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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Except for the height thing... I'm only 5'8"' date=' that sounds like me...[/quote']

Well, except the funnier. You make me laugh - intentionally.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


  • A woman who dresses as Ronald McDonald and takes pictures.
  • A person who has amassed an enormous COBRA army of action figures.
  • Another who has an awe inspiring video game collection, and what appears to be a couch modeled after a Nintendo.

Together, they fight crime!

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Gilmore Girls seems to be out of sych tonight. It's like watching a bad dubbing.


I thought it was weird too. Especially when the youngest daughter got mad at the mother and shouted "MY KUNG FU IS MIGHTIER THAN YOURS!"















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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Perspective time...


I worry too much about what other people think.


And yet, other people don't think that much about my worries.


I have come to the conclusion I need less stress in my life.


I've also come to the conclusion that's unlikely to happen as long as other people exist, mainly because so many of them seem to be be self-centered jackasses.


I've reached a third conclusion which is "It's a good thing I don't seem to have it in me to become an axe-wielding maniac, suicide sniper, or maker and user of home-built explosives."


Yes, people suck.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


That's odd.


Today I'm at the Gas Station getting the truck filled when some guy says "Hey! Unabomber!" at me.


Tonight's Law & Order someone makes a crack that the wanted sketch looks like the Unabomber.


Another coincidence, same day - I was at the dentist's today, Dr. Brant, and he, in his new offices, has TVs on the ceiling you can watch with headphones. During my cleaning there's Pretender on (it's 7 AM - 8 AM, there's NOTHING on TV), and the bad person is Dr. Christine Brant, an unethical, evil cosmetic surgeon. Now, to make this a tad more interesting, my Dr. Brant's brother is also a dentist, and now in the same new office building!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'm (still) out of ice cream, I don't wanna go to work tomorrow, I'm getting way too fond of a woman not my girlfriend (not that I'll do anything about it), I'm anxious about performing a eulogy/memorial service on Sunday, and I'm really, really broke.


In that order.


I mean, seriously, the world would be so much easier to handle with ice cream at hand.


Sorry to hear that Vanguard00.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Someone brought me an apple today.


While I appreciate the sentiment, I don't eat food if I don't know where it came from. Kind of a personal rule.


I hope someone tells me who brought it. It looks good.


It's just odd to return to one's office and find an apple on one's desk.

I'd be more suspicious if your name was Snow.

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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


Wrong children's story.


I was named after the curious one with a bunnyboy fetish.

=looks at old avatars=

=looks at sig=



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I truly hope no one here is too big a fan of country music...but, I must muse on it.


I've been subject to it every day (monday through friday) since August. I'm about to go do something drastic...be it to myself or the radio. My co-worker is a freak about her country music. She claims the only reason she listens to it is so she doesn't hurt people who piss her off.


Ok...Hmm...if people piss you off that easily, you need help, am I right?




I dunno. But that's my musings/rant of the day on country music...:P


You have my sympathy. I can listen to just about anything, but country music is where I draw the line. I could not work in an environment where I was subjected to it like that. Were I to be in your place I would first ask the person nicely to stop playing it, or at least stop playing it loud enough that I could hear it. Hopefully that would be enough. If it wasn't, I would let management know that I cannot handle working in the current environment, and why. If that didn't stop it, I'd start sending out resumes. 10 years ago, I'd just quit without giving notice without having found another job first, but I've got to many financial obligations now to be able to pull that off.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings



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I'm blocked from the YahooGroups pages and RPG.net's forums, too. I think it's only a matter of time before I can't get here from work any more.


You have my sympathy. But then again, I haven't been able to get here from work for around 4 years now. :(

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


You have my sympathy. I can listen to just about anything' date=' but country music is where I draw the line. I could not work in an environment where I was subjected to it like that. Were I to be in your place I would first ask the person nicely to stop playing it, or at least stop playing it loud enough that I could hear it. Hopefully that would be enough. If it wasn't, I would let management know that I cannot handle working in the current environment, and why. If that didn't stop it, I'd start sending out resumes. 10 years ago, I'd just quit without giving notice without having found another job first, but I've got to many financial obligations now to be able to pull that off.[/quote']



9 times out of 10 I'd rather listen to gangsta rap than country music.

The tenth time I'd find a gun.



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


With me I'm just the opposite. I rather listen to most country than listen to Rap.

Same here. I went and married a woman who loves Country music (and supports my gaming habit, among other virtues.) Now, I'd classify myself an old time Rock and Roll man, but the sad truth is that MTV and VH1 don't play videos anymore. CMT does. Thus I was introduced to the wide spectrum of 'Country Music'...and...well...


I like some of it.


Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of the standards I can't stand. George Strait's music makes me lunge for the remote. Yet, in there, there is a bunch of artists that are damn good, and don't take themselves too seriously, and play fun and touching music.


Then it hit me that those are the qualities I liked in my Rock and Roll. The rap I do listen to is that way, as well. Classical, too.


Country, when it comes right down to it, is like every other style of music. There are some truly great artists, but most of what you hear on the radio is 'pop' country. Which - like a lot of pop music - is hit or miss with the emphasis on the latter. Most have built their careers on the fluffing of videos, where you don't notice as much when the music is tepid as long as the visuals are stimulating.


However, everyone likes Johnny Cash.


Not liking Johnny Cash means you want the terrorists to win. You don't want the terrorists to win do you?!

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Don't get me wrong, there's a lot of the standards I can't stand. George Strait's music makes me lunge for the remote. Yet, in there, there is a bunch of artists that are damn good, and don't take themselves too seriously, and play fun and touching music.


George Strait's okay.



However, everyone likes Johnny Cash.


Not liking Johnny Cash means you want the terrorists to win. You don't want the terrorists to win do you?!


hell No.



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Guest Skaramine

Re: Musings on Random Musings


However' date=' [b']everyone likes Johnny Cash.[/b]


Not liking Johnny Cash means you want the terrorists to win. You don't want the terrorists to win do you?!


Love the Man in Black.


But, prefer rap to other people's country.


Saying Johnny's "country" is like saying the Beatles are "pop."


He's his own genre.

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