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Character Posted: Flesh Gordon


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Flesh Gordon

Val** Char*** Cost
45** STR 35
23** DEX 39
33** CON 46
20** BODY 20
10** INT 0
10** EGO 0
30** PRE 20
20** COM 5
9/33** PD 0
7/31** ED 0
6** SPD 27
16** REC 0
66** END 0
60** STUN 0
7"** RUN 2
2"** SWIM 0
9"** LEAP 0
Characteristics Cost: 194

Cost** Power END
25** Heroes Never Die: Healing 1 BODY, Can Heal Limbs, Resurrection, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2), Persistent (+1/2) (70 Active Points); Extra Time (Regeneration-Only) 1 Turn (Post-Segment 12) (-1 1/4), Self Only (-1/2)* 0
1** Life Support (Longevity 200 Years)* 0
12** Not Much Going On Up There: Mental Defense (20 points total) (18 Active Points); Always On (-1/2)* 0
15** Luck of Heroes: Luck 3d6* 0
20** Amazing Wave Motion Gun: Energy Blast 15d6 (75 Active Points); OAF Fragile (-1 1/4), Activation Roll 14-, Jammed (-1), Beam (-1/4), 2 clips of 8 Charges (-1/4)* [8]
20** Action Hero Tricks : Multipower, 40-point reserve, (40 Active Points); all slots Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1)*
2u** 1) Insanely Lucky: +4 Overall (40 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Costs Endurance (Only Costs END to Activate; -1/4) [Notes: May activate and place Insanely Lucky levels normally; Re-aranging levels costs END.]* 12
2u** 2) Amazing Feat of Strength!: +40 STR (40 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), No Figured Characteristics (-1/2) [Notes: Lucky Leaps, Punches, Escapes, etc.]* 12
2u** 3) Magnificent Move: Flight 20" (40 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1), Limited Power Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness (Only for leaps or in contact with a surface; -1/4)* 12
2u** 4) No One Could Have Survied That: Force Field (20 PD/20 ED) (40 Active Points); Increased Endurance Cost (x3 END; -1)* 12
Powers Cost: 101

Cost** Skill
3** Scientist*
1** 1) SS: Aerospace Enginering 11- (2 Active Points)*
1** 2) SS: Dimensional Engineering 11- (2 Active Points)*
1** 3) SS: Starship Engineering[Hyperdrive] 11- (2 Active Points)*
3** Traveler*
1** 1) AK: Bar-Mongo (2 Active Points) 11-*
1** 2) AK: Hollywood (2 Active Points) 11-*
1** 3) AK: Planar Lore (2 Active Points) 11-*
1** 4) AK: The Empire (2 Active Points) 11-*
3** Linguist*
0** 1) Language: English (idiomatic; literate) (5 Active Points)*
1** 2) Language: French (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)*
1** 3) Language: Spanish (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)*
1** 4) Language: Trade Tongue of the Empire (fluent conversation) (2 Active Points)*
3** Scholar*
1** 1) KS: Fashion (2 Active Points) 11-*
1** 2) KS: Istvatha V'Han (2 Active Points) 11-*
1** 3) KS: Sports (2 Active Points) 11-*
1** 4) KS: World of Hollywood (2 Active Points) 11-*
3** Jack of All Trades*
1** 1) PS: Athlete (2 Active Points) 11-*
1** 2) PS: Dancer (2 Active Points) 11-*
1** 3) PS: Movie Star (2 Active Points) 11-*
1** 4) PS: Space Adventurer (2 Active Points) 11-*
3** Seduction 15-*
3** Oratory 15-*
3** Combat Piloting 14-*
6** WF: Beam Weapons, Common Melee Weapons, Energy Weapons*
2** TF: Science Fiction & Space Vehicles*
5** Navigation (Air, Dimensional, Hyperspace, Space) 11-*
Skills Cost: 55

Cost** Perk
40** Vehicles & Bases*
5** Money: Well Off*
2** Fringe Benefit: Movie Star*
7** Contact: Agent: Herman Finkle (Contact has access to major institutions, Contact has significant Contacts of his own, Contact has useful Skills or resources, Very Good relationship with Contact) 11-*
Perks Cost: 54

