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Musings on Random Musings

Kara Zor-El

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


When Skinner was revealed to be a army seargent? Is that the one?
Yep, and Principal Skinner was really Armon Tanzarian. At the end of the episode, the Judge decrees the entire episode should be forgotten. I think they should have done that at the start.
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Re: Musings on Random Musings


If everyone is indeed an expert on everything' date=' which seems to be message board debate status quo, why does the world have so many problems?[/quote']

Well as an expert on this sort of thing... :D


The problem is that all these experts are hashing out things on a message board instead of working on the problems. :dyn

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'm no expert.


Just some guy with access to Google and an Ego the size of Texas.

Ghost-angel's ego is 790 miles long and 660 miles wide at its most distant points. It covers 268,601 square miles. 261,914 square miles of Ghost-angel's ego are land areas. 6,687 square miles of it are covered by water. The Mean Elevation of Ghost-angel's ego is only 1,700 feet above sea level.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'm training a newguy .. his wife works in a different part of the building. Yesterday we all ended up in the main hallway at once...

He say "This is my trainer."

I say "Hi." And proceed to turn back to the vending machine where I quietly lament the lack of regular m&m's and choose another item.


Today he comes in and says his wife called me "Perfectly strange."


...15 seconds in a hallway. I guess I am strange.

You should move to Asheville. You'd fit right in. :D

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


My wife describes this' date=' or something similar.. wondering if maybe we should look into it. How does one test for it?[/quote']

You don't.


Seriously. I go into the doctor's describe my symptoms, they mutter over a clipboard for a few minutes, then hand me my prescriptions. This would worry me a lot, if I weren't so busy trying to make the room stop spinning.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


You don't.


Seriously. I go into the doctor's describe my symptoms, they mutter over a clipboard for a few minutes, then hand me my prescriptions. This would worry me a lot, if I weren't so busy trying to make the room stop spinning.

Ah yes... we are once again reminded why I do not like or trust doctors.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


I'm going to have to put this here, as Rage specifically requested comments from 'armed services types' -- of which I am not -- and I don't want to muddy the waters in his thread:

One of my mates who is in the airforce got fined for getting sun burned as it meant he couldn't do some of his duties, and it's considered a self inflicted injury (all beit, a minor one.)


Now, my question is this, is a woman getting pregnant counted as a self inflicted injury?


Should it be?

Is it? I have no idea. (Though it's been answered in the thread, I have no actual first-hand knowledge.)


Should it be?




I've started and wiped my thoughts on this part four times now, because I keep getting a bit frothing about it as I'm writing. I think I'll just have to settle for saying:


"I wasn't aware pregnancy was considered an injury."




"Well, until some lawyers get around to getting the courts to rule that pregnancy is an injury, and then Congress passes a law to that effect."


followed by


"And unfortunately, I could very easily be talked into believing that could actually, believably, happen. And you know what? I think I just talked myself into that very thing."

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Hero System Fifth Edition, Revised. From the Index:

Pineapple, weight of pg34


I love this game. I don't think any RPG I've ever seen would have that in the main book - much less warrant it an Index Entry.


This allows you to see how far a baby could throw it. :D



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Re: Musings on Random Musings


By the same token' date=' I originally lost interest with the X-Files after David Duchovey left the show. In hindsight, i reckon X-Files peaked (jump the shark moment) with the movie. I know I wasn't the only one who left around this time.[/quote']

Traitor !


Plenty of good stuff in Season 6 and 7. It just moved location to Los Angeles.

Besides Gillian was also the main star of the last two seasons so how do you justify your devotion, my Australian friend ?

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Just in case I wasn't clear the first time..


Whedon can't write worth crap and Buffy ruined an otherwise excellent movie. Firefly is utter tripe.

Just in case you didn't get the message first time around you will pay for the anti-Buffy remarks. It gave us the Dushku. It gave us the Hannigan. For this we are grateful. And any who say otherwise shall be punished for their sins.


Incidentally Whedon wrote the movie. So he is entitled to write the series which was much better than the film. Geller is a better Buffy than Swanson

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Bazza dear heart,


Other reasons to watch the Blues Brothers. Cameos by Frank Oz, Chaka Khan, Stephen Spielberg and Twiggy.

But in your case Steve Williams who played X in the X-Files is one of the policemen chasing the Blues Brothers.


Love the film. I think it is the only SNL film that translated well to the cinema.

Belushi and Ackroyd showed real talent and love for doing the music side on the SNL shows I saw and in the movie with real musicians.

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Re: Musings on Random Musings


Traitor !


Plenty of good stuff in Season 6 and 7. It just moved location to Los Angeles.

Besides Gillian was also the main star of the last two seasons so how do you justify your devotion, my Australian friend ?

Just relaying fact, my friend. Looking into what I missed, I can see some good stuff to come.


Also around the time that David left, the show got messed around with a bad time slot. I'm not sure but I reckon the last few seasons wasn't even shown on TV. If they were I wasn't paying attention, as I said, I lost interest in the show shortly after David left.


They say the truth will set you free. But really they put you in a mental asylum to dissuade you of the notion.

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