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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Oh, on a more realistic note, we had REALLY heavy rain, unusually heavy. Last week on Tuesday it went through my raincoat when I was out in it a bit, not even all that long, going to and waiting for buses, since I had to do that a bit more as I went to the dentist. My shirt was soaked, I had to change when I got to work. That never happened to that raincoat before.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Oh' date=' on a more realistic note, we had REALLY heavy rain, unusually heavy. Last week on Tuesday it went through my raincoat when I was out in it a bit, not even all that long, going to and waiting for buses, since I had to do that a bit more as I went to the dentist. My shirt was soaked, I had to change when I got to work. That never happened to that raincoat before.[/quote']

I concur; the drops weight like four pounds each. People were simply slain left and right by Heavy Water.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


No matter what I do with the rest of my life, I think I've long known my calling. Class Clown. I'm no stand up comic, no great comedic actor, writer, lyracist. I'm witty enough for a few seconds and can keep my co-workers giggling, I like it. When it happens I am happy, I am validated. I don't even care that I hate my job, as long as I can regularly make someone laugh I am cool.

I knew it in high school.

I forgot it in college.

I remembered it in my jobs. I handle stress by cracking wise. I will shuck my mortal coil with a joke. I love this place with all my cyber audience.


"He Tall"





Thanks to those who laugh at my jokes (and not merely at me).


I feel the same way. I handle stress by making jokes.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


You think your weather is wierd?


Yesterday, Adelaide exceeded the monthly average rainfall for the month of November by 50%. And I don't mean cumulatively, I mean just yesterday - 43mm in one day vs the monthly average of 29.6mm. And it's not the first time it's rained this month either. Some place in the Adelaide Hills recorded 117mm yesterday.

No wonder the monsoon is late coming in -- GIVE US BACK OUR RAIN...NOW!!!


( ;) )

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The doctor didn't say whether Hannah has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It doesn't really matter at this point as the treatment process is the same either way.


My daughter is home now, at her mother's house. That itself almost seem miraculous considering how my little girl was previously taking to her blood checks and the insulin shots. Somewhere on Sunday she finally realized that totally freaking out wasn't going to help and she couldn't go home until she learned to cooperate and accept the various pokes required for the rest of her life.


On Saturday, a lot of the education seemd to follow the philospphy that Hannah could continue eating regularly and they amount of insulin would simply depend on it. She'd just have to eat regularly.


Back at the hospital Sunday morning, I expressed mucho concern about his to her nurse. I cited the history of her diet and the methodology that was being used at her home. The nurse seemed horrified and the message changed drastically. They don't want Hannah gaining any weight for at least two years.


It was hard coming clean with the nurse, but I was very pleased to see the change in the message from nurses, doctors, and specialists.


As for me... I'm still not ready to admit Hannah will have this problem for the rest of her life. I know the truth, but I just don't like it. I appreciate all of you listening and helping where you can.



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Guest kawaii gin neko

Re: Musings on Random Musings


The doctor didn't say whether Hannah has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It doesn't really matter at this point as the treatment process is the same either way.


My daughter is home now, at her mother's house. That itself almost seem miraculous considering how my little girl was previously taking to her blood checks and the insulin shots. Somewhere on Sunday she finally realized that totally freaking out wasn't going to help and she couldn't go home until she learned to cooperate and accept the various pokes required for the rest of her life.


On Saturday, a lot of the education seemd to follow the philospphy that Hannah could continue eating regularly and they amount of insulin would simply depend on it. She'd just have to eat regularly.


Back at the hospital Sunday morning, I expressed mucho concern about his to her nurse. I cited the history of her diet and the methodology that was being used at her home. The nurse seemed horrified and the message changed drastically. They don't want Hannah gaining any weight for at least two years.


It was hard coming clean with the nurse, but I was very pleased to see the change in the message from nurses, doctors, and specialists.


As for me... I'm still not ready to admit Hannah will have this problem for the rest of her life. I know the truth, but I just don't like it. I appreciate all of you listening and helping where you can.






well, its awesome that you've figured stuff out and had helpful nurses and doctors. ^_^ *snuggles* and maybe she'll grow out of it...kids do that sometimes, ne?


do they? *wonders* well, here's hoping they do...


if she feels weird about it, try finding some old "babysitter's club" movies or books, they had a character named stacy who had diabeties...and she was still supa cool. ^^

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Back at the hospital Sunday morning' date=' I expressed mucho concern about his to her nurse. I cited the history of her diet and the methodology that was being used at her home. The nurse seemed horrified and the message changed drastically. They don't want Hannah gaining any weight for at least two years.[/quote']

Two years? While she's still growing? That sounds like a really delicate balance between enough nutrition and calories for her to grow on, while not giving her so much that she gains any weight.




Good luck.


Meanwhile, how seriously is your ex-wife taking all of this? Did this give her the much-needed kick in the butt?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


The doctor didn't say whether Hannah has type 1 or type 2 diabetes. It doesn't really matter at this point as the treatment process is the same either way.


My daughter is home now, at her mother's house. That itself almost seem miraculous considering how my little girl was previously taking to her blood checks and the insulin shots. Somewhere on Sunday she finally realized that totally freaking out wasn't going to help and she couldn't go home until she learned to cooperate and accept the various pokes required for the rest of her life.