Cost** Talent
48** Combat Luck (24 PD/24 ED)*
Talents Cost: 48

Val** Disadvantages
15** Social Limitation: Famous and Public ID (Very Frequently, Major, Not Limiting In Some Cultures)*
10** Social Limitation: Weirdness Magnet (Frequently, Minor)*
10** Reputation: Frequently Nude Superhuman Movie Star, 11-*
5** Physical Limitation: Confused Memories, many of them false (Infrequently, Slightly Impairing)*
15** Distinctive Features: Inhumanly Handsome, Costume is not invulnerable (Concealable; Always Noticed and Causes Major Reaction; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
5** Distinctive Features: Non-sequiturs and odd behavior (Easily Concealed; Noticed and Recognizable; Detectable By Commonly-Used Senses)*
15** Hunted: Minions of Istvatha V'Han 8- (Mo Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Watching)*
20** Hunted: Superhuman Criminals and Ex-Girlfriends 8- (As Pow, NCI, PC has a Public ID or is otherwise very easy to find, Harshly Punish) [Notes: Often these are the same people]*
15** Psychological Limitation: Annoying Chirpy Optimism; Tries to Make Friends (Very Common, Moderate)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Space Heroes' Code Of Honor (Common, Strong)*
15** Psychological Limitation: Acts before he thinks, often fails to think at all in social situations (Very Common, Moderate)*
5** Psychological Limitation: Loves powerful women (Uncommon, Moderate)*
5** Dependent NPC: Girlfriend of the moment 8- (Slightly Less Powerful than the PC)*
Disadvantage Points: 150
Cost Summary:Base Points:200Disadvantage Points: 150Experience Required: 102Total Experience Available: 102Total Character Cost: 452Height: 2.00 mHair: BlondeWeight: 100.00 kgEyes: BlueAppearance: Personality: Flesh has multiple gaps in his memory, and many of his memories are internally inconsistent or false. This is the result of the many time paradoxes, mind control sessions, and serious head injuries that Flesh has survived. His actions outside of combat can often seem completely random. In Hollywood, his behavior is only slightly on the extreme side, and has therefore not interfered with his career. Flesh has also seen many worlds, and has developed some unusual ideas of etiquette as a result. Flesh is brave, bold, heroic, protective of women and children, and generally tries to live up to the ideals of the Space Hero of his era. He tends to fall into passionate affairs quickly as he finds women, especially superhuman women, endlessly fascinating. This has led to a large and growing list of failed relationships, as his partners found themselves unable to cope with his bizarre non-sequiturs, endless chirpy optimism, passionate and insane speeches, and tendency towards absurd social behavior. More than one woman has ended a relationship with Flesh by attempting to kill him. Quote:“Hello, I’m Flesh.â€


“Halt Spawn of Evil! Hey, I really like your costume.â€

Background: From the Files of Doctor Henrietta Zarkovina, Para-human Psychologist, UNTIL:


Subject was discovered wandering nude in the Hollywood Hills on January 1st, 2000. Subject is a male apparently in his mid to late twenties, over six feet tall, extremely muscular, with blonde hair and blue eyes. Subject seems to find it difficult to concentrate on any topic for any length of time. Documented paranormal abilities include strength, recuperative abilities, and speed far beyond human limits. Subject is also reported to possess the ability to manipulate probability, and is currently in possession of several advanced technological artifacts. Subject answers to the name “Flesh Gordonâ€.


Excerpt from relevant interviews:


HZ: “Do you remember where you were before the crash?â€


FG: “Yes, yes I do. You know, you have very beautiful hair. I really like it. It’s so healthy.â€


HZ: “Please, tell me what you remember about the crash.â€


FG: “The crash? Oh. I had just escaped from the chambers of the Princess Pleasura, and I was trying to pilot my Strato-Ship back to Space City Alpha before she woke up. Something went wrong. She sent a squadron of Discipliners after me, and I activated the Dimensional Warp Field just as the ship was hit by their Spank Cannons! There was a roar, and the ship began to spin! The engines were straining and trembling, the ship lunging forward madly, twisting again and again, all control lost, until, after an explosion of fire and light, I lost all sense of time and place. The ship was damaged, and I had crashed here, back on Earth! It had been so long that at first I thought I had once again boldly thrust into unexplored vistas of wonder no man had penetrated before. I felt such joy, such peace, to finally see once more the soft green hills and welcoming, fertile valleys of my beloved home. I wept, my heart so full, to be at last where I belonged.â€


(Subject wiped a tear from his eye at this point)


HZ: “How did you first leave the Earth?â€


FG: “Your eyes are absolutely lovely. So green. Your glasses set them off very nicely. You have very good taste in frames.â€


HZ: “Mister Gordon, please answer my questions.â€


FG: “Call me Flesh.â€


HZ: “Flesh, how did you leave the Earth?â€




Final Notes of Doctor Henrietta Zarkovina:


Subject continued to relate apparently nonsensical and contradictory stories of travel and adventure among the worlds of an inter-dimensional empire. Subject’s possession of extraterrestrial artifacts seems to support at least some of these claims. On a personal note, I find the subject extremely physically attractive, and therefore ask for the subject to be transferred to a different examiner.


