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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings




Medical story: Don't read if you've eaten recently.



I have a huge bleeding abscess on the inside of my thigh. It started a week ago. At first I thought it was just a zit or a bug bite, but it got bigger and worse. It wasn't healing, but i thought that might be because it was rubbing against my pants when I walked. I put band aids over it to stop the rubbing, but it still wasn't healing. It doesn't hurt anymore, but the fact that it's not healing is starting to scare me. Anytime the thought "Huh, leprosy" crosses your mind, you may be in trouble. Blood, pus, oozing...good times. So yesterday I finally go to the urgent care. Nobody waiting, so I get seen very quickly. I get three burning injections of lidocaine on the site, then he went to work digging out the infected wound. He wants to see me today, too, as a wound check.


well, because of the wound location on my inner thigh, the simple acts of walking or sitting stretch the bandage out and by this morning it has fallen off. Still bleeding. Still full of pus. Mmmm. So I go back to follow up, but the waiting room is standing room only. I have to wait two and a half hours! I haven't eaten, I'm getting a migraine, and of all things 'Medical Mysteries' is on the waiting room television! When I finally get in to see the doctor, he decides it's best to dig it out some more. Three more painful injections, more digging, etc. Apparently it's not a pus pocket because it isn't draining. It's granular tissue of some sort. Going back Tuesday for a culture and inspection. Yay.

Ouchies. Glad it's being looked at. I'm scheduling a doctor's visit myself tomorrow for something weird going on with my foot. I'm 99% positive it's not what you got.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


So what are the stats of that weapon in Hero terms? ;)

Well, it weighs twice as much as my bastard sword.... so using the usual HERO x2 = +5 scale, maybe a 16?


And when do you work your way up to this? ;)


There's an Iron Crotch master in Fremont, just across the bridge, I've been meaning to look up once I have more reliable transportation again.


If it has stretching, I quit.


BTW, I love the fact that the head is named Murray. :thumbup:

Growth >:)


"All change... don't you know that when you play at this level it's no oridinary venue?"




I don't have the equipment, and that hurts to look at!


Nonetheless, I'm impressed.



There's a technique for women, too, if you're interested.


Just sayin.


Edit: Found a brief article: http://www.humpjones.com/rear/entry/tu_jin_sheng_undisputed_master_of_penis_qigong_and_iron_crotch/

I've found a supplier for equipment that should work for the female version, if anyone's interested PM me for a link (it's an adult site so I won't post it).


My business partner wants to begin practicing with me. I'm probably gonna get her one for Yule

Extra Limb?

Limited Fine Manipulation.


"Sure, I can do it again, but I don't know if my bum can take another hard roll"

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I've found a supplier for equipment that should work for the female version, if anyone's interested PM me for a link (it's an adult site so I won't post it).


My business partner wants to begin practicing with me. I'm probably gonna get her one for Yule

That's one motivation to remember to do one's Kegels . . .

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That's one motivation to remember to do one's Kegels . . .


yep, it's basically the same muscle group in men too. can make Murray there dance and swing without any hip motion because I'm trained to a MUCH higher weight than he represents.


Impresses the natives.


More men should work their crotch muscles... it's good for you, and the ladies will thank you :D

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