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Clarke's Third Law as basis for fantasy campaign


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This idea came to me as I was reading a new book called There Will Be Dragons by John Ringo (who I picked up because I've read some of his military SF stories). Good stuff.


Basically, in this story, it is some two thousand years in the future, and mankind is free from want, living in a post-economic society, where nanotechnology, advanced bioscience, weather control and teleportation technology enable it all to function. The only form of 'government' left is a council of thirteen people who essentially control the mostly autonymous system, each possessing a Key that enables them to vote for any changes done to the world. Such is their power that they can send self-aware avatars of themselves out into the world to speak to others and gather information. Most are content to let humanity play and dream, since humanity is able to rewrite themselves as well as the world around them. There are even 'elves' in existence, remnants of much earlier genetic work, immortal and beautiful. However, there is a factions in the council that sees work as being necessary to the human condition, and that it should be forced on humanity instead of them freely receiving the bounty that these advanced technolgoies offers, so a war breaks out between the two factions on the council. One of the things that happens is the power gets shut off to most of humanity, forcing people who have depended on this advanced technology to survive. The story actually focuses on a group of people who do historical reenactments of medieval times (basically RenFaire), who find their little community and skills vital to survival and rebuilding the world, since the war among the council's factions is keeping them busy. The faction that started the war is even using bioscience to resculpt any refugees they come across into loyal, less intelligent forms, for use as laborers and soldiers (orcs?).


I am considering using this world as a template for a 'fantasy' world, and I was wondering if anyone else had used a high technology world as the basis for one. With genetic modifications, elves, dwarves, merpeople and even dragons can exist, AIs can function as 'gods' and local spirits, and 'wizards' are essentially programmers who use coding shortforms and passwords to coax changes to the world using the computer network that controls the planet, even the weather. I am looking for suggestions on how to set this up so that it really is different than just being a fantasy campaign with the underlying engine renamed from magic to technology.

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Re: Clarke's Third Law as basis for fantasy campaign


As I am reading this I am thinking Westworld and Futureworld. Not exactly the same. However, it certainly has some of the feel of what you are describing.


The first thing I would do to make it feel different would be to not have 'Dwarves', 'Elves' or 'Orcs'. Change their name and their physiology to be more inline with their origins.


Also, if 'wizards' are programmers wouldn't they send out avatars to do their bidding much the same way the Council does? Therefore, 'wizards' would actually be immortal. One might be able to defeat an avatar, but another one would appear.

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Re: Clarke's Third Law as basis for fantasy campaign


Also Dreampark, and possibly the Culture setting of Iain M Banks. Oh, and Diamond Age by Neil Stephenson. Although it is more fashions for emulating historical cultures, than body manipulation.

To some extent, you could also include Cybergeneration for the Cyberpunk RPG - as there is a wizard class that is basically a permanently online hacker.


There have been many post apocalyptic fantasy settings, but very few chosen fantasy.


Hmm, now I'm also thinking the Otherland series by Tad Williams :)


"any sufficiently high technology is indistinguishable from magic", and vice versa :)


Anyhow, the way I'd make a scifi/fantasy world different - is to allow ingame body changing. Sick of being a Dwarf? Spend some credits and try a week as a Dragon instead. As we are basically talking ultra-hedonistic here...


Also the possibility of highly deadly combat, but everyone has multiple lives - either clones, or simulated bodies, or backup memories.


Hmm, and like the online virtual community (such as SecondLife) - players should be able to earn credit by creating objects to enlarge the world...

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Re: Clarke's Third Law as basis for fantasy campaign




The players encounter a squad of routing kobolds (some of the genetically modified refugee servants) armed with submachineguns and fleeing from their balrog captain. They are routing from a World War II Sherman tank (not all the reenactors have to be Renaissance :snicker: ) and the captain is using his flaming whip to rally them.


There could be Giants ala Brian Aldiss' Starship that secretly move around and repair pieces of the technology that their masters want to keep running. They could do things like secretly replace valves in the kidney shaped, tile lined "oceans" (that have diving boards).


Ooh, I bet there's still some android servants with independent power supplies that weren't turned off, and they're still roaming around. Yul Brynner might even be hunting the PC's down. I'd hope to meet Anne Randall AKA Daphne, Servant Girl. (Rep to the first one who can name what I'm talking about and what Anne was doing in May 1967.)


There could be a saucer shaped dungeon that crashed into White Plume Mountain for the players to explore.


Or the players could be robbed by someone wielding a wand of laser beams that is actually made by Maglite. (D'oh, I bet they'd feel foolish if they figured out what the robber was brandishing.)



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Re: Clarke's Third Law as basis for fantasy campaign


All good suggestions.


Before the war happened, everyone was able to communicate across the planet by sending intelligent avatars of themselves that were formed of masses of nanites or teleporting. Once the power went off, the only ones that could still do this were those on the council, when they could spare the power. Most of their power is tied up with trying to deal with the other faction, doing things like firing energy weapons from orbit on enemy positions or dropping satellites on them. Since they also have shielding technology, there is a stalemate going on.