GM’s Notes: After a brief career as a pulp hero on one alternate Earth, Flesh spent an unknown amount of time as a prisoner and experimental subject in the Empire of Istvatha V’Han. His already extraordinary abilities, including his subconscious ability to manipulate probability, were greatly enhanced in that time. Upon his escape, he briefly participated in several unsuccessful plots against V'Han before stealing a dimension traveling “Strato-Ship†and returning to Earth. Agents of V’Han are occasionally ordered to observe Flesh, and have attempted several times to capture him, but are under strict orders not to harm him. His stumbling into his current agent was pure luck, and Flesh has now produced a series of appallingly bad B-Movies purporting to chronicle his exploits. When not making films Flesh attempts to use his powers to Do Good, generally in the company of a loose association of Californian supers known as The Beach Watch.

Powers/Tactics: Flesh approaches combat in a direct and often surprisingly competent manner. He will usually use his Insane Luck defensively, and attempt to take out obvious threats to the public first. He will switch between Action Hero Tricks according to the situation, closing on the foe with a Magnificent Move and attempting to subdue them. Against obviously more powerful bricks he will start with an Amazing Feat of Strength, then switch to No One Could Have Survived that or Insane Luck to DCV if the battle starts to stretch out. If he has his Amazing Wave Motion Gun, he will use it on any foe who seems tough enough to take it.


Note that Flesh will start running into END problems if he tries to use a different Action Hero Trick every phase; he will usually use them only at key points in a combat.


His powers rely on a mix of his enhanced physical abilities and his extraordinary ability to manipulate probability, an ability that makes him a perfect Action Hero. Flesh has appeared to die on many occasions, only to return again, unharmed.


Flesh has access to a great deal of alien and extra-dimensional technology on his Strato-Ship, very little of which he understands.

Campaign Use: To make Flesh into a starting 350 point hero, drop all of his perks and drop the Wave Motion Gun. Drop his CON to 28, Body to 15, and SPD to 5. Drop his SS, KS, AK, PS, and Languages (he started out as an amnesiac). Rebuild the Strato-Ship as the near wreck it was at the start of his career for 20 points.


To make Flesh into a more powerful hero, add more gadgets salvaged from the Strato-Ship, add overall skill levels outside of his Action Hero Tricks pool, drop the Extra End Cost for the tricks and possibly move them into an EC. His Wealth level and Contacts list should also go up over time.

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Re: Character Posted: Flesh Gordon


Great character...but X3 END Only to Activate? Behold' date=' the power of cheese... :D[/quote']


Possibly. ;)


12 END every time he wants to activate the levels or shift them around has proven to be a significant limit more than once, so I'm not too worried about it. ;)

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Re: Character Posted: Flesh Gordon


Possibly. ;)


12 END every time he wants to activate the levels or shift them around has proven to be a significant limit more than once, so I'm not too worried about it. ;)


Oddly enough :) I posted a question about that recently. Official answer was that Increased END Cost on powers that only cost END to activate is worth half as much limitation (so -1/4 for costs END to activate, and another -1/2 for x3 END to Activate.)


Of course that would wreck your MP, since you wouldn't get the -1 lim on the reserve at that point.

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Re: Character Posted: Flesh Gordon


Oddly enough :) I posted a question about that recently. Official answer was that Increased END Cost on powers that only cost END to activate is worth half as much limitation (so -1/4 for costs END to activate, and another -1/2 for x3 END to Activate.)


Of course that would wreck your MP, since you wouldn't get the -1 lim on the reserve at that point.


Nah, I'd just pay the extra end each phase and save up XP to move the levels out. ;)

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Re: Character Posted: Flesh Gordon


Oddly enough :) I posted a question about that recently. Official answer was that Increased END Cost on powers that only cost END to activate is worth half as much limitation (so -1/4 for costs END to activate' date=' and another -1/2 for x3 END to Activate.)[/quote']


Yeah, that's what I thought.

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