminal justice, so I don't know how much it is special treatment, or just publicized treatment. Since they already have the anklets she is obviously not the first person under house arrest. On the other hand, tough cookies for her, of course its hard to be in prison, its what happens when you break the law. 23 days in the slammer may be able to shape her up a bit.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


House arrest is not a picnic when it's a real sentence; I know a white collar criminal who went through it. Although a 20-x day sentence is sort of a triviality in general for someone who doesn't have to work for a living and doesn't really have to care (nor evinces any caring as to) what people think.


But wasting jail space on non-violent criminals in general strikes me as antiquainted. I would rather see long-term and permanent taxes placed on these sorts of offenders.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


House arrest is not a picnic when it's a real sentence; I know a white collar criminal who went through it. Although a 20-x day sentence is sort of a triviality in general for someone who doesn't have to work for a living and doesn't really have to care (nor evinces any caring as to) what people think.


But wasting jail space on non-violent criminals in general strikes me as antiquainted. I would rather see long-term and permanent taxes placed on these sorts of offenders.

Somehow I doubt that the Jail Space will be taken with a hardened criminal. Unless Paris was sent to the bighouse.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


But why wouldn't it be would be the question? There literally isn't enough space for all prisoners (which may beg other issues, but anyway...) and violent criminals have been given shorter sentences or released (for first offenses or the like). The space given to Paris was in a regular prison but in an area for special prisoners, such as cops and others who would suffer in the general population.


Besides, why should you or I be paying for Paris' living expenses, regardless?


PS - to be fair,the reason for her release was allegedly a fragile mental state -though I would equally question how true that is. Then again why not - she is demonstrably nuts on some level.

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