The rest of the world is basically low fantasy now that the power is off, but ancient proscriptions built into the system still prevent such things like gunpowder or explosives from working. You get a dull thump and that's about it, so it's back to sword and spear work to kill the enemy.


One of the characters in the book is a reenactor of a 20th century marine gunnery sergeant, since he feels that the American marines were an improvement upon the discipline and lethality of the Roman legionaires, and he is one tough bastard.


There are also semi-sentient creations known as homonculi, which can appear fully human, kind of like the replicants from Blade Runner in ability, in addition to changed humans. Before the Fall (when the power went off for most of the populace), people went in for all kinds of whims in changing themselves, so you could imagine if there were fantasy and science-fiction fans like those that exist today, can you imagine the variety of forms they would choose?

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  • 10 months later...

Re: Clarke's Third Law as basis for fantasy campaign


I got this 'very unfinished' world background, that if I had dedication could make some 'cheap' novel out of.

The whole thing started thus:

Two Long term 'Traveller' Characters who to cut a long story short, were both going crazy, and had a fair bit of money.

The Captain ( of His Ship ) Gilbert Von Maximillion - Mafia Family Throwout

( My Character ) Col. (ret.) Hannibal Masterson - His First Officer - looks like COlonel Sanders, a real carpet-bagger, and now relegated to Full time Flunky.

The Captain had ordered a custom built genetic construct "Victor" A Lizard Man type bodyguard, and had been trying to force COl. Masterson to Have Breast Implants to 'feed' Victor as he was growing up.


We Had some ideas about opening this tourist planet for 'Historical Re-enactment' type people to enjoy themselves on. It would be 'safe' we would populate it with Androids and genetic constructs. They would pay us and spend their vacations in this : Massive Real Time Adventure Game The Planet would be called 'DANDY' he he


The actual game died before the Planet was purchased.........



There would be orbiting laser and such equipped satellites.

So that when a Tourist / Mage cast a 'FireBall' at some android 'Orks', the Mega Computer running the place would 'Zark them from Space'


Tourist Character Development would be handled in various ways by the Mega Computer.

All 'beings' on the planet would have an artificial Mind Link with the Mega Computer implanted, or built in at construction.

Tourist Swords would have hidden accelerometers that reported to the Mega Computer on how many 'hits' were made. This would also help with 'indicating' how much 'damage' a creature would take if struck, and the Mega Computer, would inform the creature 'that it was dead' or whatever.


Computer Centres would be built. The 'Native' Hominids would have to show up there, and be given Instant AI Learning courses that implanted Fighting skills etc as appropriate for their Mega Computer determined Character Class.


All native creatures would have a small mark on their forehead, this mark would indicate their class, type, level, and profession. Due to Interference by the Mega Computer this mark would be invisible to those with it.


A whole lot of other things would be done to give tourists the ultimate Role Playing Experience! We'd be rich!


Any ways I was thinking further along those lines...

The Park is built, but after a while fails financially. The operation is not closed down however.

Over a period of thousand's of years the inhabitants are left to themselves, playing out their assigned roles in life, but with no Tourists.


Due to AI improvements the Mind Link to the Mega Computer becomes a genetic trait rather than an implant. Some Natural Psionic abilities allow for the casting of 'Real Spells'. The Computer still assists with others.

The Computer, now more crazy than its' former owners, plays the roles of the various Role Playing Gods.


Life becomes like a 'real' fantasy novel.

The Inhabitants are unaware of the true nature of the Planet's set-up.

Maximillion and Masterson are villified as the two Evil Lords Of Chaos and Usury.


Some of the more preposterous parts of Level based Role Playing games are explained away by the original Setup and the actions of The Mega Computer.


Ressurection is possible and can be explained thus.

The Dead's remains are brought to the Temple. They are taken away - outside of any inhabitants observance - into one of the computer centres.

Whilst those cast in the roles of Priests, try to cast their spells. The Mega Computer has its' servitors create a new appropriate clone body of the appropriate genotype and appearance. The Computer then imprints its' latest recording of the deceased's mind into the new clone. The New clone is then brough ton stage to the accompanying 'oohs' and 'aahs'. The New clone is perhaps missing a few weeks memories, but is otherwise none the wiser.


Classes: Well they're stamped on your forehead.

Levels: After Killing some beasties, there is a record of your activities gathered primarily by the accelerometer inside all weapons, and by the MegaComputers Spy Eyes. An adventurer then goes to one of the Holy Temples. ( tourist education centres) There after the Priests or whatever insert the weapons into the accounting slots, the adventurer recieves an intense instant learning course in appropriate skills. They also might recieve some extra muscle grafts ( STR ) Or have their Nerve Pathways improved ( DEX ), They also may become immune to certain Spells, - the Computer no longer targets them with the orbital satellite..


And So On..................

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