On Saturday, a lot of the education seemd to follow the philospphy that Hannah could continue eating regularly and they amount of insulin would simply depend on it. She'd just have to eat regularly.


Back at the hospital Sunday morning, I expressed mucho concern about his to her nurse. I cited the history of her diet and the methodology that was being used at her home. The nurse seemed horrified and the message changed drastically. They don't want Hannah gaining any weight for at least two years.


It was hard coming clean with the nurse, but I was very pleased to see the change in the message from nurses, doctors, and specialists.


As for me... I'm still not ready to admit Hannah will have this problem for the rest of her life. I know the truth, but I just don't like it. I appreciate all of you listening and helping where you can.



My brother has twins. They both have diabetes. The daughter has had it since she was two the son was more recently diagnosed. His wife couldn't handle it and they divorced He has both children. Their lives seem pretty normal but they have an added routine.


I wish you well Savinien. I hope your ex can understand her responsibilities. But keep hope. It can turn out just fine.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


:nonp: Umm' date=' is this [i']seventeen year old girl [/i]hitting on me? :angst::fear:


Could be worse. Could be a seventeen year old boy. Or three seventeen year olds, whether or not all of the same sex. :eek:


More seriously, I have known young women whose standard way of asking for anything less trivial than the time of day bears a strong resemblance to flirtation. Well, asking anything of a man, anyway; I haven't seen the people I mention ask for things from non-peer women.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Umm' date=' is this seventeen year old girl hitting on me? [/quote'] Remember that scene from the first Spiderman movie where Peter climbs that first building and then runs leaping joyfully from rooftop to rooftop? She's just learing how her powers work - don't take it too seriously.


On the other hand, (Devil's advocate here) check your local laws before proceeding any further. Additionally, the main problem with dating a teenager is listening to them talk. I have friends who are teenagers and listening to them talk takes time and effort. Actually dating one would be torture unparalleled. BUT, hot 17 year old vs. another lonely night ...


I'm just sayin', that's all.


Of course, you didn't specify "hot". Nasty lookin' and 17 is still nasty lookin'. If it was, I don't know, Amused, I'd cut your hand off just on principle but I'd understand where you were coming from.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


:nonp: Umm' date=' is this [i']seventeen year old girl [/i]hitting on me? :angst::fear:


I totally get you various smileys there...


I had the same thing happen to me last year.


Flattering as all get-out, but its more or less impossible to ignore the whole "I am literally old enough to be your father" and "This would get me a nice long prison sentence" factors.


I'll admit it... I backed the heck off.


I have this phobia about prison.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I don't worry about prison in that context, I worry about being fired. In most academic institutions, any suggestion that you're messing with the students will cause the administration to find cause -- any cause -- to terminate you. It is a lot easier to suddenly find that your academic output isn't up to snuff than it is to do the full disciplinary action process. And if any hint of that reason shows up on anything with your name on it, you'll never get an academic job in this country again.


Prison requires a trial, or at least a pleading of guilty. The rest doesn't require anything.


Messing with a student is a "third rail" thing.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


. . . Why on Earth does she have to be so damn cute?!


She laughs at my jokes, for Pete's sake!


Aaargh . . .


Ooooh. That's a dangerous one, there, L. Marcus.


Just a hint: You lost the battle a long time ago when you find yourself saying, "Why on Earth does she have to give such good head?"







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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Ooooh. That's a dangerous one, there, L. Marcus.


Just a hint: You lost the battle a long time ago when you find yourself saying, "Why on Earth does she have to give such good head?"







You call that "Lost?" Winning isn't everything...


L. Marcus - if you are married, run like hell from one of them.


If you are not, but she is, run like hell from her. If neither of you are, and she's not ... Idonno ... diseased? Underage? Transexual? A Hyena? Then I don't see a problem.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


BF is nothing major. Nineteen is an invitation to drama unrivaled by Shakespeare.If she likes you and ditches him, you'll what? Tell her to go away? Shah, right, as we used to say. I'd ride the monkey that flew from my *** over to Scandinavia just to knock some sense into you. If the bluebird of happiness poops on you, do not wipe it off too quickly.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


. . . Has anyone ever told you that you have a way with words . . . ? :D


The thing here - or one of them - is that I don't want to interfere with any relationships. I I am myself and she chooses me - Glee! If I actually went in for seducing her (which I have no skill at whatsoever) whether I'd succed or fail doesn't matter - I'd still feel like a world-class heel.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


And you would be a world-class heel. And you'd have a girlfriend who could be seduced away by a rank amateur. Who the hell wants that? But ... if you say "How 'bout me?" and she says "OK!" then I think all is OK. I think staying in the friend slot just so you can hope for more is dishonest and cheap and fundamentally unsatisfying.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


OddHat needs a new cell phone. His is five years old. :thumbdown

Does anyone remember a time when our stuff was built to last us entire LIFETIMES? When even a pair of jeans shouldn't have fallen apart for a couple of decades?


Now, I realize I've had my computer as long as I've been married, and I go, "Crap! Time for a new one!"


Computer, not marriage. Though I understand some people view marriage the same way, too.


Hmmmm. Related? Perhaps.

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